Ultimate Fighting Championship Video Tapes
Order UFC Video's Here.Tapes are in NTSC format. All prices are in U.S dollars. Worldwide shipping.All major credit cards accepted.Secure online ordering.

Order UFC1 tape hereThe one that started it all. Features Royce Gracie, Ken Shamrock, Pat Smith, Gerard Gordeau,Art Jimmerson,Kevin Rosier, Zane Frazier,Telia Tuli. The early UFC's were the most brutal. Own a part of history.
Order UFC2 tape hereRoyce Gracie, Minoki Ichihara, Pat Smith, Scott Morris, Fred Ettish, Johnny Rhodes, Orlando Viet, Remco Pardoel,Jason Delucia. Features the bloody Smith vs Morris match and the infamous Fred Ettish v Johnny Rhodes match. A must see.
Order UFC3 tape here Royce Gracie, Kimo Leopolodo, Felix Mitchell,Roland Payne, Keith Hackney, Emmanuel Yarborough, Ken Shamrock, Chris Leninger, Harold Howard, Steve Jennum and others. Features the famous Keith Hackney vs 600lb Emmanuel Yarborough match and the Royce Gracie vs Kimo battle.
Order UFC4 tape herePrice:$8.99
Royce Gracie, Dan Severn, Anthony Macias, Joe Son, Marcus Bossett, Melton Bowen, Ron Van Clief, Keith Hackney and others. The first appearance of Dan "The Beast" Severn.
Order UFC5 tape hereThe return of "The Beast", Dan Severn, Oleg Taktarof, John Hess, Andy Anderson, Joe Charles, Todd Medina, Ernie Verdicia.Features the superfight between Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock.
Order UFC6 tape hereThe first appearance of David "Tank" Abbott. John Matua, Tank Abbott, Paul Varleans, Oleg Taktarof, Dave Beneteau, Rudyard Mancayo, Pat Smith Features Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock superfight.
Order UFC7 tape here First appearance of Marco Ruas. Features Paul Varelans, Marco Ruas, Ryan Parker, Joe Charles, Harold Howard,Ryan Parker, Superfight Oleg Taktarof vs Ken Shamrock.
Order Ultimate Ultimate tape hereThe best fighters from the first 7 UFC's meet to determine who is the best. Severn, Abbott, Hackney, Ruas, Taktarov, Jennum , Varelans, Beneteau,
Order UFC8 tape hereFrye, Ferrozo, Hererra,Morreira and others
Order UFC9 tape hereDon Frye, Mark Hall, Kato Katoa, Matt Anderson, Severn vs Shamrock lots more.
Order UFC10 tape hereMark Coleman, Moti Horenstein, Mark Hall, Don Frye, Brian Johnstone, Scott Feidler, Gary Goodridge, John Campetella more.
Order UFC11 tape hereBrian Johnstone, Reza Nasri, Mark Coleman, Juan Sanchez , Sam Adkins, Scott Ferroza, Jerry Bohlander, Fabio Gurgel more.
Order UFC12 tape hereJerry Bohlander, Rainy Martinez, Yoshiki Takaha, Tra Telligman, Vitor Belfort, Chris Mullen, Scott Ferrozzo, Dan Severn vs Mark Coleman
Order UFC13 tape here Mezger,Leninger,Inoue,Grahm, Stepanov, Couture, Hame, Belfort vs Ferroza
Order UFC14 tape hereJackson,Frykland,Morriera,Bobish,Johnston.Mark Coleman vs Maurice Smith
Order UFC15 tape hereMoskowitz,Hunter,Dorr,Cason, Belfort vs Couture, Maurice Smith vs Tank Abbott
Order Ultimate Japan hereTank Abbott, Yoji Anjoh, Sakuraba, Conan Silviera, Frank Shamrock vs Kevin Jackson, Maurice Smith vs Randy Couture
Order UFC16 hereA viewer from Ohio , August 22, 1999:
Good fighting action!
Great fights! The light weight tournament is a treat, as all the fighters
show great skill, even when they lose. Townsend Saunders looks
good to me, but not to the judges. Also, Kosahka looks very
impressive against Kimo, and the Bohlander/Jackson fight is excellent.
Finally, the Frank Shamrock fight was very short and very exciting.
Great addition to anyone's UFC collection.
Order UFC17 here
UFC 17 marks the return of former champ Mark Coleman, who seemed to lack the spark he had during his championship reign. This fight was against Ken Shamrock trained fighter Pete Willliams, and ends with a surprising result. Other fights on the card such as Tank Abbott vs Hugo Duarte keep matters interesting as well as the skill level has grown immensely over the years, developing the UFC into a growing true sport of mixed martial arts.
Order UFC Brazil here
Jamal Alsaqer (jamaaaal@hotmail.com) from Norman,
OK, USA , August 11, 1999:
A fantastic UFC!
The Tank Abbot-Pedro Rizzo fight alone makes this a worthwhile
purchase. Frank Shamrock and Vitor Belfort are also extremely
impressive in this video. Some of the best fights in the UFC to date.
You have to include this in your collection.
Order UFC Night Of Champions here
Whitfield from Durham, NC USA , August 3, 1999
Lots of action little talk, Finally!
Finally a UFC where you don't have to hit the Fast- Forward button.
Missing a few good fights, but we finally get to see Frank Shamrock's
third title defense. A must have for any UFC fan.
Order UFC18 The Road to the Heavyweight here
Order Ufc Ultimate Shamrock here
Featuring the UFC's young hot shots. See the famous bout between Tank Abbot protege Tito Ortiz and Guy Mezger from Ken Shamrocks Lions Den
Order UFC19: Young Guns here
Order UFC20:The Battle For Gold here
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