All hand selected and aged. All orders must
be prepaid plus shipment costs of $12/stave. Please allow 3
weeks for delivery.
Description |
Price |
White Ash |
$85.00 |
Black Locust |
$85.00 |
Red Elm |
$85.00 |
Hackberry |
$85.00 |
Hickory |
$85.00 |
Horn Beam (ironwood) |
$95.00 |
White Oak |
$95.00 |
Hard Rock Maple |
$95.00 |
Mulberry |
$95.00 |
Cascara |
$80.00 |
Osage Orange |
$105.00 |
Yew |
$165.00 |
Vine Maple |
$100.00 |
Composite Staves (white oak/hickory
backed, cherry/hickory backed, red elm/ hickory backed,
hickory/hickory backed |
$60.00 |
Laminated Longbow Kit - incl. laminates,
glass, riser, sections, and instruction book |
$120.00 |
Bamoo |
$70.00 |
Yew (when available) |
$185 |