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Master   Veljko Matoković 
Wing TchunWing Tchun Kung-fu for elementary school childrenKung-fu Full contact - sparingFull contact
Self defence for womenSelf defence Tai Chi ChuanTai Chi Chuan InformationInformation
The club was founded in 1993. It works within the Zagreb region.
Aim and activities of the club are:

- the planning of work and development of Kung-fu,
- the organization and practising the systematic trening,
- teaching and training children, young people and middle - aged people,
- taking necessary measurls to improve profesional work and creating conditions for it.
- taking care of the health of club members and improving their quality of living.
- with an overall activity, morally, ethically and educationally influence the members,
- to work on ones own spiritual, intellectual and phisical being, because only by taking
  care of these elements, are can qualitatively influence all our spheres of life, and in
  this way make life nicer and better to ourselnes and the people who surraund us.

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