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Indonesian Language Resources

BS00627A.gif (2301 bytes)Bahasa Indonesia in 7 Days (M. Bordt and L. Seram)

Tired of the near-useless phrasebooks? Exhausted with all the over-detailed grammar books? Need results fast? This is the starting point: Bahasa Indonesia in 7 Days (not necessarily consecutive) by Michael Bordt and Liswati Seram is an 18-page handbook with essential phrases, words and guide to pronunciation. Note: this links you to a VEry larGE web page. It will take some time to load and it will be difficult to print. If you want to print, download the PDF version.

We now have Bahasa Indonesia in 7 Days in Russian (HTML, PDF) thanks to Roman Laryushin. (Added August 5, 2003)

HH01532A.gif (1581 bytes)Indonesia-English and English-Indonesia Online Dictionaries

An in-the works Indonesian-English and English-Indonesian basic dictionary. This includes over 1,600 selected English and Indonesian vocabulary. The words have been chosen as the most useful ones for building your vocabulary.

English-Indonesian Dictionary
Indonesian English Dictionary

HH01532A.gif (1581 bytes)Kamus online Indonesia-Inggeris dan Inggeris-Indonesia

Sebuah kamus Indonesia-Inggeris dan Inggeris-Indonesia, masih sedang perkejaan. Kamus-kamus ini termasuk lebih dari 1,600 kata-kata terpilih. Kata-kata ini dipilih sebagai yang paling berguna untuk membesarkan perbendaharaan kata Anda.

Kamus Inggeris-Indonesia
Kamus Indonesia-Inggeris

WB01518_.gif (392 bytes)Indonesian Spell Checker

A real Word97 bahasa Indonesia spell-checker. It has over 11,000 words. Download indo.zip. It's not perfect yet but it can spot lots of common errors. Click here for information on installing it.

The WordPerfect 5.1 version is still available. Click here.

WB01518_.gif (392 bytes)Pemeriksa pengejaan

Pemeriksa pengejaan untuk Word 97. Ini mengandung lebih dari 11,000 kata. Coba download indo.zip. Kalau mau penerangan tentang instalasi, klik disini.

Versi WordPerfect 5.1 masih ada. Klik disini.

Other bahasa Indonesia sources

Other Indonesia links

  • Bali Info For You: Everything about Indonesia Bali and Lombok, Bali information, Bali hotels, villas, accommodation, Bali travel, Bali culture, to Bali products and Bali travel forum.

Michael Bordt
Ottawa, Canada
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Last Modified: Monday January 19, 2004
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