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Many Thanks to those who so generously contributed.

Corporate Sponsors:

CUNO ............................................................................... $500

ASICS............................................................................... $250

Carvel............................................................................... $225

Watertown Canvas and Awning.............................................................................. $150

Southington Elks Club............................................................$100

New Britain OB/GYN Group................................................................................$100

Polumbo Jewelers.................................................................$100


El Sombrero.........................................................................$50

Martinelli Motors...................................................................$50

Iseli.................................................................................. $ 25

Friends and Family

Ed S. Bryant and Marianne M.
Phil S. (thanks for the great photo!) Mo V.
Carl M. Richard B.
Al M. Lori and Bill A.
Bob S. Janet F.
Richard C. (with thoughts of Bob Paier and Ed Ruminski) Jim and Goldie B.
Joe F. Santa G.
Joseph S. Mary L.
Bob L. Ron R.
Alan P. Friends@CUNO
Rich S. Kathy R.
Rob and Wendy George and Marci
Neil & Doris Shelley L.
George & Lois F. Scott B.
Dennis Mom
John D. Javier A.
Courtland Y. Darlene D.


Special Thanks to:

my cousin Sharon - for all her help with this web site

Dyrak - for encouraging me to train and riding beside me on long runs

Mom - for all her help with fundraising and Saturday runs in Roxbury with breakfast afterwards

Debbie - for watching Devon and Julia while I do my long runs

Al and Corrine - for joining me on long runs and reminding me to start slow

Mark, Fran and Pat - for their help at CUNO