T. Buzzard's Fleer Ultra Cards Available
To follow is a listing of Fleer Ultra cards I have available. For a trade list, click here. Fleer Ultra Cards Needed This link will take you to my list of Fleer Ulrta cards that I currently need. If you want other brands, there is a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to my home page. There you will find links to all of the card brands that I am currently making available.
If you need any of the cards listed below and are willing to trade for cards I need, please contact me. My e-mail address is jhankins@mindspring.com
1998 Fleer Ultra
Most basic cards available in quantity. As for shortprints, I have the following to offer in trade for short prints I need.
224, 227, 232, 241, 247(3), 248(3), 249(3), 250(2), 480, 481, 482, 484, 485, 486(2), 487, 488, 489. Please refer to my want list of shortprints.
Complete set of "Big Shots" Available.
Many "Back to the Future" Inserts available.
Millennium Men
# 11 Mike Piazza
# 15 Jaret Wright
Platinum Medallions
# 66P Jeff King 49/100
# 287P David Segui 30/98
# 428P Matt Karchner 53/98
Win Now
# 12 Juan Gonzalez
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7(McGwire- will only trade for rookies I need), 10, 11, 13, 18, 19, 20.
Fall Classics
# 5 Cal Ripken
# 11 Juan Gonzalez
1998 Ultra Gold Medallions
1G, 5G, 21G, 23G, 25G, 34G, 35G, 38G, 53G, 60G, 62G, 66G, 72G, 74G, 77G, 81G, 84G, 86G, 97G, 110G, 120G, 155G, 159G, 166G, 172G, 181G, 186G, 190G, 195G, 197G, 207G, 209G, 210G, 221G, 227G, 229G, 232G, 234G, 235G, 249G, 250G, 252G, 253G, 255G, 257G, 259G, 268G, 270G, 285G, 289G, 295G, 300G, 302G, 306G, 307G, 309G, 315G, 318G, 322G, 331G, 335G, 338G, 340G, 352G, 354G, 362G, 368G, 369G, 370G, 375G, 376G, 379G, 380G, 382G, 392G, 395G, 400G, 405G, 410G, 417G, 420G, 424G, 426G, 430G, 437G, 439G, 443G, 446G, 447G, 450G, 454G, 458G, 462G, 464G, 465G, 466G, 468G, 470G, 497G, 498G.
1997 Fleer Ultra
Most regular cards are available. Send me your want list. I also have many gold medallions for trade.
I have a few "Power Plus" cards Available.
1996 Fleer Ultra
Most regualr cards from series two are available. Send your want list.
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