Player of The Month:Brett Zorzi

Pasta, Junior, Zorz, whatever name you want to call him. They're all synonomous with coolness, class and skill under pressure down Preston way.  Brett Zorzi has established himself as one of the most consistent players with the Bullants this season, not only starring in defence, but also taking on the occasionally offensive role. He's the player you want kicking to you when you're on a lead. The player you want competing in a marking contest with the opposition's best pair of hands. He's the player we have here answering our questions in this player of the month profile...



Full name: Brett Anthony Zorzi

Nickname: Pasta, Zorz, Junior

D.O.B. 15/8/79

Occupation: Student

Height and Weight: 183cms, 85 kgs

Car: Nissan Bluebird 81

Recruited from: Epping, Preston U/18s

Favourite Position: midfield

Favourite food and drink? lasagna, cordial

Favourite TV show: Seinfeld

Favourite Movie: Raiders of The Lost Arc, Jaws

Favourite Song: Brown Sugar - Rolling Stones

Who would you invite to your dream dinner party? Greg Norman, Shane Warne, Christy Brinkley,

O.K. Hypothetical question. You can press a button and you will get drafted, win the Liston medal, win lotto, and get the
girl of your dreams, but 10 million African children will die in an earthquake tomorrow if you press the button. No one
will ever know that that you did it though. Would you do it?
No, feel too guilty.

What other sports do you play or have you played? Golf, tennis,.

Most Embarrassing Moment: Missing a goal from the goalsquare in 1998.

Funniest moment in football: Crowley's hip gyrations vs Coburg-Fitrooy this year.

You just don't make mistakes at all on the ground - so off the field - what's the biggest mistake you've made with a girl?
Noy approaching the right girl

Gary Lyon has been spreading rumours that there was a player at Melbourne on Steroids - any truth it was you?
Yeah it was, or maybe it was Frosty I think.

Which player most looks like an animal in our side?
Mitch - a little chimp!

Complete the following: "If I was "Wilbur" I would..."
I'd straighten my nose.

Pregame Superstitions?
none really, socks down maybe.

Your opinion on sex before the game?
no comment.

Is it true you were nicknamed Junior after someone saw you in the showers?
Not true.

Which of the player's girlfriends do you find most attractive?
My girlfriend.

If you had Macca's ass, what would you do - shave it, wax it or leave it?
plait it into dreadlocks.

Ugliest player?
They're all ugly, except me.

Which of the support staff and trainers do you find most attractive?
Gary "Rat" Sheldon.

Describe your ideal girl.
Funny, enjoys sport, girl who plays football...

Describe Scott Grainger in one word.

Describe Blighty in one word.

Whose room would you fear being in on the football trip, and why?
Blighty, could do anything to you.

Which Tasmanian at the club has secretly had a head removed - Lloydy, Blighty or Hilly?

Name "One Gear's" full name.
Craig Reading (after a long pause)

Comments on your season so far? What do you attribute your good form to?
team playing good football.

Thanks for your time Zorz, any last comments?
You're crazy Ando. Next time get some real questions.

See Jamie Cann, this Month's Co-Player of The Month


See Russ Lee, Last Month's Player of The Month


See Simon Grossman, former Player of The Month

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