One More Time
Put em Up!!!
Part two...Back To Cremlar
The blonde and Myron continued to move about the arena...fists up but not fighting. She uttered something to Myron that turned his retreat into a full
fledged attack. He bellowed, "Insult my mother???' With that, Myron strode right into the waiting blonde and they exploded into a furious exchange of punches to every possible target each could find. The two fighters were now
going at it like seasoned veterans of the ring. They traded blow for blow and stood toe to toe in this fierce punchup that carried them to the wall. Once there the fighting man and woman locked together in a close body to body exchange of punches that thudded loudly around the arena. They cradeled each other in their arms and battered away with reckless lust for injury to each other.
The blonde forced Myron into the wall and held him against it while she pummeled him with lefts and rights. He fought back with a barrage of his own, causing them to reverse position at the wall and continued fighting. The blonde managed to get Myron in a side headlock and walked them into the open area of grass. Once free of the wall, she held the headlock and battered his face with her free right hand. Myron bellowed as his face took a terrible beating. Her ribbons fluttered in the breeze as she punched him over and over. Myron battered away at her as well, freeing himself of the headlock and swung wildly in the direction of her face.
The blonde ducked and countered with a hard left to his nose,drawing blood.
He wiped his hand over the red flow and that seemed to turn Myron into a tiger.
With tears streaming from his eyes, Myron trundled into her and they attached themselves to each other in a cruel battle of bare knuckles. Their legs and feet
seemed meshed like vines as they held onto each other and battered away. The blonde began to cry now and blood began to flow from her luscious lips. They fought on through their pain and anger as the crowd cheered loudly.
The blonde, having enough of this close range battle, shoved Myron backwards and glided away to regroup. Myron stood and waited for her to resume, needing a break as well. She gasped and moaned along with Myron as they stood glaring at each other's bruised and battered faces. Myron motioned her to come to him and she nodded before moving back to battle. They shuffeled to each other but delayed any agression...opting to circle, fists up,instead. Each was covered
with sweat, their socks in clumps at the tops of their boots. Her ribbons in place but drooping against her sweaty hair. A jab from the blonde started the
fight again. Myron took the shot and sent one of his own to her. They circled
and jabbed sluggishly at each other,each exhausted from the terrible beating they had wreaked on each other. Myron seemed to be running out of steam and the
blonde sensed this. She moved into him and they clinched in a tight embrace.
Myron held on and the blonde began a slow assault of her right fist to his body.
He tried a few punches of his own but they fell short of doing any more damage.
The blonde continued to slowly punch at him and leaned against his body as Myron
cried out with each blow. They fought in front of the first row, close enough to
hear them gasp for breath as the fight neared it's end.
The blonde and Myron...too tired to fight any more,held onto each other like wrestlers, except for their balled fists which rested on each others' shoulders.
Tightly together, front to front, the blonde squeezed Myron against her breasts
and held him close to her as he battled to stay on his feet. She brought her left arm back and a sharp uppercut to Myron's gut. He wailed out and dropped
down to the blonde's feet, clutching her socks as he layed in a semiconscience
state. She stood still and waited for Myron to get up. He didn't.
The End
Draw of the Straw
In the Scottish countryside,far from the villages and towns,a young lad was sent to settle a score for his village. Straws had been drawn amongs't the villagers and he came up with the short one. From the neighboring village,
another short straw holder was sent to meet him. The yearly soccor match between
the villages had turned ugly at it's end and after a short meelee, the village
soccor enthusiasts decided that instead of a mass riot, one person from each village would be picked by choosing straws and sent to this remote place. The winner of the meeting would decide the winning soccor team...as the match had been stopped at 1 to 1 because of the fracus. The lad pressed on through the
early morning mist of the vast fields as his opponent advanced from the opposing village.
The lad arrived at the arranged sight and checked the laces of his ankle high
black shoes. It was a chilly morning so he opted to keep his woolen sweater on.
Brown knickers and white work socks completed his attire. He removed his cap and
placed it on a tree stump. Except for the stump,the area was treeless with rolling hills and lush green grass. He glanced in the direction of the other village and began to prepare himself for the upcoming fisticuffs with his male
opponent. A figure appeared through the mist in the distance and he strained to
get an early glimpse at his opponent. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief and looked again.
Approaching him came a lass of extreme beauty and form. She greeted him a good morning and asked if he were the holder of the short straw. He nodded and
she produced a short straw from her pocket. "I guess we'll be fighting then",she
said. The lad said,"You are the person I am to fight???" The lass smiled and
nodded yes. "Don't worry, I'll be giving you a good fight!" she said. The lad
reluctantley said,"Well if you are the chosen opponent, I guess we have no choice." She smiled again and checked her clothing and laces on her shoes.
She wore black Irish dancing shoes...the soft style...with cream colored cable
knit kneesocks. A cream colored sweater and a plaid skirt with her village's
crest on it. Everything in order, she stepped towards the lad and invited him
to join her, fists up in front of her pretty face. The lad shrugged and followed suit, moving to meet her.
They came together and began to circle, jabbing lightly at each other. The lad was reluctant to strike the lass and kept his jabs just off the mark. The lass was more willing to mix it up and struck the lad numerous times in his shoulders and face...although lightly. After a few minutes of this the lass stopped and dropped her guard,inquiring if the lad was going to fight or give up. He blushed and advised her that he would fight her. She smiled and said,
"Well then,stop playing and start fighting!" With that, they resumed their
fighters' stances and met, toe to toe.
The lass struck out and caught the lad hard in his cheek. A grin formed on her face as a bruise formed on his. The lad felt the sting and his mood changed
to a more serious state. The lass was stalking him, forcing him back as she advanced with swinging fists. He ducked half of them but took the other half
in painful manner. He struck out his attack and was met head on by this beauty
in front of him. She matched him punch for punch. They fought straight on and
battled in a stationary stand. Punch after punch flew from both and each
combatant gave and received harsh blows. They staggered breifly after getting
tangled up in each others' legs, and then continued to fight.
The lass pummeled him at close range with a body attack that backed him up.
She followed him and after a rather harsh exchange, felled him with a bolo to his eye. He gasped as she stood still and waited for him to get up. Her long legs swayed as he stared at them. After srruggling to his feet, the lass cooed
an invitation to resume the fight.
He bit his lip and swore under his breath. The angry lad launched a barrage
of lefts and rights to her stomach and body areas that was met by equal blows
from those lovely fists. They stood leaning onto each other and battered away
with brutal force. Her face next to his, he smelled her sweet fragrance as she
moaned and groaned in his ear.
The lass clutched onto him and they clinched tightly together. Her legs and his brushed together as they held onto each other in a tight embrace and shuffeled about the grass. A stand up wrestling match ensued as they struggled to throw each other to the ground. The lad used his knowledge of wrestling to
get her in a side headlock to a hip toss throw. She floated across his hip and
sailed through the air, her skirt flying up to expose her underware. He stood
for a moment gazing at her as the gasping lass covered herself and sat on the ground, looking up at him. He held his fists up and motioned for her to get up.
She grinned and invited him to join her on the ground. He mused for a moment and
she again invited him to come down to the grass to fight. He nodded okay and
knelt down near her.
She got top her knees,her socks half down from the earlier struggle, and the
two foes moved to clash again. They reached for each other's heads and grasped
tightly, struggling on their knees for an advantage. After a time they rolled to the ground and became entangled into a knotted mass of humanity. They writhed
and twisted together in a grapvined struggle that had every part of their bodies
embroiled in combat. They rolled about in this clash until becoming still...on their sides...their bodies crushing each other in lustful embraces. In a helpless moment, they kissed deeply and passionately in the grass. Harsh embraces turned to gentle groping. They pressed their bodies together as if trying to pass through each other. Gentle rolling resumed between the two as the
kissing went on. They savored each others' advances in the mist and willingly
gave into each other's lust.
It's said that these two married soon after and lived happily ever after. The
out come of the game? You're kidding...right?
The End
Husband Versus Wife
They weren't your average couple. Both were professionals and highly educated with lucrative careers. No kids and they had everything they ever wanted. They were the same age...35...and she was atractive in a plain kind of way. Dark brown hair that she always wore in a loose ponytail,glasses,wore plain styled clothes, and was the quiet type. He was also a quiet kind of guy,
stood the same height as her, a plain looking fellow. His short light brown hair
always seemed uncombed, even though he did drag a brush through it once a day. He was also on the drab side when it came to clothing. They were a perfect match and each would spend hours reading by the fireplace,sipping hot tea and
enjoying each others' company.
Recently though, she had noticed a difference in her husband's behavior. He
had grown slightly distant lately,and this worried her. She hadn't noticed any changes to her body or habits. They still read together by the fireplace every night, but he wasn't as "frisky" as he had been in the past. When she pressed him on the issue, he passed it off on fatigue. With more inquireries from her,
he admitted his boredom with her but pledged his love would never stop. He
guessed the age factor may be the cause. Men tend to grow bored with things at
mid life. It would surely pass, he assured his worried wife.
She decided that counciling would help them so an appointment was made. They
ventured to a trusted collegue who interviewed them together and then sepearately. She assured the nervous wife that all would return to normal in short order. A month went by and nothing changed. The wife went to the library and began to research the topic of marriage and counciling for such a problem.
After countless articles, she stumbled upon the advice of a radical counciler
who encouraged physical contact between married couples to settle differences.
She devoured every word of the booklet and checked it out to take home with her.
During this time, Lois had found her husband to be free of any affair guilt and that at first seemed to calm her a bit. As she thought about it though, Lois became more aggitated with her husband's coolness towards her. No other woman to blame for her growing loneliness, just her husband, Abner. She attempted to regain his affections using everything she could think of, only to
be patted on the head and left to her private growing rage.
Abner began to grow irritated with his wife's constant pestering for attention
and found himself growing more annoyed with her each day. When he was at home now, Abner found himself hiding from her whenever he could,taking refuge in the
basement recreation room or the yard. With cold weather setting in now, Abner
was relegated to the inside of their home now. Lois grew more annoyed as well
and their conversations began to escalate into arguments. Eventually, they became embroiled in harsh verbal quarrels at every chance they got. Each grew more irriated with each other day by day. Lois grasped her book firmly and decided that it was time to launch her attempt at winning Abner's affection back.
The book's plan was to start off by attempting discussion as a means to work out their differences. Lois tried it but Abner and her ended up in a screaming match instead. She presented the pillow fighting solution to Abner...the next level of therapy reccommended by the book...Abner with raisedeyebrows, reluctantly agreed to try it. They finished a quiet dinner together and agreed to engage in the pillow fight after the dishes were washed. As they washed the dinnerware, something they always did together, each envisioned the upcoming
encounter. Abner saw himself pummeling his wife with the overstuffed pillows and
gaining an easy victory. He realized the fact that his growing annoyance with
Lois made him want to knock her senseless. Lois shared the thought that Abner secretely held. She envisioned herself and Abner locked in heated combat, beating him up and making him submit to her every want. They hurriedly finished their chore and decided to clear the living room of obsticales for the pillow
combat. Lois assured Abner that this would unleash their pent up anger towards each other and result in a better relationship between them. Abner slyly agreed
to the encounter and followed her to the living room. They removed the coffee table and moved the easy chairs to the sides of the room. Each placed their easychairs at opposite corners as if in a ring setup. With the drapes pulled
shut, they each grasped two pillows and prepared for the encounter.
Lois and Abner stood at opposite corners and Lois instructed her husband to begin. They advanced across the carpeted floor and met at center room. Lois was
dressed in a white buttoned blouse,a light blue jumper, cream colored ribbed tights, and black flat soled shoes. Abner wore a yellow polo pullover shirt, tan trousers, tan dessert boots, and brown sweatsocks. They circled each other and
held thier pillows firmly in front of them. Lois was first to strike. She let
loose a wide right that thumped into Abner's unguarded right side. He grunted slightly and launched a strike against his wife's left side, connecting with a
thump. Lois grunted in her dainty voice and moved away from Abner's advance.
Lois realized that they had neglected to remove their eyeglasses and called for a timeout. Abner and Lois retreated to their corners and placed their eyeglasses down on the easychair armrests, regrasped their pillows and returned to the
floor. This time they didn't pause but engaged each other with both pillows in
a wild encounter that carried them around the room, hurling lefts and rights to
each others' bodies and faces. The pillows thumped against them as Lois and Abner battered each other with the soft weapons. Abner and Lois battled furiously with the stuffed pillows to the point that each grew out of breath.
Lois called for a break to the battle and Abner was more than willing to retreat to his easy chair. The couple sat across the room from each other and regained
their breath, a coy grin emerged from Lois' demure lips and she excused herself to the kitchen. On her return, she tossed a pair of over mitts to Abner, pulling on an identical pair herself. They were black and looked like padded mittens.
Abner pulled them on and an evil grin adorned his otherwise tranquil face.
Lois balled her hands into fists and now the mits looked like boxing gloves.
She sat down in her chair and they sat staring at each other from their corners.
Lois crooned out,"Ding!",in her dainty voice, and they stood up and moved to
each other,gloves at the ready. Abner and Lois circled for a time, each weary of
throwing the first punch. Abner and Lois began to talk as they circled the floor. Lois egged him on to hit her, Abner egged her on to give him her best shot. Their gloves floated in front of them in a menacining manner as they circled the floor.
Abner struck first, drilling a light jab to Lois' chin. She jolted only slightly and returned the shot to Abner's chin. He was caught off guard and
seemed surprised at his wife's aggression. She moved into him and began to throw clumsey punches to his body and face. Abner backed away with her in pursuit. They moved to the wall and Abner engaged her with body punches of his own. They fought along the wall and their punches grew harder with each salvo.
Lois and Abner clinched and fought body to body in a tight punching embrace that
brought them to another breathless state. Abner called out,"Ding!", and Lois
backed away. They retreated to their chairs and sat down heavily in the cushioned corners. Abner and Lois rested their arms on the armrests of their chairs as they looked at each other for signs of a submission. Not a chance!
"Ding!", cooed Lois. They stood and trundled into battle once more. Lois locked herself against Abner and began to pummel him with body punches. Abner returned the blows and they fought into a chairless corner. Lois and Abner
wrestled for the outside position as they continued to punch each others' bodies. Abner lost the contest and Lois peppered him with body punches as he covered up and tried to escape her onslaught. As she continued to attack, Lois
felt the primal force of power over her opponent and lusted to pummel him into
defeat. Abner grew alarmed at his predicament as Lois aimed her punches at his face now. She slugged him with sharp uppercuts to his chin and cheeks as he
attempted to retaliate with shots of his own. Finally Abner managed to shoot a hard hook into Lois' stomach, lurching her forward and into a followup left hook that landed squarely on Lois' right cheek. She dropped to the floor in a heap and whimpered softly as Abner moved away to freedom and waited. He began to count in a low voice,1...2...3...4...and Lois struggled to her feet on the 8 count. She tapped her gloves together and moved back to Abner.
Tears now ran down her cheeks as well as sweat. Abner moved to meet her and they began to fight again. Neither bothered to cover up, and the couple battled
in close combat. Leaning on each other, they fought across the room and around it. Lois drilled Abner harshly with a combination left and right cross, dropping him soundly to the floor. She pranced away, gloves held above her head in a victory dance as Abner struggled to stop the spinning in his head. Now Lois
counted in her angelic voice as her husband floundered on the carpet. He managed to stand on the 9 count. A dissapointed Lois frowned and sighed deeply at having to continue.
They met again at center room and began to throw wide long range punches, each
going for a knockout. The gloved oven mits flew in wild abandon as the battling pair fought their way out of the living room and into the front hallway. Lois
fought Abner to the stairs and eventuall they fought their way to the second floor. In the hallway, Lois and Abner engaged in a close conflict due to the lack of room. Each had become bruised and reddened about the face and body but
neither appeared to be willing to quit. They moved down the hallway and into the guest room. Lois backed Abner into the room and boxed him to the bed. Abner fought her back to the doorway where they exchanged a flurry of punches in rapid sucesson to all parts. The exhausted pair gradually sank to the floor in a double knockdown. Their shoes touching, they sat facing each other on the floor and agreed to a rest period. Five minutes later, the couple staggered to their feet and balled their mits into boxing gloves once more.
Lois attacked and was met by Abner's response. They stood firm against each other and pummeled with all they had. Grunts and groans filled the house as they fought back to the bed and stumbled down onto it, locked in a grueling
clinch. The pair now wrestled for top position, rolling in a furious struggle.
Lois was first to abandon her mits, dropping them to the floor, and latched onto Abner's hair with both hands. He bellowed as she ripped at his brown locks. The
husband quickly disgarded his mits and clamped onto his wife's hair as well.
They became embroiled in a wrestling catfight of sorts, entwining their legs
in tight struggle and their hands locked in each others' hair. Lois screamed
as her hair was tugged painfully by Abner. Abner wailed as his wife inflicted
the same punishment on him. They glared into each others' eyes as they fought in a fierce tangle of enraged married people. Lois found herself ripping at Abner's shirt, shredding it into pieces as it was tugged from his body. Abner ripped at
Lois' jumper, snapping the buttons that held it in place and peeled it off the fighting woman. It layed tangled about her and Anner's legs. She kneed him, momentarily freeing them from each other,and pulled it down over her feet,loosing her shoes in the process. Abner gingerly nursed his aching manhood
as Lois began counting...1...2...3... Abner growled through clinched teeth and
got to his knees to attack his seated wife.
Lois met him in ernest and battled him down to another vice like wrestling
clash. Abner dug the heels of his dessert boots into Lois' legs as she screeched in pain. Lois flung him to the floor and grabbed his feet, tugging his dessert boots off. A well placed kick from her tighted foot into his side slowed
Abner's resistance. She climbed back onto the bed and waited for Abner. Her blouse half ripped from her body, she paid it no attention peered over the edge of the bed to see what Abner was up to. Bad move!
Abner was waiting for her to do such a thing and latched onto her hair, tugging her to the floor and quickly climbed atop the startled woman. He held her head down against the carpeted floor and began to pull her hair fromn side to side, an evil sneer on his reddened face. She cried out and blindly reached for his hair. Lois found her target and hissed as she pulled in ferousious hate.
Lois managed to dismount her husband from her prone body and launched them into a desperate roll around the room. Furniture that got in the way was toppled in their path. Abner and Lois fought to the wall and pulled each other to their feet. Simultanious knees to each fighters' groins leveled them both. They collasped to the floor in heaps. Abner regained himself first as his blow was more to his thigh than his grion. Lois layed writhing as her's was right on the money. Abner crawled to her and asked if they were over their marriage problems.
Lois attempted to spit in his face...yuk!...but missed. Abner labored to stand and after a brief struggle, did. Lois gripped what was left of the night stand and pulled herself up. They were drained totally except for that last ounce of energy. Abner had lost his tan trousers somewhere in the previous struggle and found himself standing in just his boxers and brown sweatsocks. Lois leaned against the wall clad in her cream tights and bra, the fragments of her blouse somewhere on the floor.
They gasped and groaned, waiting to resume their harsh struggle. Lois lurched forward and jumped at her husband. He sidestepped her in the knick of time. Lois careened past him and into the hallway. Abner slowly followed her.
She was waiting for him behind the corner of the doorway. Lois grabbed his arm
with both hands and flung him towards the steps. He thumped to the floor just
before the first step and slid into the stairway, bumping down the staircase and
coming to a stop halfway down. Lois chuckled a vicious laugh and stumbled down to her stunned husband. Abner heard her coming and fained semiconsciencenous.
When Lois reached down to hurl him the rest of the way down the staircase, Abner
grabbed her head with both battered hands and flipped Lois over himself and down the steps. She bounced a horrible ballet down the steps to the first floor and layed stunned and helpless. Abner crawled down to her, laughing a devilish laugh, and paused just out of range. She craftly opened one of her eyes just enough to see him, and when she had a clear shot, launched her right fist into his unprotected left eye. He flailed on the steps as she crawled to him. Lois
climbed atop Abner and began to hammer him with two fisted blows to anything she could hit. Abner wailed out and kneed her back and sides until she was driven off. Lois rolled down the last two steps to the floor and crawled to the livingroom. Abner crawled after her a few minutes later.
She was waiting for her husband as he crawled, growling and cursing at her, in
the middle of the room. On all fours, they meshed together into a slow motion brawl that took them to a rolling, wrestling finish. Lois and Abner struggled to
a mutual submission that day, bruised and battered. It's said that the following days were filled with activities that restrictions limit me from going
into here. They did,however, live together,happily ever after. Only after this event, they liked "it" rough...if ya get what I mean...
The End
Page Eighteen
© 2000 RJD9902@aol.com