What’s New?
What’s New? I’ve update this site, that’s what’s new. Please give me any sugestions that you may have of what to put here.
I’ve thought about adding a small mp3 page. Let me know is that is a good idea.

You all know that there is a lockout going on in the NBA. Both sides have no good reason for their argument. The only thing that should matter is pleasing the fans. Who pays and comes to the games? Who buys all of the rip-off endorsements that the companies sell (to put more money into the players pockets. The NBA needs to straighten up or it will lose its fans. They need to make more strict fines for what goes on. You can’t have a bunch of looked up athletes do the stuff that they are doing and still keep their job. This league has forgotten about what is important (the fans) and has turned into a war over money.

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