If you are interested in getting involved with the Stallions, you can e-mail me or come along to the Freshers Fayre at Staffordshire University. You can sign up for the team as a player or if the rough and tumble is not your cup of tea, you can join the coaching staff, game day staff or any other aspect of the team that brings the whole thing together.
We welcome the help of any individuals who are willing to spare their time to bring the college bowl trophy to Staffordshire University.
Details of the fresher fayre dates and location of the American football stall will be displayed on here soon. This page is in it's early stage but it will be updated regularly............Keep browsing.
1999/2000 Team MVP - Marlon Short
1999/2000 Offensive MVP - James Kilbaine
1999/2000 Defensive MVP - Patrick Miras
1999/2000 Special Teams MVP - Chris Richardson
1999/2000 Players Player of the year - Marlon Short
1999/2000 Coaches Player of the year - Dave Kettle
1999/2000 Most Improved Player - Chris Ellis
1999/2000 Rookie of the year - Tim Smith
1999/2000 Commitment Award - Stuart Marriott
Špants production 1999