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Florian W. Martens | 619 Mendota Court | Madison | Wisconsin 53703 |
608 251 9240
| fwmartens@students.wisc.edu


Samples of My Work

Munich Beachvolleyball Tournament for Students and Pupils.

Building  brand awareness and goodwill among future clients/ costumers through Trend Sports* event.

Starting with the raw concept, we established goals and assembled a seven page plan and proposal, "Cross-Media Concept".  The plan included a mockup of the project's Internet Home Page, outlined key ideas including complete online coverage, local radio station coverage on "Game Day," contests and prizes for the audience, and needed promotional material.

  • The proposal quickly brought sponsorship and the significant funding required to turn the concept into reality:
  • A professional and persuasive media portfolio gained the confidence of our partners.
  • We built a strong case for image building and contact with a youthful audience.
  • Our young age was an advantage given the target youth audience.

Solid Event Management assures marketing succss

The event was a smashing success with en enthusiastic crowd that  play until midnight.  A good time was had by all. The sponsor took a step forward through image and presence in the youth community, increasing brand awareness among teenagers. Media reaction was also very favorable. Sueddeutsche Zeitung, Germany's second largest daily newspaper, picked up the event with a large feature.

* e.g. inline skating, skateboarding, beach


Pictures from Game Day

(Above): HypoVereinsbank, Germany's third largest bank, presented itself with an accessible booth that featured give-aways, and free checking accounts. 

(Below): Sponsors gained through association with the beachvolleyball event, reflecting a lifestyle of active and affluent late teenagers and early twens.

Click here for the German version.

© 2000 by fwm.