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Miller.driveway      Cumberland Falls     Jack-o-lantern I carved for 2005     Jack-o-lantern I carved for 2006

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HONEYMOON in Cancun (2006)

Riu Cancun    DSC00998.JPG (565281 bytes)   DSC00944.JPG (590941 bytes)   DSC00973.JPG (537173 bytes)   DSC00984.JPG (593302 bytes)   DSC00985.JPG (588773 bytes)   DSC01027.JPG (614317 bytes)


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Fort Walton Beach / Destin Florida

2006 DSC00799.JPG (574532 bytes)   DSC00818.JPG (572713 bytes)   DSC00815.JPG (564167 bytes)   DSC00817.JPG (608054 bytes)   DSC00791.JPG (604585 bytes)   view from Pompano Joe's

2005 DSC00572.JPG (573047 bytes)   trying to clean up after Katrina hit one week earlier   dolphin we saw off the Southern Star   DSC00595.JPG (546647 bytes)   eating at the Lucky Snapper after the boat ride   thousands of little fishies in the ocean

2004 DSC00300.JPG (512050 bytes)   DSC00280.JPG (501133 bytes)   DSC00278.JPG (499557 bytes)   DSC00274.JPG (569447 bytes)   DSC00277.JPG (579000 bytes)   DSC00281.JPG (544216 bytes)


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VACATIONS from yesteryear

outlooking our hotal in the French Quarter. . . circa 1999dolphin show at the Gulfarium in Fort WaltonSunset on Sanibel Island, FLget in here....Daytona Beach '94

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"Miller Manor"

    Pretty redbud Ahhhhhh....how perty!!!anim1.gif (878837 bytes)

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YNGCLAY1.JPG (6161 bytes) YNGCLAY2.JPG (9140 bytes)     the ugly years              CLAY2.JPG (14337 bytes)   tux1.jpg (5176 bytes) xmas2.jpg (42707 bytes)  ________________________________________

                        1972                                                                                                                       2008



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