Still more stories.

Monica vs Linda.

This gorgous lass was once a boxer in the 70' she's a cop. I'm in love...again!

Edgar rolled to his side as Stella pounded her pink boot soles onto him. He grabbed her foot and lurched her off balance to the floor. Now Edgar growled as he crawled towards her. She tried to get away from him but was too late. He grabbed her foot and crawled to her, ending on top of her face down on the mats. Edgar placed both hands in her hair and began to pull in opposite directions. She reached behind and tried to grab his. Edgar countered by putting her in a full nelson and again grabbed her by the hair. His front to her back, they layed at center room and Edgar pulled away on her soft lockes. Stella wiggled herself from under him and elbowed her opponent in his ribs. He released his hold and they both stood and faced off again.
The exhausted pair fell into each other and began to fight with fists and hair pulls. Stella brought her knee up and slammed it into Edgar's stomach. He doubled over and Stella rammed him in his back with a double fisted sledgehammer. Edgar fell to his belly with Stella mounting him and applied a Boston crab. He bellowed out as she forced the hold with grueling pressure. The prone Edgar finally surrendered and fell limp under his victorious female opponent. They thanked each other for a good fight and agreed to meet the following they had been doing for the past...fifty years. It's not how old you's how young you feel!
The End
Capitol Combat
The black BMW eased onto Pennsylvania Avenue and headed to it's secret destination on the outskirts of town. The Lexus rolled along the beltway and the two vehicles were within sight of each other as they exited the city limits. A single woman piloted each car as they headed into the country and glided onto the remote road that led them to the farmhouse that sat at the top of a long hill. The house overlooked the Capitol in all it's splender. The BMW and Lexus arrived back to back in the long driveway that stretched a quarter mile from the road. They rolled to the circular driveway at the end and stopped. Both women exited their cars and without saying a word, strolled into the opened house.
Inside,a mysterious figure lurked in the shadows of the large room that had been set up with heavy padded mats and two stools at either corner. The women entered the room about ten seconds apart and took up positions at each stool. They readied themselves in a manner of brushing their hair,pulling it into loose ponytails,sipped the drinks that were waiting for them,and checked their laces on their sneakers.
Monica wore a sports bra with bike,white Nike lowcut sneakers and Nike logo socks...the short kind. She glared across at her opponent and swore to inflict as much pain as she had endured from the press. Linda peered across at her dressed in a white tank top, green jogging shorts, low cut Reebok sneakers, and thick white tube socks that she wore scrunched down midway up her legs. The mysterious figure instructed them to begin when they were ready and they nodded an acknowledgement. The two women glared into each others' eyes and slowly stood up.
Linda whispered her commitment to destroy Monica and stepped forward. Her opponent rose slowly and moved to her right, along the wall of the room with Linda moving to head her off. Monica cautiously stayed along the wall and was moving away from the advancing Linda. The blonde followed her already retreating foe around the room in one full "trip" from corner to corner. In "lew" of this, Linda became more aggitated and moved with a faster pace towards her opponent.
Monica continued to retreat as Linda demanded to know if they were going to fight or walk around in circles all day! All the while...Monica held loose fists up, midway up position as Linda stalked her open handed. Monica answered her with a maybe. Linda fumed and decided to rush her fleeing enemy. With a growl, Linda launched her Reeboks forward and tackled Monica to the floor in a mid body embrace,her shoulder slamming into the stunned Monica. The falling Monica slammed her fists into Linda's back, thudding with each blow. Linda held her rival tightly and mounted her in a front to front embrace. At this point, Linda released one of her arms from the grasp and pummeled Monica's side with hard right punches that had the prone woman squeeling in pain.
Monica reached for Linda's hair and latched onto it,pulling from side to side as Linda continued to pummel her. They intertwined their legs and wrestled them into a tight entanglement that caused them to roll over with each hip thrust between them. They battled back and forth...first Monica on top...then Linda. Each woman bellowed as they fought in close quarters. Monica launched a few punches of her own as they struggled along the mats. Linda latched one hand into Monica's hair and countered with hard pulls of her own. Now each fighter pulled hair with one hand and pummeled away with the other. They rolled over and over as their legs strained against each others'. The sounds of sneakers locked against sneakers squeeked as they fought on the floor.
Linda crawled further up on Monica's body when she regained top position,and bashed her foe in the eye. Monica cried out and sobbed deeply as she furiously retaliated by biting into Linda's breast! The bitten woman shreiked as she desperately fought to release the teeth that sank into her delicate mammery. The two women layed motionless as they fought with vicious rage! Linda latched onto Monica's face and clawed her with damaging results. Long red streaks stretched from Monica's eyes to her chin. Droplits of blood appeared as the manicured hands searched for skin to damage. Monica's teeth stayed locked onto Linda's breast,blood began to seep through her top. Linda found an ear and clamped her teeth down in a screaming orgy of lust. The women screamed through closed teeth, punishing each other with no signs of letting go.
Monica got a leg loose and slammed it into Linda's womb hard! Linda released herself from Monica and rolled away from her opponent,screaming. The two fighters stayed apart for some time,nursing their wounds and swearing revenge! The mysterious figure sat still in the shadows and remained silent.
Both womens' hair was a mess. They cried as they tried to get their breath. Linda crawled in Monica's direction and reached her as Monica was moving away from her, pleading for more time to rest. A throaty growl emerged from Linda as she got a hold of Monica's right leg and latched her teeth into her calf! Monica reeled in pain as the bright white teeth attacked her soft flesh. She tried to fight Linda off by punching at her head but that didn't work. A flash brought her left leg back,smashing her Nike to the side of Linda's head! The blonde collasped to her side with Monica following her down and mounting her in a punishing combinaton of everything she could think of! Hair pulling,punching, knees to the body,nails to the face,teeth to whatever she could reach,terrible assaults of woman against woman! They fought one sided now...Monica having the upper hand. She picked and chose her assaults as Linda floundered in tears in a heap. Finally, Monica latched a leg scissors onto her opponent and rested on her side as Linda struggled faintly to get loose.
Two hands latched onto Linda's hair again as two legs squeezed the breath out of her. The women stayed there in their blood and sweat, fighting out the last moments of their vicious war. Monica released all holds and turned her foe to face her...on their knees. Linda raised her fists limply as Monica did the same and they struck out at each other with repeated blows that hit hard into soft faces. Linda flailed away with wild throughs but Monica's punches were more controled and battered the other woman into a beaten state. Monica launched one more roundhouse into Linda's left cheek that cracked loudly. The blonde collasped to the floor,out cold.
The weeping Monica crawled to her corner as two darksuited men entered the room and removed Linda to her waiting car and whisked her away. The mysterious figure stood from the shadows and...sorry...the rest is classified information.
The End

Clash of the Titans

The air hung heavy on this August morning. Rumors were spreading about the new inmate. The Sunnyvale Correctionial Facility had been home to Two Ton Tilly, the biggest,meanest,fiercest woman at the prison. She enjoyed being the biggest woman there,simply for the joys of pushing all of the smaller women around.
Her reign of terror would soon be threatened by the new comer...Boxcar Betty. Apparently,Boxcar had been transferred from the Federal Prison for reasons unknown. She would be joining Two Ton on death row...each found guilty of first degree murder of their unfortunate victims. Turned out that each was a serial killer.
Word on the block was definite trouble when these two met up. We waited for days until Boxcar had arrived and was taken to the row. Everybody kept their distance as they eyed each other in the excerise yard. Once a day the row residents were allowed out to this small enclosed area of grass for some fresh air. Since each woman was so big, their prison uniforms were specially made to fit them. Light blue jumpers that came to just above their buldging knees. Canvas sneakers and thick white socks completed their attire. The yard emptied as everybody eased to the walls to watch what would happen between the two titans.
Tilly and Betty lurked at opposite ends of the area,looking each other over from head to foot. They looked amused at the sight of each other. Tilly bellowed..."Look's like they finally sent me someone I can have a fair fight with". With that, Betty smiled and uttered, "Anytime you want to play with me, I'll be right here". Tilly smiled back at her and motioned her to come and get it. Betty adjusted herself and moved forward as Tilly hastily readied herself for the advancing woman. They met at center yard and didn't waste time with preliminaries. We watched in awe as the two giants locked up in a collar and elbow embrace. They struggled in epic fashion against each other and tried to lock their fat legs around each others'. We moved to a better location,away from them, as they snarled into each others' eyes and staggered about like two bulls.
The two titans moved in closer and wrapped their arms tightly around each other in a grueling embrace. They swayed back and forth,trying to throw each other down to the ground. Neither made any headway and shoved each other away to start again. This time they came in at full steam and while cursing like sailors, launched into each other with hard,pudgy fists that thwacked against each others' upper bodies and faces. They moved about the small space hurling everything they had at each other. Thwacks and thuds filled the air as they fought like enraged animals. Their large arms swayed as they shot into each other. Betty locked onto Tilly's body and now they fought at closerange, buldging body against buldging body. Tilly wrapped one of her pudgy legs around Betty's and she followd suit,leaving them motionless from the waist down. Their socks stood locked at the ankles as they fought locked leg to leg.
The guards stood by but let them fight. We waited for the buzzer to signal the back to the cell noise and wondered if the two fighters would stop on their own. Fat chance! They battled on as the guards tried to seperate them. More help was summoned and with great effort, the two titans were finally pulled apart,kicking at each other and screaming threats of more to come!
As time went by, they fought on sight of each other. Everyday was fight day in the exercise yard. They battled for a solid week during this time. By the end of the first week, each looked battered and beaten as their fights had become more vicious with each encounter. All of a sudden...they were nowhere to be found! We searched the entire maze of information in the place and came up empty! On the night of the Warden's birthday, we found out what was had been going on. All inmates of D block were assembled in the gym and under heavy guard ushered to seats in the place that found a wrestling ring in the middle.
The crowd gasped as Two Ton Tilly entered first, adorned in makeup and a new hairdoo. She looked nice as the buldging woman stepped onto the apron of the ring and began to shuffle her feet. Attired in a one piece pink wrestling singlet that stretched out to it's maximum,new white canvas sneakers and new thick,white socks,she fidgeted in her corner as her opponent entered the ring. Boxcar Betty stepped onto the apron wearing the same makeup and hairdoo upgrades,a light blue wrestling singlet, new white canvas sneakers,and new thick,white socks. She too fidgeted in her corner. Both women looked different this night...nervous...cautious...frightened!
When the announcer made his intros, it became apparent as to why. They would battle to the time referee. Each woman shuffeled their new sneakers against the canvas floor of the ring. They gazed across at each other, hate still aimed at the other but a definite fear as well. The announcer left the ring, leaving the two fighters alone to decide their fate. Ding!!! The only bell of the match rang and they stood still.
Each woman took deep breaths and looked around the gym at the blood thursty crowd. Shreiks of kill her and rip her head off filled the violent air. The two woman stalled for awhile...Betty to retie her overburdened sneakers, Tilly to lower and then pull up her socks. With no other delaying tactics left, they sighed quietly and began the fight.
Tilly and Betty must have decided to get it over with as soon as possible because they lurched across the ring to each other and exploded in a torrent of violence! Each woman reached for hair and launched hard kicks and punches in a rath of movement that had all breathless! We sat silent for a moment as the two women battled in ernest around the ring. The laces on their sneakers strained to keep their thisk,white socked feet inside them as they stumbled about.
Tilly brought her knee up into Betty's groin and hammered her with repeated blows. Betty grabbed Tilly by her hair with both hands and pulled her face down to an oncoming knee of her own...smashing her face into a bloody mess! The women fell away from each other and cried out, curling up in fetal positions. Tilly was given a towel and wiped away the blood from her face. Her makeup held firm! Betty massaged her groin area and got to her knees,glaring at Tilly. Both women slowly rose and moved to meet again.
A collision of fat thundered at center ring as they launched into each other again! Fists slammed away with evil intent as they fought in a large circular path around the ring. Betty fought Tilly into the corner and battered away at her with close lefts and rights as Tilly battled back with hard punches of her own. The ring ropes strained as the two giants leaned against them and fought.
The two fighters leaned against each other and punched away at all parts until Tilly grabbed her opponent by her hair and flung her to the canvas. She waisted no time and hurled herself at the hapless woman, flying through the air and landed on her with a deafening thwack! They grunted as they met. In a second, they became entangled in each other with all parts at war! Hands ripped at eyes and faces,legs entwined and heels dug into shins,chins dug into shoulders,teeth bit at anything in reach,and on and on they went. The action slowed as time went by but neither showed any signs of quitting or loosing.
Their buldging singlets strained as they slowly rolled over and over on the ring floor. Sweat and blood covered them now...tears as well. Betty got the upper hand and mounted Tilly,front to front. She slammed her head repeatedly against the ring floor while laying on her. Tilly bellowed out and forced them over,reversing their positions. Tilly returned the favor,bashing her opponent's head down in harsh thrusts. Betty reached for two handsfull of breasts and mauled them unmercifully! Screams shattered the air as they now both resorted to breast mauling! The fighting women rolled to their sides and stayed locked together in this torturous struggle.
We watched as their chubby legs stayed locked at the thighs and ankles as they squeezed in crushing leg locks! Tilly and Betty now reached for each other around their throats while the leg locks stayed locked in place. The fight turned deadly as they choked each other with a vengence for death! Their eyes buldged in their sockets as they layed there, trying to kill each other! The crowd fell silent...three hours they had fought tooth and nail and now it was heading for the end. Betty and Tilly snarled through mangled mouths and faces. Hair littered the ring floor. Blood spilled from cuts and split lips. They strained to get tighter grips with their sweaty hands against their sweaty throats. We waited for the outcome of this death match for another ten minutes.
Blind with rage and hate,they layed there in a pulsiating heap of female violence. No sounds came from them now. The only sound that could be heard was their sock covered ankles rubbing together in their lockup and their heavy gasping...but no curses,no cries,no bellows. They fought to the death now, silent and determined to live and kill. The women brought their heads close together,their matted hair hiding their swollen faces from the crowd,and shuddered in one final burst. The crowd gasped out loud and watched as they stopped moving and relaxed their grasps, their arms falling limp to the canvas floor. A minute passed before the announcer was instructed to enter the ring and check them out. He was also the prison doctor. One look back from him and we all knew the outcome. He waved his hand over both motionless fighters and signaled the end...for both.
The End

Cloister Combat>

The decision had been made and no-one would question it. With the constant bickering and turmoil,people were beginning to talk. The issue would be settled under descreetly planned arrangements. The women glared at each other in the Council Chambers and reluctantly agreed to their decision. Time,place,attire, rules,and arrangements for a non partisan witness were made. The two women nodded in agreement as the issues were decided. Abby spoke her protest about the planned arrangement but her comments fell on deaf ears. Sarah seemed more willing to the arrangement and leared at her enemy.
The arrangement was the result of a series of insults and nasty remarks that continued to escalate between the two during the monthly meetings at the Cloister. One of the male members had unknowingly triggered the exchanges,being the focus of their affections. The reluctant Abby had persisted in her insults and remarks towards Sarah, never quessing that they would bring her to this situation.
On the day of the issue settlement, each woman was brought to the Cloister and ushered seperately to different rooms where their attire awaited them. Folded neatly on small tables were white knickers that came to just above knee height,made of a heavy but soft material,white sleevless cotton tops,and heavy woolen socks that were of a cream color. The women dressed in silence and when finished, advised their waiting ushers.
Each was led down the long hallways to a place at the rear of the building. Abby arrived first and was instructed to her corner. She glided across the thick mat and nervously stood fidgeting. Sarah entered next and floated to her corner. The women had their hair pulled into buns and wore the traditional white caps. The only sounds came from their bulky socks as the slid against the thick mat. The witness would take up a position outside the room,next to a small window. The Council member assigned to handle this occasion entered and wished the women good luck. With that, the room emptied, leaving Abby and Sarah alone to commence.
Sarah sighed deeply and moved to center room. She stopped there and waited for Abby to join her. Abby stood still and Sarah asked her if she was coming out of her corner. Abby informed her that she had decided to refrain from this activity and that if Sarah didn't like it, she should let her bedfellows at Council handle the matter.
Sarah fumed and marched across the mat to Abby. They stood nose to nose, Sarah promising to knock Abby silly! Abby glared at her oppnent and warned her not to. Sarah gently pushed Abby with both hands,beckoning the motionless woman to fight. Abby refused. Sarah pushed her again,this time a bit harder causing Abby to step backwards a step. She gently bumped into the corner walls and lightly gasped. Sarah waited for her opponent to respond but the woman just stood there,snearing at her.
The angering woman raised her fists in a menacing manner in front of Abby but the woman held her hands down at her sides and refused the offer. Sarah tried a soft jab to Abby's cheek but Abby did nothing. Sarah moved in a sliding manner around the front of Abby,fists at the ready, but Abby looked away and folded her arms behind her. Sarah grew more impatient and pleaded to the imobile woman to fight. She refused, and Sarah commited herself to simply beat up her opponent and be done with it.
The annoyed woman grabbed Abby by her shoulders and flung her out of the corner, causing the startled woman to stumble and fall hard to the matted floor. Sarah waited for her foe to get up,which she did, and stood silent and motionless. Sarah said, "Okay, if you won't defend yourself,I'll simply hit you at will!" With that, she advanced on her standing opponent.
Sarah raised her fists like a boxer and shuffeled her socked feet along the mat. Abby waited for the woman to reach her and at the last second, danced away. Sarah had launched a light punch that just missed when Abby moved out of range. Sarah followed her around the room,swinging at her but missing as the reluctant woman stayed out of range. They moved as one, with Sarah stalking and Abby retreating, hands still at her sides. Sarah moved with a cat like cunning, bringing her uncooperative opponent into a corner. The surprised Abby looked for an escape, but was trapped in the corner.
Sarah paused for a moment, savoring the instant, and then launched a hard right fist into Abby's left arm. It thudded as Abby chirped out. Sarah threw a left next that struck the prone woman in her side. It too thudded home and Abby leaned over slightly from the blow. Sarah demanded of Abby,"Fight!!!" Abby insulted her instead! Rage filled the unopposed woman who flung herself at Abby! She attacked with both fists and leaned into Sarah,hurling hard rights and lefts to her body. Sarah instinctively covered up but the punches continued to fly. They were leaning against each other, Sarah pummeling her opponent and Abby clinching for dear life. Sarah paused for a minute, she was getting tired from this one sided fight,and whispered a certain insult into Abby's ringing ear that must have hit a nerve. Abby screached out a,"Why you pig!!!", and came to life!
Abby balled her fists and began to punch with vicious abandon! Still leaning against each other, Abby and Sarah fought together now. Blow for blow was exchanged as the raging women now fought in ernest. They moved together across the room and around it, exchanging punches that smacked and thudded into their soft bodies. The battling women lurched across the room and fell into the wall. They both hit the floor and rolled away from each other. Abby and Sarah struggled to their feet and met once more. They jabbed and struck out with wide swings. Both women wept now but still came at each other. Their socks rustled along the mat,their breathing echoed in the empty room. The two women stepped into each other with fists launched and ended wrapped up in each others' arms,settling in for a long clinch. Close body shots banged in as they struggled against each other. Sarah flung a hard uppercut to Abby's gut and knocked the aching woman down. She stood back and waited as Abby moaned and rolled slowly on the mat hugging herself. She slowly got to her feet, her socks having fallen in the previous struggle,she pulled them back up to full height...about mid leg. Sarah saw this and realized that her's had fallen as well. The waiting woman pulled her's up and prepared to meet her oncoming opponent.
Abby changed her tactics and attacked cat fight style. She grabbed Sarah's hair and flung the woman across the room. She schreiked as she flew through the air and collided with the mat. A moment later they were at it again. This time, Sarah got the hold first and flung her opponent to the floor. Soft body against mat thuds with a quiet sound. They faced off again and each got a firm hold. The two women lurched about and screamed as they yanked away at each others' hair. Sarah got a leg behind Abby's and tripped her, taking both of them to the mat. Neither let go and they battled in tight entwinement with hair pulls and legs grapevined in a vicious tangle. Both women sobbed freely and twisted their hands harshly in each others' hair. They rolled across the floor in a ball of conflict with no end in sight.
The battling women fought locked together like this for ten more torturous minutes until a hard right fist banged into Abby's soft cheek. She cried out and the force of the blow flung her from her attacker. Sarah and Abby were barely able to stand but made it to their feet and struggled to fight again. They met in a clumsy ballet of feet and fists. At mid room, they kicked out and punched each other into a double knockdown. Sarah crawled on top of Abby and grabbed her hair. Abby did the same and they layed front to front,inflicting agony on each other. Their legs hung limply together, their socks enmeshed together motionless and their hands barely pulling. Sarah waited out her opponent and after another five minutes, Abby sobbed out her surrender. The fight was over after one hour and ten minutes.
The End
Page Thirteen

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