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Welcome Canadian Wrestling Fans!!! Just posted from news for IWS upcoming show in Montreal on DEC 18th! Thanks for your support of Canadian Wrestling! If you have some news or links to be added, email me at so I can post it here!In the subject line make sure it you type wrestling your email may first be sent to my junk folder! ![]() (Posted Dec 4/05) Pure Wrestling Association January 7th, 2006 - 7 PM Serbian Hall Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada Reggie Marley vs. ????? Shawn Spears vs. Cody Deaner Marc Mandrake w/Ferrari vs. ????? Derek Wylde w/Jennifer Blake vs. Eddie Osbourne Plus, a Ladder Match! (Posted Dec 2/05) Sun Youth & the IWS Tag Team to Fight Hunger For the third consecutive year, Sun Youth and the International Wrestling Syndicate are teaming up to fight hunger this Christmas. Before and during the next IWS show, Season's Beatings on December 18th, we will be collecting non-perishable food items at Bar le Break, 20 Cremazie East, corner of Cremazie & St-Laurent, near Metro Cremazie. Anyone who brings by at least two non-perishable food items will be entered in a draw for free IWS merchandise. Even if you don't plan to attend the show, drop by your donation at Bar le Break anytime after 1 pm and your name will be entered in the draw. Help Sun Youth make this a jolly season for all... And at the same time, enjoy a Hardcore Hannukah, some Christmas Carnage and the best Kwaanza Ass-Kicking that only the International Wrestling Syndicate can provide as Pierre Carl Ouellet, Franky the Mobster, the Flying Hurricanes, the Green Phantom and the rest of the IWS crew present Season's Beatings. Food Donations for Sun Youth can also be dropped off at their offices at 4251 St-Urbain. For more information about Sun Youth's Christmas Food Drive, please contact Johanne Satrelli at 514-842-6822 or by e-mail at The International Wrestling Syndicate presents Season�s Beatings, Saturday, December 3rd at Bar le Break, 20 Blvd Cremazie East, Montreal, Qu�bec. (Corner of Cremazie & St-Laurent, near Metro Cremazie, 2nd Floor above Video 2000.) Doors open at 7:30 PM, show starts at 9:00 PM. Tickets are fifteen dollars for regular, twenty dollars for VIP. For advance tickets e-mail or paypal The show is for 18 years and over. Times and card are subject to change. For information about the show e-mail or visit the Internet Wresting Syndicate at their web-site: For information about IWS merchandise & DVDs, our wholesale prices or our customer referral program e-mail or order from or from Smart Mark Video: ---------------------------IWS Season�s Beatings Card Quick & Dirty IWS Title Match: (Champion) EXesS vs. (Challenger) Pierre Carl Ouellet IWS Canadian Title - Street Fight: (Champion) Kid Kamikaze with Vanessa Kraven vs. Chris BishopChristmas Tree Match hosted by the IWS Hardcore Hero - the Green Phantom �Survivor Series� Style Match: Team One: Fred la Merveille & Shayne Hawke & IWS Tag Team Champions 2.0 (Jagged & Shane Matthews) vs. Team Two: The Hardcore Ninjaz & the Flying Hurricanes (Takao & Kenny the Bastard) Viking vs. Maxime Boyer Dan Paysan vs. Player Uno Beef Wellington & Damian vs. Mystery Opponents For more information on the card go to: (Posted Nov 28/05) Pure Wrestling Association January 1st, 2006 - 3:30 PM Polish Alliance Club Cambridge, Ontario, Canada Pure Wrestling Title Match: Reggie Marley vs. Shawn Spears Pure Violence Title Match: Warhed vs. PD Flexx Internet Title Match: Jessy Jones vs. ??? vs. ??? vs. ??? Women's Title Match: Misty Haven vs. The 21st Century Fox Plus, an Over-The-Top Rumble featuring more than 40 wrestlers! (Posted Nov 24/05) ECCW presents November Nightmare(LAST ECCW EVENT OF 2005, DON'T MISS IT) Friday November 25., 8 PM Bridgeview Community Hall-11475 126 A. St., Surrey NWA CANADIAN HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE-Dog Collar Chain Match Gorgeous Michelle Starr(Champion) vs Fast Freddy Funk ECCW HARDCORE TITLE MATCH-10,000 Thumbtack Match Moondog Manson (Champion) vs The Cremator ECCW TAG TEAM TITLES TO BE DECIDED MODELS INC vs HOT & BOTHERED(Sterling & Bishop) GRUDGE MATCH AARON IDOL vs SWEET DADDY D SCOTTY MAC VS DAVEY RICHARDS THE LADIES CHOICE VS "BOMBER" NELSON CREED Tickets $12 Danger Zone and $10 General Admission TICKETS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR. Tickets available at: Woobies Candy-2225 Central City, Surrey(604)581-4353 DMZ Cyber Cafe-936 12th. St., New Westminster (604)523-0987 Info-604-710-0872 or check out SUPERGIRLS DVD available NOW! Supergirls DVD Volume 1 available for only $20 at the November 25th. Surrey event. Matches Include Belle Lovitz vs Tiffany, Cheerleader Melissa vs Nattie Neidhart, Lufisto vs Pyro, Madison vs Samantha Slides, Rebecca Knox vs Lufisto, Madison & Freddy Funk vs Samantha Slides & Ladies Choice, Girls Gone Wrestling vs Stampede Girls. This is a must have for the female wrestling fan. These girls can wrestle and they look great too!! Write to or check out the merchandise section of CANADIAN WRESTLING NEWS sponser (Posted Nov 22/05) ECCW Rage In A Cage Saturday Nov 18th., 2005 Port Coquitlam,BC Calum McBeth & Kid Extreme beat Scot Steele & Captain Canada. (Kid Extreme suffered a broken collarbone in this one) The Ladies Choice pinned Nasty Nate Daniels after a Piledriver by Seth Knight and Ladies Choice One Night Stand(frog splash). Amazing Halo & Toga Boy beat MR2 & Mike Dempsey when Halo hit the Swanton off the top of the cage on Dempsey. Sweet Daddy Devastation pinned Abbadon with the Exploder off the op rope. El Phantasmo, Kyle O Riely & Volcano beat Sid Sylum, Adam Antium & Gurv Singh. Vance Nevada pinned Fast Freddy Funk after MR2 passed him a chain. Aason Idol pinned Scotty Mac with the enzguri kick after Abbadon hit him with the mist. SDD tried to break Idols neck but Idol reversed it to a huracarana. Attendance was 175 standing room only full house. Make sure to check out ECCW's last show of the year next week at Bridgeview Hall in Surrey. (Posted Nov 22/05) Manitoba Based Top Rope Championship Wrestling, after a 2 1/2 year hiatus returns to action on Thursday, November 10th with a big card in St. Claude, Manitoba at the Commercial Inn. Tickets are $10 at the door. Already signed are TJ Bratt, Zack Mercury, EZ Ryder, Mentallo, Jean Marius, Marcus Messier, Chris Dion, Howie Feltersnatch, Oz & Gibby Guerrero. Promoter Bobby Jay, who promoted TRCW from April, 2000 to April 2003, running nearly 300 shows says that TRCW developed alot of great Indy talent as well as brought in former WWE Superstars Tatanka, Jim Neidhart and the very last match of the late British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. Jays says he does not want to be competition for other local groups, rather an alternative, running "spot shows" in markets not ran by other groups, giving local talent a chance to work with other talent other than the same crew they work with in their "home" promotion as well as giving fans a chance to see some great Indy talent and possibly some former WWE Superstars as well. CANADIAN WRESTLING NEWS sponser (Posted Nov 22/05) Official Results for IWS Devil�s Night Saturday, October 29th, Montreal, Le Break Attendance: 412 The Devil in Kevin Steen In other promotions; in Japan; in California, Kevin Steen is known as a sh*t-disturbing, smart-alec. In Montreal, Kevin Steen is so hated, so loathed that he can start riots. In Montreal, he has already had pitchers of beer thrown at his head, he has already had garbage cans emptied on top of him from a balcony and then dropped on him. Last night, IWS fans, some almost old enough to be collecting a pension, had to be restrained from taking a swing at Steen as �Mr. Wrestling� almost started a riot and did start a brawl that eventually took the entire IWS locker-room to pull apart. Here is what you need to know about the International Wrestling Syndicate: we are the first (and only) Canadian promotion to run in Philadelphia�s Viking Hall, the famed ECW Arena; we are the promotion where �Sycho� Sid �Vicious� made his return to wrestling after snapping his leg like a dry twig in the dying days of WCW; we were the first Canadian promotion to have its own pay-per-view; but most of all, you need to know that we are a Montreal based wrestling promotion. In Montreal, we take our wrestling seriously; we hold grudges until they are buried and we can spit on the graves; we are passionate. In the IWS, we wrestle without barriers, both physically - literally, we do not use ring barriers - and emotionally, wrestling for the emotions of our fans. To do this requires huge trust between us and our fans. We trust our fans not to abuse how close they get to our wrestlers. And our fans trust us. Kevin Steen abuses that trust. No. I�m sorry. Abuses? He does not abuse that trust... he anally rapes it... without lube. ----- Quick and Dirty Results for IWS Devil�s Night Damian & Beef Wellington beat Jagger Miles & Black Devil in 5:03. Fred la Merveille beat Player Uno in 11:04. Hardcore Ninjaz (Hardcore Ninja Number One and the Evil Ninja) beat SLI-USA (Maxime Boyer and Shayne Hawke) in 10:07. Viking beat Lionel Knight in 5:37. 2.0 (Jagged and Shane Matthews) defended their IWS tag team titles beating �The Rock and Clock Express� (Twiggy & Pornstar Juan) in 9:14. Green Phantom beat Tomassino in 7:32 earning five minutes in the ring alone with Joey Soprano. Kid Kamikaze pinned Dan Paysan for the IWS Canadian title as defending champion Chris Bishop looked on in 12:09. EXesS defended his IWS title beating Sexxxy Eddy in a First Blood match at 25:38. El Generico & Kevin Steen beat the Flying Hurricanes (Takao and Kenny the Bastard) in 24:37. ------ From the Time Keeper�s Table Detailed Results for IWS Devil�s Night Before Devil�s Night began, IWS owner PCP Crazy F�N Manny came to the ring to �apologize� to the fans for his actions over the previous months, professing shock over the behaviour of Kevin Steen and El Generico at Blood, Sweat and Beers. Kevin Steen, summoned to the ring by Manny, turned the IWS owner back against the crowd in about five seconds flat and went on to convince Manny to change the booking for Devil�s Night. Dropping kayfabe to reveal that Beef Wellington is the booker for the IWS, Kevin Steen got Manny to put Beef and Damian in an impromptu dark match. (So that Steen and El Generico would not have to face them in the main event.) Manny summoned Jagger Miles and the Black Devil from the back to wrestle against Damian and Beef Wellington. Did I say �wrestle�? I think I meant �summarily executed�. To the cheers of the blood-thirsty IWS fans, Damian kicked the Black Devil unconscious in less than a minute, leaving Jagger to face Beef and Damian alone. It is to his credit that Jagger lasted as long against those two as he did, but after 5:03 Beef lifted Jagger into the Package Pile Driver and Damian spiked it with a double foot stomp from the top. Annoyed that Beef used his trademark finisher, Kevin Steen had Manny throw Beef and Damian out of the building. With his opponents for the night banished, Steen threw out an open challenge... answered by the Flying Hurricanes. Devil�s Night proper began with Fred la Merveille coming to the ring accompanied by George W. Bush (or at least a cardboard cut-out of the U.S. President.) Much to the dismay of the crowd, Fred had himself announced as coming from Ste-Anne-des-Plaines, New York and insisted on singing the US National anthem in distinctive Fred la Merveille style. In the ensuing match against the beloved Player Uno, Fred la Merveille won with assistance from the SLI-USA (Maxime Boyer and Shayne Hawke) after 11:04, but not before Uno came within a heartbeat of beating Fred with an M. Bison double foot stomp from the top rope onto the back of Fred�s neck. With the SLI-USA already in the ring, Fred summoned the Hardcore Ninjaz to the ring. Evening the odds against them with the help of their trademark kendo sticks, the Ninjaz won a hard fought battle after 10:07. The win came despite massive cheating on the part of SLI-USA and the best efforts of Maxime Boyer who is already good, but seems to get better every time that I see him. In fact, Maxime was poised to win the match by leaping off the top rope onto Hardcore Ninja Number One when the Evil Ninja crotched him on the top rope. And when I say �crotched on the top rope� I don�t mean that the Ninja lightly brushed the ropes and Maxime lost his balance and fell. I mean the Evil Ninja grabbed Maxime�s right leg, damn near pulled it out of it�s socket, Maxime landed on the ropes full speed and then ricocheted off them onto his head. Pissed off at the loss of the SLI-USA, Fred la Merveille refused to leave the ring to allow the next match to start... a position that he flip-flopped on in a hurry when IWS ring announcer announced Viking was coming to the ring. Fred bailed, leaving Maxime and Shayne to get pounded by Viking. His opponent, Lionel Knight, took advantage to ambush Viking from behind. This initial advantage evaporated quickly as the always emotional Viking seems to have finally found a way to harness that volatility to ensure victory. Viking pinned Lionel Knight in 5:37 after his �Tueur des Policiers�. (Excuse the digression, but I need to Speak On This. I have previously written about how a variety of IWS stars have elevated their game this year: Damian, Tomassino, Kid Kamikaze. Viking just joined that list and he did so in dramatic fashion. Coming to the ring in a new grittier, more urban outfit with a stapler dangling from his neck - the stapler being a trademark of Viking�s in his pre SLI days - Viking flashed the crowd a new hand signal: grabbing his right wrist with his left hand and spreading his fingers wide. I didn�t get it at first. In my notes I wrote, �Viking signals for the Claw?� Then, Viking set up Lionel Knight in the corner and CHARGED across the ring to slap his chest and I got it. Viking was calling for LE SLAP. And let me tell you, Viking�s running slaps on Lionel�s chest were so loud that there were customers in the Video 2000 downstairs from Le Break wincing. Quebec has this weird tendency to focus on a wrestler�s �shape�. I have always argued that you should focus on a wrestler�s cardio... and his passion. Viking does not have the shape; he runs a little to the chubby side; he looks like a guy who enjoys the odd six-pack... or two. But passion? Intensity? Look, Lionel Knight is a talented wrestler. He can take care of himself in the ring. But last night Viking tore him apart and the crowd ERUPTED for it. The Viking bandwagon is leaving the station - get on board now.) The Sultans of Smug, 2.0, Jagged and Shane Matthews wanted an easy title defence so they hand-picked their opponents calling out the two men that they named �The Rock and Clock Express� Twiggy and Pornstar Juan. The tag team champions badly underestimated their opponents however. Perhaps taking inspiration from a crack that I made that the only way that Twiggy could be considered a high calibre opponent was if he was fired out of a cannon, Juan turned his own partner into a weapon using him in a series of innovative moves to batter down 2.0. He also used a pumpkin as a weapon, In the end, �Uncle Manny� had to come to the ring to save 2.0�s belts and give them the win after 9:1. Truly 2.0 can say that they have been �Touched by an Uncle!� How strong is Tomassino? Last night �Il Mostro� proved his strength in dramatic fashion, putting the Green Phantom through the top rope barely seconds into their match. When I say that, I don�t mean that he clothes-lined the Hardcore Hero over the top rope. I mean that he charged the Green Phantom and hit the top rope so hard that it snapped like a piece of stale licorice. While the ring crew scrambled to remove the broken steel cable from the ring, the two men pounded on each other, in and out of the ring. The stipulations for the match were that the Green Phantom got five minutes in the ring alone with Tomassino�s manager, Joey Soprano, if he won, but that if he lost the Hardcore Hero would have to sign onto Soprano�s stable. Despite Tomassino�s size and strength, the Green Phantom emerged victorious after 7:32. While he had five minutes with Joey Soprano, it only took the Hardcore Hero a minute and a half to make an impression on Joey Soprano, wiping him out with a light tube skateboard. Fortunately, we had already planned an intermission after the Green Phantom/Tomassino match as it gave our ring crew enough time to rearrange the ring ropes so that instead of having no top rope, we ended up with no bottom rope for the last three matches. After the intermission, Chris Bishop defended his IWS Canadian title coming to the ring with the belt for the first time after stealing it back from Kid Kamikaze the night before at UWA Hardcore wrestling in Mississauga, Ontario. Bishop defended the title against Dan Paysan (accompanied by an underdressed D-Vyn) and against Kid Kamikaze who came to the ring with Vanessa Kraven dressed up as Storm from the X-Men in her old school classic billowing white and yellow outfit. My notes tell me that Dan Paysan was an Italian whirlwind last night: suplexing Chris Bishop into Kid Kamikaze in the corner; pile driving Chris Bishop through two chairs; breaking up a Chris Bishop bridge pin on Kid Kamikaze with a top-rope double foot stomp; joining Bishop for an insane double dive to the outside. Ironically, Dan was poised for victory when Kid Kamikaze kicked a chair into Dan�s face for the pin at 12:09. In other words, Chris Bishop lost his Canadian title without getting pinned for it. Making his return to the IWS, Sexxxy Eddy demanded a title shot against EXesS, the man who stole his IWS title and helped put Eddy on the shelf with a bloody mouth injury that eventually cost Eddy two teeth. On his arrival at Devil�s Night, Eddy demanded that a stipulation be added to the match: First Blood. This first ever IWS First Blood match also saw Eddy wrestling in a shirt for the first time that I can remember. This ended up costing Eddy the match in unusual fashion. Eddy discarded the shirt rather dramatically about fifteen minutes in. Eddy finally busted open EXesS after about twenty minutes, but Senior Official P-Nut was unconscious by that point and EXesS smartly kept kicking him to keep him down until he could retrieve Eddy�s shirt and wipe off the blood. When P-Nut finally regained consciousness at 25:38, it was Eddy who was wearing EXesS� blood. P-Nut immediately awarded the match to EXesS. EXesS got on the mike to crow about his victory and to taunt the IWS locker room that there was no one in the back who could beat him. At this point, former IWS champion, Pierre Carl Ouellet hit the ring and introduced EXesS to his �blue ting� a giant blue cast that covers virtually his entire right arm. PCO�s clothesline damn near took off EXesS� head. Long-time IWS fans might remember that there is history between these two men. PCO beat EXesS in his very first IWS title defence during Violent Valentines, February 28th, 2004. Later that year, in May, during Tournament of the Icons, EXesS got his revenge by beating PCO by submission with a slight assist from then IWS Commissioner Joseph FitzMorris who pulled the ropes just out of PCO�s reach three times so that it appeared to the ref that PCO had actually tapped three times. In the main event, Kevin Steen and El Generico beat the Flying Hurricanes after 24:37 despite some high-flying heroics from the former IWS tag team champions including a criss-cross double dive and a scaffold �Slither� splash by Kenny the Bastard. During the match, Kevin Steen tried (and failed) to execute Beef Wellington�s trademark a*s punch to taunt his rival. (For those of you were wondering how effective a heel El Generico could possibly be... Effective, hated, loathed, ass-hole traitor. In fact, he has inspired with such a hatred for all things Spanish that after I post this article I am going to take a two by four to the back of the head of my illegal immigrant Chilean gardener and then go to a cinema playing �The Legend of Zorro� and yell �FIRE!�) After the match, Kevin Steen damn near started a riot, leading to a surreal moment as IWS security restrained a near senior citizen from taking a shot at Steen. Just as it seemed that the crowd was about to take matters into their hands, Damian and Beef Wellington charged back into Le Break. The ensuing brawl took the entire IWS locker room to clear and keep the four men apart. Beef issued a challenge to Kevin Steen and El Generico for the next IWS show, December 3rd, Season�s Beatings. In the chaos, it is unclear whether Steen and Generico accepted the challenge, although it is certainly clear that Steen further infuriated the crowd by hurling racial epithets at Beef Wellington related to his pairing with former �Angry Aryan� Damian. When I asked Mike Burns how much of the riot he got, he told me �Everything!� despite the fact that filming inside the chaos must have been the wrestling equivalent of filming inside a hurricane. Our next show is Season�s Beatings, Saturday, December 3rd, 2005 at Le Break, 20 Cremazie East (corner of St-Laurent near Metro Cremazie), Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 pm, show starts at 9:00 pm. 18+ Card and schedule subject to change. VIP tickets are $20, Regular tickets are $15. You can purchase VIP tickets at Le Break or online by paypal ( CANADIAN WRESTLING NEWS sponser (Posted Nov 22/05) The Supergirls DVD will be available for purchase at the Friday October 21st. Port Coquitlam event. The cost will be $20. You can also order the DVD online by going to and hitting the merchandise section. Here is the results of the first DVD. Friday September 23rd., Surrey, BC-Bridgeview Hall Belle Lovitz pinned Tiffany with her feet on the ropes LuFisto defeated Pyro by submission with a grounded legscissored full nelson Sexy Samantha Slides pinned Madison with a powerbomb after Ladies Choice interfered, throwing powder into Madison's face Nattie Neidhart defeated Cheerleader Melissa by submission with the Sharpshooter after interference from Belle Lovitz INTERGENDER TAG TEAM MATCH Madison & Fast Freddy Funk defeated Sexy Samantha Slides & Ladies Choice when Madison pinned Slides after a sunset powerbomb SUPERGIRLS CHAMPIONSHIP Rebecca Knox defeated LuFisto after Scotty Mac powerbombed LuFisto through a table to retain the title Girls Gone Wrestling (Cheerleader Melissa & Tiffany) defeated The Stampede Girls (Nattie Neidhart & Belle Lovitz) when Melissa pinned Neidhart following a modified Air Raid Crash Check out CANADIAN WRESTLING NEWS sponser (Posted Nov 22/05) REAL CANADIAN WRESTLING results Match #1 Patrick Myers defeated Mr. Daniel Manners via DQ after interference on the part of Adrian Walls. Match #2 Damion vs Steven Hawkes ended in a double count-out which set up a return falls count anywhere for October 22, 2005 in Red Deer, AB. Match #3 Mauler defeated Pyro and continued assaulting her after the bell. RCW Newcomer Slammer ran down to the ring and made the save, issuing a challenge to the 300 plus pound Mauler. Match #4 Mauler defeated Slammer after a hard fought battle. Good showing from the newcomer. Match #5 Adrian Walls defeated Joseph Deakon after hitting Deakon with seemingly every suplex known to man. Match #6 Steven Styles defeated Exile in a Red Deer Street Fight after hitting a flatliner on a garbage can. Match #7 Mauler won a Battle Royal for No. 1 contendership to RCW Canadian Championship by last eliminating Patrick Myers. Next Show October 22, 2005 Red Deer, AB at Papa Rigs. (Posted Nov 22/05) Border City Wrestling results:
International Incident Thursday, September 15, 2005, 7:30 p.m. Ciociaro Club in Oldcastle, Ontario, Canada: GUTTER & TYSON DUX defeated JOHN E. BRAVO & GEZA KALMAN, JR. w/"SMOOTH MOVER" CHRIS PILLON - Before the match, Pillon got on the mic and said that if the crowd didn't notice, somebody was "missing from the other end of this crutch," alluding to the former Trump Card manager, Jimmy Trump. Mid-match, Trump made his way out to ringside, neck brace and all. In the ring, Pillon grabbed a chair to lay out Gutter, but Trump grabbed the end of the chair, preventing it. Pillon kept pulling until finally Trump released his grip, and Pillon accidentally took out John E. Bravo instead. Gutter was able to hit the Diamond Gutter on Geza, but only managed a two-count. Gutter took off after Jimmy Trump, allowing Geza to finish off Dux with the Geza Bomb, for the pin. Afterwards, Pillon & Trump got into a shoving match. Both left in separate corners, but argued all the way to the back. TRACI BROOKS pinned "THE ONE AND ONLY" JAIME D (TNA's female Gutcheck Challenge Winner) in a Divas match. CONRAD KENNEDY III (CK3), JOE DOERING & JIMMY JACOBS defeated BRAD "FREAKIN'" MARTIN, PHIL ATLAS & EL REVERSO, putting Team America up by one point in the Can-Am Cup tournament. Martin & CK3's partners were unknown until they were introduced. CK3 claimed that he knew Martin's partners weeks in advance, and found someone to combat both Atlas & Reverso equally. He chose the massive Joe Doering to ground Reverso, and chose Atlas's own tag team partner and one half of the BCW Tag Team Champions, Jimmy Jacobs. Before they made their way to the ring, CK told Jacobs that he'd better recognize that he's wrestling for Old Glory, or else they're going to torture him so slowly, he's going to think it's a career. Jacobs told him he didn't know what he was talking about, because [Jacobs] hails from Parts Unknown. Jacobs failed to get involved in the match until the end. CK laid out Atlas with a torture rack backbreaker, but there was no referee to count. CK went for a chair to hit Atlas, but Jacobs took it away from him, saying that it wasn't fair. While Jacobs was disposing of the chair, CK grabbed one of the tag team titles and flattened both Jacobs & Atlas, then dragged Jacobs on top of Atlas to give his team the win. TEAM CANADA (JOHNNY DEVINE & ERIC YOUNG) defeated AMERICA'S MOST WANTED to tie the score at 1-1. Before the match, Chris Harris said the Canadians in the crowd were the most disrespectful, obnoxious people he's ever seen. He said the only reason AMW had come back is because it gives them a chance to break Devine & Young's necks. James Storm called them better than the Road Warriors, the Dudleys, and the Hart Foundation, and promised the beat the living hell out of the Canadians and go back to America with their heads held high. AMW spent the early part of the match working on Johnny Devine's knee and keeping him away from his tag team partner. Devine finally got the tag, and Young cleaned house. Devine and Young got a two-count after a Stunner/elbowdrop combo. AMW gained control back, and tried to hit the Death Sentence, but Young countered and landed a superkick for two. AMW turned to dirty tactics, with Harris hitting Devine with a pair of handcuffs. With him out cold, AMW again went for the Death Sentence, but Young pulled Storm out, and Devine caught Harris by surprise with a backslide for the pin. RHINO pinned "MR. CLASS" A-1 with a gore in a #1 contender match for the BCW Heavyweight Title. This also put Team America ahead by 1 point in the Can-Am Cup tournament. - INTERMISSION (Team America 2 points, Team Canada - 1 point) - BCW TV Champion PETEY WILLIAMS retained against JERRY LYNN, tying the score 2-2. This was an amazing contest between pound-for-pound, two of the best wrestlers in the world. Lynn had Williams in a Sharpshooter early on and was booed by the Canadian crowd. However, Williams locked the same maneuver on Lynn later, much to the fans' delight. Petey picked up the win with the Canadian Destroyer, and both men received a standing ovation. "THE MONSTER" ABYSS pinned BOBBY ROODE to become the new BCW Heavyweight Champion, and pick up the win for Team America in the final match of the Can-Am Cup. Abyss thought it was over when he hit Shock Treatment, but Roode kicked out at two. Abyss then went to use his chain, but the referee stopped him and Roode gained control, taking the big man down with a half crab. JOE DOERING and CK3 then showed up at ringside, and while Roode was distracted with Doering, CK3 grabbed the title belt and laid out Roode. Abyss made the cover, but the champion kicked out at 2. The cavalry showed up in the form of Johnny Devine and Eric Young, who battled CK & Doering to the back. Petey Williams joined the fray, and boldly attempted to take out Abyss with the Canadian Destroyer, but got caught in the Black Hole Slam. Roode hit Abyss with a steel chair, and then knocked the big man's head onto the chair. Amazingly, Abyss still kicked out on 2. Roode grabbed the belt, but the ref took it from him, and when he turned around, Abyss caught him for a choke slam attempt. Roode fought out, but Abyss then laid him out with the Black Hole Slam for the pinfall. All the wrestlers who competed for Team America came out to celebrate their team's victory. After everyone left the ring, Abyss and Rhino were left alone, and Rhino surprised everyone, goring the new champion. CHRIS SABIN pinned "FALLEN ANGEL" CHRISTOPHER DANIELS. Daniels went for the Angel's Wings, but Sabin countered with the Cradleshock and picked up the win. JEFF JARRETT defeated RAVEN to become the new NWA Heavyweight Champion. MIKE TENAY was the special guest ring announcer, as regular Jeffrey Scott had come out of "referee retirement" to officiate this very important bout. Tenay told the very excited crowd that this was indeed a test for TNA house shows, and as far as test locations go, they could not have picked a better one than Windsor. He mentioned TNA's debut on Spike TV on October 1, and said that the following contest would be a Raven's Rules match. Jarrett said the only reason he was there in Canada was to reclaim the NWA Heavyweight Title. Raven told him Bret Hart wouldn't lose the belt in Canada, and neither would he. With the falls counting anywhere, the two men battled all over the venue, slamming each other into the barriers, chairs, and whatever else they could get their hands on. Jarrett went for his guitar, but Jeffrey Scott took it away, and Raven landed a DDT out of the corner. Raven then set up a table in the corner. Jarrett locked Raven in a sleeperhold, but Raven fought out, smashing referee Scott into a corner in the process. Raven backed Jarrett through the table in the corner, escaping the sleeper in the process. After Jarrett recovered, he went for his guitar again and swung at Raven, but Raven ducked, took the guitar and hit Jarrett instead. Raven went for the Evenflow, but out came America's Most Wanted, who landed the Death Sentence on Raven, giving Jarrett the 1-2-3. QUICK RESULTS: Border City Wrestling: International Incident, September 15 in Oldcastle, Ontario. Gutter & Tyson Dux defeated John E. Bravo & Geza Kalman, Jr. w/"Smooth Mover" Chris Pillon. Traci Brooks pinned Jaime D. Conrad Kennedy III (CK3), Jimmy Jacobs & Joe Doering defeated Brad "Freakin'" Martin, El Reverso & Phil Atlas. Showtime Eric Young & Johnny Devine beat America's Most Wanted. Rhino defeated "Mr. Class" A-1 to become the #1 contender to the BCW Heavyweight Title. BCW TV Champion Petey Williams pinned Jerry Lynn. Abyss defeated Bobby Roode to become the new BCW Heavyweight Champion. Chris Sabin beat "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels. Jeff Jarrett pinned Raven to become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Thanks to everyone who packed the Ciociaro Club for this very special event!...Look for our next event, the Doug Chevalier Memorial, to take place in early 2006...Stay tuned to the official BCW website ( for more information!...You can call the BCW hotline at (519) 969-4624...To obtain information on how to train at the Can-Am Wrestling School, you can e-mail Check out the merchandise section of the website as DVDs are now available!...Any other questions or comments can be sent to CANADIAN WRESTLING NEWS sponser (Posted Nov 22/05) Friday September 16th., 2005 Royal Canadian Legion, Port Coquitlam Cole Bishop beat Sweet Daddy d by disqulification Nate Daniels pinned ICE Amazing Halo & Fast Freddy Funk beat Memhis Raines & Mike Dempsey when MR 2 interfered in the match. MR 2 was upset that Dempsey was in the match instead of him. The groups made up after the match and it was just all a misunderstanding. Gorgeous Michelle Starr pinned Vid Vain to become the new NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion. Starr was joined by Vance Nevada and Disco Fury to become the new Glamour Order of Discipline. They laid a beating on Vid Vain and Vid was helped from the ring. Seth Knight beat Bomber Nelson Creed by submission Dropkick Murphy and Scotty Mac beat Aaron Idol and Asian Cooger when Dropkick pinned Asian Cooger. Attendance was about 3/4 full. ECCW returns to POCO on Friday October 14th. |