Board Members

  • Joseph Leow
  • Marcus Chua
  • Bernard Gan
  • Simon Tham
  • Ong Chin Hwee
  • Spiridon Irwin
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club news

Firewall Problem
May 28, 2002
The server was inaccessible today due to the firewall settings that were not enabled to allow public access. The problem has since been fixed as of 21:00 pm.

World Cup 2002 Online Game Launched
May 26, 2002
The game is now launched and in it's beta. Due to unforseen circumstances over the last few weeks, the scope of the game has been reduced. Nonetheless the game will be continually upgraded throughout the competition. All memebers are encouraged to try it out and spot as many bugs as possible.

May Day Match Highlights May 2, 2002
While the rest of the nation were still lazing in bed, our boys were sweating it out at NUS, fighting for perhaps one of the toughest match the club has ever faced in recent times. Highlights here.

World Cup Online Game Mar 13, 2002
We are officially announcing the World Cup Fantasy Game which will be coming this way early May. Development of the game is already in progress with the webmaster roping in a talented Thai graphics designer to help jazz up the look and feel of the game. A sneak preview to the game will be released sometime in late March. Watch out for it!

Updates Mar 12, 2002
It's been a long time since we last hear about ourselves. So here's some updates:

DFC announced the arrival of three new baby draggies for year 2001. Let's join our hands and welcome Justus, Chloe and Claris.

Simon has since taken over as Manager of the club. In his management and dedication, the club has gone from strength to strength.

Arch rivals The Butterflies has since disappeared into oblivion. No matches have been played against them for the past 1 1/2 years. These guys are probably somewhere sitting in coffeeshops playing dum.

New and very much more skillful opponents in the form of Bernard's pals, who have given us a run of our money.

Have also challenged a bunch of super fit army boys whom we just narrowly beaten them by a goal.

Interesting Highlights:
Approached by EPL Tonight (SCV Channel) to do aTV review on us. We were too shy to take up the offer.

Approached by aspiring Nigerian footballers to help them get hitch up with our local clubs.

Approached by foreign companies to buy up our site...(whatever for???)

Approached by foreign companies to help them advertise some gambling services. We turn that down immediately. We are afterall a Christian soccer club.

Status Quo:
Our wages are still paid in banana dollars.

We still play at NUS handball court, though we look more like a bunch of lecturers than students now.

Website Re-launched Mar 11, 2002
Yes, we are back. The Dragonfly FC website has been relaunched after lying dormant for the last 2 years. With the excitment of the World Cup slowly building up. The webmaster has also woken up from his lazy slumber. The site will be updated as frequently as possible at least from now till the World Cup.

Archived News
1999 - 2001

Copyright ?1999-2002 Spiridon Inc.. All rights reserved.

Other News & Results
Sorry, our partner, iSyndicate has also through the burst, gone out of business. Hence till we find a new partner, there will be no daily soccer news..