Lucky Thirteen
More Stories
An idea from Red Standard
Three's A Crowd
Her Name was Bonnie,blonde short hair,blue eyes,pretty,and divorced. She had returned to the working world after years of tending house for an ungreatful
husband and had a slight anger towards all men at this point. On such male was
a trucker that delivered to her workplace.
After a few encounters with this guy, Bonnie had decided to act. Although the trucker had tried to be cordial to Bonnie, she had taken it the wrong way,and
now their paths would cross off the clock.
He had just passed through the gates of the terminal when a sweet voice called to him. He peered among the trees to see Bonnie standing there. She was in a floral print dress, pantyhose, white socks and sneakers. He aimed his bluejeans,sweatshirt,workboots and white socks in her direction and inquired as
to her appearance there. She told him that she was there for one reason...to
fight. The trucker asked her who and Bonnie raised a delicate finger and pointed it at him! He was taken by surprise at first and suggested that she forget the whole idea. Now each was of equal size so a fight between them would be a fair one and neither was any kind of fighter so the skill level also matched. He
listened as she insisted on the idea of them having it out right then and there.
The trucker had no idea of what they were having out, but mused a bit and then
Bonnie led him further back into the trees where they wouldn't be seen and turned to face him. The trucker watched as Bonnie balled up her fists and moved to him. He responded in kind and they circled slowly around the hidden place,
fists in defensive positions, and her dress fluttering in the gentle breeze.
She struck out at the surprised man, smacking a hard right to his cheek. He
stepped back from the blow and Bonnie followed him, launching another right to his lip. He felt it swell and grew angry but amused at the same time. She was
after, pretty as a picture and the pose she had was highly erotic to him. On
her third punch to his face, the trucker launched one of his own...a soft right
to her side that spun her half way around. She hurried to regain her stance and
squared off with him again. This time, she strode into him, launching everything she had. He blocked and weaved but her feminine fists snuck between his defensives and knocked him to breathlessness. Bonnie bulled him into a tree and clinched him tightly,while he held on and peppered her with light body shots.
She peppered him back and they stood against the tree in a boxers' embrace
while fighting in close with body punches.
After a few minutes the weary Bonnie and Trucker called it quits, with Bonnie
the decided winner. Still embraced in each other's arms, they nuzzeled their faces together and ...well...use your imagination on this one.
As time went by, Bonnie and Trucker incorporated dating with an occasional "play fight". Remember Denise from the previous story? Turn's out, she found out and a few catty phone calls between the two women brought them to a meeting
that spelled trouble with a capital "T".
Trucker and Bonnie were to meet for their usual Friday night "play fight",
and were about ready to start, when a loud knock came at the door of Trucker's
house. Denise stood there fuming at them both and pushed her way in. She berated them for various reasons, and sought solace from her female rival. "He
did this to me...he'll do it to you as well!", growled Denise. Bonnie seemed to
agree and the women moved with cat like motions after Trucker.
Bonnie and Denise were attired in bodysuits, each having planned an evening of "play fighting" with Trucker. Bonnie's was pink, Denise's was white. Both wore white walking shoes, but Denise wore all white socks,and Bonnie had donned her new white socks with pink stripes. Trucker donned his singlet of blue,
white socks and black hightops. " Oh...tag team, huh?", he said. The women
came at him from different directions and tackeled him to the matted floor.
All three rolled around the room in a threesome of leg locks and arm embraces. Now Trucker was content with this arrangement but the women started to
grow catty with each other. Trucker rolled out of the way as the two women got
to their feet and faced off. The startled guy stepped between them and suggested that they should put on the gloves if they were intent on beating each other up. They agreed with little pause.
Ding! Bonnie and Denise stormed out of their corners, boxing gloves at the ready, and battled without let up for ten grueling minutes of hard slugging to all parts. At one point, they ended up in a corner and fought,first one and then the other, trapped in the corner while their opponent pummeled them. Near
exhaustion, the women staggered together to the center of the room and collasped
,still clinging onto each other in a loose clinch. Trucker stood over them and counted out to ten. "A draw"!, he called. Both women accepted the decision and
they would take turns meeting Trucker for future "play fights" on different days
of the week from then on. The End

Pros from Golden Girls...Lot's of good stuff!

Walt"s Idea
Happydale Workout Club
Dottie finished her cleaning and dusting,glancing at the clock. Her husband and children had long since headed off to work and school, leaving her
alone to enjoy the quietness of their spacious home. She packed up her workout gear bag and glided down the long driveway, steering her "Mommy van" towards the club for her weekly workout.
Mary inspected the contracts and signed them, instructing her secretary to
handle things in the office while she went off to her workout. She rode the elevator to the garage and slid into her Jaguar.
Dottie and Mary arrived minutes apart and went directly to the locker room.
Dottie changed into her gear and Mary was just entering as Dottie exited. They
exchanged friendly greetings and confirmed that they had been assigned to cubicle five.
They were members of The Happydale Workout Club and worked out once a week.
The club consisted of massage rooms,a large locker room,a health drink bar,a
sports shop, and cubicles for their workouts. The cubicles were raquetball
court sized and were heavily padded on the floors and walls. Padded??? The
padding was needed as this was no regular workout club. The members would came
here for one type of workout...a good hearty catfighting session.
Members often paired up and fought each other on a regular weekly session.
Other members changed off to fight various members but the results were always the same. Two women locked in heated combat, alone in a cubicle until one submitted or both declared the fight a draw. Members were all female and from different backgrounds. Yuppies to housewives and everything in between came to
do battle with the understanding that this was sport...not grudges. They fought
tooth and nail, often bloodying each other but always shook hands at the end of a fight.
New arrivals were given free instruction and mock fights with the club's
trainor, after which their ability was noted and equal opponents were listed for them to challenge.
Dottie and Mary were heading for their first fight. Neither had ever engaged
in anything related to combat but each had become curious after seeing the changing tide in womens' attitudes towards the combat sports.
Dottie entered cubicle five wearing the standard attire for this new sport.
A one piece excersise leotard,green,which she wore over black,spandex bike shorts, a pair of thick,white aerobics socks pulled straight up to mid-calf height,and white ballet practice slippers that had an elastic strap across the tops.
Mary floated in wearing a white one piece leotard over white leggings,thick,
white socks pulled up to mid-calf,and white ballet practice slippers like her opponent's. They each had purchased their gear at the sports shop.
Dottie wore her light,brown hair loose, and it fell to her shoulders. Mary
wore her hair loose as well, blonde lockes curled to just above her shoulders.
They shook hands and went to opposite corners. Each took deep breaths and nodded for the fight to begin.
Mary and Dottie eased into the battle field, hands out in front of them, arms outstretched and ready. They didn't bother with circling and reached into each others' hair at once. Their hands gripped onto their lockes and began a twisting,pulling motion that brought both to a swaying ballet of battle. Mary
cried out as Dottie squealed and they lurched about the padded floor in tight grips. Dottie got her leg around Mary's outer thigh and attempted to bring them
both to the floor. Mary tried to counter with her own leg by grasping Dottie's thigh and holding herself up, but their balance wained and they collasped to the padded floor with a thump.
Ground fighting commenced and the two women wrestled and pulled hair with hard tugs. They rolled over in a tight embrace as their legs fought in a sliding battle of sock against sock. Each attemped to leg scissor their opponents' legs, leaving them entangled tightly at their ankles and thighs. They
stretched them outwards and strained together as they continued to rip at each others' hair.
Mary and Dottie soon shed tears and sobbed as they fought on in a rolling
entanglement. They slowed their rolling to a back and forth motion,half rolling
one way and then the other. The women turned and twisted their heads in grueling
grasps of torment as they continued to pull hair.
Dottie changed her tactics and went for a side headlock,hairpull combo. It worked as Mary shreiked out and released her grasp. Now Dottie rolled them and got to her knees. Mary hauled back and delivered a hard punch to Dottie's side as Dottie slammed her fist into Mary's breasts. The women released each other
and fought with their fists while in a kneeling position. At first they kneeled and held their fists up like boxers but didn't strike out. Each was waiting to see if this was going a bit too far but when Dottie launched her knuckles into Mary's face, Mary launched her own attack, sending them into a brawl of fists.
>br> They fought with hard lefts and rights to all parts for some time. Mary
was first to resume hair pulling and Dottie followed suit. One hand in hair, the other balled into fists and slamming into each others' soft parts, they fought on in a heated exchange. Mary lurched herself forward and toppled Dottie over, mounting her. They still fought in the same manner as before but now Mary was on top and began to launch her knee into Dottie's groin.
Dottie screamed as she took the punishment and punched her opponent as hard as she could. She grabbed Mary's head and rammed her own forehead crushingly into her"s! Mary gasped and shuddered before falling to the side in a heap of
agony. Dottie wiped her bloody lips and got Mary by her legs. She placed her own legs with Mary's and entangled them into double leg locks...aka...figure
four leglock. Dottie didn't know what she had clamped onto Mary but she knew it hurt her opponent while she could stay out of reach of those pummeling hands.
Dottie layed back and caught her breath through her sobbing and pain. Mary
groaned and sighed as she tried to claw her way out, scratching at Dottie's legs. Dottie leaned forward and plowed Mary with a haymaker! Mary"s head flew
backwards to the floor and she layed there half conscious. Their socks rustled
together as their material slid tightly together in this passionate lockup.
Dottie leaned forward and took Mary's left foot in her hands. At first she
gently caressed it, studying her opponent's thick sock material. It was extremely soft and plush...almost fluffy. Dottie promised herself a new pair
like these and then returned to battle. She gripped the foot and began to twist it in horrendous directions! Mary screamed and pleaded for her to let go but Dottie held on. Mary cried loudly and swore at her opponent as she lurched herself forward and slammed Dottie in her right eye! Dottie collasped backwards and that released Mary from the leglock. They rolled away from each other and
cried. Mary staggered to her feet and Dottie struggled to her's.
They waited...they bled...they cried...they sweat...they fought.
The two battered women embraced almost gently. They just held each other and stood motionless in the center of the room. The housewife versus the yuppie,they
had fought for forty minutes and each had taken brutal beatings. Now they just stood embraced in each others' arms and cried. Neither knew if they were still fighting or if it was over. They waited.......................................
Each drew deep breaths and surrendered. They called it a draw. Dottie and Mary hugged each other gently and parted to resume their private lives.
The End
Massage Mayhem
Barbara said good bye to the last customer of the day and prepared to leave
the massage parlor and the comforts of home. Her blonde hair hung loosely about her firm shoulders as she headed for the door. Leanne came out from one of the rooms and startled Barbara.
"I thought you left a half hour ago",said Barb. "We have something to settle
so I waited for you to get done", said Leanne. Barb looked surprised and inquired as to what needed to be settled. Leanne said, "You stole my best customer and now we're gonna pay!"
Barb smiled at the glaring woman and said, "You wanna fight? I'll fight!"
With that, she locked the front door to the shop and motioned her opponent to follow. Leanne and Barbara walked down the hallway, their sneakers squeeking on the tile floor, to the last room. It was empty and had one window. Leanne pulled her blonde hair into a pony tail and adjusted her clothes as Barbara did the
same. Each woman wore white sweatsuits,sneakers,and socks...the attire required
at the shop.
Barbara stood ready and Leanne pulled up her sleeves and raised her hands in
a...come and get me pose. Barbara moved towards Leanne and they came to grips
at the corner of the room. Each woman locked onto the other in a mutual hair pull. Their sneakers squeeked on the tile floor as they struggled about the room. The women swayed from side to side as they tugged and pulled at the golden lockes in their grasps. Leanne got a leg around Barb and wrapped it tightly around her thigh to help with her balance. Barb moved Leanne to the wall and rammed her head against it. She cried out as the skull thudded into the wallboard.
Leanne thrust her knee into Barb's groin and it slammed into the soft flesh.
Barb gasped out and stumbled across the room with Leanne still in tow. They
smashed into the opposite wall and tumbled to the hard floor. Hands reached for faces in their blind anger and the two women fought in a clawing rage. Since neither woman had any kind of long nails to speak of, damage was slight,a few
red marks and bruises.
They wrestled across the floor and entwined their long legs together as they
changed their assaults to punching. Hard fists battered away at their bodies as
the battling women struggled for top position. They rolled across the cold tile
and fought fiercly in this furious struggle. Barbara managed to straddle Leanne
in a school girl and pummeled away at her face with both fists. Leanne sobbed
as her hands clamped onto Barb's breasts in an attempt to get free. Barb showed
no signs of quitting her assault and continued to pummel the prone woman under her.
Leanne twisted her hands and dug her fingers into the soft mammeries but Barb still battered away at her. Leanne's face was taking a beating. Her lips
were bleeding as well as her nose. Her face was a darkening red mass of pain.
Her left eye had swollen almost shut. She screamed out and flung her legs upwards, trapping Barb around her middle, and flung her backwards to the hard floor.
Leanne kept her legs scissored around Barb and squeezed them tightly. Now she launched a barrage of punches to Barb's kidneys and battered her foe's body with
tears streaming down her face. Barb screamed out as her internal organs took a beating. Leanne snarled as she pummeled away, not seeing Barb's legs coming.
Two firm legs wrapped around Leanne and now both women held each other in double leg scissors. They rolled to their sides and squeezed with all they had. Each gasped and groaned as they layed there in torment. Leanne and Barbara were now
deadlocked in this violent position. Both sobbed freely as they layed and fought
in a motionless battle of legs.
Leanne moved her battered face to Barbara's thigh and bit into the soft
sweat pants with freeing results. The women rolled apart and got to their knees.
They reached for each other, their hair hanging in a shambles, and began to fight again. Embraced and punching, they managed to stand and fought their way
into and through the locked door. It crashed to the floor as they continued to
move to the wall, stumbling over it but still locked in heated combat. Down the hallway they fought and into the main reception area, knocking over tables and chairs as they went. The women battled in a tight punch for punch brawl until
both women sank to their knees from pure exhaustion.
The place was a mess with broken furniture everywhere. They still fought on
and each woman looked as if they had been through a meat grinder. Barbara clasped Leanne around her throat and choked her with deadly intent. Leanne
grasped her opponent in the same manner and now it had become a fight to the death. Barbara and Leanne glared at each other through swollen eyes and fought
down to their sides. They layed together in this death lock with their legs entwined and their hands clamped onto each others' throats. The last words from each woman as they fought out the last seconds of their lives were...
"I'll kill you!" They shuddered in a mutual finale of violence and died in each others' arms. The End
Wrestling With Nancy
Nancy was more than twice my age. I was seventeen at the time, she was in her fourties...close to fifty. She had blonde hair that she always wore pulled back and sort of piled on the top of her head. We worked together in a delicatessen.
I was going to school half days and working the other half at the deli. She was
there every day for the whole day. She was a nice lady and we got to be real chums working together and spending that much time with each other. I had listened to her problems and good news, she had laughed at my jokes and taken my advise on certain items. We clicked like we had known each other for years.
It was after several weeks that the topic of my school sports came up. She
mentioned that I looked to be in fine physical shape and I commented that my
previous school sports involvement was to credit for that. Since taking this part time job, my sports career had ended. She was interested in what I had competed in and I told her all about the various teams I had been on. Cross country,track,soccor,and wrestling had occupied my after school hours before
getting into distributive ed. For some reason she breezed over the other sports
with light questions but zeroed in on my wrestling experiences. I told her about the endless practices and matches...nothing drastic or too interesting to me but she was more than enthusiastic about it. The topic was put to rest as a
number of customers entered the deli and we got back to work. The evening shift arrived and we went our seperate ways.
The next day,after we had finished the lunch rush,our slow part of the day,
Nancy approached me and sheepishly asked me to show her some holds. I agreed and
we went to the back room for a quick lesson. She was wearing a white blouse,
dress pants,nylons,and slip on shoes. I wore my school clothes of dress shirt,
trousers,black socks and wing tips. Still puzzeled by her interest in wrestling,
I showed her how to stand in the wrestlers' stance and demonstrated circling
tecniques and finally a few moves. It was during the moves and holds that I noticed something beginning to happen. As we stood and applied double bearhugs
to each other, her breathing became rapid and she forced herself against me with
her pelvis hard against mine. I noticed myself getting excited in that male way
and we ended up bumping into the wall. Her face went red as did mine,and we broke off the lesson for the day.
The rest of the day was spent working and no mention of our impromptu match
was spoken. I,however,began to lust for a real match with this woman and she
seemed to feel the same. We did nothing about it for a week and continued to work as usual until the day of the big snow storm. I had just arrived at the deli to find out that the boss was gonna close up for the day because of the
soon to arrive blizzard. Nancy was stuck for a ride home. Her daughter had driven her in because she didn't like driving in snow. She looked at me and I of course offered to take her since her daughter had already left for an overnight stay at her friend's house. Nancy was divorced so that left only me to deliver her home now. We started off through the falling flakes and I glanced at her
attire as we drove. Because of the upcoming storm, Nancy had desserted her normal dressy clothes and instead opted for black stirrup pants,a bulky pink
pullover sweater,pull on snow boots, and heavy knee socks that were a cream color,which she wore over her pants. I envisioned her in her corner ready to wrestle in this outfit and hoped that she would start another conversation on
the subject.
Now since my school had decided to close the previous night because of the storm, I had donned my favorite sweatshirt,bluejeans that I had folded up to the tops of my work boots,and two pairs of heavy white socks...I had planned a day
in the snow with my friends guessing that the deli would close early. Oh well,
this could be interesting. Nancy talked about everything except wrestling as we
ventured through the snow covered streets and roads. The snow intensified to a
blowing torrent as I manuvered my car towards her home. Traffic had dissapeared
and we were almost the only car out there except for two others that passed in the opposite direction. After an hour we arrived and Nancy invited me in for a
thawing out drink. I accepted and we trod up the steps to her home.
On entering we removed our snow covered boots at the door and socked it into her kitchen. I sat down and she pulled out two glasses and a bottle of brandy.
I was expecting tea and she pulls out brandy. Yup! This was gonna be interesting all right. Nancy did decide to put a kettle on the stove, telling me that brandy and tea were perfect for taking the chill off. I smiled and we sat
and poured two brandys, sipping them lightly and talked small talk for awhile.
Tea was added to the table and we alternated between the two beverages, keeping our sobriaty due to the circumstances of being together in this delicate position and the raging storm excitement.
As we sat across from each other her foot slid across to mine and I felt the
bulky sock slide on top of my heavy sock. Her other foot followed and also pinned my other foot. I attempted to move one of my feet to cover one of her's but she pressed down slightly and informed me that I was pinned! I laughed and
conceded defeat as she began playing "footsie" with me under the table. The thick material of our socks rubbed together like coarsely covered wrestlers.
She glowed and said that since our socks were already wrestling,maybe we should
too. I paused for a moment, savoring the thought, and decided to play hard to get. I answered no and she frowned a sheepish frown in an embarrassed way. Too
cruel I thought, and stood up from the table and told her I was kidding. She
glowed once more and I asked her where we should wrestle. Nancy paused for a minute and realized that there was really no place planned for our match. She had thought about wrestling me in her house but hadn't picked out any place for it. I smiled and answered that we would tour her home and pick a suitible area.
We ventured through the house and covered every inch of both floors. The basement wasn't finished or carpeted so that was out. The rest of the home was
filled with stuff leaving a limited floor space. We went to her living room and decided that it had the largest area for a match. A chair moved, a couch slid over and the coffee table moved to another room left an area of deeply carpeted
floor space that resembled a squared mini arena, surrounded by plush furniture.
Nancy closed the drapes at the windows and I watched her move across the deep carpet in those thick, cream colored kneesocks. She had shapely legs for a gal her age, I thought. We both visited the powder room before we got started and
returned to assume positions at opposite corners of the closed off square. Nancy
checked her hair and was ready to start but I mentioned that she should remove her earrings and jewelery, delaying the match. I watched closely as she undid
her frilly attachments and placed them carefully on the mantlepiece. I could see that she was alittle nervous but extremely excited at the same time. Nancy couldn't stand still, shuffeling her socked feet and swinging her arms from side to side. She asked me to wrestle her for real, full force with no pretending. I
pulled up my socks and cautiously agreed. I would go easy on her anyway, just make it look real. After all...I liked her and didn't want to hurt her. Sometimes in real wrestling, ya get hurt. I would insure her saftey for this bout.
She stood ready and I quietly called out...Ding. We moved out of our corners and circled, hands at the ready and croutched over slightly. I would let her follow me around the squared "ring" and wait to see what she would do. As we
completed the fourth circle, she cut me off and latched on in a collar and elbow
lockup. We stood with our arms straight out and our hands gripped to each others' shoulders. Our arms were entwined and we stood straining against each others' forward pushing attempts. We ended up on our toes in this stance and
struggled in a motionless grip. Nancy gritted her teeth and shoved me back,
breaking our lockup. I complimented her on the move and she glowed with joy at having shoved me back a few steps. I regained my stance and we moved to each other again.
This time we embraced closely and wrapped our arms and hands about our heads
and shoulders, in a squeezing engagement that brought us to a swaying struggle
around our closed in arena. I managed to move into a side headlock and held her
firmly but gently, faining cruel twists of her neck. She gasped but grabbed my middle torso and shoved us into the coutch. We toppled onto it and rolled to the floor, her still in my headlock, me wrapped up in her legs and arms. Our legs entwined as we rolled around the floor, the coarse material of our socks rubbing
together like rough sandpaper against sandpaper. I felt her arms move upwards and she reached for my hair, pulling it. I yelped out and she rolled on top of me, the headlock broken and a bearhug applied instead. With her hands pulling
at my hair, I advised her that this was not a wrestling tactic. She looked surprised at this and released it immediately. I asked her if she wanted to
allow this "extra" in our match and if I agreed, she was game. Laying motionless, I allowed her to regrasp my hair with both hands and we resumed the
match. For curiousity reasons, I switched my hold to match her's and grasped her golden lockes. I pulled gently and she pulled hard. We rolled over and began
a floor fight of hair pulling and leg entanglements, rolling about the squared arena with tight embraces and gasping breaths.
I moved to my side and clamped Nancy in a leg scissors. The movement of our struggling bodies caused us to release our hair pulls. I grasped her around her
neck and placed her in a choke hold...but didn't really choke her...just held my arm snuggly around her. She slid to the side and I scooted under her body with mine,both facing the ceiling,her on top of me. She reached back and tried to pry my arm from her neck but I held firm. Our breathing had become labored and sweat began to drip from us now. Nancy would struggle to roll us over, then rest, then struggle again. On her fifth attempt, I faked a slip and we broke apart, ending
on our knees, face to face.
Her head on my chest, I noticed her refined hair was becoming a wild mass of
blonde matter as we struggled body to body. With a sudden thrust, I was able to roll us to our sides and broke free of her. We crawled away from each other and
back to our corners. Nancy requested a rest period and I happily agreed. We were
a disseveled pair of wrestlers as we laughed at our appearence in her rather large wall mirror. Our socks had fallen to bunched masses of thick material and
our clothes looked like we had gone through a wind storm. We retreated to the
kitchen for another cup of tea and brandy along with a well needed rest. Nancy
voiced her enthusiasm about the activity that had just taken place between us in the living room and was looking forward to finishing the match. I smiled and
told her that she was really put up a good fight. Nancy beamed when she heard that and hurried to finish her tea. Refreshments finished, we made another visit to the powder room, straightened ourselves out...hair and clothes...and headed back to the squared carpeted ring. Nancy cooed out Ding! We moved to each other again.
To my surprise she wasted no time with circling and dove at me, catching me in a double leg takedown. I floundered on the floor as she forced herself on top
of me and got me facedown in the ring. Nancy rode my body, clasping my arms and attempted a full nelson. After a minute of struggling, she got a firm lock on me. Page Fourteen
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