Old Boxing Pics!
Women Boxing In Socks!
The snow had just begun to fall as Leonetta began her short journey
to the place she and Daisey had agreed to meet. The air stung her face as she hurried across the snow covered tundra,the snow crunching under her heavy boots. The sky grew dark,heavy with snow clouds,but she continued on. Her heavy coat sheilded her from the growing wind,her large hood protected her head from the stinging flakes. A blizzard was
coming. Leonetta trodded along the lonely road,picturing in her mind the soon to be meeting she and Daisey would engage in.
As she got close to the meeting place,Leonetta could see smoke coming from the chimney. Her destination in sight, she began to feel chills up and down her spine. Inside the cabin that layed ahead of her waited Daisey. Leonetta and Daisey had come to odds over a disagreement in
regards to a certain incident. One thing led to another and it escalated
from some insults and name calling to a shoving match right there in the village square. The local constable seperated them before the incident grew into a full blown battle. Dog sled road rage...even in Greenland!
Under their breaths the women agreed to this meeting to settle it the Eskimo way.
Leonetta made her way to the front door and knocked. Daisey opened the door and stepped back a few steps. The women glared at each other and looked ready to tangle right there in the doorway but held their tempers and moved to warmer ground. Locking the door behind them, Daisey motioned to her visitor to go to the room down the short hallway.
The fireplace in the room blazed brightly with a warm fire that illuminated the small room. Daisey moved to the bathroom and emptied her tanks followed by Leonetta. The women then returned to the warm room and took up positions in opposite corners. Huge logs burned warmly
as Leonetta began to remove her heavy coat and outter clothing. A scarf,
sweater,polar trousers,boots,and her hat were layed in a neat pile in the corner. Daisey had only to remove her sweater and trousers and stood ready.
Both women were clad in heavy thermal underwear and two pairs of bulky winter boot socks. Leonetta's socks were grey woolen with red tops, Daisey's were cream colored with black tops and also woolen.
The women pulled their dark brown hair away from their faces but let it hang loose to their shoulders. Each was what you'd call hefty. Pudgy and
plump with rounded bodies that were soft and not rock hard. They were
of equal height and weight as well as skill in this type of contest. Each
woman would be first timers to this activity but both were dead set to
engage each other and have at it.
Daisey asked Leonetta if she was ready to begin and the waiting woman nodded a yes. With that, they began.
Outside,the blizzard was just beginning to crank up as the two pudgy women cautiously moved out of their corners and began to circle each other around the small room. Their heavy socks dragged along the soft
rug as they moved slowly around in a wide circle. Daisey held her arms and hands outstretched as Leonetta opted for a more casual position of
her arms by her sides,her hands balled into fists.
On their fourth turn around the room, Leonetta stepped forward and
brought her right arm up swinging. It came around in a wide arch and
slammed into Daisey's left breast. Leonetta's fist was tight but her aim
was off. She landed her punch flat handed, making contact with Daisey
at her palm instead of her knuckles. Daisey grunted from the shock of the blow but was not hurt. She retaliated by bringing her right arm up and flung it at Leonetta, a loose fist flew sideways through the air and connected with the retreating woman's head. Leonetta chirped out and reeled away from Daisey, who stood still and waited to see what was next.
The women regained their composure and moved into each other, this time fists up and ready to strike. They erupted into a mutual slug fest,
flinging their heavy arms in wide swings that struck with dull thuds.
Neither woman knew that the front of the fist,where the knuckles were,cause the most damage and instead battered away at each other with the sides of their soft hands. The heels of their hands doing the actual striking even though both held firm fists.
Daisey and Leonetta continued to fight around the room in a heated exchange of blows but neither received anything worse than a few jolts
to their heads and some light red marks to their bodies. They stood still now and heaved punch after heavy punch at each other,leaning against each others' bodies and grunting and groaning with each blow. They still
fought with the sides of their fists and battered away with little damage.
Daisey and Leonetta paused from their punchiing and clinched tightly at the center of the room. Both women were now fatigued and used each other to rest. They clung onto each other and stood embraced in the fire light. Toe to toe their woolen socks made contact and grinded against each other,the coarse material of the wool rubbing silently,their breasts
mashed together and heaving with each labored breath. Their hair grew sweaty and hung to their necks,their faces cheek to cheek in a gasping
entanglement of feminine combat.
Daisey let out a deep sigh and pushed her opponent back, swinging again with a single wide roundhouse that caught the surprised woman on
the edge of her mouth. The fist landed with a thwack that filled the room.
Daisey had landed her knuckles right on target and Leonetta backed away and reached for the warm trickle that now leaked from her swelling lip.
She looked at her hand and saw her own blood. The woman glared at Daisey and lumbered into her. The two women exploded into a wild brawl
of lefts and rights that slammed into all parts of their soft bodies. They
screamed and sighed as they fought a heated exchange between them.
Daisey had been tagged in her right eye and it grew red and then purple as
they fought on. Leonetta's lip grew fat and bled slightly. Both womens' faces glowed red from the side fisted blows. They slowed to a snail's pace now, still trading punch for punch, but fading fast. The women clinched again and held each other tightly, slamming an occasional body punch when they could muster the strength.
Leonetta and Daisey slumped down to their knees,still locked together
in the tight clinch. The sounds of occasional body punches thudded through the air as the women kneeled against each other and continued to fight. Leonetta and Daisey now weeped and sighed in close combat. They
strained in tight embrace and slugged slowly, Their bodies gradually
lowered to the floor,locked together in the embrace,and the women ended up on their sides. They moved their legs into an entwined knot and slowly began to roll across the floor. They fought in slow motion as they struggled across the floor. Leonetta attempted to pin Daisy under
her but was rolled over in seconds. Daisey tried the same move but to no avail. They strained and struggled from one wall to the other and back again. Every inch of their bodies strained against each other as the women fought on. They stopped at one point and squeezed each other with painful body locks that saw their legs as well as their arms locked tightly together in agonizing brutality.
Daisey reached into Leonetta's sweat drenched hair and tugged it firmly.
Leonetta responded in kind and they layed there and pulled each other's hair, eyes closed and faces wincing in pain. They were relatively quiet as
they fought now, gasping and whimpering out softly. The roaring blizzard outside would have drowned out any noticable noise from them if they had
been more vocal during the fight.
Leonetta was able to slip her legs out of the entanglement and struggled hard enough to roll Daisey over and under her. She made it to her knees and with the other woman still locked in her hair, proceeded to
bang her head against the floor. Daisey bellowed out as her skull banged against the rug covered floor. She immediatedly shifted her hands to Leonetta's face and raked her dull nails across both cheeks. Red streaks
were left from the attack and Leonetta scrambled to get away from her attacker. Daisey stumbled to her feet and through bleary eyes stalked Leonetta around the room. Leonetta fled for a time but decided to engage her opponent, locking up with her at the corner of the room. The women
went for each others' faces with their dull nails, clawing away and raking
their fingers harshly. Daisey managed to get Leonetta against the wall and slammed her head into it five times before she was spun around and
given the same treatment. Four slams later, Leonetta rammed her knee into Daisey's thigh,causing the woman to slump down and away to the floor. Leonetta grasped the wall and slid herself away from her opponent.
Daisey layed in a heap,moaning and weeping as Leonetta whimpered in the corner. She slumped to the floor and sat there, exhausted and tired of the fight. Daisey was in the same frame of mind and both women stayed put, not wanting to continue.
Claw marks covered their faces,blood trickled from swollen lips and cut gums. Each showed black eyes and bruises about their bodies. They
had fought a brutal battle and now wanted it to stop. Daisey got to her hands and knees and peered across at her opponent. Leonetta followed suit and the women crawled to each other, not wanting to but knowing full well that if they didn't finish this now, they would clash again and again until there was a definite winner.
They met at center room and literally fell onto each other, rolling on the floor in a loose embrace. Over and over they rolled until Daisey got
top position and hauled off with a hard right fist that slammed into Leonetta's already battered face. The stricken woman shuddered and then lasped into unconsciencnous. Daisey sobbed with releif that the fight was over and that she had actually won. She covered her opponent with a heavy blanket to keep her warm and retreated to her bedroom for the night. In the morning, the blizzard had ceased and Leonetta was gone. A
trail in the mountainous snow led away from the small cottage in the direction of Leonetta's cottage. Daisey smiled through swollen lips and sipped her coffee.
The End
Jungle Clash
She had just beaten her arch rival in the professional wrestling circuit. It had been a winner take all fight that had proven to be most violent and bloody. Her name was Rippling Rita in the ring...Rita to her close friends. Her physique was statuesque and she stood five feet eleven inches tall. Her dark skin was as smooth as a baby's bottom and her face was as beautiful as any model that ever glided down a spotlighted rimmed runway.
Part of her huge purse for the harsh match was set aside for a trip that she had always wanted to take. Being an Afro American,she had wanted to visit her roots. In reality,her opponent had also received a huge purse,
but the public would never know that fact. Both fighters opted for a long rest after their fight and Rita would get her's on safari in Zaire,Africa.
The flight was uneventful and long. On arrival she was met by her tour guide and they headed off to begin their journey into the jungle,to
tour the villages that layed deep inside the lush rain forests of the region. They set up their gear and loaded the range rover for the trek into
the hidden land of her ancestors. Everything had been arranged for her in the tour package,including clothes. Proper attire for such journeys was paramount. Trodding through the thick jungle demanded safari boots that
were laced up to mid leg. Khaki pants and shirt of tan suited the trek because of their light material and neutral color. She was also given several pairs of heavily knitted cream colored knee socks that were worn
cuffed at the tops in bulky folds,insurance against snake bites and leaches. A pith helmet was the last piece of needed attire for bats and tree climbing nasties. Rita sat mesmerized as her guide,dressed in the same attire,wheeled their range rover through the rough roads and into the jungle's forbidden regions. She reached down to the bulky cuffs of her socks and held onto them as they bounced along the crude roads. It
was a stunning sight to see the sun peering through the large trees and brush that covered the jungle floor. Rita mentioned the softness of the material of the knee socks to her guide. He assured her that although the were quite soft and comfortable,they also did the job against biting predators,showing her the small teeth marks on his cuffed sock. A rather irate monkey had rushed him from under a bush and latched onto his leg.
If not for the thick,bulky material of the sock,he surely would have been
seriously injured,possibly receiving the deadly aids virus as well. Rita
caressed her cuffed socks and hoped they would not be needed for anything other than comfort inside her soft safari boots. The guide
laughed and drove on into the morning light,deeper into the mysterious
The trip went well,with the two stopping off at various villages along the way,meeting the people and receiving warm,friendly receptions. All
that is until the last stop on the trek. The village of Buta. To reach it,Rita and her guide had to hide their vehicle and hike five miles through
thick underbrush. They saw many creatures along the way,but escaped any dangerous situations. On entering the village,they were intercepted by the local warriors who guarded their people against outside intruders.
On seeing the familiar face of the tour guide,they lowered their weapons
and escorted them into the center of the settlement. Small huts lined an open area that had been cut back from the vast expanse of jungle. The villagers came to see the new visitor,marveling at her muscular body. She
smiled warmly as the village's top warrior slid his hands over her
rippling arm muscles. He looked down at her legs and uttered something
that sounded lustful at best. She grinned and moved closer to her tour guide. He uttered something back to the warrior who laughed and returned to his duties. Rita and her guide were led to a hut and made welcomed. They were fed and given cool native drinks that Rita found to make her somewhat aggressive. During the night,she repeatedly awoke her tour guide and forced him to wrestle with her. Something in those drinks made her crave bodily contact and her roomy was the target of choice. He had long since become immune to the mysterious concoction
and simply humored Rita between cat naps between rounds of head locks and bear hugs. By morning,the tour guide was exhausted. Rita was hungover.
The villagers milled about outside the visitor's hut,whispering amongst
themselves and looking towards the large hut that sat alone on the top of a hill, overlooking the other huts. The guide emerged into the daylight and noticed the crowd. He knew that look among the village people and
sighed as he followed his escort to the single hut that sat alone. The
woman escort announced herself and led the tour guide inside. There sat
the village queen, a plush throne under her. She was stunningly beautiful
and her body was equal to any muscle builder in the world. Her dark skin
shined from the oils that were adorned to her from her servants. She greeted her old friend and invited him to join her in some refreshments.
He smiled and the queen inquired about his still sleeping tourist. She wanted to know if she was worthy enough to join her in a ceremonial fest
that the villagers called, maugumbwa. He nodded yes and the queen asked him if the tourist would be willing to join her in this ancient fest. He shrugged his head in doubt,knowing the story of Rita's last match,and told
the queen that it was possible,but not a sure thing. The queen,who spoke broken English,assured him that the tourist would come around and see it
her way. When the queen requested something,she was not denied. In this case,a hefty dose of that native liquid would guarantee a certain fest event. The guide was told to bring the tourist to her at noon for a social visit. He agreed and after a friendly visit with the queen, left to show his tourist around the area. Rita enjoyed the adventure and returned to the village with her guide to find a large area in the center of the village
covered in heavy padded quilt like coverings that were sewn snugly together. The surface was a large rectangular matted stage for an unknown act,at least unknown to Rita.
The villagers cheered the bewildered Rita as she and her guide were led to the queen's hut. Inside,the queen sat attired in a snug fitting sarong that highlighted her rather large breasts. She wore a skin tight
cotten short that matched her sarong color of black. Rita took a double take at the equally statuesque woman in front of her and the women greeted each other with friendly handshakes. The guide sat back and watched as the women engaged in cordial chat,noticing the native drinks that were being poured for both. He opted for the beer that had been air
dropped in by mistake weeks earlier. Rita was attired in her usual tan
safari gear and the queen admired her outfit. Rita returned the compliment to the queen's attire,inquiring about the sporty look she
emitted in such clothing. The queen assured her that she only wore this
outfit for special occasions and that today was to be one such occasion.
Rita smiled and sipped her drink,unaware that she would soon be under it's spell. The queen sipped her own drink,vulnerable to it's ultimate effects,and eyed her visitor from head to toe. The guide could feel the electricity in the air as the women slowed their talk and eyed each other
up and down. Rita finally got around to asking the queen about the matted area being carefully set up in the village square. The queen
slowly told Rita all about the fest ceremony and Rita listened intently.
The servants were careful not to give Rita any more than two of the mysterious drinks. On hearing the explanation of the fest event, Rita inquired as to the combatants. The queen smiled broadly and answered
that she would be one of the fighters. Her opponent would be Rita, if she accepted the challenge.
The fest was an unarmed fight to a finish between two females in the village. No interference was allowed from the bystanders and the fight would continue until one of the fighters gave up or was knocked out. Fists
were allowed as well as kicks,scratches,bites,hair pulls,knees,and anything else either fighter choose to use. Rita,feeling the effects of the second drink,accepted the queen's challenge and was led outside,with the queen,who made the announcement to the waiting people. "The tourist has accepted my challenge to engage me in the maugumbwa!",she said. The crowd cheered as Rita and the queen stood side by side and waved to them. "We will fight tonight at dusk!"said the queen. Rita motioned her okay and she and the guide went off to prepare for the evening's fight.
The queen retired to her hut and was given a massage,her fest gear washed in sweet smelling liquid and hung to dry. She had donned the outfit to practice her combat skills and to check it's comfort level. This outfit would see it's first combat this evening. Her other fest attire had worn out from numerous struggles and pulls. Rita was surrounded by female servants and given the same treatment. She dug out her sports bra
and bathing suit bottoms which the servants washed in the same sweet smelling liquid. Outside each hut of the two women,their ourfits hung in the cool air to dry. The male villagers gawked at the skimpy clothes and
giggled to themselves in excitement of the coming fest event.
An hour before dusk a messenger was sent to Rita's hut. She said that the queen had taken notice of Rita's thick safari socks and wished to try them on. The queen had not donned such apparel in her jungle setting but had seen similar items in the past and wanted to know the feeling of the thick padded material against her skin. Rita reached into her clothing
duffel bag and handed a fresh pair to the messenger. As the messenger
examined the bulky items in her hands,Rita instructed her to ask the queen if she would prefer to wear them for the fight. The messenger said
that she would relay the message and return with an answer quickly. Five minutes later,the answer came back...yes. Rita added another fresh pair of the thick socks to her neatly layed out outfit and prepared to get ready for the battle.
As the queen and Rita dressed for combat in their huts,the mysterious native drink was delivered to both and they drank it in moderate volumn.
A secret ingredient in the liquid caused the adrenalin level to rise,along with another side effect...the lust for violent body contact. By the time the escorts came for each woman, the queen and Rita were bursting with
the desire to inflict harm on each other. In cases like this,when a prearranged fight was planned,the victims of the mysterious drink thought only of their future opponent and did not pose any danger to any innocent bystanders. The escorts led each woman to the village center,it
glowed brightly from the torches that surrounded the square. They each had opted to walk to the mat barefooted,carrying the socks with them.
The queen and Rita pulled on the thick knee socks as soon as they stepped onto the heavy matted rectangle. The crowd of villagers surrounded the mat and cheered wildly as the seconds for each woman bound their hair in tight buns and spoke to each in inflamatory tones. The women glared at each other,insane with hate and violence. The village elder stepped to the center of the mat and wished both women a fair and injury free fight.
The crowd knew better. The drink the women had consumed transformed them into hellish warriors who would stop at nothing now to destroy the other. The elder stepped away and the women wasted no time in moving to each other.
Rita and the village queen careened across the mat from opposite corners and collided at center mat. They immediatedly exploded into a
body to body embrace,each wildly trying to grasp the other and squeeze with harsh intent. The women struggled about the torch surrounded rectangle in a most violent double bear hug that locked them together in a
breast to breast mash of humanity. Rita and the queen growled and groaned as they fought face to face,glaring wildly into each others eyes.
So consumed in violent rage,the women bared their teeth and attacked each other about their upper bodies,biting dreadfully into soft fleshy
breasts and shoulders. Their breasts being both rather large,the smashing effect between them forced their breasts to buldge upwards and into teeth gnawing range. With snarls and growls,the women stood
stationary at one end of the mat,and bit into each other while squeezing
their bodies together as one.
Rita chewed at her opponent's right breast as the queen gnawed at her
opponent's left shoulder. Their bulky material socks ground together as their legs and feet were pressed close together in this most painful standing battle. Sweat began to pour from both fighters,even though the
jungle night air had turned quite cool,as it did during this time of year.
Rita shifted her attack to the queen's other breast, the queen helped herself to Rita's right breast,and they stood in agony but continued to battle on without pause. The queen and Rita stayed locked in their biting war but managed to haul off an occasional hard punch to each others bodies as they fought on in the torch lighted village square. The queen
released her teeth from Rita and leaned back a bit. Out of breath,she rammed a devestating punch to Rita's face,unlocking her teeth from the queen and splitting her lips. Blood splattered between them,staining their clothing. Rita staggered back a few steps and roared out in a most savage cry. The queen answered her in the same manner and the two women thundered into each other,setting off an exchange of lefts and rights that punched into them with cruel results. Each woman embraced the other with one arm while pummeling away with the other. Punches
slammed into their sweaty bodies and beautiful faces as their legs struggled to keep them on their feet. They struggled around the rectangled mat and fought in close combat as their socks dragged against the heavy mat under them.
Rita got in a brain shaking right bolo punch that staggered the queen back. Rita followed her opponent and slammed two more combinations
into her stomach and face. The queen spun to the ground and wailed loudly as Rita raced to the opposite end of the mat and with both fists ready,ran across the mat and leaped high into the air,her target,the queen. The queen saw her coming and rolled out of harm's way just in time. Rita slammed to the matted surface and the queen climbed onto her back in a full length body to body manner. The queen reached around Rita's neck and began choking her from behind as she layed prone on her back. Rita gagged and gasped as the queen choked her with both arms.
The trapped woman's right hand found it's mark and her finger nails duig deep into the queen's right cheek. Small nails dug into the queen's cheek as the choking continued in earnest. The queen and Rita cried out in pain
as they attempted to destroy each other in a lust for violence. The queen
could take no more of Rita's nail attack and released her opponent,rolling away from her and getting to her knees. Rita fought for air and sat exhausted at center mat. The crowd shouted encouragement to both fighters.
The queen was given a drink of the mysterious necture as she paused from the fight and Rita received one as well. They chugged down the liquid and advanced towards each other on their knees. The women locked together into a mutual bear hug and fought a squeezing confict that froze the crowd of onlookers. Silence fell over the crowd as the bloody and battered women kneeled in tight combat,squeezing the breath from each other and causing great pain between them. Rita grunted as she tried to
throw her struggling opponent over to the side but the queen held her ground and fought Rita to a stalemate. The women kneeled there in the glow of the torches,weeping and groaning as they fought with determined
expressions on their swollen faces.
The queen released her right arm and fired a barrage of upper cuts to Rita's ribs. She plowed one punch after another into the muscular body of her opponent. Rita cried out with each blow but squeezed her foe even tighter now. The queen used both fists now,trying to escape Rita's vice like grasp around her. The fists thwacked loudly against Rita's body as the queen gaspsed in raspy tones at Rita's bear hug attack. Rita's hair was next to be attacked by the queen. She clamped her two swollen hands into Rita's dark hair and pulled viciously. Rita screamed out and
dug her arms deeper around the queen. Ripping sounds were heard as clumps of Rita's hair came out at the roots. Still she held the devastating bear hug on the jungle queen. The queen moved her bloody mouth in position for another biting attack on Rita's breasts,but the screaming woman saw it and released the queen,shifting to a bare fisted
attack on the queen's breasts. She slammed her punches deep into the large mounds of the queen,who shrieked with each blow. Continuous uppercuts slammed into the soft orbs,sending them bouncing to and fro.
The queen countered by using the same tactic,breast punching her opponent,punch for punch.
The combat slowed to a crawl as both women were now exhausted from their vicious encounter. Rita leaned against the queen and slowly
wrapped her in a loose clinch. The queen responded in kind and they kneeled silently,clinched in a loose embrace. Rita sobbed freely as her
opponent weeped softly,faces against each other,breasts lightly brushing breasts. The crowd commented softly amongst themselves as they watched the battle unfold. The women's socks were in heaps at their ankles,their tops and shorts soaked in sweat and blood. The queen and Rita stayed idle for numerous minutes as they rested against each other.
The stillness was broken when the queen gently slid her hands along Rita's sides and down to her buttocks. As Rita held on,the queen launched herself against the resting tourist and managed to bring them to the mat.
Rita was too slow to react and the queen mounted her in a full front to front pin from head to toe. Rita whimpered as the queen wrapped her arms around her in an upper body embrace,squeezing what breath she had left. The queen intertwined her legs with Rita's and stretched them tightly. They layed there wrapped in a straining mass of muscles. Rita
relaxed her grasp and went limp. The queen failed to notice,causing the
village elder to intervene. He gently pulled the queen off the unconscience Rita and helped her to her feet. He announced,"The queen is
victorious,long live the queen!!!" The crowd cheered their leader and applauded the beaten woman. Rita was carried to the witch doctor's hut
and treated for numerous injuries. The queen was escorted to her hut and treated for her wounds by the witch doctor's assistant. Her wounds were not as serious as Rita's. The crowd dispersed and the village went silent again,except for the wild things that prowl in the night of the jungle.
The End
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