The Adventures Of Milo
Taxi Fighter
Now...if I came home
and found this gal waiting for me...dressed like this...WAGA!!!

The First Job
Milo stood five-seven and weighed in at one-fifty. He was a harmless figure
to view, fairly handsome and a fair opponent for any woman who wished to hire him. His service...to play fight with any woman who paid the $100 fee for an
hour session. He strictly regulated his jobs on private sessions without any
audiences or husbands being present during the fights. On occasion, he accepted
jobs where the woman requested a real, no playing around fight, but that was rare. He was in this for fun, not harm to himself or his opponents. The idea being a close, intimate encounter between himself and his female clients,whether
it be that they needed to release their agressions or they were lonely individuals seeking a safe body to body contact with a willing member of the opposite sex. Milo serviced their needs as they requested...wrestling,boxing,
street fight,fist fight, duel, anything as long as it didn't get out of control.
Except for the rare full force encounters, Milo and his client did mock battle
but to an exhausted finish. On a few occasions, Milo walked away from jobs after
finding an audience waiting for a brawl. He meant business, and on one occasion,
knocked out the husband of a woman who tried to arrange a private encounter with
Milo but the husband insisted on being there with his friends to view the fight.
Milo was able to take care of himself quite harshly when needed. He never unleashed this force on any of his female opponents...even during the real fight jobs.
His first job was requested by a lonely widow who used to play fight with her dear departed husband. After seeing his obscure add in the listings for opponents in a wrestling magazine personals column, she contacted him and they
arranged to meet. Milo ventured off to her spacious home and was greeted by the widow who welcomed him in with opened arms. Milo carried his various outfits
with him in the back of his conversion van. The client would pick the scenerio for the fight and Milo and his opponent would dress for the part. On occasion the client would usher Milo to their bedroom to help pick out an outfit for their requested scenerio. Milo only carried outfits for himself, not his clients.
In most cases, whatever the client requested, Milo had the proper attire to match the request.
The widow was around fifty years old. Her name was Angela. A shapely woman who's hair was reddish brown with a touch of grey. She stood equal to Milo and
weighed in a few pounds heavier than the taxi fighter. Her warm hug that greeted
him was a welcomed thing. Milo felt comfortable with Angela and was sure she would follow the fight plan to the letter. No blow by blow action was ever planned out, just the general plan of whatever the client wished...lot's of circling around first,straight to it action, body punching in slow motion, hair
pulls...lightly...whatever they wished. Angela was still unsure of her wants on this day, so Milo patiently waited as she weighed her options. She had donned
various outfits with her departed husband and was not lacking for such. She just
hadn't done this in so long that she felt overwhelmed with the options at hand.
As Milo sipped his brandy, Angela's eyes went wide with excitement. She had
chosen her scenerio. Angela sheepishly told Milo of her request and he assured her that he could handle it. He cruised out to his van and returned to the
waiting Angela with a gym bag containing his outfit. He showed the beaming widow who giggled and nodded her approval. Milo went to the guest room to change as Angela rushed to her bedroom to donn her attire for the afternoon's encounter.
The scenerio...well...read on readers...*s*.
Milo, as instructed, crept off to the widow's backyard. Her property was far
from her neighbors and enclosed in a large fence that was impossible to see through. He took up his position as requested and waited for the widow. The yard
was huge with numerous trees and schrubs throughout. Angela emerged from the house and immediatedly began to scan her yard for her opponent. Milo waited behind the maple tree at the rear of the yard as Angela cautiously inched towards it. Twenty feet from the tree Angela took her pose, hands on hips and back arched in a defiant stance. "Are you here?", she asked. With that, Milo
made himself seen and stood next to the maple tree, a smirk expression on his face. Angela almost fell over with the sight of Milo in his outfit...it looked
just like she had imagined it would, only better. Milo said,"Yeah,I'm here. Do ya wanna chicken out now or are ya gonna fight me?". Angela's heart skipped a beat as she replied,"No! I'm not gonna chicken out! Let's fight!"
With that, Angela moved to an open area of the yard and nervously shifted from one foot to the other as Milo moved in her direction. He stopped in front of her and etched an imaginary line in the grass with his sneaker, a high topped
Keds black model."Cross this line!", he demanded. She paused for a second and etched her own imaginary line with the toe of her black Mary Jane shoe. "You cross this line first!",she demanded back. Her pigtails danced in the afternoon breeze along with her pink ribbons that adorned her hair. They stood glaring at each other, waiting for one of them to cross the line.
Milo looked the part in his knee length worn trousers of the early 1900's. His thick woolen socks of white layed in piles above his vintage sneakers. Hi baggy grey poorboy's shirt
hung loosely on his body. Angela stuck her chin out and shook her dainty fist at Milo. She wore a pink pinafore style dress,a white blouse under it,white anklets
that were quite thick in the folded position, and the Mary Janes.
The scenerio...an after school clash behind the school house ala 1900. The
realism of the scene really excited Angela as she and Milo stood in their
characters parts and played out the prefight jestures.
Milo redrew his line and dared Angela to cross it. She slipped out of character for a second and smiled, licking her lips, she regained her part and
with a deep breath, strode over the line. One step over, she balled her fists
and Milo followed suit. They began to circle around each other and moved around the yard. Milo waited as Angela was leading the action. He followed her moves and let her lead him for awhile. Milo then moved on the offensive and instead of circling Angela, advanced straight at her. She seemed off guard for a second but played into the scene and met Milo head on. They began to jab lightly at each other and struck the shoulder areas and arms. Angela chirped lightly as Milo's jabs thumped into her. She jabbed at Milo causing him to grunt lightly.
They followed each other, taking turns leading, and jabbed away with slow, controlled jabs that made contact but didn't hurt. The grunts and chirps were all part of the play fighting.
Angela took charge and grasped Milo in a tight embrace, clinching him and
forcing a close body to body punching session. Milo followed along and didn't
resist, grasping her as well and lightly punching her body around the middle and upper torso. They struggled about locked together in a combination clinching
punch up that brought them around the yard. Angela and Milo held each other and
punched slowly with each beginning to sweat.
Milo changed tactics and reached for a side headlock on Angela. She let herself be entrapped in his arms and reached down for his body. They grasped one
another tightly but harmlessly in a struggle of body to body combat. Angela
moved her foot behind Milo's leg and after a few minutes struggle, Milo allowed himself to be flung over her hip. He floated to the ground as Angela stood above him and demanded that he get up.
Milo did and they latched onto each other again in a standing wrestle that
meshed them into one. Angela's pinafore dress rode above her knees as they struggled against each other in a twisted double headlock leg entrapment that
lurched them both to the grass. They immediatedly began to roll around the yard
and wrestled a sensuous body to body struggle that saw some mild body punches and leg entwinement. Angela stretched her legs against Milo's and held him against her as they rolled around in a large area of grass. Milo held on and followed her lead, rolling as she saw fit and struggling when it was needed.
They wrestled in tight grips for a fair amount of time, becoming covered in grass stains and sweat. Angela squeezed Milo firmly and rolled him around the grass. He stayed with her and played out a furious struggle to get free of her tight embrace. Her Mary Janes scuffed against his Keds as they squeezed and strained their legs in a knot of entwinement.
Angela punched at Milo lightly again and he returned the favor, still locked together on the ground. They slowly rolled over and over and fought out her fantasy in the afternoon sun. The shrill sound of a ringing alarm clock brought
Milo to his back with Angela crawling atop him and into a schoolgirl pin. She sat atop of him and pinned his arms to the grass. Milo growled up at her as she
demanded surrender. Milo played the struggling school lad for a few more minutes before giving up. Angela squeeled with joy and unstraddled him.
Milo and Angela retreated to the patio for cool iced teas before parting.
Angela booked another session before the "taxi fighter" departed,$100 in hand.
The End.

E-Mail Challenge
Milo scanned his e-mail and noticed an unfamiliar address. Normally he would have taken a quick look and deleted it, but something caught his attention. The title read..."Fight Me...Please!" He opened the message and
carefully read it's content. A woman,who had heard of Milo from a friend,wrote:
After years of searching for a suitable opponent, one that will fight me on equal terms yet I can feel safe with, I have been reccomended to you by a former client of your's. I long to fight a man for the shear joy of combat between the sexes without any holding back or pulled punches. Please agree to fight with me! I will pay you double your normal fee. Signed, Marilyn.
Milo studied the message and contacted his past client for a reference
to this mysterious woman. The client assured him that the offer was indeed real and that the woman was aching to fight. She was not the type to simply go out and pick a fight with a complete stranger. However, after hearing about Milo's service, she was completely excited about the whole idea. A fair fight with no
hostilities or revenge sought after the fact. Milo thanked his past client, booked another session for her, and began the process of contacting Marilyn and setting up the fight.
He e-mailed her and agreed to take her on, inquiring as to when and where they should meet. A response was quick to follow.
Milo headed off to the arranged location, his fighting gear on under his
street clothes. He drove to a desserted location deep in the countryside. The
old brown house as his land mark, he knew he was at the right place when he saw
the silver "Mommy van" parked alongside it. He eased his roadster off the road and parked in the same area.
As Milo began to change out of his street clothes, he heard an angelic voice greet him. It was Marilyn, a beautiful woman of thirty-five, with flowing long brown hair,deep green eyes,of a holsum build,slightly taller than he,and
dressed for combat.
She stood in the field behind the house with her hair pulled back into a large pony tail. A sleevless, one piece body suit that was green with black legs
that went to the middle of her thighs, white low cut aerobics sneakers, and thick white aerobics socks that she wore pushed down. He greeted her and strolled to the battlefield in his black wrestling singlet,soft white hightopped sneakers, and thick white sweatsocks. Milo was given his fee up front and put it
in his gym bag. He asked Marilyn about her request, a fight to a finish with no
holding back and no pulled punches. She nervously nodded that she had requested just that...a real knock down drawn out fight to a finish. Milo acknowledged
her wish and took a few minutes to stretch and limber up. She followed suit and
after five minutes of preparing, they were ready to fight.
Milo and Marilyn moved towards each other in the quiet field and began to circle one another slowly. Milo held his hands in loose fists as Marilyn held her's tightly, covering her face in a defensive position. Marilyn appeared to be
cautious but eager to mix it up at the same time. This amused Milo. He held back and continued to circle his female opponent. Marilyn and Milo moved about the field in slow circles, fists at the ready and breathing in anxious breaths.
Milo felt the toe of his sneaker touch Marilyn's sneaker numerous times as they circled at close range. Marilyn telegraphed a right punch that Milo blocked with his left arm. He followed up with a light right punch to her cheek.
She took the punch well and staggered only slightly, moving right back to her opponent. Marilyn launched a left jab that caught Milo on the chin. He shook it off and moved into Marilyn's body assault. She stepped into him and began
to throw close body punches to Milo's sides and gut, which Milo countered with punches of his own to equal locations on Marilyn's body. They stood leaning against each other and began to fight at very close range, pounding away at each other with hard blows that thudded with dull impact against their spandex covered bodies.
Marilyn grunted as she took Milo's punches with fair ease. Milo grunted as
well with each received blow from the luchious woman who fought him. Marilyn went for a clinch and grasped Milo tightly against her, trapping his arms at his sides. He struggled to free his arms but Marilyn held him firmly against herself. He grasped her in a bearhug and squeezed as hard as he could. Marilyn gasped deeply as her body came under Milo"s attack. She countered by bearhugging Milo and they stood swaying against each other locked in double bearhugs.
After five minutes of this lockup, Milo decided to launch a hard right punch to his opponent's side, slamming Marilyn into releasing her bearhug and the stricken woman backed away from him. They resumed their boxing stances and
stepped into each other with a barrage of punches that saw their fists lash out to all targets within range. Thuds and twacks could be heard as they battled in
a wide circle around the field. Occasional pauses were taken to catch breath and move hair from their faces, after which they strode back into heated battle.
Milo and Marilyn pummeled each other across the field and ended in a tight embrace, grasping each other about their upper bodies like two lovers. Marilyn
caught Milo in the gut with a hard uppercut that brought him to his knees. She
backed away and watched him sink to the ground. Milo waited for a minute and then resumed the fight.
Marilyn attacked with both fists and Milo returned blow for blow. They stood exchanging hard blows that soon had them bloody and bruised about their faces. They stayed on the attack as their bodies sweat profusly and their breathing became labored and heavy. Once more they embraced into a violent clutch that brought them to the ground locked together in a tangle of entwined bodies.
Marilyn lashed out at Milo with her fists, punching his back as he attacked her sides. They rolled in a torrent of combat, pummeling as they went. Marilyn
wrapped her legs together with Milos and grapevined them, straining to stretch
them as tightly as she could. Milo bellowed as he fought her to gain an advantage on the ground. Marilyn was able to mount Milo and stay at top position for some time, trapping Milo in her cruel embrace that took Milo's breath away.
She pressed herself against him and held him to the ground as he struggled to
roll her over.
After some work, Milo slid his hips over and brought them into a rolling battle for top position. Milo punched out at Marilyn as she rolled with him and attacked him with punces of her own. They ended on their sides wrapped tightly together in a straining leg battle punch up that slowed to a crawl after a fierce ten minute ground struggle. Marilyn and Milo held on for desperation as they fought out the final minutes of their battle.
Their faces close together, Milo was caught off guard as Marilyn locked her lips to Milo's and kissed him deeply, while still fighting with him. She continued to punch his sides as she held her lips tightly to his and kissed him
passionately. Milo was bemused and returned her kisses while he also returned her punches. They layed there in tangled entrapment, locked in a conflict the likes of which Milo hadn't seen...but he liked it!
Marilyn weeped into Milo's ear, and begged him to take her to new heights.
Turns out, the gal like it rough but no one she was interested in would oblidge her. Milo's eyes went wide at the thought. She was gorgous, single, and wanted Milo in this twisted contest of the sexes. Milo whispered through his fat lip,
he would agree to her wish, and Marilyn cried with joy. They held each other softly for some time before resuming their new round of combat.
That is to be left to your imaginations............:)!
The End
Milo vs.The Perky Pugilist
Milo entered the modest home and followed his client down the stairs and into a small empty room. A thick assortment of blankets covered the floor. His opponent for this morning's match bounced across the blankets and assumed her position at the opposite corner to Milo's. She was a woman in her late twenties
who was energetic and bubbled with vitality and vigor. Vickey stood in her corner as Milo peeled off his street clothes to reveal his fighting attire.
He wore his black Speedos with his black hightopped sneakers and thick black socks. Vickey fidgeted on the edge of their fighting area in her tight fitting
black aerobics thong,floral printed leggings,white hightopped aerobics sneakers and thick white aerobics socks...her long brown hair pulled into a high pony tail.
Milo set the timer and motioned his opponent to begin. Vickey rushed from her corner and latched onto Milo in a flash. The surprised Milo felt Vickey's arms encircle his upper torso in a vise like grasp as her legs left the blankets and encircled his waist in a crushing leg scissors. Milo gasped out as Vickey ground herself against him. He struggled around the blankets and tried to force his hands between her's to break the violent embrace. Vickey increased her pressure and groaned softly as she melted against him.
Milo moved his hands down to her ankles and tried to pry her sneakers apart.
Since they were front to front and her ankles were behind him, Milo had his work cut out for him.

Campus Championship
Adara and SleeperGirl had been itching for a showdown for a week.
Each had done battle with SleeperKid and Adara's boyfriend with each girl
taking one loss and one victory against the lads. Neither had taken the other on and it was only a matter of time before they would face each other across an empty room and have at it. Adara and SleeperGirl were
cautious about engaging each other in a fight,but both girls knew it was coming...soon.
SleeperKid and his friend,Adara's boyfriend,had discussed the possibilities of their lasses going up against each other and they argued over who would win if it came down to the real thing. Each lass was equal in height and weight,a perfect match up. Each had wrestled alot but
their matches were against male opponents and the fights were not all out conflicts with anger and pain involved. The lads agreed finally that whatever the outcome of a fight between their ladies,it would be one hell
of a fight.
SleeperGirl and Adara had been asking their mates the question...Who had given them the toughest fight during their mixed matches. Each lad
intelligently answered that the girls had given them an equal fight during their matches. SleeperGirl and Adara began to focus their thoughts on each other,eager to see who could take the other in all out combat. With little prodding,the lads were instructed to set up the fight
in a private location with just them as witnesses. They were told to stay out of the fight during it's progression and that no coaching would be allowed from the sidelines. Both lads agreed and they set up the contest via the phone and hurriedly got their lasses ready for combat.
Practice fights were held between Adara and her mate and SleeperGirl and her mate fought a practice session as well. Different tactics were
used by both couples as this was to be a real female versus fight...not just a wrestling match. Half force was used by the guys as they fought their ladies with fists,kicks,punches,and hair pulling. The lasses went full force against their male coaches and managed to inflict a few bruises to both during their practices. The lasses carried battle marks
as well but they faded away before the day of their fight.
The basement of Chi-Slapha-Fatlipa was chosen as the battle ground.
It's floor was heavily carpeted and had plenty of open space for such a contest. In secret,the lasses were escorted to the place by their lads,and prepared to enter into battle. Adara wore a black and white striped half tee shirt,black hip hugging shorts, soft black high top sneakers,and folded white socks. SleeperGirl donned her black sports bra,
black bikini bottoms,soft white high top sneakers,and thick black aerobics socks,worn scrunched down. Adara stood in one corner of the empty room and removed her eye glasses as SleeperGirl adjusted her socks to a half way pulled up position. The lads moved off to the far end of the room and left the lasses to each other.
The two lasses eyed each other from head to toe and SleeperGirl took a step from her corner,motioning her opponent to begin the war. Adara pushed back her dark hair and headed for the blonde. The gals met at center room and immediately shoved each other...hard! Both gals stumbled back a few steps and quickly moved to each other again. A second hard shove between them sent the two opponents staggering backwards. They paused briefly and began an exchange of insults and snide remarks. Dumb blonde,white trash,and other assorted nasties flew through the air as the gals circled slowly now and drew up their fists in hostile form.
SleeperGirl fired a sharp right jab into Adara's cheek as the stricken lass sent her right jab into SleeperGirl's chin. Their knuckles thwacked
as they landed and the blows caused both gals to grunt. They paused for a second and then began circling again. Adara shot her right fist out and connected with SG's cheek. SG fired off a hard left that zinged past Adara's right eye,barely missing it. Adara brought up her left fist and
rammed it into SG's gut. SG shot forward and into Adara's incoming right cross. The punch landed full on SleeperGirl's left temple,sending her spinning to the floor. Adara flung herself down onto her knees and scooted behind the fallen SleeperGirl,clamping her into a tight sleeper hold. SleeperGirl clawed at her opponent's arms as she tried to break the hold but Adara tightened her grip on the blonde and squeezed her firmly.
Adara's soft sneakers came around SleeperGirl's waste and she locked her ankles together into a sleeper-leg scissors combination. SleeperGirl
cursed and clawed at Adara's head but was loosing steam fast. Adara ducked her head down to SleeperGirl's shoulder and clamped her hold on even tighter. SleeperGirl struggled violently,kicking her legs out and sent her head backwards in one sudden move.
Her skull slammed into Adara's forehead and caused a break in the hold. SleeperGirl rolled out of harm's way as Adara shrieked out in pain.
The dazed lass now layed prone to SleeperGirl's attack. The blonde roughly grasped her dark haired opponent and wrapped her arms around Adara's head and neck tightly from behind. She gritted her teeth and murmured revenge for her earlier pain as she squeezed with all her might.
Her legs still layed dormant aside Adara's but not for long. She brought her smooth legs around Adara's body and locked her own ankles into a vice like grip. Her thick socks bulged as they squeezed the air from the
gasping dark haired lass. A lump began to grow in the middle of SleeperGirl's forehead but she held her grasp on her opponent. Adara now
attacked SleeperGirl's hair,clamping her hands into the short blonde lockes, SG squealed out in pain as her trapped victim wailed in torment.
They sat locked in heated battle,struggling in one tight grasp of bodies.
Sweat covered them as tears began to flow. Adara growled as she ripped at SG's hair. SleeperGirl tightened her hold and waited for Adara to pass out.
They stayed in this dreadful entanglement for some time. A sudden scream came from SleeperGirl's lips! Adara had shifted her focus to SG's legs,piercing pain erupted as her nails clawed into SleeperGirl's thighs!
The leg scissors sprung loose and the sleeper hold was soon to follow. Both gals rolled apart but immediately flung themselves at each other from kneeling positions. SleeperGirl and Adara lashed out with both fists
in a close kneeling body punch out that thudded through the room in heavy
combat. Both gals wept but continued to battle it out,throwing rights and lefts into each other until their arms grew weary of the fray. They
embraced each other loosely and leaned against the other for a momentary
rest from hostilities. Their mates sat frozen in amazement as these two female warriors kneeled in heated combat exhaustion. SleeperGirl got a
hard right punch into Adara's gut,sending her to the floor in a gut wrenching pile. She fell on top of her fallen opponent and engaged her in a front to front hair pulling battle.
The lasses rolled slowly across the room and brought their legs into a grapevined position as they fought along the floor. Straining legs battled straining legs as these two gals fought each other with total effort. They rolled into the wall and froze as one,their whimpers and gasps filled the room. SleeperGirl manuvered her right hand down to Adara's
left leg and dug her claws into the soft flesh. Adara screamed loudly as SleeperGirl's claws raked upwards towards her thighs. Adara lashed out with her claws and dragged them along SleeperGirl's legs. Both gals screamed in agony as they battled in this violent clash of wills.
More rolling ensued as the clawing continued and gradually moved up
into the arm regions. Adara and SleeperGirl slowly rolled and clawed at
each other while pulling hair in between the clawing. A shift in their movement brought them apart. They literally rolled off each other and
scampered away for a quick rest.
SleeperGirl staggered to her opponent and smacked her face hard with an open handed slap. Adara spun around and SleeperGirl latched herself onto her from behind. A sleeper hold slithered around her neck and tightened with each breath. Adara slumped to her knees with SleeperGirl following her there. Adara's arms hung limp as SleeperGirl tightened the hold and leaned into the dark haired girl. In thirty seconds,Adara lapsed into dreamland,her opponent released her and she floated to the floor
The lads hurried to their mate's sides and comforted them as they cried heavily and hugged them. When Adara and SleeperGirl were well enough to move,they embraced each other and promised never to fight each other again. They'd be a tag team from then on!
The End
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