Various stuff!

Creative Flow

On Equal Terms
She was a buxom woman of thirty-four who stood five feet-six inches tall and weighed in at one hundred and thirty pounds. Her breasts were round and ample for a woman of her size, firm and well shaped. She had short blonde hair and a pretty face. She was feminine and well educated as well as refined and adventurous. When she e-mailed I thought it was just another poser,trying to get their rocks off at my expense. Any profile like her's was too perfect. I replied cautiously,asking her to send a picture and she did. When I saw the attached photo notice go up on my computer's mail file, I paused for a moment,certain it would be just another pic pulled from somewhere on the web instead of the real sender. As I watched it load onto my screen, I became glued to it. The face came first,then the torso. So far this looked to be an honest photo of a pretty woman. A white tank top and red satin boxer shorts appeared as the pic continued to load this body that was just to my liking. Not too fit,not too unfit,soft and rounded,just right. I watched as her legs began to appear,bare from the bottoms of her boxers to just under her knee caps. It was at this point that a creamy line began to show revealing the tops of two heavy cuffs. As the screen filled with her image, I watched the cream colored cuffs lead to two of the most beautiful cable knit knee socked covered legs I had ever seen. The bottom of the screen blossomed into two white boxing boots that were soft in appearance and new in age. Her letter stated that she was ready to break in her new socks and boots in a match against me. My heart raced as I imagined her in the corner of my ring, located in my recreation room. A rather small version of the real thing,my ring was ample enough for what it was used for. I am Milo, taxi fighter for any woman who can afford my services.
A quick reply brought a verification phone call that night. Her voice was like a bird singing on a spring day. I gave her the directions to my place and she sounded excited at the thought of meeting me for an hour of paid boxing. On her request, the fight would be a fantasy type match,but no winner would be arranged beforehand. She wanted the fight to go on until her hour was up or either one of us gave up. I smiled to myself and agreed. She insisted on no spectators and I assured her that none were ever present at my sessions. She thanked me for accepting her as a new client and hung up. I checked the ring out and called it a night. Tomorrow we would meet and bring my small ring to life.
I dressed in my grey tank top,black Everlast boxing shorts,bulky knee length basketball socks,and black boxing boots. The boots were soft enough to double for wrestling duty. The woman arrived slightly early and apologized sheepishly. I invited her in and showed her to a room where she could change into her ring attire. The blouse,skirt,and pumps were a nice vision of her,but not her ring clothes on this time around. She made her way to the recreation room in short order dressed in her outfit from the photo she had sent to me. It looked even better in person!
I watched as she pulled on the boxing gloves I had placed in her corner and pulled mine on as well. Still outside of the ring,which is ground level,the woman asked if I was ready to begin and I replied I was. We climbed through the ropes and stood in our corners. I studied her as she shuffeled about in an awkward manner, unsure of what to do while she waited for the fight to begin. She confirmed that this was in fact to be a fantasy boxing match with no real pain or hard punches. I acknowldged the fact and raised up my red gloves against her pink gloves. I had a bell system in place that automatically rang every five minutes. I flipped the switch with the thumb of my glove and we began. Ding!
I came out of my corner and headed right for her as she started to me and then moved to the side to get away. I followed her in a sideways shuffle and shot a light jab into her shoulder. She gasped lightly and kept moving away,her gloves up protecting her face. I caught her at the ropes and jabbed her again,this time tapping her lushious breast. She chirped out faintly and let me get her against the ropes. Once we were in this position I locked her up into a tight clinch and alternated between this and light body punches to her sides and chest areas. She leaned into me and held me against her tightly as I continued to body punch her at very close range. The ropes strained as I pressed her against them and sent my gloves against her soft body. Her breathing increased as we stood tightly together and I moved my punches to her breast area. Being careful not to hurt her, my punches were soft and light. She pressed me even tighter to her and gasped into my ear as I alternated my right and left gloves into her round orbs. Ding! I pushed her away and returned to my corner. She seemed confused at first but got the idea when I motioned her to sit on the small stool that was just outside of her corner. She pulled it into the ring, as I did mine, and sat down breathing heavily. Her face was blushed and pink. It was a fast five minutes and the bell rang for round two. We moved the stools out and headed for each other again.
She went right for me and wrapped herself around my body in a tight embrace. So far,she hadn't thrown a single punch! I embraced her back before we resumed our clinch punching activity. My gloves tapped into her sides and breasts again as she held me against her tightly. I felt her right leg wrap around my left,the coarse material of her knee sock vibrated against my heavy sock sending me into a aroused state. She leaned me into the ropes and tightened her grip as I increased my punches to her body. As I punched her faster she breathed a more feverish pace. I suspected that she was getting off on the body contact, as was I. The buldge in my boxer shorts pressed tightly against her as her pelvis pushed me harder and harder. The woman sighed loudly into my ear and began to shudder in a most pleasing manner against me. I increased my power slightly and the woman increased her gasping and panting. Moans passed her beautiful lips as she obviously climaxed into a weakened state. As she began to come down and loosened her grasp on my body, the bell sounded,ending the round.
 She sat relaxed and leaned against the ropes,her right knee sock pushed down slightly from the previous round's leg engagement. I noticed my left sock pushed down as well but left it alone. She rested her gloves on the ropes and smiled as I stared at her glorious figure in that incredible outfit. Ding!
She was not ready for the next round and hesitated before coming back to the fight. I circled her,giving her time to regroup herself. She held her gloves slightly lower then her face and circled around slowly. I went for a light uppercut to her gut and followed it with a wide right cross to her side. She grunted and threw a light roundhouse that I let myself take on the cheek. Another pink glove came floating at me and connected to my chin. I fained a gasp and sent her my right red glove. It landed lightly against her left breast and we moved around the ring slowly and exchanged light punches to each other's bodies. The woman was tiring but stayed in the fight. We moved in a wide path around the ring and continued to punch each other lightly in wide slow swings. I changed tactics and began jabbing at her again,mostly in the breast areas. She jabbed me mid body and we stood still and jabbed at each other front to front. Our boxing boots touched at the toes as we stood firm and jabbed each other with increasing force. Still the jabs landed painlessly to us both. The woman glowed as she sighed and gasped with each jab. I grunted and growled as the jabs passed each other and tapped into our bodies. Ding! She got in one more jab after the bell and reluctantly went to her corner.
I noticed the woman was eager to return to combat as she fidgeted in her corner and rubbed her gloves against the sides of her thighs. She kept her eyes on me the entire five minutes between rounds. Sweat had begun to soak through our tank tops and our socks had fallen further during the last round. I wiped my brow with my glove and noticed her nipples were erect and showing through her top. Another erection was going full steam elsewhere too. Good thing I always wear a condom for these mixed fights. Ding!
She came out of her corner and rushed me into the ropes. Lefts and rights sailed into me as we sparred our way along them and into the corner. She trapped me against the turnbuckle and lightly battered me with her pink boxing gloves as I returned her punches with an equal amount. She leaned against me and we fought close body to body style now. Her perfumed face rested on my shoulder as her lushious body pressed tightly to mine. I grunted and groaned as she wimpered and gasped in this close lock up. Our gloves thudded into sweaty targets as her excited breasts grinded themselves against my chest. She moaned into my ear and fought me into the next corner. When we bounced into the turnbuckle, I manuvered her against them and let her have it with lefts and rights to her breasts and stomach. She fought back at first but them shifted her gloves to simply holding onto me around my head. I tapped her with light uppercuts as she tightened her grasp on me and hissed for me to punch her harder. I was taken by surprise by this request but oblidged her wish. My gloves zeroed in on her nipples and attacked with moderate force. She grew into a frenzied state and lurched her body against mine in a wild rythym of boxing erotics. I moved my gloves to her sides and breasts,punching randomly as she slammed herself against me in the corner. We grew into a wild escalating battle of the sexes and she began to pummel me with punches from her pink gloves. My punches stayed modest and controlled but her's were now as hard as she could throw.
We stumbled into the center of the ring and continued to battle with lefts and rights to our bodies. Just before the bell rang to stop the round she requested the next round be on equal terms,full force on both parts. I agreed and she crushed us together for a mutual climax that exploded between us like thunder! Ding! We ignored the bell and rode out the eruption until we stood exhausted in each others' arms. I staggered back to my corner and she to her's just as the bell to continue rang. Ding! Neither of us answered the call to battle and we rested until another five minutes passed.
Ding! She reminded me that since this was the last round,we were to fight for real with no light punches. I lumbered out of my corner and she met me at center ring. At first we sluggishly circled each other but we were so exhausted from the hour long session that we decided to slug it out for the rest of the fight and not waste any time on circling. She fired first and slammed a pink glove into my face. I staggered and returned my red glove to her cheek. After the initial first punches,the remainder of the round consisted of slow,wide barrages of blows that sailed through the air and thudded into our bodies in waves. We stood toe to toe and battered away at each other for thirty seconds,then we'd back off for ten seconds,and resume our assaults. Punches flew in all directions. High and low the gloves flew between us. Grunts and gasps followed thuds and thwacks as we fought out the last round. I forced myself to keep my punches just under full force as she gave me everything she had left. We clinched and then battered each others' shoulders and heads as well as her breasts and my chest. In the corner again,our legs got tangled into a grapevined knot and if not for the support of the ring ropes, we would have surely fallen to the ring floor. Another grinding session between our socks and our pelvises caused another explosion between us. We shook violently as one until the end. Slowly,we sank to the mat and slid apart,our legs intertwined and unable to stand. I thought to myself,what a way to make a good living! She thanked me when we regained our breath and composure,showered,gave me a generous bonus besides my regular fee,and promised that we would fight again. I praised the lady on her good sporting spirit and she went on her way.
The End
Showdown At Stony Creek

I had moved from the city to this suburban town in 1925. If you blinked while moving down the main road, you'd miss it completely. I was a young lad of thirteen and ready to conquer the world. Now being the new kid in town, I had expected a scrap or two with the local boys, the normal "welcome" to any small town back then.
I ventured out on this beautiful morning, it was summer and we were off from school, to meet the locals and maybe prove my stuff. As I made my way up the dirt road, I noticed a group of fellas my age range, milling around a large oak tree. "Well, here goes", I thought, and strolled over to introduce myself and wait for a challenge. To my surprise, the lads were most cordial at making my acquaintance and welcomed me with friendly smiles and shared pop. As we chatted on about baseball and the summer adventures we all had that year, I began to notice that just about every lad there had a black eye, fat lip, or some contusion about their faces. I asked them what gang of thugs had they been tangling with, and they all looked at me and said, "Sandra".
"Cruel name for a boy", I retorted. The group lowered their heads and muttered that Sandra was in fact...a girl. "You got beat up by a girl", I gasped? They hung their heads and nodded embarrassed at the fact. I was told the horror stories of each lad who had faced her in combat and had fallen in defeat at her maryjanes. "You're pulling my leg", I exclaimed! They assured me that Sandra was real and I'd cross her boy hating path sooner or later. I shuddered at the thought of this "monster" who beat up the boys in town...just for the fun of it. I pictured a goliath female, probably fat as a house, who lumbered into these guys like the Hogan Street Railway trolley cars lumbered up and down Main Street. On the following day, while the group of us were roaming the dusty streets of town, we stumbled almost into her path. At the last second, Toby saw her and motioned us to take cover behind Mrs. Cranstan's hedges. We leaped behind them and waited for Sandra to lumber by. I waited to see if the ground would shake on her passing. Well hidden from sight, we waited and watched through the green cover that shielded us from this menace to all boys.
I heard her maryjanes approaching up the walk and shuddered again at the terrible sight I was about to witness. It should be noted that in the twenties, sneakers were not around in great numbers and the girls usually wore their older janes for play and the newer ones for school and church. Closer and closer she heart thumped faster and faster as this monster came near. I almost laughed out loud at my own excitement, like waiting for an enraged bull to pass us by. I strained to get a good look at this beast as she made her way past. My attention was pulled away for a moment as I watched a vision of beauty glide by. A good look at her and I resumed my beast watch. We stayed put and then all was quiet. The lads motioned an all clear and we stood up and sighed a sigh of relief. I asked, "So where did she go"? The lads looked at me in confused stares and said, "You must have seen her!" "The girl that just went past us!", they said. "Her", I said??? "The pretty one in the yellow sun dress", I said??? They nodded a yes and we moved in the opposite direction of what I had seen as my target for love at first sight.
Sandra was perfect...well if you're thirteen in the twenties...that is. She had golden hair and a pretty face with a touch of freckles and a perfect nose. She walked with the grace of an angel and her frame was lean and feminine.
We made our way to the railroad tracks at the edge of town and settled in to watch the parade of trains that whizzed past. Back then, the railroads were the main means of transport between cities and towns. I looked at the battle bruised lads around me and silently shook my head. They shrugged and we moved our thoughts to other things.
When I got home that day, my parents were waiting for me, luggage in tow. My aunt had fallen victim to a serious illness and my parents were off to care for her and her three toddlers. Being thirteen, I was capable of manning the home front alone. My parents informed me of the situation, patted my head and headed off to the train station. They would return in about a week and would telegram me when they were ready to come home.
The following morning I decided to stay home and enjoy the man of the house status that I had been honored with by my father. I tended to the chores of the house early and treated myself to a cool lemonade under the oak tree that ruled the center of our back yard. Maybe living in Nowhere, Pa. wouldn't be so bad after all, I thought. The sound of footsteps approaching interrupted the morning's quiet majesty. I turned to see Sandra coming up the dirt road to my house. She was carrying a my front door! I snuck around the side of the house and watched her for a few moments as she knocked on the front door. My heart floated inside me with puppy love as I peered at her standing there. Finally, I made my presence known and greeted her with a friendly hello. Sandra turned around and I informed her that my parents were away for a few days, leaving her to deal with me. The blonde target of my boyhood interest introduced herself and handed me the basket. Her parents were on the "welcome to town committee", and she delivered the welcome baskets to new neighbors. I thanked her and her parents and offered her a cool lemonade. She accepted the offer and we enjoyed the apple pie that was part of the welcome basket and lemonade on the front porch.
I found it hard to believe that this dreamboat was a boy hater. As we chatted on about everything under the sun,she seemed eager to hear all about my life in the big city. Nothing special to me,I was used to the daily life of hustle and bustle. But to her my tales of riding the el trains and subways,screaming sirens of the police cars, and all that went with it,were enough to keep her fascinated. Our city had placed into service the first police cars just before we moved and yes they did have hand cranked sirens mounted to the sides of each car. Model Ts they were.
Sandra noticed the time and reluctantly announced her departure. I stared at her in that frilly white sundress and her maryjanes and white anklets as she stood up from her chair and turned to leave. I walked her to the road and we chatted along the way. Our dirt road led to the paved road which ran into town. We lived in the rural part of the town. On reaching the paved road I bid her farewell and said I'd see her around. Sandra turned and looked my right in the eyes. With an impish grin on her pretty face,she said,"Sooner than you think." I paused and before I had a chance to question her phrase,she was on her way.
I got up early and had everything done by nine o'clock. A good strong cup of java and a toasted Lucky Strike were my companions on the front porch. The morning had a chill to it when I had rolled out of bed but the morning sun was beginning to warm things up. I pulled off my heavy work boots and changed into my lighter shoes, opting to keep the heavy socks on for the day. They were snug in my old shoes but thick and padded in a way that made walking like stepping on clouds. I loosened the laces a bit and brushed off the dust from my work pants, which because they were almost always worn with boots,were alittle more than knee high. The shoes were black lace ups that went to just above my ankles. Old dress shoes that I had worn out for everyday use. They were soft and comfortable,unlike when they were new;stiff and hard.
I was sucking in the last of my Lucky when I saw her. She was just standing there at the edge of the property, staring at me. I noticed that she wasn't wearing the typical outfit of the day for girls of that era. Instead,Sandra stood silent in an old tan pullover shirt, old brown trousers cut to knee length,her old Maryjanes and bulky white socks that she had pulled straight up to mid calf height. I adjusted my old grey pullover shirt as I stood up to greet her.
Sandra's hair was pulled tight into a bun at the back of her head and her eyes twinkled with a devilish glint. She walked to the porch and joined me,sitting down to my right. My offer of coffee and a smoke went untaken and she countered with an offer of her own. I still smile to this day when I recall it.
"I have a proposition for you. You and me will go out behind your house into that field over there, and have a fight. A fair fight with no rules or time outs,unless one of us is bleeding too much and we need to wipe off the blood to continue. If I win, I'll never say anything about it to anyone and just go about my business. If I loose, I'll be your girlfriend, if you want me, and make you the happiest boy in the whole county."
I nearly fainted at the thoughts of happiest boy in the county! Now it was dawning on me why the guys called her a boy hater and why they were all beaten up! All except Pierrie. I wondered about that boy. Only kid in town who wore a pinky ring. To each their own, I say. I grinned a sly grin and invited her to use the new indoor plumbing before we went over to the field. She gleefully accepted and I waited for my turn to empty my tank. We strolled into the quiet field,like we were going to a picnic instead of going into battle. Once in our private arena,we checked our persons for rings and earrings and the like. I tightened up my laces and she checked the little buckles on her janes. All set,we moved to a back to back position like duelists(her idea),and stepped off ten paces. On the tenth step,we turned and the fight began.
I waited for her lead and followed when she raised her graceful hands and balled them into two fists,just like a bare knuckle boxer of the era. The knuckles faced the boxer holding them in front in those days. She looked out of place in this position as we circled slowly and waited for the first punch to strike. I watched her from head to toe,keeping a safe distance,and marveled at how I wanted this maiden who now circled me and beckoned me to fight. Her janes slid across the ground and her body seemed to float on air.
I almost let down my guard watching her move. A fast moving fist pierced the air and whizzed past my ducking head! I backtracked two steps and got my mind back to the fight. I tracked her movements with my own and let loose a hard right jab. Sandra ducked and came back with a right uppercut that smacked into my side. I grunted and blocked her incoming left roundhouse,countering with a dead on left hook that slammed into her soft right side. She chirped out a cry of pain and backed away from me.
I paused for a second and decided to force the fight now. I plowed into her straight one with a left right combination that hit home on both parts. She squeeled out as I forced my fists at her. Sandra countered with her own barrage of lefts and rights. We stood there in the morning sun and swung away at each other with wild abandon. All punches were to the body at this point and neither of us were in any danger of being knocked senseless. Sandra leaned into me and we fought a fierce exchange of punches to our bodies at close range. Our heads rested against each others' shoulders as we slammed each other with uppercuts and hooks.
Sweat began to flow as she gripped me in a tight clinch and held me close to her. Panting deeply,Sandra brushed her face against mine in an almost romantic jesture. I kept my mind on my task and wrestled free of her,pasting a solid left jab to her shoulder. She jolted back a step and moved into me again.
I over stepped my confidence and took a hard jab to the cheek. It stung like a bee sting. Sandra followed with a followup roundhouse that I blocked and countered with a roundhouse of my own. It thudded into her stomach and she gasped before stumbling back. Tears welled up into her beautiful blue eyes as she glared at me and stood bent over for a time. I took to watching her again,a mistake,and never saw her right fist coming. It slammed into my face at the right cheek! Stars! I saw stars! This gal could punch! I staggered to safety and met her attack head on.
Sandra smelled blood and launched into me with both barrels. I ducked and weaved her assault as she erupted into a frenzy of slugs and misses. Half hit home as I counter attacked with wild uppercuts and roundhouses. The sound of fists hitting bodies filled the air! We slowly moved around the field and hammered away at each other without pause. One punch after another slammed into us as we fought in bitter rage. I felt her right fist collide with my left eye and the stars were back! A shiner for sure! I covered up and let her continue to batter my body until the stars left. My head cleared enough to slam her with my westside willy. A punch that I made up. When I saw an opening,I literally rammed my body into her's. As she jolted back a step and dropped her guard to regain her balance,I nailed her face with a hard right cross. It careened into her soft blue left eye and Sandra went down. Her supple body went into a fetal position as she wept freely. I waited and asked her if she had had enough. Sandra sobbed loudly but refused to give up. I looked at her eye and I had used too much force on the girl. Her eye was beginning to swell and puff up. It would be closed soon.
Sandra struggled to stand and squared up again. We circled and jabbed. I was careful to avoid her eyes from that point. Another clinch and we were soon on the ground locked together in a tight body punching wrestle. We rolled slowly across the green grass of the field locked in an exhausting conflict that had us gasping for breath and grunting out in pain. I felt our legs stiffen up as we strained to stretch them to painful limits. Our socks layed in heaps together and rustled as they were forced to rub together in this violent entanglement. I couldn't breath and Sandra seemed to be in the same predicament as we fought on in this vise like knot of bodies.
With the last strength I had left,I managed to roll Sandra under me and held on as we battled on in double bearhugs and leg locks. I heard a faint "I give up" from the wimpering girl and loosened my grasp. We rolled apart and layed on our backs in agony. After ten minutes,Sandra sat up and started to pull off her shirt! She had promised herself to me if I won the fight and now she was going to deliver!
I quickly pulled her shirt back on her and promised myself to her,but in an upright way. I would wait for us to be married before she and I would give ourselves to each other totally. After all,I was a gentleman. Two years later we were wed after a courtship that rivaled Camelot's and she never fought again. Unless you count our little "play fights" every Saturday morning for the last 70 some years.
The End
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