More Stuff Still!
Fighting With Leslie
When I was in the eleventh grade I crossed paths with a girl who attended the Catholic high school for girls that was located up the road from our school. The public school kids crossed their paths as we walked east and they walked north. Each morning we passed without any incidents or comments between us. The afternoons brought them by the
location before we were even out of class. Which is why I was curious of
the girl standing at the corner on my way home on this breezy spring day.
She was from the Catholic school. Alone and just standing there,as if waiting for someone. Turns out...it was me.
Now I was a small lad by height,and she was slightly taller than me.
She had light brown hair and was thin and quite pretty. Wearing her standard dark blue jumper and white blouse,dark blue kneesocks and black and white saddle shoes,she caught my attention. The way she was standing there with her long legs supporting her turned out feet was a
pleasant sight to me. As I got close to the corner,she turned and stared right at me. The girl looked me up and down as I strolled to her and I
said hello and smiled at her,expecting to pass by her and continue on my way. She moved directly in front of me,blocking my path. With her hands on her hips,she asked if I was Billy Brannigan. I was surprised as all get out! She knew my name? I answered yes and inquired as to what she wanted. She introduced herself as Leslie and informed me that she had heard about me from her girlfriends. I was a bit of a ladies man back then. I thought she wanted a date. To my surprise,that was not the case.
She pointed her slim,long finger at me and stuck it in my chest. She said we had something to settle and that we would settle it here and now. I
thought for a second...did I know this girl from the past? Had I broken her heart,beat up her boyfriend,tripped her in the third grade? No to all
and I asked her what was going on. Leslie told me that I had been responsible for getting two of her closest friends in trouble at school.
They had gotten into a fight...over me...and I didn't know either girl! Go figure! Two Catholic school girls in a catfight over me and I missed it!
I informed her that I was indeed sorry for their fate but had nothing to do with it. I didn't know them so couldn't know about their interest in me or their decision to fight for me. Why fight over somebody who doesn't even know you exsist? This seemed to make her more angry then she already was. Leslie picked up her school bag and ordered me to follow her. The girl had this all planned out. I followed her the short distance to the chosen spot she had picked. A grassy area off from the street,behind a garage and hidden from view. I happened to be wearing my Bermuda shorts on this particular day. The school allowed us to break the dress code every so often in the spring and today had been one of those days. A polo shirt and low cut Converse sneakers and white sweatsocks was my attire for this event. Lucky the shorts and shirt were dark green...no grass stains! On this Friday we were given no homework so I had no books to carry home. Just my gym bag was in tow.
We got in position and readied for combat. I retied my "Chucks" and she pulled up her kneesocks and retied her saddles. Not knowing what I would do with a girl in combat,I just stood there and waited for her to start the fight. Hands held loose by my sides, I waited as she came at me slowly. Her hands were opened and outstretched, as if ready to wrestle.
I,being a member of our wrestling team at school, went into a stand up position,hunched over slightly and hands out and ready. We circled and circled and circled...and she didn't make any offensive moves. I watched her saddle shoes maneuver through the grass as we just circled each other and did nothing. I stopped in my tracks and she followed suit,standing straight up, and asked her if we were indeed supposed to be fighting. Leslie shrugged an embarrassed shrug and said yes,but that she
hadn't been in any fights ever and didn't know what to do. An evil glow filled me at this point as I realized I had this girl beaten before the fight had even started! And she had challenged me!
I informed her that she should forget about the whole thing...a moment of goodness....but she insisted on continuing. I sighed and yielded to her wish. The goodness gone now and the evil glow back even stronger than before, I decided to teach her a lesson. I crouched over low and began to circle her again. She followed my lead and we moved slowly in
close quarters. I lunged at her and grabbed her around her middle. She held on as I tackled her to the grass. We hit the ground with a thud and became wrapped together in a twisted knot of legs and arms. I felt her kneesocked legs tighten around my legs as we struggled for top position,
arms locked around each other in a crushing embrace. I rolled her onto her back but she countered by rolling me over again and we went at it like this for some time. Squeezing each other tightly and rolling back and forth on the ground brought her jumper up to her thighs and my boyhood to full staff.
She realized this and shoved me away. Leslie scrambled to her feet and stood with her fists balled up by her sides. I got to my feet and noticed a strange grin on her face. She looked at me and I stood to my side, hiding my addition from her. She moved at me with fists up and I responded in
kind. We now circled like boxers and I shot a jab at her face,hitting her right cheek. She squeeled and tried a wide roundhouse that I blockled and countered with a short uppercut to her side. She gasped as I hit her and stumbled back a few steps. I moved on her and she backed away,circling again. Looking directly at my shorts...she shot a jab into my chest. I was surprised to have missed that and grunted as it struck.
I shot back a jab to her gut that she blocked and ducked her incoming right cross. She seemed more confident and strode into me,getting us in close and began to punch me as we stood body to body. I countered with
punches from both hands and we stood punching into our bodies at close range. She leaned against me as I felt her jumper against my Bermudas.
We manuvered along the garage wall and into the hedge that surrounded our little battlefield. Light punches thudded into us as we fought in a
stopped position. Our feet firmly planted on the ground, we battled close
and I could smell her perfume as she clinched me and held me against the hedge. I bearhugged her and moved us into the open space. She held me tightly and I shifted to my side,slipped her into a side headlock and held her in that hold for a few minutes. I glanced down at her long,struggling legs as I tightened my headlock on her. I could see the muscles of her
calves under her kneesocks as she strained to move me back to the hedge.
I resisted her efforts and slammed her with a few short punches to her side. Leslie grunted and gasped as my knuckles collided with her blue uniform. We struggled back to the garage wall and ended up against it.
She managed to break out of my side headlock and rammed me into the wall. My side hit the hard surface with a dull thud. Once in this position,
Leslie held me in a tight punching embrace that found me pinned against the wall and only free to punch her back with one fist. My other arm was
pinned against the wall. I struggled to turn us a bit,trying to free up my other arm,but she leaned against me and continued her fistic assault. This was beginning to hurt! I took my free arm and pulled it back to full
length. My fist aimed at her gut now, I hauled off with a cannon right that careened into her soft belly. Leslie gasped a painful cry and dropped to her knees. I rubbed my sore sides and gut as she weeped freely and held her stomach with both hands. Leslie groaned as I reached down for her hair and cruelly pulled her back to her saddleshoes. She shreiked and
readied her right fist to strike,but mine landed first. My fist plowed into her left cheek and she fell to the ground again. This time I paused to get my breath and watched her flounder in the grass. My knuckles were sore from the fight and her's must have been too. She layed on the ground in a fetal position,curled up and covered her head in case I attacked while she was down. I didn't. I stood by and rested,waiting for her to surrender or
resume the fight. She struggled to her feet and growled at me,her fists
aimed in my direction.
Leslie swayed from exhaustion but managed to move at me. I responded by backing away,letting her chase me around the small area.
When the time was right,I planted my feet firmly in the soft grass and
launched my attack. Lefts and rights filled the air as I punched at the enraged female and she punched back. We stood toe to toe and battled in
a close barrage of punches that rivaled any championship boxing match ever. Grunts and cries of pain emitted from us as we fought out this bitter battle under the trees. Our punches slowed and we stood slugging
away with labored breath and heavy arms. Slow motion boxing was our mode now as we both were ready to end the fight.
Leslie cried as she tied me up into a tight clinch. I responded with a clinch of my own and we wrestled on our feet into the middle of the grassy area. I slid under her and tackled her to the ground,landing on top.
We rolled slowly around the ground and became locked together like warring vines. Squeezing and straining, our bodies labored to best each other through sweat and tears. Okay...a few tears rolled down my cheeks.
After all, her punches to my face did hurt!
Barely able to move now, we layed motionless and held our body embraces as tight as we could. We were on our sides and she wimpered
into my ear as I groaned into her's. Every so often we relaxed our grasps on each other and drilled sluggish body punches into our bodies. The dull
thuds were followed by low grunts. I decided to go for the classic school yard pin but she saw it coming and fought me. I managed to grasp her wrists and pulled her arms straight outward but was unable to get to my knees as her legs and mine were still grapevined tightly together. I settled on laying on top of her,front to front,and held her arms down over her head. She struggled slightly but soon gave into exhaustion,giving up
and requesting I get off her. I did and layed next to her for a few minutes.
Leslie labored to her feet and straightened herself up as did I. She went her way and I went mine. A week later a girlfriend of her's handed me a note as we passed on our ways home from school. It was from Leslie. It
read; Dear Billy, Meet me on Saturday morning at nine o'clock where we had our fight. Come alone and dressed to fight me. Leslie. A rematch?
The End
53 Mulberry Street
The year was 1910. Gertrude Hanson and Elizabeth Wilkenson were
neighbors. They lived accross the street from each other and had always gotten along just fine. A new addition to their lives was about to launch
them into an event that neither dreamed possible. The radio.
Gertrude and Elizabeth were both in their forties and widowed by the
great war. They often spent time together at Gertrude's house listening to their favorite programs on this new marvel of the air waves. As always, they eagerly sat ready for another episode of their favorite show,
The Tales of Laverne on Broadway. As the time arrived, 11:am, they were
surprised to hear the announcer proclaim that on this Monday morning the
regularly scheduled program would not be broadcast. Instead, the first live broadcast of a championship bare knuckles fight would be aired. Gertrude and Elizabeth looked at each other and with amused interest,
decided to listen to the fight.
Big Jim Branford was against Smiling Sammuel Smith. Boxing for the world championship and in this case,the last bare knuckles boxing. Gloves
would be added to all fights from this time on. The women readied their tea and cookies and got comfortable. The fight started and the women listened to the announcer's blow by blow,wincing with each discription
of the violent contest emitting from the large brown cabinet in the parlor. For fifteen grueling rounds, the women listened intently. At times they glanced at each other as if looking each other over. Each was secretely guessing who would win if they actually fought each other in a
bare knuckles fight. Gertrude peeked a her hands,that were resting on her lap,and candidly balled them into fists. She glanced at Elizabeth and pictured herself coming to square up with the other woman. Elizabeth had
made her own fists and was wondering how long a fight between the two would last. Gertrude and Elizabeth focused their eyes on each others'
laps and saw the four fists resting there,waiting to be unleashed. The fight on the radio came to a glorious end. Big Jim Branford won by a last
minute knock out. The women stared at each other now and moved their eyes from their faces to their fists and back to their faces. Each blushed with embarassment at the awkward hand positions and giggled.
Gertrude and Elizabeth discussed the fight and each was quite bemused by it's violence and length. Gertrude looked at Elizabeth and as
they brought their tea cups to the kitchen,pondered the question;who would win if they had a fight. Elizabeth chuckled at her and stated that that was a good question. After all, they were of equal height and weight,
5'6" and 130 pounds,equal age,43,equal experience,none,the perfect match up for such a physical contest. Gertrude thought for a time as they washed the cups and saucers. Elizabeth did the same and after the
tea set was placed back into the cuppard,sat down with Gertrude and grinned at her in an,"I know what we are going to do",grin.
Elizabeth and Gertrude sat across from each other in the parlor and
Gertrude gently asked her friend if she wanted to have a fight. Elizabeth
cautiously smiled and admitted that she was pondering the outcome of a
fight between the two of them and that she was curious about the whole
sport now since listening to the broadcasted championship. Gertrude grinned and confessed her thoughts as well. She too was cautiously willing to step onto the battlefield and meet her neighbor in hand to hand combat. They nervously giggled and decided to fight. They would go all out with the event,wear attire that was as close to real boxers clothes as possible. They would pretend that they were in a real ring,in their case,an empty room up stairs at Gertrude's home. They would each have stools for their corners and wear robes for the prefight ceremony and instructions. They would fight on the next morning at 9:am and would fight a fifteen round battle,timed by Gertrude's wined up alarm clock. 53 Mulberry Street would soon become their private arena.
For the next few hours the women rumagged through their wardrobes
and put together outfits that were similar to each other. They each would wear white sleevless blouses that were pullover style. Tight
fitting cotton trousers that came to mid calf,black in color,their old buttoned ankle length shoes of black,the heels removed to make them flat soled,and thick,white socks that each woman had for those frigid winter nights.
Gertrude and Elizabeth retreated to their homes and shadow boxed in preperation for the fight. Each woman tried on their outfits and stood in front of their mirrors,posing like fighters,fists up and ready. The night
upon them,they carefully placed the outfits in neat piles and drifted to sleep. The alarm that would keep time for the rounds clanged loudly and
Gertrude sprang up from her bed. Her heart raced as she hurriedly went
about her morning routine and prepared the empty room down the hall from her bedroom. She checked the large rug that layed in the room and tought of it as her own private ring. Two stools placed at either corner
and it took on an appearance of one. If she only had some rope. A quick
look in the attic and she came across four heavy posts and a long piece of rope. She hurriedly carried her finds to the empty room and placed the posts at all corners of the rug. They were heavy at their bases and would
hold the rope just fine. One string of rope she wrapped around the four posts and their ring was all set. Crude by all standards with only one strand of rope but a ring just the same. All was set. She donned her attire slowly,savoring every moment of this transformation,and stepped into the ring. Her heart pounded as she stood in her corner and pretended
her opponent stood in the opposite corner,ready to fight her. The door bell
rang,bringing her back to reality,and she peeked through the peek hole.
Elizabeth was there in a long coat,odd to others on this spring day but not to Gertrude! She opened the door and her opponent stepped inside,
beaming. The women made visits to the bathroom and Gertrude fetched her robe as Elizabeth slid off her coat. She was all set in her robe and attire as was Gertrude. They went to the empty room and Elizabeth
praised her opponent for the splendid ring. The women slipped under the rope and sat in their corners. Gertrude stood and introduced herself to the pretend crowd,twirling around the ring with her arms up in a victorious pose. She returned to her corner and Elizabeth did the same.
The women then stood up and removed their ring robes. They came to center ring and discussed the rules for the fight. No punches below the belts and they could be saved by the bell if knocked down. A ten count would win the fight. Time between rounds,three minutes. They returned to their corners and moved the stools off the rug,sliding them under the rope. The alarm clock was set for five minutes and Gertrude and Elizabeth
began the fight.
Both women assumed fighters' stances and moved to meet each other at
center ring. They held their fists tightly and their arms at hip level. As they came to within striking distance, each woman raised her arms up to face level and they began to circle slowly. The sounds of their shoes dragging along the rug almost drowned out their excited gasps. Gertrude
and Elizabeth panted through flared nostrils as they circled and eyed each other from head to toe. Seemingly looking for the first place to punch.
Elizabeth decided first and let go a wide roundhouse to Gertrude's side.
The fist connected soundly and thudded into the woman,causing her to
stagger back a step and chirp out a sudden cry. Gertrude appeared surprised at Elizabeth's aggressiveness and kept her distance as another
roundhouse came her way. This one struck her shoulder as she tried to turn away from the incoming blow.
Another chirp from Gertrude was followed by a determined growl from Elizabeth. She followed her prey around the ring
and lashed out again,sending an uppercut into Gertrude's exposed gut.
Gertrude gasped loudly and sank to the floor and onto her knees. Elizabeth now pranced around the ring,her arms above her head in a victorious pose. She glanced down at her fallen opponent and began to count to ten. At eight,the bell rang. Gertrude sighed a breath of relief as
Elizabeth grumbled to herself. The women returned to their corners and sat on the stools. The alarm clock set for another five minutes,the women waited out the three minute break and gulped in as much air as they could. Each was out of breath from the excitement of the frey as well as the fight. The three minutes passed and they stood and returned to combat.
Elizabeth and Gertrude assumed their fighters stances once more and moved to continue the fight. Gertrude strode directly into Elizabeth and
pounded a hard right fist into her chest. Elizabeth grunted and stumbled back a step with Gertrude in pursuit. Another hard right flew at Elizabeth
and slammed into her stomach. She bellowed out and swung a wild right haymaker at Gertrude. It crashed into the attacking woman's right breast
and caused her to shreik out. Elizabeth followed with a wide left roundhouse that connected with Gertrude's right cheek. It thwacked loudly,sending the stricken woman into the rope. The posts almost gave way to the staggering woman but held. She now walked along the ring's
rope,trying to keep away from Elizabeth who followed her and slugged at her back and sides with both fists. Gertrude spun around and nailed her
left fist into Elizabeth's right eye just before the bell rang. Elizabeth
spun down to the ring floor and cried out as Gertrude retreated to her corner. Elizabeth struggled to her corner and waited for another round.
Both women were red about their faces,Elizabeth having a blooming black eye that grew more reddish purple with each passing minute. They
stood for the next round and met again. Both women stood toe to toe and began to fight with both fists. Punches pounded into them as they stood at center ring and fought with harsh determination. Their cries and gasps filled the room as the women battled,slowly moving around the ring now,and continued to pummel each other without mercy. They became locked together into a tight clinch,punching when they could work an arm free and squeezing each other when they couldn't. Gertrude
and Elizabeth held onto each other and fought this way until the bell.
Each was reluctant to break at the bell but did so by shoving each other off. When they came out to center ring again,each woman was set
for a violent clash as each was now rather enraged at the other. They exploded into a grueling battle of fists that thwacked into them with
painful thuds and loud cries. Both women wept as they fought into a tangled,standing,lockup of bodies. They fought at close range and pounded away at their soft bodies and reddened faces. Nearing exhaustion
now,the women collasped into each other's arms and bearhugged with tight grasps that made each moan with pain. They stood still and fought this squeezing battle of bodies in the corner. The bell rang for the break but neither woman would release the other. They stayed locked in combat and without saying a word,decided to battle on without rounds for the rest of the fight.
Gertrude managed to slide her arm around and latched Elizabeth into a standing side headlock. She pounded her right fist into Elizabeth's face as she held her with her left arm. Elizabeth fought to free herself by pounding her left fist into Gertrude's gut. They struggled around the ring this way and fought into the rope. Gertrude shifted her grasp from Elizabeth's neck and latched onto a handful of hair instead. She pulled her victim's head up and pounded her face with a devestating uppercut that
sent Elizabeth to the ring floor in a weeping heap. Gertrude stumbled to the edge of the ring and held onto the rope as her opponent layed rocking from side to side. She began to count. At nine,Elizabeth was on her feet
but rocking and stumbling over herself. She literally fell into Gertrude
and caused them to fall together to the ring floor. The womens' bodies thudded down and became entangled into writhing mass of struggling
violence. Locked in each other's hair, they rolled around the ring floor slowly entwining their legs and feet together into a straining battle that now raged from head to toe. They weeped and groaned as they fought on in
this conflict of whim. Neither believed that this little contest of woman against woman would ever go this far or this violent. Each woman had
multiple face bruises and black eyes. They bled from their noses and mouths. Their bodies would later show black and blue marks over most of
their surfaces. Gertrude and Elizabeth had started what now could only be stopped by one or the other by giving up. They layed motionless now,still squeezing legs and pulling hair. The women were on their sides and cradled in a battle of wills.
Elizabeth and Gertrude stayed locked together for another ten minutes this way until the end. It came with Elizabeth's sudden burst of
movement. She managed to roll Gertrude under her and forced herself upwards on her opponent's body. She planted her breasts directly onto
Gertrude's face,cutting off her air supply. Elizabeth pressed herself against Gertrude and hugged her tightly. Her breasts covered the trapped woman's face and mashed themselves into a no escape hold. The trapped woman fought desperately to get free but soon gave in,tapping her foe's
back numerous times. Finally,Elizabeth realized the give up taps and
released her opponent. They rolled apart and wept and gasped in unison.
After a weak handshake between the two fighters,they parted and tended their bruises,promising to meet again.
The End

Page Twenty Five
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