I've been skiing for a about 2 years, over a 4 year period. I missed the last 2 seasons due to cash flow problems. At the moment i have a pair of Kneisel Ski's, of which i
am selling to replace them with a snow '96/'97 snowboard hopefully. This depends on cash aswell though. I Usually ski turoa, or whakapapa. Most of my time has been spent on
turoa, but i'm planning to change that this season to whakapapa (A much better field).
Another one of my fav hobbies is cars, to narrow that down, Rotary engines. (All i can say is FUCK YOU to anyone that doesn't like rotaries, and thats probably a lot of people, of
which most don't understand how one works anyway to know any difference, or thinks they suck beacause of the noise they put out) (Lamers)
Anyway, thats me'n what i do. Boring eh?