Tiger Sharks Players

#1 Alex Fomitchev - on loan from Asheville Smoke (UHL);was #30;recalled by Edmonton;sent back down;Nathan Grobins - waived

#4 Rick Hayward - number changed to 8 (in the middle of a game no less =p);wavied so he could play with Anchorage Aces;Brent Pope - traded to Florida

#5 Simon Tremblay - injured (bicep);playing again

#6 Ryan Risidore - assigned by Hamilton;recalled;Daniel Payette - number changed to 25

#7 Kurt Drummond - recalled by Hamilton;sent back down

#9 Todd Kidd - injured

#10 Michael Ryder - assigned by Quebec - bio added

#12 Michael Henrich - assigned by Hamilton - bio added;John Varga - placed on IR;playing again;called up and sent to Peoria

#14 JF Houle - slightly injured (shoulder);playing again;recovering from shoulder surgery;playing again

#15 Patrick Gingras - suspended for 5 games;playing again;injured;playing again;on league suspension for 3 games;called up;sent back down to Tally;injured

#16 Darren McAusland - injured (broken nose);playing again;placed on IR

#17 Ben Guite

#18 Benoit Dusablon;Kent Paterson - waived

#19 Andrew Long - recalled by Hamilton;reassigned to Tallahassee;injured;playing again

#20 Adam Copeland - injured in practice (now missing a few upper teeth);Stan Reddick - waived

#21 Olivier Morin - injured (concussion and cut above eye);playing again;slightly injured in collision with Copey;injured 1/27/01 (cut b/w eye and under one eye;supposedly doing okay though);injured (hit in knee with puck;still playing)

#22 Brent Cullaton - injured (badly bruised ankle);playing again;not playing because of ankle;playing again;injured;suspended 2 games for firing puck at ref in Augusta

#24 Jim Baxter

#25 Daniel Payette - was #6;recalled by Quebec (grrrr);sent back down;injured in fight (concussion);technically recalled (still in Tallahassee,but on Quebec's roster);Martin Menard - recalled by Hamilton;assigned to Columbus Cottonmouths

#27 Jared Smyth - recalled by Hamilton;back in Tallahassee;injured (took a nose-dive into the boards);still playing

#28 Marc-Andre Gaudet - injured (stitches above eye and slight concussion);playing again;scored first professional goal on 02/20/01

#29 Mitch Fritz - injured (groin);playing again (sparingly);called up;sent back down;injured again (nose)

#30 Christian Bronsard - assigned from Quebec Citadelles;recalled by Quebec;sent down again;called up;assigned again;recalled;assigned to Tally again;recalled;playing for us again;recalled to Quebec;Chad Mehlenbacher - released (???!!!!);Alex Fomitchev - Edmonton Oilers assigned him to Asheville Smoke (UHL);now #1

#31 Aren Miller;Evan Lindsay - recalled by Quebec;sent back down;slightly injured;recalled;re-assigned;assigned by Quebec to Asheville (UHL)

#44 David Thibeault

#55 Brandon Sugden - assigned by the Worcester IceCats (AHL);recalled;traded for cash;banned by league for swinging/throwing stick at a fan

#xx Darcy Harris

#xx Joel Theriault - assigned by Hamilton;indefinitely suspended for illegal check in Mobile game on 10/26/00;league ruled for five-game suspension,the last game being against Mobile on Dec.9;returning home to train during suspension;decided to retire

#xx Chris LaFace - signed;released

#xx Mike Lenarduzzi

94-95 Players | 95-96 Players | 96-97 Players | 97-98 Players | 98-99 Players | 99-00 Players

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Updated on April 30th,10:00pm EST.
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