T. Buzzard's Fleer Ultra Want List
To follow is a listing of Fleer Ultra cards I need. For a trade list, click here. Ultra Cards Available This link will take you to my list of Ultra cards that I currently have available for trade.
If you want other brands, there is a link at the bottom of this page that will take you to my home page. There you will find links to all of the cards brands that I am currently making available. If you have any of the cards listed below and are willing to trade them for cards you need, please contact me. My e-mail address is jhankins@mindspring.com
Last Updated February 15, 1999
1999 Fleer Ultra
238, 241.
1999 Fleer Ultra Gold Medallions
5G, 85G, 104G, 141G, 183G, 191G.
1998 Fleer Ultra
121(need 40), The following shortprints are the highest priority on my entire want list. Your help is much appreciated. 212, 215, 218, 222(2), 226, 228, 229, 233(2), 234, 236, 237, 238(2), 243(3), 245.
Artistic Talents (2nd set)Trading Only for these.
# 3 Alex Rodriguez (2)
# 5 Cal Ripkin
# 6 Derek Jeter
# 7 Chipper Jones
# 8 Greg Maddux (2)
# 12 Juan Gonzalez
# 15 Mark McGwire (2)
# 16 Scott Rolen (2)
# 17 Barry Bonds (2)
1998 Fleer Ultra Gold Medallions
I have completed my set but I am interested in multiples of these cards. 121G Kevin Millwood, 279G Kerry Wood.
1997 Fleer Ultra Gold Medallions
171, 353, 364, 379, 396, 401, 411, 543.
I also need these Gold Medallions for a friend.
337, 543. Any help is appreciated.
1997 Fleer Ultra Inserts
Season Crowns 6, 7, 17.
Fame Game 9, 12
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