Web History
I just added a couple of awards that Baseball World has won to the Trophy Case. There are still a couple more that I have received that still need to be added. I would also like to advise anyone who hasn't already, to sign up for the Baseball World updates mailing list. I am considering mailing out a little surprise sometime in the upcoming days. The signup form is at the bottom of the left bar.
McGwire and Sosa named SI's Sportsmen of the Year |
12/14 - In 1998, Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa collectively captured the country's attention in an historic home run race. On Monday, both were named Sports Illustrated's Sportsmen of the Year.
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Padres trade Hamilton to Jays |
12/13 - After getting a strong recommendation from Dave Stewart, the Toronto Blue Jays acquired pitcher Joey Hamilton from the San Diego Padres on Sunday for pitcher Woody Williams in a four-player trade.
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Dodgers make Brown baseball's highest-paid player |
12/12 - By making Kevin Brown baseball's first $100 million man, Rupert Murdoch and the Los Angeles Dodgers may have sounded a death knell for small-market teams.
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SATURDAY 12/12/98 8:19 PM |
Just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. I have been able to update the site lately because I've been very, very busy. Don't worry though, I'm going to try to find more time to update the site now. As you can see, I moved the menu onto the left bar. I felt that the DHTML was a little unnecessary, and this should be more convenient.
I just made another update to the 1998 Year in Review. I've added a bit to the Rookie of the Year page, and more should be added to that soon, as well as the Manager of the Year section.
Sorry about the long absence, but I've been extremely busy lately. I justed wanted to say that I was recently sent a review copy of the audiobook: "Brooklyn Dodgers in Their Original Voices", and so far it looks great! I'll post more information about this book later, but for now you can read the letter I received from the publishers. If you're interested in this audiobook, email me at mariogrech@hotmail.com.
SATURDAY 10/31/98 7:47 PM |
Happy Halloween everyone! I just finished updating the Trophy Room with a handful of awards that Baseball World received over the past couple of weeks. If you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see appear at Baseball World, just use the comments box on the left bar.
I just added the Silver Slugger Award winners from this year. You can check it out now, but I'll unveil the whole 1998 section soon.
THURSDAY 10/22/98 6:23 PM |
I changed the title image at the top today. This one is simpler and should load a lot faster. Hope you like it.
TUESDAY 10/20/98 11:05 AM |
I've added a new page that contains this year's Gold Glove Award Winners. The page will be part of a 1998 retrospective that I am preparing, but I thought that I'd release this page now since the winners were just chosen.
SATURDAY 10/17/98 8:14 PM |
There haven't really been any major updates, just little things that I've been fixing up around the site. I took away a couple of things from the main page, so it should be loading much quicker now. I also shrunk the font size in a couple of places so that it is smaller -- like in the update bars.
Baseball World has won another 2 awards. You can check them out in the Trophy Room.
SATURDAY 10/10/98 11:16 PM |
The HomeRun Chase 98 section has finally been brought up to date with the final homerun numbers of Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire.
I've added another Top 10 list to the Entertainment section today. Also, I've decided to unveil the Playoff Coverage a little early. A few of the links are still broken, and I'm a bit behind, but I should be able to get caught up quickly.
7:15 PM - Just received a new award. This one was for being named the site of the week at suite101.com! You can see it on the right bar, it is the new link to the trophy room.
I decided to scrap the grid of teams, and I have replaced them with two pull-down menu bars on the left side. I like it more like this, hope you do to.
8:55 PM - I also decided to change the color of the sidebars to grey. Tell me what you think.
Wow, it's been a long time since my last update cause I've been so busy. Hopefully that won't ever happen again. Anyways, I've amalgamated the sabermetrics into the Odds&Ends section. This has created an opening on the menu that I have replaced with Baseball World Postcards. I have also moved the World Series section into Stats Central. This has created space on the menu to add an Entertainment section. Enjoy!
I have finally decided to unveil Baseball World Postcards! There are only 8 possible images right now, but you should enjoy the selection. Also, the 3000 Hits Club was updated a bit with some images to make it a bit more visually attractive.
The new award is up in the Trophy Case. Actually, you can see it on the righthand bar on this page, because it's the new link to the trophy case.
SATURDAY 9/19/98 12:05 PM |
I've replaced the old title bar with a new one. I think this one looks a little better so I hope you all like it too. If you want you can tell me how you feel about the new title bar using the comments form on the lefthand bar.
10:04 PM - The Multimedia section has been updated with some more audio relating to the home run chase. Also, the Stats Central section has been fixed up a little too. The site has won yet another award, but I'll post it tomorrow.
HomeRun Chase 98 has finally been brought up to date with all of the info on the latest homers. I'll be adding the links to multimedia on that page (the same links that are already on the Multimedia page). Also, Quotes was updated today.
The links section on the menu has been replaced with a new section: Community. The Community page basically groups together all of the elements that relate to the baseball community (i.e. links, webrings, search engine, etc.) Hope you like it! The Multimedia section has also been updated with numerous sounds relating to the homerun chase. More should be coming soon when I find time to upload the files. Finally, the new Player of the Week should be coming soon, as well as a brand new section that I am keeping secret.
6:27 PM - The new Player of the Week is up.
The new Player of the Week is up now, so check it out. Not much else to say, except that the unveiling of a postcard service for your use is coming very soon! Quotes has been updated.
SATURDAY 9/12/98 11:39 AM |
I've been doing more updating, I just haven't mentioned it here yet. The big news is the unveiling of my new game, the Baseball Word Search. It's fairly easy to play -- you just click on one end of the word, and drag it to the end. The word will then instantly be removed from the word list. The best part is that everytime you play, the words are placed in different places. Hope you like it! Much multimedia will be added to the HomeRun Chase section when I find somewhere to store the files. The new POW should also be coming soon.
The Homerun Chase has been updated again today, as I have finished off the McGwire section for now. The Sammy Sosa section will be coming soon now.
I have just added a section to the site that will be following Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa's pursuit of the home run record. I know it's a little late, but I just realized the huge demand for it. The section will be continuously updated, as I'm kind of releasing it a little prematurely.
The contest winner has been chosen, and it's Midori. As a result of winning the contest, I have placed her banner on the site, as you may have already noticed. Visit her site, Shawn Green: Toronto Blue Jay Outfielder Extraordinaire, it's very well done. There will be another update later on today.
2:52 PM - The site just received another award, so check it out in the Trophy Case. Quotes was also updated, as usual. Another update is still on its way today. I'm making up for the lack of update's recently.
3:35 PM - The new Player of the Week and has been selected, and the winner is......
4:19 PM - There is another small update. I have changed the random quotes below the title to only display quotes from Yogi Berra. This will allow the site to load faster.
The Tribute to Babe Ruth in the Baseball World Hall of Fame has been updated with his lifetime hitting and pitching stats. Not much else to announce, just remember the Contest!
The new Player of the Week is up, so check that out! Also, barring a tie, I have decided that the penguin that was posted a couple of days will be the final penguin in the contest. I've dragged it on long enough, and it's about time that I declare a winner. So be sure to place your guesses for the last few penguins, because the winner will be declared most likely on Sunday.
The less frequent updates continue, and they most likely will stay that way for two reasons. The site is more complete, and I have less time. Nonetheless, it is constantly being updated. The main news I wanted to bring is that a new penguin is up. It may be the last one, but I haven't decided yet. The Baseball World Search Engine has also been updated with a few more sites, and the Quote Archive has been updated like usual.
I accidently lost the update that was supposed to go here, whoops!
I wasn't able to update over the weekend because I've been so busy. I managed to get to the computer now, but I should also be busy till about Wednesday. Just wanted to let you know that the Quote Archive was updated today. I haven't gotten many contest guesses, so just remember to get them in by the weekend.
There was no update yesterday because I have been so busy implementing the navigation bar that you seen on just about every page of this site. It took a little while to get all of the kinks worked out, but now it should be on just about every page. I think this improves the navigation of this site greatly, and I've already received some positive comments.
Most of the updating that I played on doing today was already done yesterday. But if you look on the left bar, you will notice that there is a new Player of the Week up, so check that out. Feel free to send me your comments on my selection, you can use the comments box on the left bar, just leave your email address. I will be willing to post any good comments or opinions that I receive.
The new penguin is up now! It was actually added last night, so enter the contest. As always, quotes was also updated today. The new player of the week should be up by tomorrow. I also have a small batch of WAV files waiting in the wings -- they should be up in the next couple of days also.
3:37 PM - The 6 new WAV files are up! All six are Harry Caray's signature calls, so check them out in the Multimedia section.
10:18 PM - The Learning Center has been updated with "How to Calculate Statistics."
I haven't been able to update because I haven't had access to a computer, oh well. All that I have been able to update is the Quotes Archive. Also, I was named the site of the week at The Ranger Web - check it out in the Trophy Case. There will be a few updates in the next couple of days, so check back soon. Expect a new player of the week, and a new penguin. Remember to vote in the poll if you already haven't - I think Hank Aaron is in the lead.
A couple more things were added to my multimedia collection. First of all, I have added a WAV file where you can hear the ball that went through Bill Buckner's legs. I love this one -- you can hear it in my Audio section. I have also added 5 more pictures to the Photo Gallery, bringing the grand total up to 95! You will also notice that I have begun to subdivide the photo gallery by adding tags where the photos of certain players are. Coupled with the photos in alphabetical order, it should be really easy to search through now.
THURSDAY 8/06/98 11:30 AM |
I hope you like the slightly revised layout! So far I've only gotten good comments, but if anybody has any more suggestions, just use the form on the left column - that's what it's there for. Also, Baseball World has won another 2 awards, and that brings the grand total to 35 awards! Check them out in the Trophy Case. Finally, there are a ton of new quotes in the archive if you'd like to take a peek.
WEDNESDAY 8/05/98 12:31 PM |
The Hall of Fame poll is officially over! If you would like to see if anybody was inducted, and to view the tributes, check out the Baseball World Hall of Fame. I was suspecting inaccuracies at time with the Quizlet, so I have decided to use a different poll of the new HOF poll. This new one will be used on a trial basis. So place your votes in the poll, and I hope you like it. If you feel that I have unfairly left a great player off the ballot, tell me about it, and I'll consider that player for the next ballot.
Lots of more updates today. I've been going around to alot of the pages today, updating the layout and trying to make it look better. You'll have to search around to see what I mean. Also, I have added a few more sounds to the Multimedia page. Go listen to them! I also added a bit more to the Baseball in Cuba page.
I did a bit more updating today. First of all, the new (11th) penguin in the contest is up. I updated the leaderboard as well. Also, I created a page that teaches you how to make Baseball World your Start-up Page, regardless of your browser. So make Baseball World your start-up page today! Finally, the poll will come to a close later this week.
4:08 PM - Baseball World has won another award! Check it out.
6:35 PM - The POW is up now too.