Main Page.

W e l c o m e t o A r d l e y ' s W e b P a g e . . . .

Ardley Athletic F.C. (A.A.F.C.) was created by a group of about 20 mates that began playing football on a local park in Nottingham, England in 1992. After kicking a ball, and each other, around for 3 years a decision was made to form a team to compete at the highest level of Sunday morning footy - Ha! The team was oficially formed in 1995 and began playing in Division 3 of the SUNDAY SUPREME LEAGUE that season.

All the pages on this site are currently under construction so will find that some do not have a lot of information on them at the moment. I am working daily on this site and will be updating it virtually every week to keep it full of information on our crap football team. If you want to be informed when it will be fully completed then e-mail me with UPDATE REQUEST in the subject title.

T h e e a r l y y e a r s o f A r d l e y . . . . .

The 1995 - 1996 season began bad and Ardley found the step-up hard to cope with at first. Then after half-a-dozen games Ardley got their first ever competitive win and the legend was born. The rest of the season saw them rise from the lower reaches of the table to the dizzy heights of mid-table mediocracy. The season ended with Ardley finishing a respectable 5th and an urge to do better next year.......

The 1996 - 1997 season was a landmark in the history of this great club and the purchase of a new, well second-hand kit only added to their grandure. Having had the close season to digest the previous seasons preformances and learn from both failure and success Ardley were a stronger outfit all round. Strengthening the squad with new players whose abilities were unrivalled in the pub - promotion was the target. Fighting hard in the league Ardley found themselves also going well in both the Cup and the Shield. Then the bubble burst! Defeat by penalties after two 1-1 draws against Premier Division teams in the Cup and Shield caused a small rumble in Ardley's promotional attempt. Fighting hard for the third spot to gain promtion the season ended with Ardley needing to beat the top (unbeaten after 20 games) team. The usual players didn't turn up and with a make-shift team Ardley got the win it needed to move up a division - makes you cry doesn't it.

This season (1997-98) saw the construction of the Sunday Supreme League change and as a result Ardley moved from Division Two to the PREMIER DIVISION.

W h a t ' s i t a l l a b o u t ?

The Ardley Athletic web pages have been created to hopefully provide a little insight into the sordid, violent, underworld of Sunday morning football. Hopefully, within these pages you will be able to chart all the highs and lows of A.A.F.C. Up to the minute results, match and aggro reports, classic misses, regular pub updates, hot gossip about the players and tales of the turf are just some of the exciting features I hope to give you.

In addition to this we are presently looking for sponsorship from a footy friendly business. If you're a local Nottingham pub then this could be an investment in more ways than one. Publicity on the internet for FREE, publicity through the press advertising our new sponsorship deal and our new web site, not to mention the fact that you'll gain 20 new customers that spend every Sunday in the pub discussing the morning game (for approximately 6 hours). If you are interested in sponsoring A.A.F.C. then you can contact us by email at

We are also interested in playing any other teams from anywhere in the World. If you have a crap footy team like us and want to travel to glorious Nottingham then don't hesitate to get in touch at the above email address. If you want us to travel then you have to live somewhere warm, near the sea - like Skegness.

W h o ' s d o n e a l l t h i s ?

Lastly this page has given me (Jason Parker) a chance to not only learn HTML but to also understand how to construct good but small sized graphics and animations. This is my first attepmt at a web page so I hope you like both the content and the design. If you have any comments (positive or negative) about any of these pages then please contact me at: I am Jason Parker.
All these pages were hand coded and all the graphics were produced by myself on a number of different applications and computer platforms. I am currently working on a number of other web pages and am seeking work within the field of web page design - Email me if you could use my skills.

If you have a frames capable browser then travelling through this site should be relatively easy. Use the links in the button bank to the left of this page to get to specific parts of the site. If you can't use frames then you can use the links below to also travel to pages. Hope this is easy to understand.

My signature.
Happy browsing!

Main Link. Results Link. Match Reports Link. Fixtures Link. Table Link.
Squad Link. Team Pic. Link. Kit Link. Ground Link.
Pubs Link. You're Shit Link. Links Link!!!

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