Author's Files
Conclusion:Wrestling With Nancy
Nancy had me locked tightly in a full nelson as I struggled to free myself.
I twisted from side to side, trying to loosen her grip enough to break the hold but she held on. With some effort, I was able to work myself up to my knees and
she came up with me,still tightly grasping the full nelson. I forced myself back
and then lurched us to our sides, causing us to topple over. The startled Nancy
released her hands from the back of my neck and rolled away.
I attacked and grabbed her right foot,stopping her retreat. I crawled onto her back and applied a light chicken wing hold. She gasped deeply as I applied
some minor pressure to my hold but struggled free in a matter of minutes. I
coached her from time to time during the match with little hints of which way she should roll or twist to free herself of a hold or where to put her hands or arms to apply one.
Without a second's pause, she was right at me again, still on the floor on our knees. Nancy reached around my upper body and hurled us back to the floor.
We became embroiled in a body to body struggle that brought our loins into a grinding battle that locked us together as one. We rolled slowly from one end of the squared carpet to the other. Everything between us was tightly entwined in
a squeezing embrace of mixed wrestlers. Nancy began moaning lightly as we held
each other in this vise like grasp. From head to toe we were locked together in
an entanglement of bodies. Her moaning increased with each thrust as we wrestled
in this slow motion hold of lust. I moaned as well with the realization of what was about to happen. Just the way our bodies were locked tightly together was
about to cause an explosion that would see us launch into the climax zone. I
felt her shudder slightly as my own drives raged to erupt. Condem in place...I
zapped that on during the powder room break, I was ready. Nancy increased her grasp and pressed herself more tightly against me. I struggled to hold myself as
she moaned louder now. A final leg squeeze and loin thrust did us in. We erupted together in an explosion of wild passion that felt like we would pass completely through each other.
Our exhausted bodies relaxed still entangled together on the floor and I
felt a second wave coming from Nancy. She rolled me under her and embraced me tightly once more. Four times this would happen within the following ten minutes
and at the close of the fourth eruption,neither of us could move. Totally exhausted, we just layed there and as Nancy rubbed her socks against mine, fell
asleep in each others' arms.
The End
The stories you are about to read are from the files of the author.
Barbara White
She was one year older than I and played with my older sister. We were new to this suburban town and didn't know many kids except for those who lived within a square block of our new home. Her name was Barbara White and she lived around the block from us. Acess to our houses was cut short by walking through the yard next door to us. She lived directly behind the Allens.
Barbara was a pale kid,had dark brown hair, wore glasses, was soft spoken and femimine as any twelve year old could be for that age. She attended the Catholic school up town...we attended the public school across the street from our house...so we only saw her on our off time. It was the early part of our first Summer in this new town and since I didn't have many friends yet, my sister and I shared friends. Doing this, we assembled enough chums to fill our Summer activities.
On rare occasions, I would end up with one of her friends and she with one of mine...depending on where we were at the time. It was an interesting experience
to hang out with a girl and equally amusing to my sister if she ended up hanging out with one of my male chums. Concerning Barbara...I don't know what caused it,
but I got this amazing crush on her mid-way through the Summer. I kept it a secret...even to this day. At eleven years old, my hormones were raging as my voice began to change. On this one day, my sister was at another girlfriend's
house for the day, my parents at work,my older brother out with his friends, and
I left alone to fend for myself...something I was used to during this Summer.
It took some doing but I persuaded her to take me on in a friendly armwrestle. She and I layed face to face in the grass and I gently took her hand in mine and showed her what this was all about. Her soft skin against mine gave me goosebumps as we layed there and she smiled and cooded,"Go"! We began and I
felt her pushing my arm as I faked a fierce struggle and let her get me to almost a pin. I held my hand just above the grass as she strained to pin it, and
slowly raised it to midway,letting her push it back down and back and forth we went. She was really trying to win as I snuck peeks at her pale face behind her black glasses. What were we wearing you ask? White tee shirts, cut offs, and she wore white canvas sneakers and the gray cable knit kneesocks that she wore to school, me in my "Chucks",white ones, and white sweat socks. It had been alittle cooler earlier...prompting her to don her kneesocks, I guessed. Otherwise...the Summer uniform for all girls of this era...the early sixties...
was canvas sneakers...no socks...ever. I liked the socks idea...it made her legs look great!
After a "furious struggle", I let her win,she was none the wiser on this.
Barbara glowed with victory and beamed with happiness at winning. Ah...young love! I miss those days. After that, we resumed watching the world go by and
the buses. Sitting this close, we were touching at the shoulders and our legs
brushed against each other every so often. As this magic time passed, we began
to playfully bump each other and she turned and looked me square in the face and
said in her angelic voice, "You wanna fight"? Now,I knew she was playing around,
so I accepted her challenge and said, "Okay, anytime,anyplace"! She grinned and
got to her feet, motioning me to get up. As I did she mentioned that the storage room over her large garage would be perfect for our "mock" fight and we were off to her house.
We entered from the rear of her property which placed us right at the garage.
It looked more like a barn, probably was at one time. She led me in and we climbed the long ladder to the room above. It was large and there was alot of
unused floor space for us to fight. We first took out some old blankets and layed them end to end, giving the appearence of a good sized ring floor. Next she rummaged through a large box and came up with two pairs of thickly padded Winter mittens. They looked almost like boxing gloves! One pair was dark green, the other dark blue. Barbara handed me the blue mitts and she strolled to a corner of the blankets and started to pull them on. I smiled for a second and
advised her that she would have to take off her glasses. She blushed at her oversight and placed them in a safe place. I waited, gloves on and ready, as she
gracefully pulled her's on and balled up her fists in front of her face. To my
surprise, she called out "Ding!!!", and said,"Round one!!!"
I stepped out to meet her and she advanced saying,"This is a pretend fight,
right?" I answered," I hope so, I'm not allowed to fight with girls!" She
giggled and began to jab at me with her gloves. I jabbed back and we circled around jabbing each other very lightly about the body and face. The face jabs were more like touches than jabs. She playfully launched a few light punches into my gut and leaned into me, placing her face against mine cheek to cheek.
I responded by tapping her body with my gloves and we "fought" around the room.
I was raging with excitement as she clutched me into a tight clinch and squeezed me against her. We stood moving only slightly and held onto each other, our feet
touching at the sides of our sneakers. Barbara crooned,"Ding!" into my ear and I released her...she held on for a few more seconds and then let me go.
We went to opposite corners and used the old stools that were nearby. I
noticed her brushing the hair from her face,small amounts of sweat trickeled down her pale cheeks causing it to stick to her face. I was sweating as well and
wiped it off with my shirt. "Ding! Round two!", she cooed.
I tucked my shirt back in and we resumed the "fight". At center blanket we
locked up into an embrace and mockingly pummeled each others' bodies with pulled
punches. Anyone seeing this would have sworn that we were going at it full tilt
as we grunted and groaned with each punch. She was great at this! To my added
joy she really seemed to be having fun with our pretend boxing match. Our bodies
clung together in a sweaty embrace as we "fought" around the room. I started the..."Take that!" dialogue and she jumped right on it! Panting through the second round, we continued to gasp out our "Take thats!" as we struggled in a
tight, moving embrace. "Ding!" I thought she kissed my cheek just as we released each other!
I sat and stared at her across the room, lusting in a confused state of
young niativity. She sat poised and composed as my dream girl inspected her sneaker laces and socks for any needed adjustments. None needed, she arose and
called out,"Ding!"
Once more, we strode into "battle". I decided to stay away from her and moved
in a circle backwards as she persued me with those dainty jabs. I launched a few retreating jabs at her but she kept coming at me. Our breathing was heavy, our
shirts getting sweat soaked, but we continued on. Barbara got me into a corner
and trapped me against the wall. I half heartedly tried to get out of it but she
pushed against me and wrapped one of her legs around mine, locking it with mine and holding me in a mock punching exchange. I locked my free leg around her's
and "fought" her there for the entire round. "Ding!"
In the leg struggles, our socks had fallen and we pulled them up before resuming the fourth round. "Ding!"
We met head on and stood toe to toe, play punching with both gloves. I
gasped out and grunted as she punched me with her gentle taps. Barbara did the same as my gloves tapped at her soft body. This time I felt the kiss for sure!
She pecked my cheek softly and slowly, as if just resting her face against mine.
I felt her lips touch me and felt the rush of excitement as her mouth made definite contact with my cheek! Well...two can play this game! I clinched her
and snuck my own kiss in between punches. She leaned her cheek into me as I made
lip contact! I was exstatic! We "fought" again, refraining from any other lip
contact for the rest of the round. This time, I called out, "Ding!"
I realizied that as we sat in our corners,we both were getting exhausted from this pretend boxing match. The garage was becoming hotter as the morning sun was rising and we were sweating more then before. Even so, I wouldn't pass this up for anything. She looked so out of place with her sweaty body and mitten
boxing gloves. I had never seen her do anything close to athletic and now this!
We came out for one more round of "fighting" before both of us clinched into a full embrace and kissed passionately like the older kids did. We stood on the blanketed arena that we had made for ourselves and held each other for an uncounted amount of time,lips pressed tightly together. Once we had gotten our fill of this new experience, Barbara and I put the gloves away and stowed the blankets back to their places in the storage room of her garage. She moved away
some time later and we never had the rematch I hoped would come.
The End
Football Field Freestyle
Junior high was a magical time. In our town, moving on to this level opened
up a wide variety of activities and people. I joined the wrestling team and made
the cuts my first year,wrestling against guys for the whole season and staying with it up till 11th grade,when I had to get a part time job after school to help out the folks. That ended my sports career in organized sports.
But during that time, I had become a hit with the gals and took advantage of it. Staying free was the game while dating a number of beauties at different times. The school dances or movies was the routine...as being that young...we
weren't driving yet. In a small town, you could walk to the girl's home to pick her up,walk to your destination, and deliver her home,safe and sound.
One incredible night during the Summer of 67, I had encountered a female chum
of my present girlfriend, who was down the shore, and we ended up fooling around
as junior high kids did back then...no sex...just kissing and gropeing. When I had a few beers in me I was fair game to any gal who showed an interest and was good looking. I was walking her home and we were walking across the football field which she lived across from when the topic of wrestling came up...I don't remember the exacts of it, but she didn't want to go in just yet, so we decided to wrestle right there in the darkened fifty yard line.
As I recall, she was wearing cutoffs,a tee shirt,green kneesocks and loafers.
Me? Tee shirt,cutoffs,sneakers,white socks. Of all the girls I would eventually
wrestle with,this lass was the most enthusiastic of them all. She also knew her
We squared off in the dark football field and circled for a bit,hands at the ready. Caroline smiled as she circled me and croutched forward in a most exciting way. We locked up,collar and elbow and began struggling on our feet
around the field. Her long brown hair loose, it floated about as we moved in a
swaying motion. I went for a single leg takedown and took us to the grass. To my
surprise,instead of trying to get away from me, she grabbed me and embraced us into a tight tangle of arms and legs. This caused us to begin a rolling battle
of who would end up on top. She was all business as we grappled on the ground. I
was surprised at her strength as well. She was a slim girl,my height,and not a
sports type of person. We wrestled this way for most of the match,rolling along the ground in a tangle of limbs which slowed down a bit after about five minutes
of hard wrestling. We were both out of breath at this point and she locked us into a double embrace of arms and legs while we stopped on our sides.
I couldn't believe it! She was a tiger! Now in most of my mixed encounters
on the wrestling area, we would begin kissing at this point and the wrestling would end. Not so with Caroline. She rolled me onto my back and before I knew it, strattled me in the classic schoolgirl pin! At first, I was able to get my legs around her and throw her off, only to have her attack again and get me in the same position. This time, she leaned forward and got her knees onto my arms.
I looked up into her eyes as we were nose to nose...and she demanded surrender.
I delayed giving up for awhile and we stayed this way for a few more minutes,
after all, I was having a good time! Eventually, she leaned closer to me and kissed me,I surrendered and we made out like wild passionate lovers until she had to go in.
We brushed ourselves off and I walked her to her door. Now this is the part:
If I had it to live over again: As we walked to her home, she asked if I had fun wrestling her. I assured her I had and she agreed as well. I mentioned it was too bad that she wasn't wearing her white kneesocks as I really liked that look on girls and she said to me..." I'll check in with Mom and Dad, change my socks and be right back"! She went in...I waited across the street, she came back out
still in green and told me her parents wanted to meet me. Now remember, I'm a junior high school kid who smells like a brewery right now so the last thing I wanted to do was meet the parents! I told her that and she agreed wholeheartedly
with me. The excuse would be that my friends had shown up and I had to go.
It worked and the live over part? I should have dumped my present girlfriend
for this unattached wrestling beauty but I didn't. FOOL!!! We never wrestled again.
The End>
The Wallflower Fight
It was a bright Spring morning in 1968. I was on my way to class and
bumped into an old friend of mine, Pam. I had known her since grade school and she was one of the sweetest people I'd had ever come across.
Pam was a shy lass who had below the shoulders brown hair and stood the same height as me...about five-seven. I had never heard her speak in
an angry tone or for that matter, never saw her angry. She was gentle
and quiet as they come. When we played football or baseball, she would always watch, content to stay on the sidelines even though we invited her to join in the games.
She was somewhat on the homely side,a wallflower at dances who chatted with her girlfriends while the others danced. She was slightly husky but carried it well. I used to look at her and fantisize about wrestling her in our gym suits...but that's another story.
On this morning, Pam seemed aggitated as she spoke about our day ahead. I asked her what was bothering her, expecting to hear about an
assignment from school. Instead, she explained how she and another school mate were in the midst of an altercation and that it appeared that
the only way they would settle the issue was to have it out. Her exact words were, "I think I'm going to have to fight another girl sometime this week." I almost dropped dead on the spot. Were these words coming from the most docile person in town? She sighed and assured me, they were.
I offered my advice, to try coming to a peaceful solution stuff, but they had already tried that and both girls seemed resigned to the fact that they would have only one choice left. Neither had made the offer, but both knew they would have no other option. I closed my eyes and opened them to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Pam asked what I was doing and I
uttered some lame excuse, hiding the fact. As we got to her class, mine was next door, I realized I hadn't asked the name of the other girl. As she
stepped into the door way she whispered,"Peggy Craft."
Peggy was also a chum of mine and was about the same build as Pam.
A wallflower and all around nice person was Peggy. She had light, brown hair that hung in a ponytail most days, below her shoulders. An equally
gentle and shy girl, she stood slightly taller than Pam and was a bit more
out going. I couldn't believe it! These two were considering the idea of
fighting each other???
I hurried through my day and kept my ears and eyes open for any signs
of their intented arrangement. Nothing all day...I began to believe that this would drift into a flase alarm, as had happened before at my high school. Girls just didn't fight in my town back then. A rare shoving match
was known to have happened, usually in the privacy of the girl's room and out of sight of the boys, but they never went any further than that. I headed for the exit and after talking with some friends, began to walk the pathway to head home. I waited around to see Peggy board her school bus at the end of the pathway so today was a washout. Or so I thought...
As I got a half block away from school, I heard rapid footsteps approaching from behind. I turned to see Pam calling for me to wait up.
I did and we walked home together. She usually walked home ahead of me
on the same street, leaving school earlier, so I wondered if something was up. Before I could open my mouth to say hello, she shyly stated that
they had come to a decision at lunch and were going to fight. Pam seemed
a bit excited at the whole idea and nervous about it at the same time. I
asked her when and where and if she wouldn't mind if I watched from a
concealed location. She paused for a moment and then sighed a sigh of
relief. Pam was going to ask me to be there, to witness the out come and
to stop them if the fight got out of hand. Turns out that both Pam and Peggy had discussed a third person to be there and each had agreed
on me. I gleefully accepted the invitation and once more asked her, when and where? Pam shrugged and said that they were hoping I knew of a private place where they could meet and carry out their task without being seen by anyone...except me. I thought as we walked and went over the various locations in town that I knew like the back of my hand. Since Peggy lived in the neighboring town...the reason she rode the school bus and we walked...a location near school would have to be picked. They could meet after school, have it out, and Peggy could take the late bus home, which ran an hour after the first bus. The late bus was set up for
after school activities members. Tomorrow was Friday, a good day for them to meet, now all I had to do was pick the perfect place. I told her I'd call Peggy and let her know the arrangements were set. They could
have privacy in a neighboring back yard of the school where a friend of mine lived. He always had an empty house on Fridays until late at night.
A large hedge row surrounded the entire yard and a secret entrance through the thick hedges was known by only a select few. I was one of those few. Pam agreed that this would be perfect and we'd discuss what to wear later via the phone later in the evening.
I called Peggy with the news and she thought the plan to be great. She
also wanted my opinion on what would be suitable to wear. At the time,our school had a dress code,the girls were required to wear skirts or dresses with dress shoes...no jeans...no sneakers. I thought for a time and suggested gym suits. Peggy hesitated and I knew she was apprehensive about doing this in front of me in her gym suit. This was the sixties...females were shy about stuff like this. I changed the suggestion to pullover tops and shorts. She seemed to accept this better
and planned to carry the outfit to school and change after classes. I told
her I'd tell Pam and meet them at the door that led to the south quad.
Pam liked the shorts and pullover idea and all was set.
I saw them at different times during that Friday and both girls seemed
cautiously ready to have at it. They avoided each other all day and before I knew it, 3 o'clock had rolled around. The bell clattered the end of classes for the week and I began the motions that would bring the two
wallflowers together for their hesitant contest. I had them meet me before changing and asked them each if they still wanted to go through with the fight. Pam said, "If she still wants to fight then so do I." Peggy
answered with, "If she still wants to fight, then I'll fight her." With that,
they glared at each other with narrowed eyes and made for the locker room to change. I instructed them to change at different sections of the locker room so no one would get wise to what was about to take place.
I also told them to leave five minutes apart, Pam would leave the locker room first and go directly to the arranged place. Peggy would follow five minutes later. I left to make sure that all was ready and the yard was
quiet,the house empty as planned.
As I waited inside the yard,hidden by the tall hedgerow,the thought of shoes came to mind. We hadn't discussed that area of dress so the two
would make that decision on their own.
I waited...and waited...and waited... Ten minutes had passed. Just as I was about to go looking for them, I saw Pam walking across the football field that led to my location. She had changed into a pair of bluejean shorts...not cutoffs but neat evenly cut shorts that came to mid thigh, a
grey University of Penn sweatshirt, navy blue cable knit kneesocks, and
her gym sneakers, white canvas plain styled ones. I noticed that she had tucked her sweatshirt into her shorts, assuming she intended to prevent
any mid torso exposure during the fight. Peeking through the secret entrance, I motioned her to the spot and she made her way through the hedgerow.
Pam was very nervous at this point and asked me if I thought that she could take Peggy. I assured her that they were evenly matched and she had a good chance of winning against Peggy in a fair fight. She smiled and seemed to calm down, shaking her hands and arms to loosen up the muscles. She told me that Peggy was changed and should be there any minute. No sooner had the words left her mouth, Peggy came across the field and joined us.
Pam moved back a few yards and watched as Peggy made her way into the yard. She had changed into a pair of bluejeans shorts that were cuffed at the bottoms, a powder blue sweatshirt that had the number
71 on it,white cable knit kneesocks, and her penny loafers. On seeing Pam's tucked in sweatshirt, Peggy immediately followed suit. She looked down at her loafers and then to Pam's sneakers and sighed. She had assumed that Pam would also keep her loafers on...they wore them in
class. Peggy was ready for this and reached into her school bag, pulling out a pair of white sneakers, similar to Pam's. Laces tightly tied, Peggy
and Pam stood motionless on either side of me as we discussed rules for
the battle. Their pony tails swayed in the gentle breeze as we got down to the final moments before the clash. They couldn't come up with any
ideas for rules as neither had any idea of what was acceptable for such a contest. They looked to me for advise and I suggested they omit scratching, biting, and face punching. Each quickly agreed and the time had come.
The area of combat was behind the garage which was bordered by the large hedgerows. Access to this area was either through the secret hedge entrance or the walk through door to the garage. I placed them at opposite corners of the area and moved to the side. They choose this section of the backyard as it layed hidden from everything, including the house.
Pam and Peggy nervously shuffeled their feet as I quietly said, "Whenever you're ready." They looked at me and then at each other, a
determined look of willingness to beat each other up on their faces. I sat down in the grass and watched them slowly move to each other,hands and arms outstretched and ready. They made contact and while remaining straight armed, grabbed onto each other's shoulders and began to push against each other in a slow, solemn struggle. They grunted as the girls
leaned forward and tried to push each other about the yard.
Peggy released her grip on Pam and side stepped her, the momentum sent Pam stumbling forward and passed the ammused Peggy. Pam recovered her balance and fumed as Peggy laughed at her. Pam marched back to Peggy and the pushing resumed. Pam seemed to have the upper hand now, pushing Peggy backwards across the yard but fell prey to the same tactic again. Peggy let her arms go limp and sidestepped Pam once more. Pam repeated her earlier "ballet" and almost landed flat on her face. Peggy rejoiced in her cunning move and egged Pam on to stop fooling around and fight.
Pam's face grew an evil redness as her temper rose to the boiling point. Peggy motioned her to join her and Pam lumbered ahead with teeth clenched. This time, Pam and Peggy collided with a thump and immediatedly latched onto each other like wrestlers, collar and elbow
fashion. They began to struggle in a furious yet clumsy lockup that brought them around the yard in a heated exchange of gasps and grunts.
Peggy pulled Pam closer and caused them to go into a tight clinch. Pam
was willing to engage her and they began to squeeze each other tightly.
Peggy embraced Pam with a vise like grip and clamped her arms as tight as she could around Pam's body. Pam followed suit and they staggered about slowly and sliently, except for an occasional groan or gasp. Each
girl rested her head against the other's as they fought their way to the hedge. Pam manuvered to the right and found she had trapped Peggy in a side head lock. She voiced her glee at the unexpected advantage and clamped it on as tight as she could. Peggy gasped as her head was squeezed between Pam's arms. Their sneakered feet rubbed against each other as they fought in close grips. Peggy tried to pry Pam's arms away
but she was not having any luck. Pam growled as she glared at her trapped opponent and insulted her. Peggy hissed back her own insults at Pam and manuvered herself to a point where she was able to wrap her arm around Pam's head and now they stood locked in a double head lock.
They fought this way in an awkward standing struggle that soon carried them around the yard. Peggy got her right leg entangled with Pam's and shifted her weight to one side. A quick thrust of her hip sent Pam into a trip that caused her to release her headlock and fall to the grass. Peggy seemed more than willing to break off the contact and let go of Pam as she began her short trip to the grass. Pam thumped down on her side, grunting as she landed. Peggy backed away from Pam and wiped her now disheveled hair away from her face. Her pony tail still in tact, the struggling had loosened a few locks from their confined state and they had fallen across her now redden face. Pam took a moment on the ground to regroup and used the time to pull up her partially fallen kneesocks.
Peggy,after her hair adjustment,pulled her kneesocks to full position as well.
Peggy bent forward, her hands on her knees, and gasped a, "Do you wanna give up?", to Pam. Pam looked up at her and with gritted teeth
replied, "Not a chance!" Peggy answered with, "Good! I'm not finished with you yet!" Pam scowled and threatened a, "When I'm done with you,
you'll regret having agreed to fight with me!" With that, Pam got back on her feet and Peggy readied herself for another round.
Pam and Peggy stood poised for battle, hands outstretched and arms slightly bent. They moved to each other and began to circle. I watched as their sneakers shuffeled along the grassy arena. They stayed out of reach of each other for some time, circling silently around in one spot of the yard.
Peggy moved a step forward and shoved Pam hard. The surprised Pam
stumbled a step back and moved at Peggy. She shoved her opponent hard
in return, sending Peggy backwards two steps. Pam smiled at her move and Peggy marched the two steps back to Pam. They shoved at each other
at the same time and both fighters were propelled backwards two steps.
Pam and Peggy moved ahead and shoved each other again and again, sending them around the yard. Peggy tried to lock up with Pam but she was pushed away by the wide eyed lass.
Pam moved cautiously as she let Peggy advance on her, only to be shoved backwards numerous times. Peggy was growing more aggitated
with each shove, eager to mix it up with Pam but kept at bay by her shoves. After more of the same tactics, Pam called for a time out,to pull
her already up positioned kneesocks up. A definite stalling tactic that
Peggy didn't notice. She too pulled at her already upright kneesocks and
waited for Pam to resume.
Pam stood in a casual posture, arms at her sides, and taunted Peggy to
resume hostilities. Peggy stuck her chin out and sneered, "When I'm ready
to continue, I will!" Pam retucked her partially untucked sweatshirt back into her shorts and Peggy noticed her's was also untucked halfway. She hastily retucked it back in and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready!" ,said Peggy.
Peggy looked my way for a second and then focused her attention back at Pam, who stood waiting for her opponent. Peggy advanced in a determined style, arms out and hands in half fists. Pam waited in silence as Peggy slowly stepped back into battle. Pam held her arms out in front of her but kept her hands opened. As they got to within two feet of each other, Peggy let go a wide roundhouse that Pam saw coming at the last second. She ducked out of harm's way just in time to see Peggy's fist fly past her right ear! Peggy stumbled forward from the hurled effort and turned back to face her opponent again. Pam's look of surprise
showed true as she balled her own fists and waited for Peggy's next move.
Peggy growled at having missed Pam and with fists up, attacked again. She launched another right that Pam ducked once more. Pam launched her own right at Peggy's body while ducking and landed a strong body punch to Peggy's side. The struck lass chirped out a painful sound as she hauled her left arm back and fired with a sharp uppercut that slammed into Pam's stomach. The fist thudded into Pam as she launched a hard right to Peggy's body, connecting with her chest. They grunted loudly and backed away from each other, glaring in the sunlight. Pam pulled her now partially fallen kneesocks up as Peggy followed suit.
Peggy resumed her fighters' stance and challenged Pam to continue.
Pam paused for a moment, gasping for breath, and moved to meet her opponent once more. They trodded into range and began to fight with both fists. Thuds echoed as they pummeled each others' bodies with wide, clumsy punches. Standing toe to toe, they battled in this fashion for a few minutes, causing sweat to flow from both combatants. Pam retreated and wiped the sweat from her eyes as Peggy paused to do the same. Pam moved first and stalked Peggy as she began to back away.
They were now walking slowly, Pam in pursuit, Peggy backtracking,and
jabbing at each other. Pam ended up on Peggy's right side, and now they began to fight in a slow circle. The punches exchanged were slow, hard,
and close. They began to walk side by side while still fighting. Pam and Peggy were each giving and taking an equal amount of punishment as they
fought around the yard, side by side. They'd fight, pause, then fight again, all the while walking side by side!
When Pam and Peggy engaged each other again, Peggy changed her tactics and lunged onto Pam. Pam received her opponent with an embrace
and they now fought like ice hockey players. Each had one arm wrapped tightly around the others' upper torso while pummeling their bodies with close punches. They stopped moving around and stood still, battling away
with harsh intent.
Pam leaned hard against Peggy and managed to trip her to the ground.
Peggy crashed to the grass while Pam stood by, egging her to get up and fight. Peggy bellowed an obscenity and charged the waiting Pam. They
collided into a tangle of warring wallflowers. Both fell in each others' grips to the ground and launched into a violent wrestling match. They tightly embraced each other and entwined their legs into a rolling war.
Kneesocks were crushed together as they squeezed each other to a gasping ground fight. I could hear the thick material of their cableknits
grinding together as they fought each other with rage and hate. Pam rolled with Peggy slowly across the yard and then they reversed direction, rolling back the same way. Each girl began sobbing as they continued to fight on the grass. At one point, Peggy got the top position and held Pam under her, attempting a pin, but Pam rolled them over and
they ended entangled on their sides.
Each froze for a few minutes, still squeezing but not rolling. Their hair
meshed with each others' as they layed on the ground in their violent embrace. Their clothes were disheveled and grass stained as well as their kneesocks, which by now resembled thick slouched socks. Their breathing was labored and deep, their expressions were of desperation.
Both were exhausted and drained. Peggy thrust herself over and pushed Pam away. They moved apart and sat sobbing lightly, their sneakers touching at the sides. Pam and Peggy looked at me with a "aren't you gonna stop us?' look. I got up and strolled over to the exhausted fighters.
Sitting next to them, I asked if they were gonna call it a draw or continue. Pam and Peggy eyed each other and then me. Peggy glanced at my watch and realizied that the bus for home was leaving in five minutes, just enough time for her to make it. Pam saw it too and the
wallflowers hastily agreed to finish the fight on the next day. The place to be decided on by me. I'd call them with the time and place that night.
Peggy hurriedly pulled herself together, even left her kneesocks pushed down, and trotted off across the football field to catch her school bus.
They had been at each other for the better part of a full hour with no desivive winner.
Pam and I walked home with hardly any words spoken. She was obviously still taking it all in, the battle. On arriving at my house, I
asked her if she really wanted to fight Peggy again the following day.
She paused for a moment and answered in a sheepish tone, "I guess so."
"Okay, I'll set everything up for tomorrow.", I said. With that, she trundled onward to her home. I began to think about where a good place for them midway between their homes would be. Lot's of thinking to do.
The End
Part two to follow soon.
Page Fifteen
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