Chundersong 1592by Michael Bordt (and about 122
contributors to the Chunder List). -1- a, ab, abs, aim, air, all, an, and, ants, arf, arrrrr, arse, art, as, at, ate, ATM, back, backs, bad, bag, bail, ball, balls, bank, barf, bark, batch, Bay, be, beach, beads, beans, bear, beef, beer, beet, beets, beg, belch, bend, Bert, best, big, bile, bilge, Bill, bird, birds, birth, bit, bits, Bjork!, Blair, blanch, blarf, blast, blecch, blood, blot, blow, blows, blue, boak, bobble, bock, bok, boke, bolk, bomb, bool, boot, booth, Bordt!, borscht, bounce, bow, bowl, brack, Braille, brain:, brak, brake, bread, break, breath, bring, broach, broar, broth, brunch, brych, buck, Buick, Buicks, bulk, bumps, bundle, burp, bus, bush, bust, buy, bwaf, by, c*nt, cack, call, camp, can, cars, case, cash, cast, cat, catch, chad, chain, cheer, cheese, chew, chip, chips, chirp, chmod, choke, choom, chortle, chow, choy, Chuck, chuckle, chug, chum, Chunk, chunks, church, churds, churn, clam, clean, clear, close, cock, com, come, cook, core, corn, cotch, cough, Count, course, craw, cream, create, cry, cud, curl, dance, dash, date, day, deal, death, den, depths, di, Dick, didn't, die, diet, do, dog, dogs, doin', doing, Don, done, door!, dough, down, drain, drains, draw, dregs, dribble, drink, drive, drop, drown, dry, ducks, due, Duke, dump, Dutch, Earl, East, eat, eats, eggs, eight, el, Erp, faith, far, fark, fart, feed, feel, feet, fetch, few, fight, fill, fire, fish, five, flail, flash, flay, flight, fling, floor, flow, flu, flush, flux, Fly, flyer, flying, foam, fondle, food, for, Ford, forth, foul, found, four, franks, free, friends, fries, from, front, fruit, fur, gack, gag, gak, galp, game, gargle, garp, gears, George, get, gift, giggle, give, glutz, go, gobble, God, God!, gods, gold, good, goodge, gork, got!, grass, grease, great, green, grin, grits, ground, group, groups, growl, grub, gudge, guff, gulch, gums, gurgle, gurp, gush, gut, guts, guzzle, hack, hag, ham, hand, hang, hard, harf, hash, have, hawk, head, heads, heart, heave, heist, hell, Herb, here, herf, herk, high, hit, Ho, hock, hoist, hole, home, honk, hoops, horf, hork, hors, hos, hose, hot, house, howl, hug, Hugh, huke, hum, hurk, Hurl, I, ice, in, ink, is, Isle, it, it's, Jack, jerk, John, judge, jump, junk, just, kark, kcuf, keck, keeps, kill, kilt, kind, kiss, kneel, know, kotz, krave, kvas, la, lap, last, late, laugh, launch, lav, lawn, lay, leave, less, let, lick, life, lift, like, lions, lips, little, load, lob, long, look, lord!, lose, loss, love, lumps, lunch, lung, lurch, MAD, made, main, make, man, map, march, marf, mark, Mash, me, meal, meals, meet, mein, mes, milk, mince, mine, mint, mints, mix, moan, mode, moon, moose, mop!, more, mouth, move, mug, mulch, munch, mung, my, n, New, night, night's, NT, nux, oats, of, off, oh, old, on, one, ooze, or, out, own, oww, paint, park, past, pay, PBS:, pea, people, perk, ph!, phlegm, phone, pick, pickle, pie, pile, piss, pitch, plant, play, plead, pledge, plus, point, pool, poop, pop, Pope, pork, pot, pour, praise, pray, preach, puck, puddle, puke, pull, pump, purge, Purple, push, put, quake, quid, rail, Rain, Ral, Ralph, Ralph!, reach, read, real, retch, ride, ring, ring!, ripple, roach, road, rolf, roll, Rolph, room, rope, rorrrrrkkkk!, ruke, rupe, Ruth, sack, said, sample, sauce, say, scale, scat, school, scream, sea, seal, seals, search, seat, see, self, sell, send, serve, set, Shanks, share, she, shit, shite, shoes, shoot, shot, shout, show, shpew, shunk, shuttle, sick, sign, sing, sink, skat, skins, slam, sleep, sling, slop, slurp, smile, snack, snacks, snarf, snarp, sneeze, snot, some, song, soul, soup, soup's, Space, spackle, speak, speech, speed, spend, speuge, spew, spewth, spill, spit, splash, splat, split, splong, splooge, splurge, spot, spout, spray, spread, sprinkle, sprout, spuds, spuewwwwww, spule, spunge, spurt, squirt, stand, Starr, starve, state, steal, steel, stew, stool, straight, strain, street, strike, stump, style, sub, sucks!, surf, surge, sweep, swill, swim, t-i-h-s, take, talk, tap, tarts, taste, team, tear, teeth, temple, ten, test, th', thank, thanks, thar, that, that's, the, their, thing, things, This, three, throat, throne, through, throw, thrust, tickle, tile, time, to, too, toss, Tots, town, trail, trash, tree, tripe, trout, truck, tub, Tums, tune, turn, twice, two, téléphone, ug, Uist, UK, uke, Uncle, up, up!, urge, url, urp, urrrp!, use, uuh, val, vault, vem, vent, verp, view, voice, void, vom, vome, vote, vu, vurp, wah, wail, wall, waltz, wamble, waste, watch, wave, wax, way, we, wealth, weight, well, werble, wet, whale, wharf, what, when, while, whip, whisk, whistle, white, whoops!, whork, wild, win, wish, with, wok, wolf, woof, worf, work, world, wrestle, wretch, wrong, www, Wyatt, XP, yabble, yack, yak, yank, yap, yark, yarp, yatch, yawn, yell, yer, yib, yog, York, yorp, yuck, Yuke, yurk, zit, zook, zoot, zuke, |dick, -2- a bag, a batch, a belch, a bile, a bit, a Buick, a bush, a call, a cat, a chunk, a dog, a few, a food, a Ford, a fur, a gift, a hot, a long, a lung, a map, a puke, a real, a seal, a street, a swim, a vote, a-Bordt, abuse, accounts, acid, address, adrift, aerial, after, ahoy, air out, air the, airline, akdov, Alan's, all come, all due, all things, Allah, also, altar, and a, and bile, and Earl, and gag, and hurl, and ice, and Ralph, and scat, and send, and The, and urp, anthem, ants some, anus, aren't, Arial, art in, as a, ashtray, aside, assets, at Ralph, at spot, at the, attack, audience, audit, Augie, away, baby, back seat, back the, backfire, backs of, backup, backwards, backwash, bad cough, bail out, bail the, ballad, barf mulch, barf up, barf-bags, bark at, bark like, bark n, bark up, basin, batch of, bathroom, batter, bazza, be a, be as, be let, be sick, be the, bear dance, become, beer belch, beet to, before, beg God, belch it, belch too, belches, belvis, bend and, Beola!, berley, Bert and, best food, better, Beulah, bhluuuugh, big spit, big wah, big white, bile brunch, bile pile, Bile plus, bile surf, biolence, birth to, biscuits, bit by, bit of, bit spit, Blair scale, blecch thanks, blevis, blocked!, blot test, blow a, blow beans, blow beets, blow bile, blow chow, blow chum, blow chunks, blow eats, blow foam, blow grits, blow it, blow lunch, blow oats, blow stew, blowby, blue chip, blue-cheese, bok choy, bolus, bomber, bommel, boogie, boot camp, boot in, bottom, bow down, bow out, bow to, bowel, bowels, bowl love, bowl ring!, boycott, braaaaccchhhhhhhh, brack out, break bulk, breakfast, brechen, bring back, bring forth, bring it, bring out, bring the, bring up, broadcast, brokchen, Brooklyn, brown-nose, Brrrrrrrrroooom!, bucket, buckets, Buddha, buffer, buffet, Buicks to, bundle out, bungee, burp and, burp bits, burp borscht, burp churds, burp for, burp spit, burp with, bush thing, bushes, bushit, butter, buy a, buy the, by Count, by the, cabbage, cakes, call Bay, call Bert, call Bill, call Buicks, call by, call Chuck, call Earl, call for, call Ford, call God, call Herb, call Hugh, call lawn, call long, call on, call Ralph, call Ruth, call the, call to, call Uncle, camels, caress, cargo, carpet, carrot, carrots, cascade, cash out, cast up, cat to, catch it, cavern, ceiling, chamar, Chamber, chandu, charges, Charlie, chasers, Cheerios, cheese balls, chemo, chew my, chew the, chicken, chili, China, Chinese, choke on, chopped, chortle chunks, chortle up, chow mein, Chow of, chowder, choy broth, Christmas, chuck a, Chuck on, chuck up, chuck yer, chucker, chuckle chunks, Chuckles, chum for, chum the, chunder, chunkeys, chunkin', chunks of, chunky, churn some, churn the, City, clean house, clean the, clear the, clearage, clearance, clipboard, close for, coaster, cockroach, colon, come out, come up, comes, comes!, comin', coming, commit, commode, commune, conduct, connect, conscience, contents, cook for, cook up, cookie, cookies, copy, core dump, corn sack, corner, cough chunks, cough up, coughing, crapo, cream of, creamed, creamy, create a, critters, crunches, crustless, cry Ruth, cubes, curl and, custard, dance with, dash the, dashboard, day off, de-fresh, death moan, debut, decree, defer, defood, deja, deluxe, deplete, depths of, despatch, detrude, devils, diced, didn't get, didn't make, din-din, dinner, discard, discharge, disgorge, dislodge, Disney, dispatch, display, distance, divest, divulge, do a, do some, do the, dog to, doggy, doin' the, doing the, dolphins, Dolton, Don Ho, done with, doughnuts, down the, download, dragon, dragons, drain aim, drain the, drain to, drainage, draw off, dribble phlegm, drive the, drivel, drop a, drop the, drown the, dry boke, dry heave, dry krave, dry or, Duke of, dump core, dump the, dunny, dìobhuir, Earl in, Earl on, Earl to, East and, easy, eating, echo, edible, effuse, egest, Eggo, egress, eject, elgen, embrace, emit, empty, enjoy, entrails, error, eruct, erupt, Europe, even, excern, excess, excrete, exhale, exit, expel, expend, export, expulse, exspew, extrude, faces, facial, facin', faith in, fark com, fecal, feed some, feed the, feedback, feel the, Fester, few friends, fill the, fill up, finger, fingers, fire out, fire the, fish food, flail the, flash the, flavour, fling floor, floor pie, flowage, flowers, flushing, flying chunks, focus, follow, fondle the, fondue, food fight, food flight, food flow, food for, food groups, food rope, food shuttle, food to, Fooorrrrd!!!, footpath, for a, for George, for Herb, for my, for Ralph, for the, Ford from, forth the, forward, foul the, found on, fountain, four food, frapper, fratboy, free the, frequent, friendly, friends off, friends Ralph, fries more, from down, from hell, from the, from their, front door!, fubar, funny, fur ball, Gaelic?, gag in, gag splat, garden, gargle the, gargoyle, gasket, gastric, George n, George on, German, get a, get bit, get on, get sick, get the, geyser, gherkin, gift that, gift to, giggle chunks, giggle in, giggle to, girlfriend's, give a, give an, give birth, give it, give out, give the, give up, give vent, giving, gizzard, glargie, glutton, go for, go green, go have, go to, gobble bobble, God on, God while, God! This, goddess, good beer, good in, goodbye, goodness, gooey, gork up, gorrel, gotta, gouda, goulash, gravel, gravy, great abs, great white, growl at, growl splash, gums look, gurgle song, gurgling, gush quid, gut dump, gut flush, gut paint, gut-gruel, guts at, guts out, guts up, guts up!, gutter, hack a, hack and, hack eggs, hack it, hack n, hack some, hack up, haggis, hang a, hang chad, hard way, have a, have an, have lunch, have the, hawk to, hawking, head a, hearing, heart up, heave dry, heave ho, heaven, heaves, heavin', heist the, hello, Herb Bordt!, Herb on, Herbert, here it, Here's, hiccup, hit the, ho and, Ho heave, ho hos, hock up, hoist chow, holler, Holy, homage, honk up, hooark, horf it, hork some, hork the, hose down, hose vom, hostile, hot lunch, howl at, Huey, hug the, hugging, Hughie, hum chow, hunger, hurlage, Hurley, hurpey, ice cream, idol, in a, in Braille, in bush, in hole, in sign, in the, in this, in time, induce, ink blot, innards, inner, input, inside, insult, intake, inverse, is good, Isle of, issue, it all, it back, it on, it out, it to, it up, Jack Chow, Jacob, jelly, jenbec, jerk out, Jersey, Jesus, John on, Johnny?, juca, jump shot, junk food, just said, karaoke, Keeblers, keeps on, kind of, kiss the, kisses, Kiwi, kneeling, Kohler, kotsen, l'barfo, la téléphone, lacheln, lancer, language, lap lung, last meal, last night's, last sub, late for, laugh at, laughter, launch lunch, launch the, leave a, leave an, leave lunch, leave trail, leggo, let blood, let it, let out, let the, lick the, lift off, like a, Linda, lipshits, liquid, little people, load up, loogie, look at, look for, look out, look real, lose faith, lose it, lose lunch, lose some, lose weight, love in, love to, lumpy, lunch flux, lunch fly, lunch free, lunch lift, lunch the, lunch twice, lunch with, lurch in, macack, made of, make a, make an, make chow, make food, make it, make love, make room, make some, make street, make the, malign, mama's, man out, mana, manhole, manual, mark the, markers, Mary, master, mating, McNuggets, meal deal, meal to, meals past, mealtime, meatloaf, medal, mediate, meet my, meeting, melo, menu, message, Midland, Mimi, miracle, mirror, mission, mix a, modem, modern, Monday, monkey, Monster, monsters, mother, motion, mouth fart, mouth stew, mouth to, mouthful, mouthwash, move the, mug the, multi, munch the, muntah, mushroom, my friends, my fries, my lips, n bile, n Bjork!, n park, Nations, nausea, New York, night with, O'Rourke, oatmeal, of bile, of Earl, of Hurl, of meals, of pot, of shite, of spew, of spewth, of the, of Uist, of vom, of work, of York, off at, offer, offload, oh rorrrrrkkkk!, old man, on a, on chunks, on it, on me, on the, only, open, or corn, oral, order, organ, Orkney, out of, out some, out the, output, oval, over, paint a, paint the, painting, pancake, parbreak, parfait, paring, park the, party, past the, Patrol, payload, PBS: Puke, pea soup, pea spew, pebbles, peptic, perbrake, perbreak, perfect, perform, perkin, peter, phlegm and, photo, phrase!, pick up, pie hole, pieces, piles, pipes, pissing, pitch a, pizza, pizzas, plant beets, plant lawn, plaster, play at, play the, play with, point one, polish, pollock, pop a, porridge, post-bottle, pot pie, potar, pour forth, pour out, power, practice, praise the, praises, pray at, pray to, prayer, preach it, prepare, pretty, princess, prison, pristine, product, program, propel, protein, provoke, puke bomb, pull a, pulpit, pump chunks, pureed, purge a, purge the, Purple Rain, push-ups, put a, quease, queen, Queen's, racist, rail mung, rainbow, Ral ph!, Ralph and, Ralph at, Ralph Bert, Ralph in, Ralph on, Ralph the, Ralph to, Ralph! from, re-do, reaction, read my, read the, real close, real meal, reboot, rebound, rebut, recall, rectal, recycle, reduce, refund, regreet, reject, release, relief, relive, rented, repaint, repeat, report, rerun, respect, respew, results, retaste, retro, return, reunion, reverse, review, rewind, rhubarb, ride the, road kill, road stew, rockets, roller, Roman, room for, roommate, rosco, rouge's, round-trip, Royal, rubber, Rufus, ruke to, Ruth on, said a, salad, salut, sawdust, school lunch, Scottish, scream a, scream at, scream beets, scream chunks, scream in, scream to, seals arrrrr, search the, second, seconds, secret, secrete, see lunch, Seinfeld, sell a, sell Buicks, sell cars, sell the, selling, send a, send it, send off, send out, send to, sender, sensible, serve some, serve up, set out, seven, shaq-fu, share lunch, share snack, share the, share to, she blows, shipment, shit hurl, shit in, shite on, shiting, shoot mouth, shoot the, shootin', shores, shout at, shout to, shovel, show the, show up, shunder, sick as, sick to, sick up, sickness, sing lunch, sing the, sing to, sixties, slabber, slam barf, slaver, slider, sling beets, slingshot, slobber, slop bring, sloppy, slubber, sluices, slurp burp, sneeze cheese, sneeze chunks, snorkel, solid, solo, some ab, some chunks, some cream, some soup, some stew, sound-off, soup in, soup spout, soup's up, sousou, speak in, speak to, special, speed bumps, spend the, spew chips, spew chunks, spew forth, spew snacks, spew soup, spew spuds, spew the, spew up, spewage, spewing, spill a, spill out, spill the, spinning, spit bits, spit cheese, spit chips, spit do, spit have, spit tarts, spit up, splatter, split pea, splutter, spot the, spout fruit, spray chum, spray chunks, spray do, spray paint, spread the, sputter, sputum, squeeze, stainless, stand on, state of, states, steel god, stomach, story, straight from, street art, stripy, success, super, supper, surf the, surfers, surprise, swallow, sweep out, swill to, swimming, syndrome, system, t-i-h-s shit, tacos, take the, taking, talk on, talk to, talk trash, talk with, talking, target, taste lunch, taste road, taste the, tastes, Tater, temple of, ten on, test the, th' little, thank the, thanks to, thar she, that keeps, that last, that's Dutch, the abs, the ants, the ATM, the back, the backs, the beach, the bear, the big, the bilge, the birds, the Buick, the bus, the bush, the can, the cat, the cud, the day, the depths, the dog, the dogs, the down, the drains, the dregs, the ducks, the Duke, the East, the fish, the floor, the flu, The Fly, the food, the four, the franks, the front, the gift, the gold, the grass, the great, the ground, the grub, the gums, the gurgle, the hard, the ho, the in, the Isle, the kilt, the lav, the lawn, the less, the lions, the load, the lumps, the lunch, the main, the meal, the moon, the moose, the mop!, the mouth, the mulch, the night, the night's, the oats, the old, the pea, the pool, the Pope, the pork, the rail, the roach, the sack, the seals, the shuttle, the sink, the soup, The Space, the Starr, the street, the swill, the tap, the temple, the throat, the tile, the town, the tripe, the Tums, the UK, the vault, the wall, the wave, the wealth, the whale, the white, the wild, the wok, the wrong, the yak, the Yuke, thing a, This sucks!, this world, thousand, three point, throat piss, throat the, throller, through the, throw a, throw cheese, throw off, throw out, throw the, throw up, thrust mode, ticket, tides, tiger, tigers, time to, timov, to be, to blow, to bock, to brain:, to Chuck, to die, to do, to Earl, to flying, to go, to God, to great, to have, to Herb, to John, to laugh, to MAD, to make, to poop, to Ralph, to Ralph!, to Ruth, to say, to sprinkle, to th', to the, toenails, tofu, toilet, Tokyo, tongue, tongues, tonsil, tonsils, too far, Tory, toss a, toss chow, toss chunks, toss to, toss up, toss what, total, Tots from, touched, tourist, town green, tractor, tribute, trophy, trousers, tryout, Tums in, tuna, turbo, turkey, turn on, u-turn, uh-oh!, Ulrich, un-drink, un-eat, Uncle Dick, Uncle Ralph, under, undo, union, unlade, unleash, unload, unpack, unship, up a, up and, up chunks, up for, up late, up some, up the, up to, upchuck, upload, upon, upstream, upward, urge to, urp slop, USA, use the, vamit, vent to, Violence, violent, visible, visit, vittles, volcan, vomish, vomit, vortex, vote brak, vowels, vu of, vuelvo, vurp when, wah the, walking, waltz with, Warhol, waste good, watch my, water, waters, wave of, wax the, we go, we-wow, weight loss, wet burp, wet giggle, wet laugh, wet yawn, wharf to, what is, Where's, whip the, whisk off, whisper, whistle a, whistle beef, whistle chunks, white bank, white bus, white church, white foam, white god, white hoops, white phone, whoo-splat!, whork a, wild oats, willies, win the, Windows, wish to, wishing, with a, with all, with it, with or, with Ralph, with speed, with the, with white, without, woof-up, work the, worship, wrestle sea, wretch gag, written, wrong tree, www fark, Wyatt Erp, yakkin', yank on, yap and, yawn for, yawn in, yeech, yell at, yell down, yell for, yell New, yer chum, yo-yo, yodel, yoggage, yoghurt, York at, yorkel, you, you've, youlk, young, your, Yuke of, Zealand, -3- a batch of, a belch too, a better, a bit of, a call on, a call to, a carrot, a cat to, a chunder, a copy, a corner, a crustless, a decree, a dog to, a few friends, a follow, a food fight, a food rope, a Ford from, a fountain, a fur ball, a gargoyle, a gasket, a gastric, a gift to, a hot lunch, a loogie, a message, a mouthful, a perfect, a peter, a pizza, a pollock, a pretty, a racist, a rainbow, a refund, a Roman, a round-trip, a Royal, a seven, a slider, a solid, a stomach, a surprise, a tiger, a trophy, aaaaarrrrrrr!, ab crunches, absolute, acceptance, accident, aerial bile, air entrails, air out the, airsickness, all come out, all over, all you, all you've, allegiance, also for, altar of, amino, amita, amphitheatre, an oral, and a bit, and away, and Earl in, and Herbert, and Huey, and ice cream, and The Space, and worship, and you, another, anrufen, anthem of, anti-poop, anus out, appetize, aren't made, Armitage, art in the, as a cat, as a dog, as written, asshole's, assignment, asterisks, at Ralph in, at spot the, at the ants, at the dog, at the fish, at the floor, at the grass, at the great, at the ground, at the lawn, at the lions, at the moon, at the pool, at the sink, at the temple, at your, Australian, away we, baby birds, baby food, bail the rail, ballistic, barf up a, Barf-ula, bark at the, bark like a, bark n park, bark painting, bark turkey, Bay City, bazza glutz, bbrrrraaaaacccccckkkkkk, be a food, be let out, become a, beer ballad, before the, beg God while, belch chasers, belch it out, belch too far, belches with, bend and send, berley fish, better the, better view, Beulah George, big spit do, big wah the, big white bus, big white phone, bile baby, bile breakfast, bile-ence, birth to flying, bit by Count, bit of vom, blecch thanks to, blocked! take, blow acid, blow biscuits, blow breakfast, blow buckets, blow chowder, blow chunder, blow cookies, blow din-din, blow doughnuts, blow it out, blow liquid, blow oatmeal, blow your, blue-cheese breath, bok choy broth, boot in bush, bottom of, bounce rubber, bow before, bow to the, bowl plaster, brack out the, brain: uh-oh!, bread upon, bring back the, bring forth the, bring it up, bring the mop!, bring up some, broadcast to, Broadcasting, brown-nose it, Buchanan, buckets of, Buicks over, Buicks to Chuck, bulemeate, Bulemia, bulimic, bulk shipment, burp and a, burp and urp, burp for the, burp solid, burp with a, bus Brrrrrrrrroooom!, bush bomber, bush breakfast, bush thing a, bust your, buy a Ford, buy the Buick, by-products, call Beola!, call Chuck on, call Europe, call for George, call for Herb, call Herb on, call Huey, call Jacob, call Jesus, call O'Rourke, call on the, call Ralph on, call Ruth on, call the dog, call the moose, call the seals, call to Ralph!, call to the, call Uncle Ralph, Cantonese, caress the, carrot mine, carrot or, carrots and, cars Fooorrrrd!!!, case before, cash out the, cast adrift, cast your, cat to be, catch it on, cavern for, cavitate, ceiling with, chain reaction, chemo diet, chemo gift, chew backwards, chew my fries, chew the cud, chicken in, china bowl, China gods, China sea, chip special, choke on chunks, chortle up the, Chow of York, chowder blow, Christmas cheer, Chuck on the, chuck yer chum, chuck your, chucker out, chum the fish, Chunder and, chunder down, chunder from, chunderchunk, chunderful, chunderin', chunderous, chunderspew, Chunk Chunder, chunkeroo, chunks ahoy, chunks of shite, chunky blast, chunky puddle, chunky soup, churn the fish, clam chowder, clean the backs, clear the throat, clear your, colon feel, coloured, come up the, comes up, comin' back, coming to, commune with, conato, conduct a, conduct an, confetti, connect the, connection, consequence, contents of, cook for the, cook up a, cookie dough, cookie toss, copy of, corporate, cough critters, cough cubes, cough up a, cough up chunks, cough your, course pureed, Coventry, crapo the, creamed corn, crunches the, cry Mary, cudgates, curl and hurl, d'oeuvres, debut at, decorate, deja food, deja spew, deja vu, deliver, deplete the, deposit, depths of the, desecrate, diarrhoea, didn't get the, didn't make it, diet success, different, digestion, digestive, dinner for, dinner in, dinner is, dinner mince, dinner mint, dinner mints, dinner thanks, dinosaurs, disbowel, discharge the, discomfort, discourage, display the, distance on, disturbance, do a bush, do some ab, dog to be, doggy bag, doin' the bear, doing the bush, Dolton hug, Don Ho heave, done with it, down before, down the big, down the throat, down the vault, down under, downsizing, drain the main, drain to the, drive the big, drive the Buick, drive the bus, drop a few, drop chowder, drown the ants, dry heaves, due respect, Duke of Hurl, dump the load, Earl in a, Earl on the, easy way, eat backwards, Edinburgh, eeeeewww!, effuse the, egest to, eject a, elephants, embogue, emesis, emetic, empty the, envomish, eructate, erupt the, escape!, Ethiopian, Europe at, Europe go, Europe to, Europe with, Europe!, evacuate, evomit, exorcise, expel to, expend to, experience, explosion, export to, expuition, expulse to, expulsion, exspew to, exspuition, extrude to, faces in, facin' the, faith in the, family, fecal burp, feed the birds, feed the dogs, feed the ducks, feed the fish, feed your, fertilize, few friends off, fill the bilge, fill up the, finger do, finger food, finger spray, fingers down, fire the franks, fire your, fisherman's, five finger, flail the rail, flash your, flavoured, fling floor pie, fling your, floodgates, fluorescent, flyer piles, flying creamed, focus group, follow through, fondle the Pope, food for the, food forward, food fountain, food to brain:, for a swim, for a vote, for carrots, for Europe, for George on, for Huey, for Hughie, for O'Rourke, for seconds, for the big, for the less, for the mulch, for toilet, for vomit, forfeiture, fortitude, fortunate, found on the, fountain a, fountain of, four food groups, frapper la, frequent flyer, friendly way, friends off at, friends Ralph and, from heaven, from Huey, from the mouth, from the UK, gack'a'rack, gag in a, gargle gravy, gastric zit, George n Bjork!, George on the, get bit by, get on the, get the Tums, gift that keeps, gift to the, giggle in Braille, giggle over, giggle to Ralph, give birth to, give exit, give focus, give it all, give the ants, give the sack, give up to, give vent to, give your, go for the, go have a, God on the, God! This sucks!, gold medal, good in this, goodbye to, gorilla, gork up the, gotta chew, graffiti, gravity, great white bank, great white god, grenades, groceries, grocery, group feedback, growl at the, gums look out, guts at the, guts inside, gymnastics, hack and gag, hack it out, hack n bile, hack some stew, hack up some, Hackensack, ham hawking, hang a food, have a long, have lunch the, have the flu, heads aren't, heave dry or, heave ho and, heave your, heavin' the, heccccchluuug, heiligen, heist the grub, Herb on the, Here's Ral, hiccup from, hit the wall, hitchhiker, hock up a, holler New, homage to, homeless, hooverin', horf it up, hork the pork, hork your, hose down the, houseplants, howl at the, Huey and, Huey down, Huey on, hunger strike, hurl your, Hyuundai!!!!, I gotta, impaired, impromptu, in a bag, in a Buick, in German, in reverse, in the great, in the white, in the wok, in this world, in tongues, ink blot test, inner self, inside out, inspection, intercom, interior, internal, inverse gut, Irishman, is coming, is good in, Isle of Uist, issue a, it all come, it comes!, it on the, it out the, it to poop, it to the, it up for, it's comin', Jack Chow of, janitor, Japanese, jelly and, Jericho, John on the, jujubes, just said a, kcuf akdov, kcuf timov, kind of pot, kiss the can, kisses to, kneel before, kneeling at, know O'Rourke, kotsen that's, kotz German, lacheln to, lancer mes, late for the, lateral, laugh at the, laugh pieces, launch the food, launch the shuttle, launch your, lawn pizzas, lawn tigers, leftovers, leggo yer, let it all, let the lunch, let your, liberate, lick the lumps, lick the tile, life story, like a seal, Linda Blair, liquid belch, liquid cough, liquid giggle, liquid hand, liquid laugh, liquid lunch, liquid scream, liquid yawn, liquidate, load up the, lob liquid, long distance, look at the, look for my, look for Ralph, look real close, lose faith in, lose your, loss program, love in a, love to the, lovely, lumpy burp, lumpy cough, lumpy giggle, lumpy laugh, lumpy yawn, lunch lift off, lunch menu, lunch rerun, lunch reunion, lunch taking, lunch ticket, lunch with Ralph, lunch with the, lung butter, lurch in the, magazine, make a call, make a puke, make chili, make chow mein, make chowder, make frequent, make gravy, make it to, make love in, make love to, make pizza, make room for, make some cream, make special, make your, mama's milk, mana from, manoeuvre, marinade, mark the street, Mary in, material, mating call, me dashboard, meal ticket, meal to go, meal-go-round, medal in, mediate a, meet my friends, mes biscuits, message to, Midland Street, Midwestern, milk results, minutes, miracle weight, mix a batch, modern art, Monster Mash, mother bird, mouth pissing, movement, mulch monster, muntaber, mushroom soup, my dinner, my friends Ralph, my fries more, my girlfriend's, my toenails, national, nauseous, negative, New York at, night's excess, nineteen, ninety, non-turdable, Norwegian, nose-mouth, oatmeal hit, oatmeal the, of chemo, of chicken, of chunky, of flavour, of funny, of meals past, of mushroom, of nausea, of pot pie, of shite on, of stomach, of the Starr, of your, off at the, offer a, offering, offerings, old man out, on airline, on giving, on the beach, on the big, on the great, on the Isle, on the soup, on the tap, on your, open the, opening, or corn sack, or without, order Buicks, order up, organic, otherwise, out of work, out the ATM, out the oats, out the roach, out the wrong, out your, outsourcing, over the, overboard, overboard!!!, overeat, overflow, override, overweight, own stomach, paint the back, paint the floor, paint the kilt, paint the town, paint the wall, paint your, pancakes, park the Buick, park the pea, past the gums, pavement, pay homage, perfect ten, perform the, perkin the, personal, perversi, ph! Where's, phlegm and bile, photo booth, Picasso, pick up a, pickle your, pictures, pieces in, pillowslips, pitch your, pizza to, pizza with, plant carrots, play at spot, play at the, play the whale, play with the, plead your, pledge your, plethory, plus Violence, pop cakes, porcelain, portfolio, potpourri, pour your, power barf, power blow, power boot, power chuck, praises to, pray at the, pray to the, pre-bowel, preach it to, premature, processed, projectile, propel chunks, protein spill, puke pizza, puke your, pump your, purge product, purgeables, put your, pyloric, quake your, rainbow kiss, rainbow make, rainbow retch, Ralph and Earl, Ralph at the, Ralph Bert and, Ralph in sign, Ralph on the, Ralph over, Ralph your, re-checking, re-do lunch, read my lips, real close for, real meal deal, receptacle, recital, recycled, recycler, reduce the, reduction, refund on, refund with, rejected, rejection, release the, remembrance, rented lunch, rented meal, repaint the, report to, rerun have, respect to, responding, results of, retch liquid, retch your, retch-a-sketch, retroshit, return the, return to, reunion have, reversal, reverse chug, reverse drink, reverse gears, reverse gut, reverse lunch, reverse the, reverse thrust, review lunch, review the, reviewed, revisit, revomit, ride the wave, ride the yak, roach buffet, road pizza, Rolph Beulah, roommate eat, rope paring, rouge's march, round-trip lunch, round-trip meal, rubber food, ructation, ruminate, Ruth on the, sacrifice, sample your, sardines, sawdust on, say goodbye, say hello, say your, scream at the, scream cookies, scream in Braille, scream Mimi, scream to the, sea monsters, seasickness, second course, second time, secret of, see sickness, sell a Buick, sell Buicks to, sell the Buick, selling Buicks, send a gift, send adrift, send away, send it back, serenade, serve up a, set out some, set out the, set your, share lunch with, share the wealth, share your, shit backwards, shite on me, shoot mouth stew, shoot the cat, shootin' white, shout at the, shout Europe, shovel out, show up late, show your, sick as a, sick to be, sidewalk, sign language, sing solo, sing the gurgle, sing to the, sling stomach, sling your, slop bring the, slurp burp and, sneeze your, snorkel for, snorkelling, solid giggle, solid scream, solid smile, solid sneeze, solid spit, solid tune, solid yawn, solo in, some baby, some berley, some chopped, some chunkeys, some cream of, some gooey, some mana, some modern, some peptic, some soup in, some sputter, something, soul coughing, soup in the, sousou all, Space Patrol, spaghetti, speak to Ralph, special sauce, specially, spend the night, spew supper, spew the wild, spew your, spewburger, spewing milk, spill cookies, spill the oats, spill the swill, spill your, spit do the, spit have a, splash monkey, splash your, split pea spew, spray do the, spray paint the, sprinkle sawdust, spuuuuuu, squeeze out, stainless steel, stand on a, Starr report, starve your, state of the, stenosis, stomach grease, stomach past, stomach snot, stomach through, stomach to, straight from the, Street mating, street pizza, stroganoff, Style New, submarine, superior, surrender, swallow it, sweep away, swimming pool, symphony, take the front, take your, take-out, takeout, taking a, talk on the, talk to Earl, talk to God, talk to John, talk to Ralph, talk to Ruth, talk to th', talk to the, talk with the, talk with white, talking head, tapeworm, taste dinner, taste lunch twice, taste road kill, Tater Tots, telephone, ten on the, th' little people, thanks to Herb, thanks to MAD, thar she blows, that keeps on, that last sub, the acid, the altar, the ants some, the ashtray, the assets, the audience, the baby, the back seat, the backs of, the basin, the bathroom, the bazza, the bear dance, the big spit, the big white, the boogie, the bottom, the bowels, the bucket, the buffer, the bush thing, the bushes, the camels, the carpet, the carrot, the carrots, the ceiling, the charges, the China, the chunky, the clipboard, the commode, the contents, the cookie, the creamy, the day off, the depths of, the diced, the dinner, the dog to, the doggy, the dolphins, the dragon, the dragons, the Duke of, the dunny, the East and, the easy, the echo, the edible, the flavour, the flowers, the food flow, the food shuttle, the footpath, the fountain, the four food, the friendly, the front door!, the garden, the gherkin, the gift that, the goddess, the gouda, the gravel, the great white, the gums look, the gurgle song, the gutter, the hard way, the hearing, the ho hos, the Holy, the hunger, the hurpey, the in hole, the inner, the inside, the Isle of, the Kohler, the Linda, the liquid, the lunch fly, the menu, the monster, the mother, the mouth to, the night with, the oatmeal, the old man, the oval, the payload, the pea soup, the pebbles, the pipes, the pristine, the Queen's, the rail mung, the rainbow, the rebound, the rhubarb, the seals arrrrr, the second, the sluices, the soup spout, the stainless, the states, the stomach, the swill to, the Tater, the temple of, the throller, the tides, the tiger, the toilet, the tonsils, the Tory, the town green, the tractor, the Tums in, the union, the walking, the water, the waters, the wave of, the white church, the wild oats, the willies, the wrong tree, the Yuke of, their gastric, thing a real, Thoracic, three point one, through the mouth, throw a map, throw aside, throw away, throw cheese balls, throw dinner, throw the old, throw your, tickle your, tides of, Tidy-Bowl, time to have, to Augie, to be as, to dinner, to Disney, to do a, to Earl on, to Europe, to go have, to God on, to great abs, to have a, to have an, to Herb Bordt!, to Huey, to Hughie, to Hurley, to Jesus, to John on, to Ralph on, to Ralph the, to Ralph! from, to Ruth on, to Seinfeld, to sender, to th' little, to the big, to the depths, to the down, to the dregs, to the Duke, to the East, to the lav, to the lawn, to the seals, to the sink, to the white, to the Yuke, to your, toenails from, tofu brunch, toilet a, toilet bowl, toilet trout, tomato, tomorrow's, tonsil toss, tonsils at, toss cookies, toss what is, toss your, Tots from their, touched by, trail markers, trajection, translated, translator, tribute to, tryout for, Tums in time, turn on the, turn your, two thousand, UK only, un-swallow, uncivil, Uncle Fester, Uncle Ralph on, undo lunch, United, unleash the, unload some, up a fur, up a hot, up a lung, up a street, up accounts, up breakfast, up for a, up late for, up some chunks, up the four, up the in, up the wrong, up your, upchuck the, upheaval, upload to, upon the, urge to blow, urp slop bring, usually, uuh Chinese, vacation, vacuumed, vector-spew, vertical, vertigo, visible burp, visit the, vitamins, vom comes, vomediate, vomica, vomishment, vomit ink, vomita, vomiting, vomition, vomitive, vomito, vomitus, voorheaves, vote your, vuelvo el, waltz with Ralph, Warhol wail, waste good beer, water the, wax the floor, wet yodel, what is good, when spewing, when you, while kneeling, whip the cat, whisk away, whisper in, whispered, whistle carrots, white altar, whork a chunk, win the gold, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows three, Windows two, Windows XP, wish to die, wishing well, with all due, with buckets, with Huey, with mama's, with Ralph and, with speed bumps, with the dogs, with the fish, with white foam, with your, without chunks, woof your, work the abs, worship at, worship Ralph, worship the, wretch gag splat, written on, www fark com, yank on the, yap and scat, yawn for the, yell at Ralph, yell at the, yell cabbage, yell down the, yell New York, yer Eggo, yodel for, yodel in, yodel the, yoghurt flush, York at the, you ate, you burp, you just, you've got!, your arse, your beads, your beans, your best, your bread, your c*nt, your case, your chunks, your date, your feet, your food, your grits, your gums, your gut, your guts, your hash, your heart, your lap, your last, your life, your lunch, your meal, your mung, your own, your pie, your ring, your shoes, your teeth, your throat, your tub, your voice, your vote, yourself, Yuke of Earl, -4- a belch too far, a better view, a bile baby, a bit of vom, a call on the, a call to Ralph!, a carrot mine, a cat to be, a chunder from, a copy of, a deposit, a different, a dog to be, a few friends off, a follow through, a food fountain, a fountain of, a gastric zit, a gift to the, a hitchhiker, a message to, a pavement, a perfect ten, a puke pizza, a refund on, a round-trip meal, a sacrifice, a sidewalk, a solid tune, a street pizza, a translator, a vacation, a vacuumed, a-Bordt dinner, ab crunches the, abdominal, absolute guts, acceptance speech, accident to, acid after, acid attack, after dinner, after eating, after-dinner, air out the oats, air out your, air the diced, airline barf-bags, all due respect, all over the, all you ate, all you've got!, allegiance to, alligators, altar of the, an internal, an offering, analysis, and a bit of, and away we, and Earl in a, and tomato, animated, anorexate, another one, antemetic, ants some mana, anus out of, Appalachian, apparently, appetize the, application, aren't made of, Argentinean, Arial upchuck, Armitage Shanks, arrrrr aaaaarrrrrrr!, as a cat to, as a dog to, as written on, asterisks to, at Ralph in sign, at the altar, at the bottom, at the bushes, at the carpet, at the footpath, at the gravel, at the gutter, at the oval, at the temple of, at the water, at your feet, at your lap, at your shoes, away we go, baby carrots, back the baby, backs of your, backwards bungee, bail the rail mung, ballistic lunch, barf up a lung, Barf-o-Matic, Barfolemew, bark at the ants, bark at the floor, bark at the grass, bark at the ground, bark at the moon, bark at your, bark like a seal, bark up breakfast, be the mother, belches with speed, belly-bombers, berley fish food, Bert and Huey, best food forward, Beulah George n, big spit do the, big telephone, big white altar, bile manoeuvre, Bile plus Violence, bile-ence Bile, blecch thanks to MAD, blocked! take the, blow a gasket, blow buckets of, blow groceries, blow it out the, blow oatmeal the, blow your lunch, blue chip special, bolus backup, bomber mission, bottom of the, bounce rubber food, bounce-a-meal, bow before the, bow down before, bow to the Duke, bow to the East, bow to the Yuke, bowel acid, bowel backup, bread upon the, bring fluorescent, bring it up for, brokchen lacheln, brooightooil, Brooklyn mating, buckets of bile, Buicks over the, bulimerize, bulimic urge, burp and a bit, bush thing a real, bushusuru, bust your gut, Buuuuiiiccckkkk!, buy a Ford from, buy a round-trip, by telephone, by the goddess, cafeteria, California, call Bay City, call Chuck on the, call Edinburgh, call for George on, call for Huey, call for Hughie, call Herb on the, call lawn tigers, call long distance, call on the great, call Ralph on the, call Ruth on the, call the camels, call the dog to, call the dolphins, call the seals arrrrr, call to Augie, call to Hughie, call to Ralph! from, call to the seals, call Uncle Ralph on, Cantonese for, capricciosa, carpet pizza, carrot fountain, carrot or corn, case before the, cash out the ATM, cast up accounts, cast your bread, cast your vote, cat to be as, catch it on the, cavern for the, cavitate dry, ceremonies, chamar juca, Charlie Chuckles, chew my fries more, chicken in a, China goddess, choke groceries, chopped carrots, chortle up the wrong, chowder chunder, chowder surprise, Christmas message, chuck a pizza, Chuck on the big, chuck your heart, chuck-e-cookies!, chum for toilet, chum the China, chum the water, Chunder and The, chunder from down, chunderful to, Chunk Chunder and, chunks of shite on, chunky chicken, chunky cookies, chunky custard, chunky dinner, chunky monkey, chunky mouthwash, chunky rainbow, churn some sputter, City special, clean the backs of, clear the clipboard, clear the pipes, clear your throat, close for toilet, coloured chunks, come up the in, comes up and, coming to say, commode hugging, commune with the, conato di, confessional, congregation, connection when, consequence of, contents of the, conversation, copiously, copy of the, corner selling, cough up a fur, cough up your, Count Barf-ula, cream of mushroom, creamy goodness, create a pollock, crunches the hard, crustless pizza, cry Mary in, d'oeuvres for, dance with buckets, dance with your, dash the pebbles, debut at the, decorate the, decorator, defecation, deja vu of, deliver a, deliver street, delivery, deluxe reverse, den heiligen, deposit in, di vomito, diaphragmatic, diarrhoea from, diarrhoea the, diced carrot, diced carrots, didn't get the Tums, didn't make it to, different kind, dinner for a, dinner for the, dinner thanks to, disagreement, discomfort as, disembogue, disembowel, display the lunch, distance on the, distemperance, divest dinner, divulge dinner, do the chunky, do the walking, dog to be as, dog to dinner, doin' the bear dance, doing the bush thing, down before the, down the big white, download also, drain to the dregs, drive the big white, drive the dunny, drive the tractor, drop a few friends, drop the carpet, due respect to, Dutch groceries, dìobhuir Gaelic?, Earl in a Buick, Earl on the big, East and worship, echo chamber, economics, edible yo-yo, Edinburgh on, eeeeeeee, effuse the night's, egestation, egregious, egurgitate, eight responding, eliminate, emergency, enjoy dinner, epicurean, estomago, Europe at the, Europe go to, Europe with Ralph, evacuation, even better, everything, eviscerate, exenterate, exgurgitate, exorcise the, expectorate, exportation, extravasate, faces in the, family here, feed some baby, feel chunderful, feel rejected, feel the flavour, fertilize the, fertilizer, few friends off at, finger do the, finger food for, finger spray do, fingers down the, five finger spray, five responding, flash the tonsils, flash your hash, flavoured stew, fling your food, floor asterisks, flying creamed corn, Fo-o-o-ord, fondue you, food escape!, food for the less, food inspection, food offerings, food recycler, fooderator, for a racist, for George on the, for my toenails, for the big spit, for the hearing, for the hunger, for toilet bowl, for toilet trout, Ford from Huey, forfeiture of, foul the pristine, found on the beach, fountain of spewth, frapper la téléphone, fratboy goulash, free the Tater, friends off at the, friends Ralph and Earl, from down under, from Europe!, from Huey on, from Japanese, from the inside, from the stomach, from their gastric, funny faces, gag in a bag, gag-o-rama, gargle the gouda, gastric contents, gastric prison, gastronomy, George on the big, get a refund, get bit by Count, get on the big, get the Tums in, gift that keeps on, gift to the down, giggle over the, girlfriend's roommate, give a Royal, give an oral, give birth to flying, give focus group, give the ants some, give the toilet, go for the big, go to Europe, God on the big, god submarine, God while kneeling, gold medal in, good in this world, gorilla growl, gork up the four, gotta chew my, great porcelain, great upheaval, groceries for, growl at the grass, growl at the ground, growl at your, growl splash monkey, gurgling stomach, guts inside out, gymnastics team, hack a loogie, hack up some chunks, half-processed, hand grenades, hang a food rope, have a Roman, have premature, head explosion, heads aren't made, heave your guts, heavin' the ho, Herb on the big, here it comes!, Here's Ral ph!, hiccup from hell, ho and away, hock up a fur, holler New York, Holy Ulrich, homage to the, horizontal, hork some chunkeys, hork your beans, hors d'oeuvres, hose down the vault, howl at the moon, Huey and Ralph, Huey down the, Huey O'Rourke, Huey on the, hug the commode, hurl projectile, hurl your hash, hurl your mung, I gotta chew, ignivomous, impersonate, in a crustless, in sign language, in the bathroom, in the cookie, in the great white, in the toilet, in the white church, incontinence, Indonesian, input error, insult your, internal shit, intestinal, intestines, inventory, inverse intake, Irishyou, is coming to, is good in this, it all come out, it all you've, it out the wrong, it up for a, it's comin' back, Jack Chow of York, jelly and ice, jerk out your, Jersey yodel, kaleidoscope, keeps on giving, kind of chicken, kind of pot pie, kisses to the, kneel before the, kneeling at the, kotsen that's Dutch, lacheln to laugh, lap lung butter, laugh at the dog, laugh at the ground, laugh at the lawn, laugh at the lions, laugh at your, laugh pieces in, launch the food shuttle, leave a trophy, leave trail markers, less fortunate, let it all come, let the lunch fly, liberation, lick the ashtray, Linda Blair scale, liquid kisses, liquid vowels, liquid yodel, lob liquid hand, long distance on, look for Hughie, look for O'Rourke, look real close for, lose faith in the, lose fluorescent, lose some chopped, lose your lunch, love to the lav, lovely beer, lumpy yodel, lunch recycled, lunch rerun have, lunch reunion have, lunch reviewed, lunch taking a, lunch the second, lunch with the dogs, lunch with the fish, lurch in the white, MAD magazine, make a call on, make a call to, make a carrot, make a crustless, make frequent flyer, make it to poop, make love in a, make love to the, make sidewalk, make some cream of, make some modern, make some peptic, make special sauce, make street pizza, make takeout, make the chunky, make the dinner, make the oatmeal, margherita, Mary in the, material with, mating call Bay, mating call the, ME responding, meal to go have, medal in the, mediate a food, meet my friends Ralph, menu after, message to the, milk results of, mine usually, minutes to, miracle weight loss, mission over, mix a batch of, mobility, modern art in, Monday meeting, motion sickness, mouth diarrhoea, move the bowels, movement to, mug the hurpey, munch the carpet, mung overboard!!!, my dinner is, my friends Ralph and, my toenails from, negative chug, New York at the, night with Huey, night's leftovers, ninety eight, ninety five, Norwegian call, NT responding, nutritional, nux vomica, O'Rourke O'Rourke, o-o-o-r-r-r-k-k-k-k-ney!, oatmeal hit the, oesophagus, of Bulemia, of chemo diet, of chicken in, of mushroom soup, of porcelain, of pyloric, of shite on me, of the bucket, of the china, of the stainless, of the stomach, of the union, of vom comes, of your lunch, of your teeth, off at the pool, offering at, offering on, offering to, offerings to, on a corner, on me dashboard, on the big white, on the great white, on the Isle of, on the Linda, on the rebound, on the soup spout, on your lunch, one responding, oooooooo, open your, or otherwise, or without chunks, oral target, oral turbo, order up a, organic way, out family, out of stomach, out some gooey, out the states, out the wrong tree, oval altar, over the big, over the floor, over Tokyo, overgeven, overpressure, overweight burp, oww Cantonese, paint a pollock, paint the back seat, paint the carpet, paint the ceiling, paint the toilet, paint the town green, pancake batter, paralysis, park the pea soup, park the tiger, participate, past the gums look, pay homage to, pea-and-carrot, peptic plaster, perfect ten on, perform the big, peristalsis, peristaltic, phlebotomy, pickle your gums, pictures of, pitch a slider, pizza to go, plant lawn pizzas, play at spot the, plead your case, polish your, pop a gastric, porcelain bowl, porcelain bus, porcelain god, porcelain gods, porcelain judge, porcelain lord!, porcelain phone, porcelain pot, porcelain sea, porcelain throne, porcelain truck, post-bottle prayer, povracati, power chunder, praises to the, pre-bowel purge, pre-hangover, preach it to the, prepare dinner, pristine shores, processed lunch, projectile hose, projectile style, projectile to, projectiles, protein party, protein slingshot, psychedelic, Puke Broadcasting, puke pizza with, puke your ring, pukeotomy, pull a peter, pump your own, purge pancakes, purge the buffer, put your best, Queen's Christmas, rainbow fountain, rainbow make a, rainbow parfait, rainbow syndrome, Ral ph! Where's, Ralph and Earl in, Ralph at the great, Ralph on the big, Ralph over the, read the toilet, real Japanese, reconstitute, rectal reject, recycle meatloaf, recycle your, redecorate, refund with all, regreet eating, regreet your, regurgitate, regurgitron, release the lions, relive dinner, remembrance of, repaint the floor, repaint the wall, repeat dinner, report to the, rerun have a, retaste your, retch your guts, retro rockets, return the tripe, return your, reunion have a, reverse lunch flux, reverse stomach, reverse the food, reverse thrust mode, review dinner, review the meal, revisit the, revisited, rewind dinner, ride the throller, ride the wave of, road asterisks, roller coaster, Rolph Beulah George, room for seconds, round-trip dinner, Royal Dolton, rumination, rupe Midwestern, Ruth on the big, sacrifice at, sacrifice to, sacrificial, said a mouthful, salad swimming, sardines a, Saturnalia, say goodbye to, say your beads, school lunch rerun, school lunch reunion, scream a rainbow, scream at the ants, scream at the dog, scream at your, second time to, sell Buicks to Chuck, sell cars Fooorrrrd!!!, send a gift to, send a message, serenade the, serve up a hot, set out the roach, set your lunch, share lunch with Ralph, share lunch with the, shit in reverse, shootin' white hoops, shout at the fish, shout at your, shout Europe at, shout to Huey, shovel away, show the menu, show up late for, sick as a cat, sick as a dog, sick to your, sidewalk art, sidewalk food, sidewalk stew, sing solo in, sing the gurgle song, sing to the sink, sling stomach snot, slop bring the mop!, sloppy seconds, slurp burp and urp, sneeze your chunks, solid yodel, solo in the, some ab crunches, some baby birds, some berley fish, some Ethiopian, some mana from, some modern art, some soup in the, some vitamins, something to, speak in tongues, speak to Ralph on, spend the night with, spew the wild oats, spew up your, spew your guts, spill a pizza, spill out your, spill the swill to, spill your guts, spill your life, spinning cookie, spit up your, splash your hash, splatter sputum, spot the diced, spread the stomach, sprinkle sawdust on, stainless steel god, Starr report to, stomach contents, stomach devils, stomach flushing, stomach gravy, stomach past the, stomach surfers, stomach through the, stomach to have, straight from the mouth, street asterisks, Street mating call, stripy laughter, submarine heads, submarines, super deluxe, supermodel, supermodel'd, surf the tides, surface|uncle, surprise toilet, swimming upstream, t-i-h-s shit backwards, take pictures, take the front door!, take-out out, talk Norwegian, talk on the big, talk on the great, talk to Earl on, talk to God on, talk to Huey, talk to John on, talk to Ralph on, talk to Ruth on, talk to th' little, talk to the big, talk to the lawn, talk to the seals, talk to your, talk with white foam, talking head a, target practice, taste the acid, taste the creamy, taste the rainbow, tastes even, Tater Tots from, Technicolor, telephone the, telephone to, test the echo, thank the toilet, thanks to Herb Bordt!, the altar of, the bazza glutz, the big white bus, the big white phone, the bottom of, the Buchanan, the bush thing a, the carrot or, the ceiling with, the china bowl, the China gods, the China sea, the chunkeroo, the chunky puddle, the contents of, the cookie toss, the cudgates, the depths of the, the digestive, the dinosaurs, the doggy bag, the down under, the Duke of Hurl, the easy way, the elephants, the floodgates, the fountain of, the four food groups, the friendly way, the gift that keeps, the gold medal, the great white bank, the great white god, the groceries, the grocery, the gums look out, the gymnastics, the homeless, the houseplants, the hunger strike, the inner self, the interior, the Irishman, the Isle of Uist, the janitor, the Linda Blair, the liquid cough, the lovely, the lunch menu, the meal-go-round, the mother bird, the mulch monster, the national, the night's excess, the nose-mouth, the oatmeal hit, the old man out, the organic, the pavement, the pillowslips, the porcelain, the portfolio, the roach buffet, the sardines, the second time, the sidewalk, The Space Patrol, the stainless steel, the Starr report, the stomach grease, the stomach past, the stomach through, the stroganoff, the take-out, the Tater Tots, the tides of, the Tidy-Bowl, the toilet a, the tonsils at, the Tums in time, the UK only, the United, the Yuke of Earl, Thoracic Bark, three minutes, throat movement, throat the easy, throat-missiles, throller coaster, through the mouth to, throw a seven, throw groceries, throw overboard, throw the old man, throw your voice, thunder-chunder, tides of spew, Tidy-Bowl man, to blow oatmeal, to brain: uh-oh!, to Coventry, to do a bush, to Earl on the, to Europe with, to flying creamed, to go have a, to God on the, to Huey and, to Huey down, to Jericho, to John on the, to laugh pieces, to Ralph on the, to Ralph over, to Ruth on the, to say hello, to sprinkle sawdust, to superior, to th' little people, to the big white, to the carpet, to the China, to the depths of, to the dragon, to the Duke of, to the East and, to the flowers, to the toilet, to the Yuke of, to your shoes, toenails from the, toilet bowl love, toilet bowl ring!, tomato skins, tonsils at the, Tory swimming, toss a tiger, toss what is good, toss your lunch, total recall, touched by the, translated from, translator for, tryout for the, tuna salad, turbo blowby, turn on the soup, turn on the tap, turn your guts, uebergeben, Uncle Ralph on the, under Kiwi, undo dinner, union address, unload cargo, up a fur ball, up a hot lunch, up a pretty, up and you, up for a vote, up late for the, up some berley, up the doggy, up the four food, up the in hole, up the Tory, up the wrong tree, up your arse, up your c*nt, up your date, upload to the, urp slop bring the, use the chunky, usually found, vacuumed stool, velocity, vertigo of, violent reverse, vom comes up, vomit ink blot, vomit master, vomitorium, vomitory, vomiturient, vu of your, vurp when you, waltz with Ralph and, wastebasket, watch my girlfriend's, water mirror, wave of nausea, weight loss program, what is good in, when spewing milk, when you burp, Where's Johnny?, while kneeling at, whisper in the, whistle a solid, white porcelain, white telephone, Windows three point, with a follow, with Armitage, with Huey and, with mama's milk, with or without, with Ralph and Earl, with the commode, with the edible, with the monster, with your tub, woof-up your, worship Allah, worship at the, worship Ralph at, worship the great, wrestle sea monsters, XP responding, yackety-yak, yell at Ralph in, yell at the ground, yell at your, yell for Europe, yell for Hughie, yell New York at, yodel for Ralph, yodel jelly, yodel yoghurt, you burp and, you just said, you swallow, your anus, your assets, your best food, your breakfast, your Cheerios, your colon, your conscience, your cookies, your finger, your gastric, your gizzard, your guts at, your guts out, your guts up, your haggis, your heart up, your innards, your Keeblers, your last meal, your lunch free, your McNuggets, your pie hole, your porridge, your retro, your stomach, your supper, your tacos, your throat the, your tofu, your tongue, your tonsils, your trousers, your vittles, your young, yourself in, -5- a call on the great, a call to Ralph! from, a cat to be as, a chunder from down, a copy of the, a corner selling, a crustless pizza, a deposit in, a different kind, a dog to be as, a few friends off at, a Ford from Huey, a gift to the down, a message to the, a pea-and-carrot, a perfect ten on, a puke pizza with, a real Japanese, a Royal Dolton, a sacrifice to, a surprise toilet, a Technicolor, a translator for, a vacuumed stool, a-Bordt dinner thanks, ab crunches the hard, absolute guts up!, accident to have, acid flavoured, after dinner mince, after dinner mint, after dinner mints, after-dinner mint, alimentary, all due respect to, all over the floor, amino acid, an inventory, an offering at, an offering on, an offering to, anacathartic, analysis past, and a bit of vom, and away we go, and Earl in a Buick, and The Space Patrol, and tomato skins, and worship Allah, and you swallow, ants some mana from, anus out of work, art in the bathroom, as a cat to be, as a dog to be, asshole's blocked!, asterisks to make, at spot the diced, at the altar of, at the bottom of, at the porcelain, at the sidewalk, b-schpillendanoogets, backs of your teeth, ballistic breakfast, ballistic dinner, barf belly-bombers, bark at your feet, Bay City special, be a food fountain, be a translator, be the mother bird, become a fountain, Beee-ohhhh-laaaa!, beg God while kneeling, belches with speed bumps, better the second, Beulah George n Bjork!, big white telephone, bile-ence Bile plus, birth to flying creamed, bit of vom comes, blocked! take the front, blow buckets of bile, blow it out the wrong, blow liquid kisses, bock apparently, bow down before the, bow to the Duke of, bow to the East and, bow to the Yuke of, brack out the states, breakfast gravity, bring back the baby, bring it up for a, bring up some berley, Broadcasting System, brokchen lacheln to, Brooklyn mating call, bucket deposit, Buicks over the big, bulimic dinner, bulimic urge to, burp and a bit of, burp for the hearing, burp with a follow, bush bomber mission, bushusuru doing, buy a round-trip meal, by Count Barf-ula, by telephone the, California roll, California stew, call Barfolemew, call by telephone, call Chuck on the big, call Edinburgh on, call for George on the, call Herb on the big, call long distance on, call on the great white, call Ralph on the big, call Ruth on the big, call the dinosaurs, call the elephants, call to the carpet, call Uncle Ralph on the, caress the Kohler, carpet asterisks, carrot fountain a, carrot or corn sack, cavern for the mulch, ceiling with mama's, ceremonies the, chemo diet success, chortle up the wrong tree, Chuck on the big white, chuck your Cheerios, chuck your heart up, chum for toilet trout, chum the China sea, chum the porcelain, Chunder and The Space, Chunk Chunder and The, chunks of shite on me, chunky by-products, chunky dinner for, churn the portfolio, clam chowder surprise, clear your throat the, close for toilet bowl, cockroach offering, colon explosion, coloured chunks of, come up the in hole, Commode-a-Phone, conduct a surprise, connect the carrots, consequence of the, conversation with, copiously cough, copy of the Starr, corner selling Buicks, cough up a fur ball, cough up a pretty, cough your cookies, crapo the bazza, cream of mushroom soup, crunches the hard way, cry Mary in the, d'oeuvres for the, dance with your tub, decorate the sink, decorate your, decorator on, deliver a bile, deplete the assets, deposit in the, depths of the china, desecrate heaven, diaphragmatic chain, diarrhoea from the, diced carrots and, didn't get the Tums in, didn't make it to poop, different kind of, digestive system, dinner in reverse, dinner is coming, dinner thanks to Herb, discharge the contents, display the inner, do some ab crunches, do the Buchanan, do the chunkeroo, doing the bush thing a, down the porcelain, down under Kiwi, download also for, drive the big white bus, drive the porcelain, drop a few friends off, dry or otherwise, Earl on the big white, Edinburgh on the, egurgitate to, eject a stomach, el estomago, elgen Norwegian, embrace porcelain, emit organic, empty the carrot, enjoy dinner in, enjoy yourself, Ethiopian cookie, Europe at the sink, Europe with Ralph and, even better the, everything on, exportation of, extravasate to, facial diarrhoea, facin' the basin, family here it, feed some baby birds, feed the houseplants, feed the porcelain, feed your young, feel chunderful to, few friends off at the, fill up the Tory, finger food for the, finger spray do the, fingers down the throat, fire your retro, fisherman's splatter, five finger spray do, flash the tonsils at, floor asterisks to, fluorescent Christmas, focus group feedback, food offerings to, food to brain: uh-oh!, for defecation, for George on the big, for my toenails from, for the gymnastics, for the homeless, for the hunger strike, for the mulch monster, for the United, for toilet bowl ring!, Ford from Huey on, forfeiture of the, fountain of flavour, free the Tater Tots, frequent flyer piles, friends off at the pool, from Huey on the, from the stomach past, from the UK only, funny faces in, gargle the organic, gastronomical, George on the big white, get a refund on, get on the big white, get the Tums in time, giggle to Ralph over, girlfriend's roommate eat, give it all you've, give the janitor, give the sardines, give the toilet a, go for the big spit, go to Europe with, God on the big white, god submarine heads, God while kneeling at, gold medal in the, goodbye to Hurley, gooey potpourri, gork up the four food, gotta chew my fries, great porcelain throne, great white porcelain, great white telephone, groceries for a, grocery geyser, growl at the gravel, growl at the gutter, growl at your shoes, gurgling stomach to, half-processed shit, have lunch the second, heads aren't made of, hearing impaired, heave ho and away, heave your guts out, heavin' the ho hos, heiligen Ulrich, Herb on the big white, high velocity, ho and away we, hock up a fur ball, homage to the white, home economics, hors d'oeuvres for, hostile projectile, Huey and Herbert, Huey down the big, Huey on the Isle, hug the porcelain, I gotta chew my, impersonate a, impersonate The, impromptu protein, in a different, in Technicolor, in the cookie toss, in the digestive, in the great white bank, in the pillowslips, in the porcelain, insult your shoes, internal audit, internal shit hurl, intestinal goodge, intestines the, involuntary, Irishman Huey, Irishyou know, is coming to say, is good in this world, issue a decree, it all you've got!, it on the rebound, it out the wrong tree, it up for a vote, Japanese phrase!, jelly and ice cream, Jersey yodel the, just said a mouthful, kaleidoscopic, karencarpentry, kind of chicken in, kiss the porcelain, Kiwi Style New, know O'Rourke O'Rourke, lancer mes biscuits, last night's leftovers, late for the hunger, lateral cookie, laugh at the carpet, laugh at the footpath, laugh at your lap, laugh at your shoes, launch your McNuggets, leave a pavement, leave an offering, leggo yer Eggo, let it all come out, let your finger, liberate your, liquid graffiti, liquid kisses to, liquidate your, load up the doggy, long conversation, long distance on the, look at the bottom, look for my toenails, look out family, lose your cookies, lose your haggis, love in a crustless, lunch liberation, lunch rerun have a, lunch reunion have a, lunch revisited, lunch the second time, lurch in the white church, made of porcelain, make a call on the, make a call to Ralph!, make a carrot mine, make a deposit, make a pavement, make a puke pizza, make an offering, make food offerings, make love to the lav, make room for seconds, make sidewalk stew, make some Ethiopian, make some modern art, make the chunky puddle, make the oatmeal hit, make your colon, mama's milk results, mana from heaven, manual override, marinade your, material with or, meal to go have a, mediate a food fight, meet my friends Ralph and, Midland Street mating, Midwestern USA, mine usually found, minutes to great, modern art in the, motion discomfort, movement to have, mug the porcelain, multi coloured, multi-coloured, my friends Ralph and Earl, my girlfriend's roommate, my toenails from the, national anthem, negative mealtime, night with Huey and, nineteen sixties, Norwegian call the, o-o-o-r-r-r-k-k-k-k-ney! to, oatmeal hit the wall, of Appalachian, of chicken in a, of funny faces, of the china bowl, of the porcelain, of the stainless steel, of the Starr report, of the stomach through, of the stroganoff, of vom comes up, offering at the, offering on the, offering to the, offerings to the, on airline barf-bags, on the big white phone, on the Isle of Uist, on the Linda Blair, on the porcelain, oncological, open the sluices, open your pie, oral diarrhoea, oral movement, oral sacrifice, order Buicks over, order up a street, organ recital, organic output, originally, out family here, out the roach buffet, out your gastric, over the big white, overflow error, overgeven that's, overindulgence, override fingers, oww Cantonese for, paint the ceiling with, paint the pavement, paint the porcelain, paint the sidewalk, paint your trousers, paracentesis, participate in, past paralysis, past the gums look out, pavement pizza, pay homage to the, PBS: Puke Broadcasting, perfect ten on the, perform the big spit, perform the liquid, peristaltic chain, perkin the gherkin, personal protein, ph! Where's Johnny?, pieces in German, pitch your porridge, play with the edible, point one responding, polish your shoes, pop a gastric zit, porcelain altar, porcelain Buddha, porcelain cavern, Porcelain Chamber, porcelain goddess, porcelain idol, porcelain manhole, porcelain modem, porcelain photo, porcelain plaster, porcelain princess, porcelain queen, porcelain tourist, porcelain wishing, porcelain yodel, praise the porcelain, praises to the depths, pray at the oval, pray to the China, prepare dinner for, projectile hose vom, projectile vomit, protein sacrifice, psychedelic scream, psychedelic spit, psychedelic yawn, purge a vacuumed, put a different, put your anus, put your best food, quake your gizzard, rail mung overboard!!!, rainbow whispered, Ralph and Earl in a, Ralph Bert and Huey, Ralph in sign language, Ralph on the big white, Ralph the porcelain, Ralph your cookies, Ralph! from Europe!, re-checking your, re-considered, real close for toilet, reconstitute junk, reconstitute some, reconstitute the, recycle your last, recycle your lunch, redecorate the, reduce the payload, refund on your, refund with all due, regreet your grits, regurgitate all, remembrance of meals, respect to Seinfeld, retaste your lunch, retch liquid vowels, retch your guts up, retro digestion, return to sender, return your meal, reverse diarrhoea, reverse digestion, reverse the charges, reverse the food flow, revisit dinner, ride the meal-go-round, ripple oesophagus, road asterisks to, Rolph Beulah George n, round-trip lunch ticket, round-trip meal ticket, Royal Dolton hug, rumination game, Ruth on the big white, sacrifice at the, sacrifice to Ralph, sacrificial meal, sample your stomach, school lunch rerun have, school lunch reunion have, scream at the bushes, scream at the carpet, scream at your shoes, seals arrrrr aaaaarrrrrrr!, search the porcelain, second course pureed, second time to have, secret of chemo, semi-processed, send a gift to the, send a message to, send to Coventry, send to Jericho, serenade the drains, serve up a hot lunch, set out some gooey, set your lunch free, share lunch with the dogs, share lunch with the fish, share your Keeblers, shite on me dashboard, shout at the carpet, shout at your shoes, shout Europe at the, shout to Huey and, show up late for the, show your breakfast, sick as a cat to, sick as a dog to, sidewalk cookies, sidewalk pizza, sing psychedelic, sing solo in the, sing the lovely, sing the national, sling your supper, snorkel for carrots, some ab crunches the, some berley fish food, some California, some chopped carrots, some cream of mushroom, some modern art in, some peptic plaster, some supermodel, something to sprinkle, soup in the toilet, sousou all over, speak to Ralph on the, spew up your arse, spew up your c*nt, spew up your date, spew your guts up, spew your vittles, spill the groceries, spill your guts at, spill your tofu, spinning cookie toss, spray paint the carpet, spray paint the toilet, spread the stomach grease, stand on a corner, Starr report to the, state of the union, steel god submarine, stomach experience, stomach overflow, stomach past the gums, stomach through the mouth, stomach to have a, street asterisks to, Street mating call Bay, Style New Zealand, surf the tides of, surface|uncle |dick, surrender your, take pictures of, take the take-out, talk on the great white, talk to Earl on the, talk to God on the, talk to Huey down, talk to John on the, talk to Ralph on the, talk to Ruth on the, talk to th' little people, talk to the big white, talk to the carpet, talk to the dragon, talk to the flowers, talk to the toilet, talk to your shoes, talk with the monster, Tater Tots from their, Technicolor giggle, Technicolor grin, Technicolor laugh, Technicolor scream, Technicolor spit, Technicolor yawn, ten on the Linda, that keeps on giving, the alligators, the altar of the, the ants some mana, the Argentinean, the baby carrots, the backs of your, the Barf-o-Matic, the big telephone, the big white altar, the bottom of the, the bush thing a real, the cafeteria, the California, the carpet pizza, the carrot or corn, the China goddess, the chunky monkey, the chunky mouthwash, the congregation, the contents of the, the creamy goodness, the diaphragmatic, the diced carrot, the diced carrots, the dog to dinner, the East and worship, the echo chamber, the edible yo-yo, the fountain of spewth, the gift that keeps on, the gold medal in, the great porcelain, the great upheaval, the gymnastics team, the Holy Ulrich, the Irishyou, the less fortunate, the Linda Blair scale, the lovely beer, the menu after, the night with Huey, the oatmeal hit the, the organic way, the oval altar, the porcelain bowl, the porcelain bus, the porcelain god, the porcelain gods, the porcelain judge, the porcelain lord!, the porcelain pot, the porcelain sea, the porcelain throne, the porcelain truck, the pristine shores, the Queen's Christmas, the regurgitron, the rumination, the sacrificial, the sardines a, the second time to, the stainless steel god, the Starr report to, the stomach devils, the stomach past the, the stomach through the, the submarines, the supermodel, the take-out out, the Tater Tots from, the throller coaster, the tides of spew, the Tidy-Bowl man, the tonsils at the, the Tory swimming, the union address, the vomitorium, the wastebasket, the water mirror, the wave of nausea, the white porcelain, their gastric prison, thousand responding, three minutes to, three-dimensional, throat movement to, throat the easy way, throw the old man out, tickle your tonsils, to blow oatmeal the, to Earl on the big, to Europe with Ralph, to flying creamed corn, to God on the big, to Huey and Ralph, to Huey down the, to laugh pieces in, to MAD magazine, to Ralph on the big, to Ralph over the, to Ruth on the big, to sprinkle sawdust on, to the China gods, to the depths of the, to the down under, to the Duke of Hurl, to the interior, to the Irishman, to the porcelain, to the Tidy-Bowl, to the Yuke of Earl, to your stomach, toilet a message, toilet inspection, toilet snorkelling, tomorrow's breakfast, Tory swimming pool, toss a sidewalk, toss what is good in, toss your cookies, toss your tacos, Tots from their gastric, translator for the, tribute to Disney, turn on the soup spout, uh-oh! asshole's, Uist Fo-o-o-ord, Ulrich anrufen, Uncle Ralph on the big, unidentified, United Nations, unleash the dragons, unleash the monster, unrecoverable, up a hitchhiker, up a pavement, up a street pizza, up some berley fish, up the doggy bag, up the four food groups, up to superior, up your colon, up your innards, upchuck the boogie, upon the waters, urge to blow oatmeal, urp slop bring the mop!, USA nineteen, usually found on, uuuuuuuuu, vamit amita, vertigo of the, violent reverse thrust, visit Hackensack, vom comes up and, vomit ink blot test, vomiturition, vote your conscience, vu of your lunch, vurp when you burp, waltz with Ralph and Earl, water the garden, what is good in this, when you burp and, while kneeling at the, whisper in the wok, whistle a solid tune, white porcelain god, white porcelain phone, white telephone to, win the gold medal, Windows ninety, Windows three point one, Windows two thousand, with a follow through, with all due respect, with Armitage Shanks, with everything, with or without chunks, with Ralph and Earl in, woof your cookies, worship at the temple, worship Ralph at the, worship the great white, written on airline, yackety-yak it's, yawn for the hearing, yell at Ralph in sign, yell at your shoes, yell New York at the, yodel groceries, yodel jelly and, you burp and a, you just said a, you swallow it, your absolute, your allegiance, your anus out, your bread upon, your case before, your colon feel, your digestive, your finger do, your groceries, your guts at the, your guts inside, your jujubes, your life story, your own stomach, your tapeworm, your tofu brunch, -6- a bit of vom comes, a call on the great white, a copy of the Starr, a corner selling Buicks, a deposit in the, a different kind of, a few friends off at the, a Ford from Huey on, a fountain of flavour, a long conversation, a pavement pizza, a perfect ten on the, a refund on your, a round-trip meal ticket, a Royal Dolton hug, a sacrifice to Ralph, a sidewalk pizza, a translator for the, a-Bordt dinner thanks to, ab crunches the hard way, accident to have an, acid after dinner, acid flavoured stew, aerial bile manoeuvre, air out your gastric, air the diced carrots, Alan's psychedelic, altar of the stainless, an alimentary, an internal audit, an offering at the, an offering on the, an offering to the, an oral sacrifice, and you swallow it, anthem of Bulemia, antiperistalsis, Appalachian pancake, apparently Scottish, appetize the audience, application error, as a cat to be as, as a dog to be as, as written on airline, asshole's blocked! take, at Ralph in sign language, at the altar of the, at the bottom of the, at the great porcelain, at the oval altar, at the submarines, at the vomitorium, at the water mirror, Australian diarrhoea, Ba-heeeuuuu-ick, back the baby carrots, Barf-o-Matic roller, batch of Appalachian, be a translator for, become a fountain of, before the porcelain, beg God while kneeling at, better the second time, big white telephone to, birth to flying creamed corn, bit by Count Barf-ula, bit of vom comes up, blocked! take the front door!, blow it out the wrong tree, blow liquid kisses to, bomber mission over, bottom of the bucket, bow to the Duke of Hurl, bow to the porcelain, bow to the Yuke of Earl, bowel acid after, brain: uh-oh! asshole's, bread upon the waters, bring fluorescent Christmas, bring it up for a vote, bring up some berley fish, brokchen lacheln to laugh, brooightooil Gaelic?, Brooklyn mating call the, Buchanan acceptance, Buicks over the big white, bulimic symphony, bulimic urge to blow, burp and a bit of vom, burp with a follow through, bush originally, bushusuru doing the, Buuuuuuiiiiiccccck, buy a Ford from Huey, call Bay City special, call by telephone the, call Chuck on the big white, call Edinburgh on the, call for George on the big, call Herb on the big white, call long distance on the, call Ralph on the big white, call Ruth on the big white, call the alligators, call the dog to dinner, call the Irishyou, call Uncle Ralph on the big, Cantonese for vomit, carpet asterisks to, carrot mine usually, carrots and tomato, cast your bread upon, catch it on the rebound, cavitate dry heaves, ceiling with mama's milk, chowder revisited, Chuck on the big white phone, chuck your absolute, chum the porcelain sea, chunder from down under, Chunk Chunder and The Space, chunky dinner for the, chunky rainbow syndrome, clean the backs of your, close for toilet bowl ring!, colon feel rejected, coloured chunks of shite, comes up and you, coming to say hello, commit oesophagus, commune with the commode, conduct an internal, connection when spewing, contents of the stomach, cook up a pavement, corporate downsizing, cough up your colon, crapo the bazza glutz, decorate the dunny, decorate your shoes, decorator on the, deja vu of your, deliver a copy, deliver street pizza, den heiligen Ulrich, deposit in the great, depths of the china bowl, destomachization, diarrhoea from the UK, diarrhoea the friendly, didn't get the Tums in time, different kind of pot, digestive fortitude, dinner for a racist, dinner is coming to, dinner thanks to Herb Bordt!, discharge the contents of, discomfort as written, display the inner self, display the lunch menu, do some ab crunches the, do some supermodel, do the California, do the chunky monkey, doing the bush thing a real, drive the porcelain bus, drive the porcelain truck, drop a few friends off at, drop the carpet pizza, due respect to Seinfeld, East and worship Allah, Edinburgh on the great, effuse the night's excess, elgen Norwegian call, emergency stomach, empty the carrot or, enjoy yourself in, epicurean egress, erupt the grocery, Ethiopian cookie dough, Europe with Ralph and Earl, everything on it, exorcise the stomach, faith in the digestive, feed the alligators, feed the porcelain god, fertilize the carpet, few friends off at the pool, finger do the walking, finger food for the less, five finger spray do the, flash the tonsils at the, floor asterisks to make, fluorescent Christmas cheer, food offerings to the, Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk!, for George on the big white, for my toenails from the, for the cafeteria, for the gymnastics team, for the less fortunate, Ford from Huey on the, forth the sacrificial, foul the pristine shores, free the Tater Tots from, from down under Kiwi, from Huey on the Isle, from the stomach past the, from their gastric prison, funny faces in the, gargle the organic way, gastric overpressure, gift that keeps on giving, gift to the down under, giggle to Ralph over the, give a Royal Dolton, give birth to flying creamed, give focus group feedback, give it all you've got!, give the ants some mana, give the sardines a, give up to superior, go to Europe with Ralph, God while kneeling at the, gork up the four food groups, gotta chew my fries more, gravity reduction, great white porcelain phone, groceries for a swim, gums look out family, gurgling stomach to have, gut-gruel revisited, guts at the porcelain, have lunch the second time, heave dry or otherwise, heave ho and away we, heeee-oooo-eeeee, Here's Ral ph! Where's, ho and away we go, horizontal liquid, hors d'oeuvres for the, Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, Huey down the big white, Huey on the Isle of, I gotta chew my fries, impersonate The Fly, in a crustless pizza, in a different kind, intestines the day, janitor something, John on the porcelain, kaleidoscopic cough, kaleidoscopic giggle, kind of chicken in a, kiss the porcelain god, kisses to the China, lacheln to laugh pieces, late for the hunger strike, lateral cookie toss, laugh pieces in German, leave an offering on, let your finger do, liberate your lunch, liquid hand grenades, liquid kisses to the, load up the doggy bag, long conversation with, look at the bottom of, look for my toenails from, look out family here, look real close for toilet, lose fluorescent Christmas, lose some chopped carrots, lose your groceries, love to the porcelain, lovely beer ballad, lunch the second time to, make a call on the great, make a call to Ralph! from, make a crustless pizza, make a deposit in, make a pea-and-carrot, make a puke pizza with, make a Technicolor, make an inventory, make an offering at, make an offering to, make food offerings to, make frequent flyer piles, make love in a crustless, make sidewalk cookies, make some cream of mushroom, make some modern art in, make some peptic plaster, make the oatmeal hit the, make your colon feel, mama's milk results of, mating call Bay City, medal in the cookie, meet my friends Ralph and Earl, menu after eating, Midland Street mating call, mine usually found on, minutes to great abs, miracle weight loss program, mission over Tokyo, motion discomfort as, movement to have a, movement to have an, multi coloured chunks, multi-coloured yawn, muntah Indonesian, my dinner is coming, my girlfriend's roommate eat, national anthem of, non-turdable purgeables, Norwegian call the moose, nose-mouth connection, oesophagus abuse, of chemo diet success, of chunky by-products, of funny faces in, of overindulgence, of shite on me dashboard, of stomach experience, of the Barf-o-Matic, of the porcelain god, of the stainless steel god, of the Starr report to, of the stomach through the, of the union address, of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, of vom comes up and, offer a sacrifice, offering on the big, on a corner selling, on the big telephone, on the big white altar, on the diaphragmatic, on the Linda Blair scale, open the cudgates, open the floodgates, open your pie hole, oral movement to, oral sacrifice at, oral target practice, oral turbo blowby, order Buicks over the, Orkney o-o-o-r-r-r-k-k-k-k-ney!, out family here it, out your jujubes, over the big white phone, over the porcelain, overgeven that's Dutch, overpressure relief, override fingers down, pavement asterisks, pavement Picasso, pay homage to the white, perform the liquid cough, personal protein spill, pick up a hitchhiker, pictures of funny, pizza capricciosa, pizza margherita, play at spot the diced, play at the porcelain, play the rumination, plead your case before, pledge your allegiance, polish your tonsils, porcelain amphitheatre, porcelain bus Brrrrrrrrroooom!, porcelain cavern for, porcelain intercom, porcelain photo booth, porcelain receptacle, porcelain telephone, porcelain wishing well, praises to the depths of, pray at the porcelain, pray to the porcelain, pre-hangover post-bottle, premature diarrhoea, prepare dinner for a, projectile material, psychedelic breakfast, psychedelic praises, Puke Broadcasting System, pump your own stomach, purge a vacuumed stool, put a different kind, put your anus out, pyloric stenosis, Queen's Christmas message, Ral ph! Where's Johnny?, Ralph and Earl in a Buick, Ralph on the porcelain, Ralph the porcelain god, real close for toilet bowl, real Japanese phrase!, reconstitute junk food, reconstitute some soup, reconstitute the meal, recycle your last meal, redecorate your, refund on your lunch, remembrance of meals past, results of pyloric, retch-a-sketch sidewalk, reverse fooderator, reverse gastronomy, reverse peristalsis, reverse peristaltic, reverse stomach flushing, revisit the rhubarb, ride the regurgitron, ride the throller coaster, ride the wave of nausea, road asterisks to make, Rolph Beulah George n Bjork!, Roman after-dinner, rupe Midwestern USA, Ruth on the big white phone, sacrifice to Ralph the, salad swimming upstream, sardines a better, say goodbye to Hurley, school lunch rerun have a, school lunch reunion have a, scream to the porcelain, secret of chemo diet, semi-processed meal, send a gift to the down, send a message to the, serve some California, set out the roach buffet, shout Europe at the sink, shout to Huey and Ralph, show the menu after, sick as a cat to be, sick as a dog to be, sick to your stomach, sidewalk asterisks, sing the Argentinean, sing the lovely beer, some ab crunches the hard, some California stew, some cream of mushroom soup, some Ethiopian cookie, some gooey potpourri, some mana from heaven, some modern art in the, some soup in the toilet, sousou all over the, spaghetti confetti, speak to Ralph on the big, special delivery, specially processed, spend the night with Huey, spill your guts at the, spill your life story, spill your tofu brunch, spit up your innards, spot the diced carrot, starve your tapeworm, steel god submarine heads, stomach evacuation, stomach inventory, stomach past the gums look, stomach through the mouth to, street asterisks to make, submarine heads aren't, super deluxe reverse, supermodel push-ups, supermodel sound-off, surf the tides of spew, take the take-out out, take your groceries, taking a vacation, talk on the porcelain, talk to Earl on the big, talk to God on the big, talk to Huey down the, talk to Ralph on the big, talk to Ruth on the big, talk to the interior, talk to the porcelain, talk to the Tidy-Bowl, taste the creamy goodness, tastes even better, Technicolor tribute, Technicolor yodel, telephone the Holy, telephone to Jesus, ten on the Linda Blair, test the echo chamber, thanks to MAD magazine, the ants some mana from, the backs of your teeth, the big white telephone, the California roll, the carrot or corn sack, the ceiling with mama's, the Commode-a-Phone, the depths of the china, the diaphragmatic chain, the digestive system, the gold medal in the, the great porcelain throne, the great white porcelain, the great white telephone, the grocery geyser, the hearing impaired, the Irishman Huey, the Irishyou know, the national anthem, the night with Huey and, the oatmeal hit the wall, the porcelain altar, the porcelain Buddha, the porcelain cavern, the Porcelain Chamber, the porcelain goddess, the porcelain idol, the porcelain manhole, the porcelain modem, the porcelain photo, the porcelain princess, the porcelain queen, the porcelain tourist, the porcelain wishing, the rail mung overboard!!!, the rainbow whispered, the rumination game, the sacrificial meal, the seals arrrrr aaaaarrrrrrr!, the second time to have, the Starr report to the, the stomach past the gums, the stomach through the mouth, the Tater Tots from their, the toilet a message, the Tory swimming pool, the United Nations, the white porcelain god, thing a real Japanese, things re-considered, three minutes to great, three point one responding, three-dimensional burp, three-dimensional giggle, three-dimensional yawn, throat movement to have, thunder-chunder chowder, thunder-chunder rainbow, to bock apparently, to Earl on the big white, to Europe with Ralph and, to God on the big white, to Huey down the big, to Ralph on the big white, to Ralph the porcelain, to Ralph! from Europe!, to Ruth on the big white, to the alligators, to the China goddess, to the congregation, to the East and worship, to the porcelain bowl, to the porcelain god, to the porcelain gods, to the porcelain lord!, to the porcelain pot, to the Tidy-Bowl man, to the wastebasket, to the white porcelain, toenails from the inside, tonsils at the water, toss what is good in this, touched by the goddess, tuna salad swimming, turn your guts inside, two thousand responding, U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, uncivil forfeiture, Uncle Ralph on the big white, unidentified flying, unload some vitamins, up and you swallow, up late for the hunger, up some berley fish food, up the Tory swimming, upward nutritional, urge to blow oatmeal the, use the chunky mouthwash, usually found on the, velocity reverse, violent reverse thrust mode, vowels eeeeeeee, vurp when you burp and, watch my girlfriend's roommate, what is good in this world, when you burp and a, win the gold medal in, Windows ME responding, Windows ninety eight, Windows ninety five, Windows NT responding, Windows XP responding, with all due respect to, with everything on, with Huey and Herbert, with mama's milk results, with Ralph and Earl in a, with the edible yo-yo, woof-up your vittles, worship at the temple of, worship Ralph at the great, worship the great white god, worship the porcelain, yawn in Technicolor, yell down the porcelain, yodel jelly and ice, York at the sidewalk, you burp and a bit, your absolute guts, your allegiance to, your anus out of, your best food forward, your bread upon the, your case before the, your finger do the, your gastric contents, your groceries for, your guts inside out, your intestinal, your intestines, your retro rockets, your stomach contents, your throat the easy, yourself in reverse, -7- a batch of Appalachian, a bit of vom comes up, a bush originally, a carrot mine usually, a chunder from down under, a deposit in the great, a different kind of pot, a few friends off at the pool, a Ford from Huey on the, a gift to the down under, a long conversation with, a real Japanese phrase!, a refund on your lunch, a Roman after-dinner, a sacrifice to Ralph the, a Technicolor tribute, a-Bordt dinner thanks to Herb, abdominal voorheaves, acid after dinner mint, alimentary u-turn, all due respect to Seinfeld, all things re-considered, also for defecation, altar of the porcelain, altar of the stainless steel, amino acid attack, an offering on the big, an oral sacrifice at, and a bit of vom comes, ants some mana from heaven, aren't made of porcelain, Argentinean national, asshole's blocked! take the, at spot the diced carrot, at the great porcelain throne, at the porcelain altar, Australian diarrhoea from, bail the rail mung overboard!!!, be a translator for the, before the porcelain god, before the porcelain judge, before the porcelain throne, beg God while kneeling at the, Beola! Beee-ohhhh-laaaa!, bile-ence Bile plus Violence, bit of vom comes up and, blecch thanks to MAD magazine, blow liquid kisses to the, bock apparently Scottish, bow before the porcelain, bow to the East and worship, bow to the porcelain god, bow to the porcelain pot, bring back the baby carrots, bring fluorescent Christmas cheer, bring forth the sacrificial, bring up some berley fish food, Buchanan acceptance speech, Buick Ba-heeeuuuu-ick, Buicks over the big white phone, bush bomber mission over, bush thing a real Japanese, bushusuru doing the bush, Buuuuiiiccckkkk! Hyuundai!!!!, buy a Ford from Huey on, buy a round-trip meal ticket, by telephone the Holy, call Chuck on the big white phone, call Edinburgh on the great, call for George on the big white, call Ruth on the big white phone, call the Irishyou know, call the seals arrrrr aaaaarrrrrrr!, call to Ralph! from Europe!, call Uncle Ralph on the big white, carpet asterisks to make, carrot mine usually found, carrots and tomato skins, cars Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk!, case before the porcelain, cast your bread upon the, cavern for the mulch monster, chicken in a different, chuck your absolute guts, Chunder and The Space Patrol, chunks of shite on me dashboard, clam chowder revisited, clean the backs of your teeth, clear your throat the easy, coloured chunks of shite on, conato di vomito, conduct a surprise toilet, connection when spewing milk, contents of the stomach through, cook for the cafeteria, copiously cough your, copy of the Starr report, decorate the pavement, decorate the porcelain, deja vu of your lunch, deliver a bile baby, deliver a copy of, deposit in the great white, diarrhoea the friendly way, different kind of chicken, different kind of pot pie, dinner for the homeless, dinner is coming to say, discharge the contents of the, discomfort as written on, distance on the porcelain, do some ab crunches the hard, do the California roll, down before the porcelain, down the big white telephone, down the porcelain manhole, drop a few friends off at the, economics assignment, Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, Edinburgh on the great white, elgen Norwegian call the, emit organic output, empty the carrot or corn, enjoy dinner in reverse, Europe with Ralph and Earl in, even better the second, exportation of chunky, faces in the porcelain, family here it comes!, fertilize the sidewalk, fill up the Tory swimming, fire your retro rockets, food for the less fortunate, for the hearing impaired, for the United Nations, Ford from Huey on the Isle, forth the sacrificial meal, free the Tater Tots from their, from Huey on the Isle of, from the stomach past the gums, get a refund on your, get bit by Count Barf-ula, giggle over the porcelain, give a Royal Dolton hug, give an oral sacrifice, give birth to flying creamed corn, give the ants some mana from, give the toilet a message, give your intestines, go to Europe with Ralph and, god submarine heads aren't, gold medal in the cookie, gums look out family here, gurgling stomach to have a, have a long conversation, have premature diarrhoea, heave ho and away we go, heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, high velocity reverse, homage to the Irishman, homage to the porcelain, Huey on the Isle of Uist, hug the porcelain queen, hug the porcelain wishing, hurl projectile material, I gotta chew my fries more, impersonate a gargoyle, impromptu protein party, in a different kind of, in reverse gastronomy, in the digestive system, in the porcelain photo, interior decorator, intestines the day off, Irishman Huey O'Rourke, Irishyou know O'Rourke, is coming to say hello, Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, it to the congregation, janitor something to, jerk out your jujubes, kaleidoscopic yodel, Kiwi Style New Zealand, kneel before the porcelain, kneeling at the porcelain, lacheln to laugh pieces in, leave a pavement pizza, leave an offering on the, leftovers revisited, let your finger do the, liquidate your assets, lob liquid hand grenades, look at the bottom of the, look for my toenails from the, look out family here it, look real close for toilet bowl, lose faith in the digestive, lose fluorescent Christmas cheer, love in a crustless pizza, love to the porcelain bowl, lunch taking a vacation, lunch the second time to have, make a call on the great white, make a deposit in the, make a pavement pizza, make an alimentary, make an offering at the, make an offering to the, make food offerings to the, make love to the porcelain, make some cream of mushroom soup, make some Ethiopian cookie, make some modern art in the, make the oatmeal hit the wall, manual override fingers, marinade your tongue, Mary in the pillowslips, material with or without, medal in the cookie toss, Midland Street mating call Bay, milk results of pyloric, mine usually found on the, modern art in the bathroom, mug the porcelain tourist, multi coloured chunks of, multi-coloured laughter, muntaber Indonesian, my dinner is coming to, my toenails from the inside, New York at the sidewalk, night with Huey and Herbert, ninety eight responding, ninety five responding, nose-mouth connection when, nutritional outsourcing, oesophagus reversal, of Appalachian pancake, of funny faces in the, of pyloric stenosis, of the Starr report to the, of the stomach through the mouth, offer a sacrifice to, offering at the altar, offering on the big white, offerings to the China, on a corner selling Buicks, on the big white telephone, on the Commode-a-Phone, on the diaphragmatic chain, on the great white porcelain, on the great white telephone, opening ceremonies, oral movement to have, oral sacrifice at the, order Buicks over the big, order up a street pizza, Orkney o-o-o-r-r-r-k-k-k-k-ney! to, out of stomach experience, out some gooey potpourri, out your gastric contents, out your intestinal, override fingers down the, oww Cantonese for vomit, paint the ceiling with mama's, participate in reverse, pavement asterisks to, PBS: Puke Broadcasting System, perfect ten on the Linda, peristaltic chain reaction, pizza with everything, play the rumination game, play with the edible yo-yo, plead your case before the, pledge your allegiance to, porcelain cavern for the, porcelain confessional, porcelain projectiles, praise the porcelain goddess, praises to the depths of the, pray at the oval altar, pray to the China goddess, pray to the porcelain gods, projectile material with, psychedelic praises to, put a different kind of, put your anus out of, put your best food forward, Ralph at the great porcelain, Ralph over the porcelain, real close for toilet bowl ring!, reconstitute some soup in, redecorate the bathroom, redecorate your shoes, refund with all due respect, regurgitate all you, report to the Porcelain, retch-a-sketch sidewalk art, reverse peristaltic chain, Roman after-dinner mint, sacrifice at the altar, sample your stomach contents, sardines a better view, scream at the submarines, scream to the porcelain lord!, search the porcelain cavern, serve some California stew, show up late for the hunger, sick as a cat to be as, sick as a dog to be as, sidewalk asterisks to, sing psychedelic praises, sing the national anthem, solo in the porcelain, some ab crunches the hard way, some Ethiopian cookie dough, some supermodel push-ups, something to sprinkle sawdust, sousou all over the floor, speak to Ralph on the big white, specially processed lunch, spend the night with Huey and, stainless steel god submarine, stand on a corner selling, state of the union address, stomach overflow error, stomach past the gums look out, Street mating call Bay City, submarine heads aren't made, superior incontinence, surprise toilet inspection, take pictures of funny, take your groceries for, talk on the big telephone, talk to Earl on the big white, talk to God on the big white, talk to Huey down the big, talk to Ralph on the big white, talk to Ruth on the big white, talk to the alligators, talk to the porcelain god, talk to the Tidy-Bowl man, taste the rainbow whispered, tastes even better the, Tater Tots from their gastric, Technicolor tribute to, temple of overindulgence, ten on the Linda Blair scale, the altar of the stainless, the Barf-o-Matic roller, the big white telephone to, the bottom of the bucket, the Buchanan acceptance, the ceiling with mama's milk, the contents of the stomach, the depths of the china bowl, the East and worship Allah, the gift that keeps on giving, the great white porcelain phone, the gums look out family, the janitor something, the lovely beer ballad, the menu after eating, the national anthem of, the nose-mouth connection, the porcelain amphitheatre, the porcelain bus Brrrrrrrrroooom!, the porcelain cavern for, the porcelain intercom, the porcelain photo booth, the porcelain receptacle, the porcelain telephone, the porcelain wishing well, the Queen's Christmas message, the sardines a better, the stomach past the gums look, the stomach through the mouth to, the supermodel sound-off, the tonsils at the water, three minutes to great abs, throat movement to have a, thunder-chunder chowder blow, thunder-chunder pavement, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's, to Europe with Ralph and Earl, to Huey down the big white, to John on the porcelain, to laugh pieces in German, to Ralph on the porcelain, to Ralph the porcelain god, to the big white telephone, to the depths of the china, to the Irishman Huey, to the porcelain Buddha, to the Porcelain Chamber, to the porcelain goddess, to the porcelain modem, to the porcelain princess, to the white porcelain god, toss a sidewalk pizza, toss what is good in this world, Tots from their gastric prison, translated from Japanese, tryout for the gymnastics, turn your guts inside out, uh-oh! asshole's blocked!, uncivil forfeiture of, under Kiwi Style New, unidentified flying chunks, up a pavement pizza, up and you swallow it, up late for the hunger strike, up the Tory swimming pool, upload to the porcelain, USA nineteen sixties, usually found on the beach, vertical fertilizer, vertigo of the stomach, visit the vomitorium, vom comes up and you, Vomitola-Khomaini, vuelvo el estomago, vurp when you burp and a, watch my girlfriend's roommate eat, when you burp and a bit, white telephone to Jesus, win the gold medal in the, with everything on it, with mama's milk results of, with Ralph and Earl in a Buick, worship at the porcelain, worship the porcelain god, written on airline barf-bags, yackety-yak it's comin', yank on the diaphragmatic, yell at Ralph in sign language, yodel in Technicolor, yodel jelly and ice cream, you burp and a bit of, you just said a mouthful, your absolute guts up!, your anus out of work, your groceries for a, your intestinal goodge, your intestines the, your overindulgence, your throat the easy way, -8- a bit of vom comes up and, a call to Ralph! from Europe!, a carrot mine usually found, a copy of the Starr report, a deposit in the great white, a different kind of chicken, a different kind of pot pie, a Ford from Huey on the Isle, a perfect ten on the Linda, a Roman after-dinner mint, a surprise toilet inspection, a Technicolor tribute to, a-Bordt dinner thanks to Herb Bordt!, air out your gastric contents, Alan's psychedelic breakfast, altar of the porcelain god, altar of the stainless steel god, an alimentary u-turn, an offering at the altar, an offering on the big white, an oral sacrifice at the, and a bit of vom comes up, animated throat-missiles, Appalachian pancake batter, as written on airline barf-bags, asshole's blocked! take the front, at the altar of the stainless, at the bottom of the bucket, Australian diarrhoea from the, Barf-o-Matic roller coaster, batch of Appalachian pancake, become a fountain of flavour, before the porcelain altar, before the porcelain goddess, big white telephone to Jesus, bomber mission over Tokyo, bow before the porcelain throne, bow down before the porcelain, bow to the porcelain Buddha, bowel acid after dinner, brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked!, breakfast gravity reduction, bring forth the sacrificial meal, brokchen lacheln to laugh pieces, bulimic urge to blow oatmeal, burp and a bit of vom comes, burp for the hearing impaired, bushusuru doing the bush thing, buy a Ford from Huey on the, call Beola! Beee-ohhhh-laaaa!, call by telephone the Holy, call Edinburgh on the great white, call on the great white telephone, carrot mine usually found on, case before the porcelain judge, ceiling with mama's milk results, chicken in a different kind, chuck your absolute guts up!, chunder from down under Kiwi, Chunk Chunder and The Space Patrol, clear your throat the easy way, coloured chunks of shite on me, comes up and you swallow, commit oesophagus abuse, conduct an internal audit, contents of the stomach through the, conversation with Armitage, cook up a pavement pizza, copy of the Starr report to, cry Mary in the pillowslips, d'oeuvres for the homeless, debut at the vomitorium, deliver a copy of the, deluxe reverse fooderator, deposit in the great white bank, diarrhoea from the UK only, diced carrots and tomato, different kind of chicken in, do a bush originally, do some ab crunches the hard way, do some supermodel push-ups, do the Buchanan acceptance, down before the porcelain god, down under Kiwi Style New, drive the porcelain bus Brrrrrrrrroooom!, drop a few friends off at the pool, Earl on the big white telephone, eeeeeeee oooooooo, egregious epicurean, elgen Norwegian call the moose, empty the carrot or corn sack, enjoy yourself in reverse, erupt the grocery geyser, Europe with Ralph and Earl in a, even better the second time, exorcise the stomach devils, faith in the digestive system, fill up the Tory swimming pool, flash the tonsils at the water, food offerings to the China, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's, for my toenails from the inside, Ford from Huey on the Isle of, forfeiture of the stroganoff, from Huey on the Isle of Uist, from the stomach past the gums look, gastric overpressure relief, gastronomical disturbance, George on the big white telephone, get a refund on your lunch, get on the big white telephone, give an oral sacrifice at, give the janitor something, give the sardines a better, give your intestines the, go to Europe with Ralph and Earl, God on the big white telephone, god submarine heads aren't made, gold medal in the cookie toss, gums look out family here it, have a long conversation with, have a Roman after-dinner, heads aren't made of porcelain, heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, heiligen Ulrich anrufen, Herb on the big white telephone, Here's Ral ph! Where's Johnny?, homage to the white porcelain, home economics assignment, hug the porcelain receptacle, hug the porcelain wishing well, hurl projectile material with, in a different kind of pot, in the porcelain amphitheatre, in the porcelain photo booth, induce antiperistalsis, interior decorator on, involuntary personal, janitor something to sprinkle, kisses to the China goddess, kneel before the porcelain god, kneel before the porcelain throne, leave an offering on the big, liquid kisses to the China, liquid vowels eeeeeeee, long distance on the porcelain, look real close for toilet bowl ring!, make a carrot mine usually, make a deposit in the great, make a Technicolor tribute, make love in a crustless pizza, make love to the porcelain bowl, make some Ethiopian cookie dough, manual override fingers down, material with or without chunks, mating call Bay City special, message to the wastebasket, Midwestern USA nineteen, mine usually found on the beach, mix a batch of Appalachian, motion discomfort as written, multi coloured chunks of shite, my dinner is coming to say, night's leftovers revisited, nutritional mobility, O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, of chicken in a different, of the Barf-o-Matic roller, of the stomach through the mouth to, of vom comes up and you, offer a sacrifice to Ralph, offering at the altar of, offering to the porcelain, offerings to the China gods, on the big white telephone to, on the great white porcelain phone, on the porcelain telephone, oncological offering, opening ceremonies the, oral movement to have an, order Buicks over the big white, originally translated, out family here it comes!, out your intestinal goodge, override fingers down the throat, paint the ceiling with mama's milk, past the gums look out family, pavement asterisks to make, pay homage to the Irishman, pay homage to the porcelain, pea-and-carrot kaleidoscope, perfect ten on the Linda Blair, phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, pictures of funny faces, pizza with everything on, play at spot the diced carrot, play at the porcelain altar, porcelain cavern for the mulch, pour your overindulgence, pray at the porcelain altar, pray to the porcelain Buddha, pray to the porcelain goddess, pray to the porcelain princess, pre-hangover post-bottle prayer, preach it to the congregation, prepare dinner for a racist, projectile material with or, psychedelic praises to the, puke pizza with everything, put your anus out of work, Ralph at the great porcelain throne, Ralph on the big white telephone, Ralph on the Commode-a-Phone, re-checking your groceries, reconstitute some soup in the, refund with all due respect to, regurgitate all you ate, revisited revisited, Ruth on the big white telephone, sacrifice at the altar of, search the porcelain cavern for, secret of chemo diet success, sell cars Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk!, send a gift to the down under, set out some gooey potpourri, show the menu after eating, show up late for the hunger strike, sidewalk asterisks to make, sing psychedelic praises to, sing solo in the porcelain, sing the lovely beer ballad, sing the national anthem of, some modern art in the bathroom, something to sprinkle sawdust on, spill out your intestinal, stainless steel god submarine heads, stand on a corner selling Buicks, Starr report to the Porcelain, steel god submarine heads aren't, submarine heads aren't made of, surrender your digestive, take your groceries for a, talk on the Commode-a-Phone, talk on the great white telephone, talk to Huey down the big white, talk to John on the porcelain, talk to Ralph on the porcelain, talk to the big white telephone, telephone the Holy Ulrich, the altar of the porcelain, the altar of the stainless steel, the ants some mana from heaven, the Argentinean national, the Buchanan acceptance speech, the Buick Ba-heeeuuuu-ick, the bush thing a real Japanese, the contents of the stomach through, the gold medal in the cookie, the gums look out family here, the interior decorator, the Irishman Huey O'Rourke, the Irishyou know O'Rourke, the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, the janitor something to, the night with Huey and Herbert, the nose-mouth connection when, the porcelain cavern for the, the porcelain confessional, the sardines a better view, the stainless steel god submarine, the stomach past the gums look out, the Tater Tots from their gastric, the temple of overindulgence, thing a real Japanese phrase!, thunder-chunder rainbow parfait, to bock apparently Scottish, to Europe with Ralph and Earl in, to Ralph over the porcelain, to superior incontinence, to the depths of the china bowl, to the East and worship Allah, to Vomitola-Khomaini, tonsils at the water mirror, translator for the United, tryout for the gymnastics team, tuna salad swimming upstream, uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take, uncivil forfeiture of the, vurp when you burp and a bit, when you burp and a bit of, while kneeling at the porcelain, Windows three point one responding, Windows two thousand responding, with all due respect to Seinfeld, worship the porcelain Buddha, worship the porcelain goddess, worship the porcelain idol, yackety-yak it's comin' back, yank on the diaphragmatic chain, yawn for the hearing impaired, yell down the porcelain manhole, yell New York at the sidewalk, you burp and a bit of vom, your bread upon the waters, your colon feel rejected, your digestive fortitude, your finger do the walking, your groceries for a swim, your guts at the porcelain, your intestines the day, -9- a batch of Appalachian pancake, a call on the great white telephone, a carrot mine usually found on, a chunder from down under Kiwi, a copy of the Starr report to, a deposit in the great white bank, a different kind of chicken in, a Ford from Huey on the Isle of, a message to the wastebasket, a pea-and-carrot kaleidoscope, a perfect ten on the Linda Blair, a puke pizza with everything, a translator for the United, an offering at the altar of, an offering to the porcelain, analysis past paralysis, and a bit of vom comes up and, Argentinean national anthem, asshole's blocked! take the front door!, at the altar of the porcelain, at the altar of the stainless steel, at the porcelain confessional, at the temple of overindulgence, Australian diarrhoea from the UK, bit of vom comes up and you, blow liquid kisses to the China, bow down before the porcelain god, bow to the East and worship Allah, bowel acid after dinner mint, brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take, brokchen lacheln to laugh pieces in, bulimic urge to blow oatmeal the, burp and a bit of vom comes up, bush bomber mission over Tokyo, bush originally translated, bush thing a real Japanese phrase!, bushusuru doing the bush thing a, buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle, by telephone the Holy Ulrich, call Herb on the big white telephone, call long distance on the porcelain, call Ralph on the big white telephone, call the Irishyou know O'Rourke, carrot mine usually found on the, cast your bread upon the waters, ceiling with mama's milk results of, chicken in a different kind of, chunky dinner for the homeless, comes up and you swallow it, consequence of the Barf-o-Matic, contents of the stomach through the mouth, conversation with Armitage Shanks, copiously cough your cookies, copy of the Starr report to the, deliver a copy of the Starr, den heiligen Ulrich anrufen, diced carrots and tomato skins, different kind of chicken in a, dinner is coming to say hello, discharge the contents of the stomach, discomfort as written on airline, do the Buchanan acceptance speech, doing the bush thing a real Japanese, download also for defecation, drive the Buick Ba-heeeuuuu-ick, Europe with Ralph and Earl in a Buick, faces in the porcelain photo, finger food for the less fortunate, food offerings to the China gods, Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk! Hyuundai!!!!, for George on the big white telephone, Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist, free the Tater Tots from their gastric, from down under Kiwi Style New, from the stomach past the gums look out, funny faces in the porcelain, get on the big white telephone to, giggle to Ralph over the porcelain, give an oral sacrifice at the, give the ants some mana from heaven, give the janitor something to, give the sardines a better view, give your intestines the day, go to Europe with Ralph and Earl in, god submarine heads aren't made of, God while kneeling at the porcelain, have a Roman after-dinner mint, homage to the Irishman Huey, homage to the porcelain goddess, homage to the white porcelain god, horizontal liquid graffiti, hors d'oeuvres for the homeless, Huey down the big white telephone, hurl projectile material with or, in a different kind of pot pie, interior decorator on the, involuntary exportation, Irishyou know O'Rourke O'Rourke, John on the porcelain telephone, kind of chicken in a different, kneel before the porcelain altar, kneel before the porcelain goddess, kneeling at the porcelain altar, lacheln to laugh pieces in German, last night's leftovers revisited, leave an offering on the big white, let your finger do the walking, long conversation with Armitage, look at the bottom of the bucket, look for my toenails from the inside, look out family here it comes!, lose faith in the digestive system, make a call to Ralph! from Europe!, make a carrot mine usually found, make a deposit in the great white, make a Technicolor tribute to, make an alimentary u-turn, make an offering at the altar, make food offerings to the China, make some modern art in the bathroom, make your colon feel rejected, mama's milk results of pyloric, manual override fingers down the, Midland Street mating call Bay City, motion discomfort as written on, multi coloured chunks of shite on, national anthem of Bulemia, nose-mouth connection when spewing, O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, of Appalachian pancake batter, of chicken in a different kind, of the stainless steel god submarine, offer a sacrifice to Ralph the, offering at the altar of the, offering on the big white altar, offering to the porcelain god, on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, oooooooo uuuuuuuuu, oral sacrifice at the altar, order Buicks over the big white phone, originally translated from, over the porcelain intercom, past the gums look out family here, pay homage to the white porcelain, perfect ten on the Linda Blair scale, pictures of funny faces in, pizza with everything on it, praises to the depths of the china, psychedelic praises to the depths, puke pizza with everything on, put a different kind of chicken, Ralph on the porcelain telephone, report to the Porcelain Chamber, results of pyloric stenosis, retch liquid vowels eeeeeeee, reverse peristaltic chain reaction, rupe Midwestern USA nineteen, sacrifice at the altar of the, sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain, search the porcelain cavern for the, sing psychedelic praises to the, sing the Argentinean national, spend the night with Huey and Herbert, spill out your intestinal goodge, spill your guts at the porcelain, steel god submarine heads aren't made, Street mating call Bay City special, take pictures of funny faces, take your groceries for a swim, talk on the porcelain telephone, tastes even better the second, Tater Tots from their gastric prison, Technicolor tribute to Disney, the altar of the porcelain god, the altar of the stainless steel god, the Barf-o-Matic roller coaster, the big white telephone to Jesus, the ceiling with mama's milk results, the contents of the stomach through the, the gold medal in the cookie toss, the gums look out family here it, the interior decorator on, the janitor something to sprinkle, the porcelain cavern for the mulch, the stainless steel god submarine heads, the Starr report to the Porcelain, the tonsils at the water mirror, thunder-chunder pavement pizza, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked!, to do a bush originally, to Earl on the big white telephone, to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a, to God on the big white telephone, to Ralph on the big white telephone, to Ralph on the Commode-a-Phone, to Ruth on the big white telephone, to the interior decorator, to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke, uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the, Uncle Ralph on the big white telephone, under Kiwi Style New Zealand, unrecoverable application, up to superior incontinence, upload to the porcelain modem, vom comes up and you swallow, vurp when you burp and a bit of, when you burp and a bit of vom, win the gold medal in the cookie, Windows ninety eight responding, Windows ninety five responding, worship at the porcelain altar, worship Ralph at the great porcelain, your case before the porcelain, your intestines the day off, -10- a bit of vom comes up and you, a bush originally translated, a carrot mine usually found on the, a copy of the Starr report to the, a different kind of chicken in a, a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist, a long conversation with Armitage, a perfect ten on the Linda Blair scale, a puke pizza with everything on, a sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain, a Technicolor tribute to Disney, an offering at the altar of the, an offering on the big white altar, an offering to the porcelain god, an oral sacrifice at the altar, at the altar of the porcelain god, at the altar of the stainless steel god, batch of Appalachian pancake batter, be a translator for the United, beg God while kneeling at the porcelain, brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the, burp and a bit of vom comes up and, bush originally translated from, bushusuru doing the bush thing a real, buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle of, call by telephone the Holy Ulrich, call for George on the big white telephone, call Uncle Ralph on the big white telephone, carrot mine usually found on the beach, cars Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk! Hyuundai!!!!, chicken in a different kind of pot, coloured chunks of shite on me dashboard, conduct a surprise toilet inspection, contents of the stomach through the mouth to, discharge the contents of the stomach through, distance on the porcelain telephone, down under Kiwi Style New Zealand, Edinburgh on the great white porcelain, egregious epicurean egress, emergency stomach evacuation, exportation of chunky by-products, faces in the porcelain photo booth, flash the tonsils at the water mirror, Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked!, giggle over the porcelain intercom, give the janitor something to sprinkle, give up to superior incontinence, give your intestines the day off, go to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a, gums look out family here it comes!, guts at the porcelain confessional, Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, involuntary exportation of, involuntary personal protein, janitor something to sprinkle sawdust, kind of chicken in a different kind, liquid kisses to the China goddess, long conversation with Armitage Shanks, make a call on the great white telephone, make a carrot mine usually found on, make a deposit in the great white bank, make a pea-and-carrot kaleidoscope, make a puke pizza with everything, make an offering at the altar of, make an offering to the porcelain, make food offerings to the China gods, manual override fingers down the throat, Midwestern USA nineteen sixties, milk results of pyloric stenosis, mix a batch of Appalachian pancake, multi coloured chunks of shite on me, my dinner is coming to say hello, nose-mouth connection when spewing milk, O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, of chicken in a different kind of, of funny faces in the porcelain, of the Barf-o-Matic roller coaster, of the stainless steel god submarine heads, of the Starr report to the Porcelain, of vom comes up and you swallow, on the big white telephone to Jesus, oral sacrifice at the altar of, paint the ceiling with mama's milk results, past the gums look out family here it, pay homage to the Irishman Huey, pay homage to the porcelain goddess, pay homage to the white porcelain god, pictures of funny faces in the, plead your case before the porcelain, porcelain cavern for the mulch monster, praises to the depths of the china bowl, projectile material with or without, psychedelic praises to the depths of, puke pizza with everything on it, put a different kind of chicken in, Ralph over the porcelain intercom, reconstitute some soup in the toilet, refund with all due respect to Seinfeld, sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain god, search the porcelain cavern for the mulch, send a message to the wastebasket, sing psychedelic praises to the depths, solo in the porcelain amphitheatre, speak to Ralph on the big white telephone, stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, steel god submarine heads aren't made of, stomach past the gums look out family, super deluxe reverse fooderator, take pictures of funny faces in, talk to Earl on the big white telephone, talk to God on the big white telephone, talk to Ralph on the big white telephone, talk to Ralph on the Commode-a-Phone, talk to Ruth on the big white telephone, talk to the interior decorator, tastes even better the second time, the Argentinean national anthem, the bush thing a real Japanese phrase!, the ceiling with mama's milk results of, the contents of the stomach through the mouth, the interior decorator on the, the Irishyou know O'Rourke O'Rourke, the national anthem of Bulemia, the nose-mouth connection when spewing, the Tater Tots from their gastric prison, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take, to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a Buick, to Huey down the big white telephone, to John on the porcelain telephone, to Ralph on the porcelain telephone, to the interior decorator on, translator for the United Nations, uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front, upward nutritional mobility, velocity reverse peristaltic, vom comes up and you swallow it, vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom, while kneeling at the porcelain altar, win the gold medal in the cookie toss, with mama's milk results of pyloric, worship Ralph at the great porcelain throne, you burp and a bit of vom comes, your case before the porcelain judge, -11- a batch of Appalachian pancake batter, a bush originally translated from, a carrot mine usually found on the beach, a long conversation with Armitage Shanks, a puke pizza with everything on it, a sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain god, a translator for the United Nations, allegiance to Vomitola-Khomaini, altar of the stainless steel god submarine, an oral sacrifice at the altar of, and a bit of vom comes up and you, Australian diarrhoea from the UK only, bit of vom comes up and you swallow, blow liquid kisses to the China goddess, brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front, brokchen lacheln to laugh pieces in German, buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist, call Edinburgh on the great white porcelain, call the Irishyou know O'Rourke O'Rourke, chicken in a different kind of pot pie, chunder from down under Kiwi Style New, consequence of the Barf-o-Matic roller, decorator on the Commode-a-Phone, deliver a copy of the Starr report, discharge the contents of the stomach through the, discomfort as written on airline barf-bags, do a bush originally translated, doing the bush thing a real Japanese phrase!, Edinburgh on the great white porcelain phone, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take, free the Tater Tots from their gastric prison, from down under Kiwi Style New Zealand, funny faces in the porcelain photo, get on the big white telephone to Jesus, give an oral sacrifice at the altar, go to Europe with Ralph and Earl in a Buick, God while kneeling at the porcelain altar, have a long conversation with Armitage, high velocity reverse peristaltic, homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke, Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, hurl projectile material with or without, involuntary personal protein spill, janitor something to sprinkle sawdust on, kind of chicken in a different kind of, leave an offering on the big white altar, leftovers revisited revisited, long distance on the porcelain telephone, make a carrot mine usually found on the, make a puke pizza with everything on, make a Technicolor tribute to Disney, make an offering at the altar of the, make an offering to the porcelain god, Midland Street mating call Bay City special, motion discomfort as written on airline, of chicken in a different kind of pot, of vom comes up and you swallow it, offering at the altar of the stainless, oral sacrifice at the altar of the, paint the ceiling with mama's milk results of, participate in reverse gastronomy, plead your case before the porcelain judge, porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, projectile material with or without chunks, psychedelic praises to the depths of the, put a different kind of chicken in a, rupe Midwestern USA nineteen sixties, sell cars Fooorrrrd!!! Buuuuiiiccckkkk! Hyuundai!!!!, sing psychedelic praises to the depths of, sing solo in the porcelain amphitheatre, sing the Argentinean national anthem, sing the national anthem of Bulemia, stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, stomach past the gums look out family here, submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, surrender your digestive fortitude, take pictures of funny faces in the, talk to Huey down the big white telephone, talk to John on the porcelain telephone, talk to Ralph on the porcelain telephone, talk to the interior decorator on, the contents of the stomach through the mouth to, the gums look out family here it comes!, the janitor something to sprinkle sawdust, the nose-mouth connection when spewing milk, the porcelain cavern for the mulch monster, the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, the Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, the stomach past the gums look out family, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the, to Ralph over the porcelain intercom, to the interior decorator on the, uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front door!, Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, uncivil forfeiture of the stroganoff, unrecoverable application error, velocity reverse peristaltic chain, when you burp and a bit of vom comes, worship at the temple of overindulgence, you burp and a bit of vom comes up, -12- a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, a chunder from down under Kiwi Style New, altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, an offering at the altar of the stainless, an oral sacrifice at the altar of the, be a translator for the United Nations, beg God while kneeling at the porcelain altar, bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front door!, burp and a bit of vom comes up and you, call Edinburgh on the great white porcelain phone, call long distance on the porcelain telephone, ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric, copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain, deliver a copy of the Starr report to, different kind of chicken in a different, discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth, do a bush originally translated from, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the, from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, from the stomach past the gums look out family, funny faces in the porcelain photo booth, giggle to Ralph over the porcelain intercom, give an oral sacrifice at the altar of, give the janitor something to sprinkle sawdust, god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, have a long conversation with Armitage Shanks, high velocity reverse peristaltic chain, Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, hurl projectile material with or without chunks, involuntary exportation of chunky, kind of chicken in a different kind of pot, liquid vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo, make a carrot mine usually found on the beach, make a puke pizza with everything on it, mama's milk results of pyloric stenosis, mix a batch of Appalachian pancake batter, multi coloured chunks of shite on me dashboard, night's leftovers revisited revisited, of chicken in a different kind of pot pie, of funny faces in the porcelain photo, of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, of the Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, offer a sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain, offering at the altar of the stainless steel, originally translated from Japanese, past the gums look out family here it comes!, pay homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke, sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain, search the porcelain cavern for the mulch monster, sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the, stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, stomach past the gums look out family here it, talk to the interior decorator on the, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine, the janitor something to sprinkle sawdust on, the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, the stomach past the gums look out family here, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front, to do a bush originally translated, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes, when you burp and a bit of vom comes up, white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, you burp and a bit of vom comes up and, your guts at the porcelain confessional, -13- a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, a copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain, a different kind of chicken in a different, an offering at the altar of the stainless steel, and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine, bush originally translated from Japanese, bushusuru doing the bush thing a real Japanese, chunder from down under Kiwi Style New Zealand, consequence of the Barf-o-Matic roller coaster, deliver a copy of the Starr report to the, different kind of chicken in a different kind, discharge the contents of the stomach through the mouth to, eeeeeeee oooooooo uuuuuuuuu, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front, Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, from the stomach past the gums look out family here, give an oral sacrifice at the altar of the, give the janitor something to sprinkle sawdust on, great white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, kind of chicken in a different kind of pot pie, last night's leftovers revisited revisited, make an offering at the altar of the stainless, motion discomfort as written on airline barf-bags, of funny faces in the porcelain photo booth, of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, offer a sacrifice to Ralph the porcelain god, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god, pictures of funny faces in the porcelain, psychedelic praises to the depths of the china, retch liquid vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo, sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain god, spill your guts at the porcelain confessional, steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, the ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric, the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, the stomach past the gums look out family here it, to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front door!, to do a bush originally translated from, velocity reverse peristaltic chain reaction, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes up, when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and, with mama's milk results of pyloric stenosis, your allegiance to Vomitola-Khomaini, -14- a bush originally translated from Japanese, a chunder from down under Kiwi Style New Zealand, a different kind of chicken in a different kind, a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god, and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, different kind of chicken in a different kind of, food to brain: uh-oh! asshole's blocked! take the front door!, from the stomach past the gums look out family here it, high velocity reverse peristaltic chain reaction, interior decorator on the Commode-a-Phone, Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel, of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain, paint the ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric, pledge your allegiance to Vomitola-Khomaini, psychedelic praises to the depths of the china bowl, put a different kind of chicken in a different, sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the china, stomach past the gums look out family here it comes!, take pictures of funny faces in the porcelain, the great white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and, you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you, -15- a copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, a different kind of chicken in a different kind of, altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, an oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain, burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, bushusuru doing the bush thing a real Japanese phrase!, buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord, ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric stenosis, different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot, do a bush originally translated from Japanese, involuntary exportation of chunky by-products, Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god, on the great white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain god, pictures of funny faces in the porcelain photo, put a different kind of chicken in a different kind, sing psychedelic praises to the depths of the china bowl, stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, the interior decorator on the Commode-a-Phone, the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, the stomach past the gums look out family here it comes!, to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo uuuuuuuuu, when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you, -16- a different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot, altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, an oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain god, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, deliver a copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain, different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot pie, Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, from the stomach past the gums look out family here it comes!, give an oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine, pictures of funny faces in the porcelain photo booth, put a different kind of chicken in a different kind of, take pictures of funny faces in the porcelain photo, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, the ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric stenosis, the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, to do a bush originally translated from Japanese, to the interior decorator on the Commode-a-Phone, to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you, you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, -17- a different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot pie, an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, give an oral sacrifice at the altar of the porcelain god, homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, liquid vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo uuuuuuuuu, of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, paint the ceiling with mama's milk results of pyloric stenosis, put a different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot, take pictures of funny faces in the porcelain photo booth, talk to the interior decorator on the Commode-a-Phone, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, -18- an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, deliver a copy of the Starr report to the Porcelain Chamber, Edinburgh on the great white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine, of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, pay homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee, put a different kind of chicken in a different kind of pot pie, retch liquid vowels eeeeeeee oooooooo uuuuuuuuu, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow, when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, -19- altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, call Edinburgh on the great white porcelain phone Edinbu-u-u-u-u-r-r-r-g-g-g-g-h-h-h-h-!, Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, pay homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh, vurp when you burp and a bit of vom comes up and you swallow it, -20- a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, pay homage to the Irishman Huey O'Rourke heeee-oooo-eeeee oh rorrrrrkkkk!, the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, -21- an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, -22- an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made, -23- Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of, -24- from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, -25- an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, -26- a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st!, make an offering at the altar of the stainless steel god submarine heads aren't made of porcelain, -27- buy a Ford from Huey on the Isle of Uist Fo-o-o-ord Hu-u-u-ue-e-ey U-u-u-i-i-i-st! |
Michael Bordt |
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