
Apr 24th, 2002: Added news from the European Championships to the site. Mony qualified for two event finals =)!
Aug 2nd, 2001:Sorry about the lack of updates. Added new pics from the 2001 national training camp. I will try to get better about it and spend more time on the site.
Nov 22nd: After talking to Enrico Casella, the head coach fro Brixia, I decided to leave this as Monica's home page. Individual gymnast pages will be added to Brescia's home page soon.
Nov 4th: Added two new pics from Sydney. Routines for Ilaria Cortinovis & Monica Sacchi should be up soon.
Nov 3rd: Changed the website layout to reflect the fact this is an official site for Brescia gymnastics. It has been for a while; it just had the wrong name until now :o).
Oct 4th: Brand new layout (and lots of broken links I'll eventually fix). Also new pics from Sydney.