Martial Arts Society for Training, Education, & Research

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About this Center and It's Director:

Dr. J. R. Cespedes, (Ph.D.) is an individual with unique national and international credentials in the martial arts community. For nearly three decades Dr. Cespedes has studied the martial arts, Oriental philosophy, sports-related psychology, and education and management methodology.
Dr. Cespedes is a member of United States Judo, (the national governing body for judo in the U.S.) and is also one of a limited number of Westerners registered in the renowned shrine of judo, the Kodokan in Tokyo, Japan (the founding organization for judo throughout the world).

Dr. Cespedes is a full time educator in Dade County with experience teaching from the elementary to college levels. He is the principal sponsor of the M.A.S.T.E.R. Bushido Tournament, active with non-profit organizations which aid youngsters in our community, an author, and has the additional honor of being listed in "Who's Who of American Teachers." His doctoral research at Barry University (in Miami Shores, Florida) involves the physical, psychological, and ethical background of the martial arts in the Orient. Dr. Cespedes' students train with more than a martial artist; they have a highly qualified educator who is recognized and registered in Japan, who is an authority in his field, and who instructs students in the original and traditional martial techniques practiced in that country.

Dr. Cespedes teaches a comprenhensive Kodokan-based judo system of unarmed combat. In the United States and the West this form of self-defense has become known by the generic description of "jujutsu." The Kodokan is historically recognized as the synthesizer of all jujutsu techniques. Jujutsu is currently being rediscovered as a well-rounded and complete self-defense system that incorporates throws, locks, grappling, pressure points, Oriental weapons, and chokes, as well as kicks and punches. While some styles of emphasize only kicks, or throws, or a limited assortment of techniques, jujutsu's broader training gives multiple options for effective self-defense. Jujutsu originated under the samurai of ancient Japan and is the "father" of many martial arts like judo, aikido, kenpo, and some forms of karate. People of different ages and physical conditioning can benefit from the scientifically demonstrated principles of judo and jujutsu. Many generations ago, samurai-bred Kanenori Dengoro Kurokochi (Grandfather of the famous aikijujutsu practitioner Sokaku Takeda) commented on the importance and effectiveness of this system when stating: "Jujutsu is the origin of all martial arts and mastering jujutsu will enable the martial artist to master other arts easily."

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