Malin's "NEGATIVE VIBES" Commentary page!

NOW THESE are what I call BAD VIBES! hahaha!

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I can't take this anymore! I hate everything, and this is my way of telling you that! It's my turn to tell you how I feel... ! Well, of course this edition really isn't too bad.... Read on

  1. CHEAP SHOTS. Let me tell that cheap shots are NOT very nice! Especially when they result in a CONCUSSION!
  2. HOCKEY. Here is a phrase for the male-type PIGS that are bothering me. Hockey; Created by men. Perfected by woman!
  3. ICEOPLEX HOS! What is with all the dumb hos that are taking over the Iceoplex by storm??? GET a life freaks!
  4. DREW!. Where is he??? He, along with the shy guy, has vanished from the face of the earth! :-(
  5. SLEEPING. This is exactly what the pens have been doing! SLACKERS!
  6. ROBERT. This is my brother...enough said!
  7. RUDE CHILDREN. Hello little dorks! I am getting sick of little 10 years olds telling me what to do and getting smart with me as their parents just stand there! Parents let children get away with murder.
  8. BORING TV. There is nothing on tv when I get home, or when I leave for work! What is wrong with tv programming directors? Do they possibly have lives????
  9. MESSY ROOMS ex. MY room. Why should I clean my room when it will just be messy again the next day?

THAT'S ALL FOR NOW! I'll step down from my soapbox and SHUT UP!!! (for now) What the H. E. Double Hockey sticks! Are you still reading for????