Club Info - Become a member!  
Summer Hours are Mondays and Fridays 16:30 - 18:00. Members are on call for air fills and/or rentals at other times.
The club phone # is 840-8000 ext 8173 if there is no answer you may contact the following executive
board members:
Club President: Capt Paul Laframboise: 594-5665;
Vice-president: Cpl. Eda Bannister: 840-8000 ext. 8229 or evenings: 812-7853.
Equipment Manager/AUC Rep.: Cpl Don Poirier
: 594-5766
or mail the club at:
PO Box 4724 Stn Forces,
Cold Lake AB T9M 2C2
Memberships are available for $25.00 a year and gives you special rates on equipment rental , specialty courses and tank fills.
Being a member also gives you the privilege to vote during our general meetings and help us improve the Club with your valuable comments and ideas.

As a member you will also receive our montly newsletter (if you don't have regular access to the Internet), filled with pertinent information on upcoming events and Club updates. It is a good tool to keep you up to speed with all the Club activities without being disturbed by phone calls!
The Club meets every first non holiday Monday of every month at 7:00 pm in the JJ Par Sports Complex.
On the second floor of the complex.
During those meetings we discuss new business, do maintenance on our equipment and plan dives and courses for the following month.
It is a good time to meet new members and socialize with divers we don't get to see during the month!
Every year the Club holds a general meeting in the fall to elect new executive members, revise our constitution and review our financial situation.

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