Results from week #1
Score:- Staffordshire 7 - Nottingham 6
On a rain soaked, windsweeped day at Nottingham the Stallions opened their season with a win over division rivals and last years bogey team with a mediocre performance. The weather dictated the play with mainly a running game. nottingham were first to score with a 26 yard scamper by mark fisher the extra point failing gave Notts a six to nothing advantage. The Stallions left it until the fourth quarter when Stallion Runner Ziad Chouieri broke into open field and scored. The previous play to that was 15 yard catch on fourth down made by Tight End paul summers who went on to kick the extra point. The Stallions gained possesion again but gave the ball back to Notts who had four last tries to salvage a win but they blew all four downs and the Stallions Ran the clock out.
Špants production 1999