Sponsorship Packages

To help us with the cost of attending and playing

in tournaments we are offering Sponsorship Packages.

All funds will go to tournament cost.

All leftover funds at the end of the year will be

added to the funds raised for the Ga. Masonic Home.

Basic Package

Cost $25

You receive:

Team T-Shirt

Listed as sponsor in press pack and other literature

Invitation to Team cookout at end of the year

Others as they come available

Silver Package

Cost $50

You Receive:

Special Team T-Shirt done on Silver

Frameable Certificate of Appreciation

Listed as sponsor in press pack and other literature

Invitation to Team cookout at end of the year

Others as they come available

Gold Package

Cost $100

You Receive:

Special Team T-Shirt done on Gold

Sponsors Plaque

Name on Team Banner

Listed as sponsor in press pack and other literature

Invitation to Team cookout at end of the year

Others as they come available

For more information

Email Team-Kudzu