You Wanna Fight???
The Wrestling Angel
The meeting of the Goodville Charity committee was electric on this
fine spring afternoon. The annual fund raising event this year would be
nothing short of fantastic. Aside from an array of activities which included amusement rides, a pie eating contest, kissing booth, dunk
tank, fright house, and numerous test your skills booths, the regional
wrestling alliance had generously donated four of it's wrestlers to
engage in two professional matches. A ring was to be constructed by
local craftsmen who also donated their skills and the supplies for the ring would be donated by the local building supply center.
An assortment of food venders offered their services with a percentage of their profits to be donated to the charity. The committee
gladly accepted the offer. Final preparations for the parade had been received from City Hall. Everything was ready. Marching bands and fire departments from a host of communities were set to appear in the biggest parade the town had, besides the Christmas extravaganza, held
each Christmas Eve.
One sticking point did occur when the topic of the wrestling matches came up. Since a new ring was to be built, two matches didn't seem to be
enough of a time filler for this event. One of the members thought for a moment and suggested inviting anyone who was interested, to climb into the ring and wrestle. The match would be carefully planned out as not to have any injuries to either wrestler. The committee studied the idea and
decided to enlist committee members only. The idea being that the charity would not be liable for any law suits resulting from any injury that might occur. Since they all worked for the charity, they would be covered under the insurance that each was entitled to.
The members looked around the room at each other and figured on at least two more matches to fill the evening of wrestling. Harold Beam
volunteered himself to enter the squared circle, as long at the match was
a "pretend match". Andy Quackenbush voiced his willingness to "take on"
Harold and they went over a quick plan to make it look real but not hurt each other.
The chairman smiled broadly and looked around the room for two more volunteers to step forward. Joyce Kringle, a dark haired bookworm type,
sheepishly grinned and offered to participate if she could play "the bad
wrestler". The committee agreed in whole and sought out her opponent
for the match. Who could play the role of "the good wrestler"? No doubt
about it! Everybody eyed MaryJane Peabody. A wholesome woman who beamed with sweetness and femininity. MaryJane balked at the peering
committee members and refused the offer outright. Joyce pleaded with her to wrestle, as MaryJane would surely insure Joyce's safety in a match. MaryJane was that kind of woman. Loved by all and trusted as well.
Joyce was a woman of gentle shyness who was as foreign to wrestling
as MaryJane, but on the weaker side, or so she appeared. Her body was
built well enough, but her movements quite dainty. Joyce promised to
follow the script...fearing for her own safety...and MaryJane offered to think it over. Joyce beamed with hope at this. She had never thought about this new adventure ,but now,having it handed to her,was eager to play the role of a woman wrestler...something that was as far away from her real life as possible. To be the "bad wrestler"...even better!
MaryJane went home and thought about the idea. The model of the
American woman rolling around in a ring with another woman struck her as too abstract for her own mind. Phone calls began to arrive from the other members, urging her to agree to wrestle. She politely listened to their reasonings and then pondered the idea as she positioned herself in front of her full length mirror. Raising her arms high above her in the victory stance, she lightly bounced on the balls of her feet and imagined
the roar of the crowd as she accepted her victory acknowledgement from the referee. Standing there in her Bugs Bunny boxers and white tank top,
her Springtime pajamas, MaryJane laughed at herself outloud and thought,
what the hell! She'd do it! She picked up the phone and dialed Joyce's number. Her husband answered and on hearing MaryJane on the other end, eagerly asked her if she had changed her mind about wrestling his wife.
MaryJane, in the most innocent of voices answered, yes. Waldo jumped for joy and hooted and hollered, causing his wife, Joyce to come to the happy commotion. He quickly handed the phone to Joyce and stood waiting for the news, officially. Joyce beamed at hearing the decision and proceeded to bid MaryJane good night. She cooed the news to Waldo
and drafted him as her practice partner. Waldo practically burst with excitement and Joyce led him to their bedroom to change into something
more suitable for wrestling practice.
MaryJane bristled with a new excitement...or was it fear...or panic?
She eased the warm milk into her delicate mouth and slipped under the sheets. Pleasant dreams awaited her. A tall, handsome stranger awaited her in the opposite corner of the satin covered ring. Red velvet ropes
supported him as he leaned against them, his arms outstretched and
resting on them. She saw herself dressed all in white...her handsome male opponent dressed in black. A loud bell rang out, signaling the start
of the match. She felt her heart flutter and eased out towards the advancing hunk. A loud clatter shattered the moment...she swirled for a second...and then realized that the alarm clock had interrupted her dream
match! MaryJane smiled as she looked out on the morning sunshine at her
bedroom window.
A few blocks away, Harold waved goodbye to his wife, Joyce. She blew him a kiss, her arms and legs sore from the previous night's wrestling practice with him. Joyce made her way upstairs and eased herself back into her large bed. Within minutes she was asleep.
MaryJane completed her morning routine and was about to dress when the phone rang. It was Elmer Krinky. The bemused MaryJane listened as
Elmer offered his services as her wrestling sparring partner. She paused
before answering him, wondering if she should accept his offer. The thought of practicing wrestling with this otherwise demur and gentle
man seemed a bit outlandish, but she hadn't a clue about wrestling and
figured that at least one sparring session would be all she would need.
MaryJane cautiously accepted Elmer's offer and they decided to practice at Elmer's home. Elmer was a widower who lived in a modest house on
the edge of town. MaryJane and Elmer agreed to meet at 1:00PM. Both
people had a free day ahead of them so time was not a bother. The day progressed quite rapidly and MaryJane thought as she worked in her garden. What should she wear for a wrestling match practice? She thought about her wardrobe, going over her sporty clothes in her mind as
she finished trimming the rose bed. Her gardening task completed, she
strolled to her bedroom to survey the choices. A conservative pull over
polo shirt and her pink Bermuda shorts would do. She slipped off her sun dress and sandals, a quick shower followed, and now she dressed for practice. MaryJane looked down at her delicate bare feet and decided to
wrestle Elmer barefooted. She slipped on her everyday sandals and
headed for Elmer's.
A short drive later she arrived at the Elmer's adorable home. He greeted her at the front door and led the beauty to his scenic back yard.
Two fresh glasses of iced tea were waiting on the patio table. They sat down on the cushioned chairs and Elmer explained the basics of wrestling to her. MaryJane listened intently as Elmer went over everything from
the general rules to standing starts and take downs. When he was done
with the verbal lesson, they walked to his basement where large mats
were layed out for their practice session. Elmer glanced down at MaryJane's sandeled feet and chuckled. He suggested it would be best to remove them for their match and she complied. Elmer, thinking that MaryJane would be wearing sneakers, assured her that he would take his off and wrestle her in just his sweat socks. She smiled and waited at one corner of the mats.
Elmer explained that she would be wrestling pro-style, which meant
in a ring and the match started by the ringing of a bell. As far as any
flying leaps or bodyslams...well that wasn't expected by either woman.
They would just grapple and attempt to pin each other, although submissions were included in their bout. Elmer called out "ding" and instructed MaryJane to approach him and "lock up", collar and elbow.
As the afternoon progressed, Elmer showed her the hands on basics of
the sport and a few submission holds. MaryJane seemed awkward at first
as she was uncomfortable with the body to body contact with this man.
However, as the session continued, she grew more at home with the idea and motions of their bodies, even trapping Elmer in a tight leg scissors.
He quickly submitted defeat.
Elmer and MaryJane rolled apart and retreated to their corners,Elmer
sweating through his muscle shirt and shorts, MaryJane in the same state
of affairs. Elmer grinned at her and announced that they would now
wrestle "for real". MaryJane hesitated for a moment but agreed to go
at it full steam. After toweling off, they began..."Ding!"
Elmer and MaryJane left their corners and began circling each other.
They locked up and Elmer applied an arm bar to the surprised woman. She
yelped as he tightened his grasp but remembered her earlier lesson and
weaved her leg around his and grabbing his shirt, pulled them down to the floor, breaking his hold and separating them. MaryJane wasted no time and leaped onto her pausing opponent, trapping him under her. Elmer embraced her tightly with his arms and legs and rolled the struggling woman over. MaryJane and Elmer squeezed each other tightly and began a ground struggle across the mats. Elmer moved to a laying side head lock on the woman as she wrapped her legs around his middle and squeezed a
leg scissors on him. He grunted as they struggled, arms against legs.
He clamped the head lock even tighter but she answered by squeezing even harder. Elmer gasped as MaryJane groaned, the wrestling duo in tight
Elmer switched his head lock to a full bear hug. MaryJane held her legs
for a time but grew out of breath. She strained against Elmer and they
rolled in a tight knot once more. The movement forced MaryJane to loose her hold and Elmer quickly shifted around to her rear. He roughly placed a full nelson on the beauty and worked the hold quite hard. He
strained against her as she struggled to get free. After more rolling,
the wrestling pair broke free and got back to their feet. Both were exhausted but MaryJane seemed more willing to continue, grabbing Elmer
around his upper body and hurling him to the wall. Elmer grunted loudly
as he slammed into the paneling. MaryJane gasped in surprise and apologized to the prone man. He laughed and congratulated her on the
fine move. She giggled at herself, this explosion of raw rage that had just left her body was something that she had never experienced before.
They squared up once more but this time Elmer tackled her and they
ended up with MaryJane trapped in a step over toe hold, after a raucous
session of rolling around. He eased his hold on her and showed her how
to make it look vicious without harming her opponent. She glowed with
vigor as Elmer advanced their lesson to making it look real but using
slight force instead of full force. She learned quickly and they traded holds on each other using passive resistance. If the match with Joyce
went as planned, both women would appear to be beating each other senseless, but come out of it unharmed. They quaffed down another iced tea before parting company. MaryJane was exhausted but confident about
meeting Joyce in the ring.
Meanwhile, Joyce and her husband resumed their training that evening.
They wrestled quite vigorously around their bedroom. Harold also showed
Joyce how to make it look vicious without being harmful. She followed his lead and caught on in no time. They fought with a variety of holds and
escapes. Harold had his wife throw him into the wall, and cushioned his
contact with his body...faking a serious collision but ending on the floor
unscathed. Joyce rushed to his side, thinking he had been hurt, but smiled
when he assured her that all was well. Joyce requested to be put to the same task. Harold coached her and then flung her to the walled corner. She bounced off it and to the floor, wailing. Harold paused and Joyce changed from wailing to giggling. It had gone perfectly. Joyce was ready.
The following day, Joyce and MaryJane discussed the planned tactics
for their match. Each assured the other that the entire match would be for fun and no real pain would be dished out. They even planned a pre-match verbal exchange with finger pointing and threats, like the pros.
The day before the match, MaryJane and Joyce headed off to buy their
ring attire at different locations. Each had found the needed gear and all
was ready. The comittee even picked up the tab for the cost. Joyce and MaryJane rested and waited for the big day.
The big day arrived and both women attended the full day's activities, their match seheduled for that evening. The day progressed
quickly and before they knew it, dusk had fallen on the town. The wrestling show was soon to follow. MaryJane and Joyce were called to
the main staging area for the event, along with the other wrestlers.
The pros met them there and took the comittee member wrestlers aside.
They went over last minute details of the matches and presented each with a brand new pair of wrestling boots, supplied by a local cobbler. No
wonder they wanted to know our shoe sizes, thought MaryJane. The participants were led to a dressing area and prepared for battle.
Joyce lifted her outfit out of the gym bag and gleefully began to
transform herself into a wrestler. Black tights, a one piece black bathing
suit, her black elbow and knee pads, thick,black aerobics socks, and finally her new black wrestling boots. Her socks rose above her boots in
thick pillars of soft material. She bounced after dressing and shadow
boxed, her short, black hair fluttered from the motion.
MaryJane donned her chosen attire of white tights, a white one piece
bathingsuit, white elbow and knee pads, thick, white socks, and her new white wrestling boots. Her blonde hair hanging to her shoulders, she draped it back into a loose bun. She walked around the room and got accustomed to her new footwear.
The matches went well and the women were saved for last. They viewed the matches from the back of the curtained area where the wrestlers were hidden away from the crowd. Each grew rapid in heartbeat and breath as their time came near. Joyce beamed with excitement as MaryJane looked on with doubtful caution. The announcer
called for Joyce to enter the ring area. She was introduced as "The Black
Demon". She pranced to ringside and awkwardly climbed through the ropes. Once in the ring, she bounced against the ropes and shuffeled around in her corner, waving at the crowd.
MaryJane was called next and glided to ringside, announced as "The Wrestling Angel". She gracefully climbed into the ring and stood swaying
in her corner, waving to the crowd. The referee called them to center ring and went over the planned exibition. He reminded them that this was for fun only and that they should not go out of control. Joyce giggled
and MaryJane smiled as Joyce went into her "bad wrestler" act. She glared
at "The Wrestling Angel" and threatened to beat her up! MaryJane went along with it and "The Wrestling Angel" swore to inflict great harm on her opponent. They stood for a moment, glaring at each other and were pushed apart by the referee to await the bell. MaryJane's sweet face
didn't carry the threating banter over too well. Joyce's schoolmarm appearance didn't either. Both were too sweet and innocent to fool the
crowd. DING!!!
The crowd roared when they slowly moved away from their corners and approached each other, in a novice manner. They moved around the ring, careful to stay out of reach of each other. The two women slid their wrestling boots along the ring floor and with hands outstretched
to each other, finally made contact at center ring. They pushed against each other which caused Joyce to growl at MaryJane, threatening to win
the match in no time. MaryJane was taken aback by the seemingly serious
threat and pushed herself away from Joyce. Joyce bellowed, "Come on and fight!" With that, she stormed towards the retreating MaryJane. The
startled "Wrestling Angel" backtracked around the ring and Asked Joyce if she was really serious about this abrupt realness of combat. In a low,
menacining voice, Joyce hissed, "I've always wanted to beat the hell out of you, now's my chance!" "I didn't want to play the bad wrestler for nothing!" MaryJane gasped a startled reply, "I don't want to fight!" Joyce
laughed in her face and trundled towards her.
MaryJane found herself backed into a corner! Joyce latched onto her and grasped her about the upper body in a violent embrace, squeezing the
"Wrestling Angel" in a tight breath taking lockup! MaryJane tried to move
out of the corner while breaking the hold but to no avail. Joyce pressed her into the turnbuckle and clamped her embrace on even tighter. The
women stood there in a struggle of surprise and anger. MaryJane managed to clamp her own embrace onto Joyce and equally squeezed her back. The women groaned and gasped as they swayed against the entrapping ropes of the corner. Joyce shifted herself and got MaryJane into a side headlock. MaryJane held onto Joyce's midsection as the "Black Demon" twisted her soft neck. MaryJane looked down on their struggling feet, her socks rubbing against Joyce's as they fought in close quarters.
MaryJane's temper arose and she took action. she shifted herself to the side and tossed her opponent over her shapely hips. Joyce squeeled as she floated through the air and to the ring floor. MaryJane took cover in her corner and tried to regain her composure. Joyce sprang to her feet and charged her opponent. MaryJane stood firm and waited for the collision. They twacked together into a torrent of females. Joyce went for MaryJane's hair as the "Angel" tried to maintain her footing against the onslaught of Joyce's attack. The force of Joyce's momentum sent them backwards to the ropes and they ended up in a leaning battle.
MaryJane reached for her opponent's hair and returned the favor. The women battled against the ropes in a hair pulling clash that saw them
struggle in a tight leaning eruption of viloence. "The Wrestling Angel" had
enough of this woman and launched her own assault now. MaryJane shot her kneepad into Joyce's thigh and followed it with a barrage of kicks to her black tighted legs. Joyce wailed out as the soft, white wrestling boots slammed into her shins and calves. MaryJane growled,"Okay,let's fight!"
Joyce spun them around and tripped up the "Angel", causing her to fall gracefully to the ring floor. Before MaryJane could get up, Joyce kicked
the fallen woman, bad wrestler style. MaryJane cried out as her voluptious body absorbed painful assaults from each of Joyce's boots.
After numerous kicks and stomps, MaryJane grabbed one of Joyce's boots and pulled her to the floor of the ring. Once down, MaryJane climbed atop her opponent and began to batter the dark haired woman with both fists.
The referee tried to interfere but backed off when each woman scowled,"Stay out of this!" He did, watching from the corner.
Joyce launched her own barrage of fists from her prone position. The
women fought a body to body punch out that thudded loudly as they struggled for top position. MaryJane lost top spot and Joyce mounted her and continued to punch out at the blonde. MaryJane rolled them into a series of rolls that carried them to the ropes. The referee stopped them from rolling out of the ring which caused them to pull apart and regroup.
They stood once more and charged into each other, screaming and snarling. MaryJane remembered her wrestling lessons and clamped on a painful armbar that brought Joyce to her knees. MaryJane twisted her
opponent's arm, causing tears to flow from Joyce. The dark haired woman
responded with a leg trip, causing her arm to wrench free. She quickly clamped on a half nelson from behind and moved to a kneeling full nelson soon after. Joyce dug her chin into MaryJane's back as she leaned into her hold. MaryJane sobbed now as she struggled to free herself from this torment.
The women slowed down a bit and relaxed their battle moves for awhile. Still in the full nelson but not in any pain, MaryJane and Joyce rested in this lockup while the crowd went wild. When MaryJane felt refreshed, she plunged backwards and took her opponent with her. They
seperated for a split second before MaryJane grabbed Joyce's foot and
locked her in a step over toe hold. She grasped the laces of her opponent's soft wrestling boot and twisted her foot until she wailed out in pain. MaryJane sneered at her sobbing foe and alternated between twisting and just holding onto the trapped foot. Joyce pleaded for her release but it fell on deaf ears.
Joyce kicked out with her free foot and it slammed into MaryJane's stomach. She keeled over into a ball and retreated. Joyce rubbed her aching foot and moved to her enemy. Joyce rolled MaryJane around and into a double leg lock, entangling their legs together and grasping MaryJane's feet in a twisting retaliation. "The Wrestling Angel" screamed as her legs were twisted and turned in harmful ways. Each woman was laying on her back, legs entangled in a tight knot. Joyce began to squeeze her legs against MaryJane's as she grasped onto the blonde's boots with her thin hands and retaliated with twisting moves of
her own.
Each woman clasped two handfulls of wrestling boots and wrenched and twisted each other's feet in painful torture. Joyce heaved herself to the right, causing them to roll still locked in this mangeled knot of limbs.
On their stomachs now, each felt quite awkward at the twisting attempts and decided to release their holds. They crawled apart to opposite ends of the ring and sat there regrouping their strength.
MaryJane was first to rise and stood swaying as her opponent struggled to stand. Both women weeped softly as they began the long journey across the ring to each other. They met at center ring and immediatedly entangled themselves in each others' grasps. The women
locked their arms around each others' upper bodies and began squeezing each other in mutual bearhugs. Joyce and MaryJane layed their heads on each others' shoulders as they fought out this battle of wills. The crowd cheered them on as they fought in a stationary battle of bodies. Their
booted feet barely moved as the women strained and fought against each other. Their socks layed in bunches at the tops of their wrestling boots.
Sweat covered them and tears flowed freely. MaryJane heaved to her right and propelled them both to the ring floor. They thudded together and
held on, entangling legs and rolled slowly across the ring. The two women passed under the bottom rope and continued out of the ring.
They crashed to the hard grass and broke apart, to the wild screams of the fans. Joyce and MaryJane labored to get up and wasted no time in clashing again. They lumbered into each other and began fighting with their fists, pummeling each other about their bodies. The raging women
stood implanted against each other and fought with rights and lefts that
thudded into their one piece suits. The referee rushed to seperate them
but they pushed him down in unison and continued to fight each other as he struggled to get out of their way.
MaryJane slugged her opponent hard in her stomach, causing a knockdown. She backed away from the fallen Joyce and stood snorting,
fists at the ready. The referee took the advantage and grabbed her, pushing her away and back to the ring. MaryJane oblidged the referee and climbed into the padded ring, crawling to the nearest corner and layed exhausted on the floor.
Joyce slowly got up and ,with a fan's assistance, made it back to the ring. Their hair matted, their suits sweat soaked, their socks scrunched down, the women launched into each other for a final assault. They collided in the corner... MaryJane being slow to get up... and began to fight with hair pulls and punches. Their movements were slow motion at best
as they battled against the ropes and inflicted pain on each other.
MaryJane pulled Joyce's head back with her hair and fired a right cross that struck it's mark...her left cheek. A loud thwack thundered
across the arena and the crowd fell silent as Joyce floated to the ring floor. The referee stepped in between them and motioned for MaryJane to go to her corner as he counted Joyce out. Joyce fumbled around a bit but was okay. The referee raised MaryJane's arm up and declared her the winner.
The End
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