Sifu Paul Major. 5th Dan Master
My Fighting Record
Between the ages 7 to 14, I practiced Loong Fu Pai under my brother Jonathan, who many years directed me to Grand Master Lim who he trained under. At the age of 14 I began amatuer boxing and in 4 years I had won 2 Victorian Titles and had been selected for the Commonwealth Games. I then turned Professional after many fight. I was rated number 4 in Australia, but hten for a period of 18 months no-one would fight me. With the assistance of Grand Master Terry Lim, he helped me get Kick Boxing fights in 1987. In September 1988 I won the Australia Full-Contact Kung-Fu title in Melbourne. Later that year I won the Australian Professional Middle Weight Kickboxing title Title in New South Wales. I still hold these titles to this day, undefeated.