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Weapons Training Tapes

Practical Knife Fighting,Vol.1

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An excellent introduction to defence with a knife.
Reviewer: A reader from Seatac, Wa. November 17, 1999
There is a lot of hype out there about knife fighting, some of it will get you killed. This video is not about hype. It is an excellent introduction to an extremely unpleasant topic: using a knife to defend yourself. Having viewed a lot of martial arts instructional videos, I can state that, in my opinion, Mr. Worden is one of the best video instructors out there. He has a knack for taking difficult and complex concepts and breaking them down into simple and easily learned steps. Not only is the quality of the techniques taught good, the production quality is also good, compared to some of the martial arts teaching tapes I've seen.
The only detraction from this tape is his use of profanity. I first started it with my small children in the room. I had to stop the tape and send them off to play elsewhere.

Practical Knife Fighting,Vol.2

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Pukulan Pentjak Silat:Devestating Art

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Must have!!!!!
Reviewer: A reader October 26, 1999
I have watched this video about 100 times and each time I pick up something new. He shows techniques in an amazingly straight forward, simple, intuitive, and instructive way.

Filipino Arnis Stick, Hand and Knife Defenses: Self Defense and Martial Arts Videos

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The Secrets of Martial Arts Weapons: Nunchaku

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Fundamentals of Nunchaku

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Modern Arnis Vol#1

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Modern Arnis Vol#2

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Modern Arnis Vol#3

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The devestating Filipino art of Arnis is taught to you by world renowned expert Remy Presas. This 3 Volume tape set is a must for anyone interested in Arnis.

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