Gorgeous George
Real name: Stephanie Bellars
Birth date : ?/?/78
From : Sarasota Florida
Vallet for : Randy Savage
GG's Pictures
Women of WCW
Gorgeous George
Miss Elizabeth
The Nitro Girls



Stephanie Bellars is a 21 year old 1uscious blondebomb-shell fromSarasota Florida, who is  the real life girl friend of Macho Man Randy Savage. 

Although Gorgeous George had been seen for a few seconds several times previously including a Advance Auto Parts commercial for the WCW Winston Cup Car  her major debut with the 'Macho Man' Randy Savage was at the WCW Spring Stampede PPV.  Although she looked scrumptious in her hot pink dress, we got to really see very little of her due to the fact that Randy was only the guest ref instead of a participant in the Title match between Ric Flair,Hollywood Hogan, Sting and DDP.

During a heated discussion with Ric Flair and his ref CharlesRobinson about Randy's referee abilities at Spring Stampede  a fatal mistake was made by Charles.  He called George a 'bimbo' and the lady knocked him on his butt.  This caused some more heated words as Ric told Randy he wouldn't be reinstated even to clean the bathrooms.  So Randy stated that he would "put my girl up against your girl" to Ric Flair as he pointed to Charles Robinson.   Charles was so upset that Arn
Anderson had to hold him back (Good thing she probably would have decked him again). Ric agreed to the match which will happen at the Slamboree PPV.  If George wins Randy gets reinstated and can wrestle in the WCW once again. 

Well at Slamboree GG came though beating little natch with a super nice flying elbow of the top rope.