The History of Dennis' Dive
The History of

noted changes to the webpage, 1st additions and revisions
- 10-6-97
Added the new logo and color scheme,
Updated the Links section, added new photos to the Snapshots section, added a Guestbook, and some new Photos.
- 9-28-97
transfered the contents of Dennis' Dive
from Prostar to Geocities. Updated the Links section, added new photos to the Snapshots section, added a Guestbook, and some new Photos.
- 9-14-97 created a webpage on Geocities.
This will become the 3rd edition of Dennis' Dive.
- 12-11-96 added A Day at the Races, pictures from Emerald Downs.
- 11-24-96 added the History page, revised the counter face.
- 11-12-96 new tabled look to the opening page,
1st use of frames in the Links section, and
added a URL-minder for visitors to register their email addresses.
- 10/14/96 added the Snapshots section, photos and short blurbs about friends I've met online.
- 10/4/96 added the Letters from Amy section, selected snail mail passages by Amy from Scotland.
- 9/14/96 added the first wave of pictures from the Gasworks GT
- 9/6/96 added the
What's New section,
also added Amy's Excellent Adventure section, which talks about places and events Amy has visited in Scotland.
- 8/15/96 added the Photo Glossary, which was the
1st use of tables...
includes the Seattle Matchmaker Photo GT section.
- 8/12/96 1st started experimenting with colored fonts.
- 8/2/96 added a few photos to the Pictures section.
- 5/1/96 added the
1st original graphics using Paintbrush.
Includes the Dennis' Dive logo, Welcome to my Webpage, and the WA state logo.
- 4/30/96 added a digital counter from Web-Counter
- 4/29/96 transfered the same Dennis' Dive webpage to Prostar Plus BBS,
added the 1st Pictures section.
- 4/22/96 added the 1st hypertext links to other sites and pictures on other webpages.
- Mon Jan 15 15:57:06 1996 It all begins here - 1st webpage is created and goes online at Angelfire.
I name it Dennis' Dive.