In This Corner!
An idea from Simon
Pit Fight
Twas a chilling afternoon in Hollywood. The mansion was bustling with activity for the afternoon's event. The rich and powerful of movieland had a
favorite past time which would bring them here to this place. Every so often
two unfortunates would be given the chance to earn some fast cash as entertainment for the few who would come to watch and wager large stakes to it's
outcome. On this day,two aspiring actresses, down on their luck as well as income,had agreed to compete for the prize. The winner would receive 1,000
dollars...the looser 500. Now since this was Hollywood, land of make believe,the
contestants would be attired ala studio style.
Mandy and Belinda were the participants. They had arrived by way of limos
that were sent by the owner of the mansion. Each woman was in her late twenties
and of equal size...five-eight and slender. Mandy had long black hair,Belinda's was as long and blonde. They were readied in their dressing rooms and ushered to "the pit". This was a sunken area of the rompus room that was rather large. It
had once been the indoors kiddy pool for the owner's children. Four feet deep,
it now was padded along it's sides and bottom with heavy matting. It covered an area of twenty feet across and was of a circular design. The betting gents made
their last wagers and settled into their seats around the pit. Seating was elevated so each member could view the contest clearly.
Mandy was brought in first...dressed in a Snow White costume...a peasent dress of brown with a white short sleeved blouse,tan woolen tights and dainty
black slippers that were secured to her feet by an elastic strap across the tops
of the soft slippers. She was led to the pit past the cheering men and gingerly climbed into the padded arena. Belinda entered and the men cheered again. They
had her dressed as Alice...from the looking glass story. She wore the light blue jumper with the white blouse,the white tights and the black Mary Janes.
She too gingerly climbed down into the pit and stood across the padded floor from her opponent. Both womens' hair was worn down and free.
The announcer introduced the women and repeated the groundrules. There were
none. They would compete in an unlimited number of rounds. Seconds would handle
the toweling off and wiping down of each during the breaks. Servents were used for this task. They nervously nodded and the announcer faded back into the dark.
The pit was brightly lit,hiding the crowds' faces from them. DING!!!
Belinda and Mandy...or Snow White and Alice...paused for a moment...the crowd bellowing for them to begin. They looked into each other's saddened eyes
and sighed deeply. Tears welled in their haunting stares as the two women
stepped out to meet. Snow felt uncomfortable in her costume but resigned herself to make do. Alice felt strange dressed like a girl but comitted herself
to carry on. They moved slowly around the walled in area and their steps went deep into the padded floor. Alittle cumbersome to walk on,they labored to circle
each other. Snow reached for her opponent slowly,telegraphing her move as Alice
reached to Snow in the same manner. They grasped each other by their shoulders
and began to push against each other at center floor. Alice and Snow struggled
with bent arms against each other in one spot,neither moving one way or the other. They leaned forward for leverage and pushed harder but still they were deadlocked.
As they grew weary of the grasp,each shoved away from their opponent and strolled around the pit to think of another approach. Ding!!! They retreated to opposite ends and were towled off and given cool drinks. Alice and Snow peered across at each other, looking for signs of fear or fatigue. Ding!!! They moved to meet again. Alice and Snow came to grips again and embraced closly this time
in double body embraces. Each squeezed the other tightly and worked crushing body locks as they began to struggle clumsily around the deep padded pit. Sighs
and groans came from both as they manuvered for a better grip. Alice and Snow
swayed from side to side as they applied more pressure to their holds. "Get her
down"! came from the onlookers and Alice and Snow began to lean more to their sides in an attempt to topple the other to the floor.
They leaned so far over at one point that both tumbled down onto the padding.
Still locked together tightly,the women began wrestling for top position. Alice
locked her white tighted legs around Snow's brown woolen tights and squeezed her
legs into a grapevined leg battle that brought them to a rolling struggle. Snow's cumbersome dress rode high above her knees as Alice's jumper became tangled with her opponent's clothing. They continued to roll and squeeze as the
tactics changed to clothes ripping. Alice grasped onto Snow's dress and ripped it down the back. Snow launched an attack on Alice's jumper,ripping it's sides.
The women continued rolling as their dresses became tattered and shredded. They
were growing more intent on winning as they rolled in this knotted tangle of war. DING!!! Reluctantly,they parted and had to hold themselves to keep their dresses on. A quick tie here and a tuck there...back to battle. Ding!!!
Wasting no time, Snow and Alice collided in a frenzy of violence. They took
each other back down to the floor in seconds and resumed their squeezing leg,
dress ripping attacks. As they rolled about their dresses eventually were ripped from them, blouses still in tact...torn...but in tact. Legs free of the restricting dresses,they moved with more speed now. The rolling increased in
force and they aimed their attacks on body punches and hair pulling now. All
was fair and all was used to battle it out for the cash prize. Alice and Snow
stopped on their sides and fought a slug fest that echoed through the room. They
buried their faces in each others' shoulders as the women battered away with one fist while holding onto hair with the other. Alice managed to roll Snow over and
broke off the entanglement...grasping her leg and gettin a toe hold on her opponent. She twisted the black slipper in a most painful manner. Snow screamed out as her ankle twisted in violent form.
She got her free foot and licked out at her opponent's chest. The Mary Jane
thudded into the white blouse,sending Snow reeling backwards to the floor. In
the motion of freeing herself, Snow's right slipper had been pulled off. She paid it no mind and leaped onto her foe,pummeling Alice with both fists. Alice
fought back with her own and they fought to their knees. Pausing for a moment,
Alice slid her dislodged Mary Jane off and kicked it out of the way. One shoe off each,they returned to battle.
Alice and Snow pulled themselves to their feet and began fighting like ice hockey players. Overhand punches flew wildly as they moved around the padded pit. Ending up at the wall, they held closely and fought to a double knockdown.
They pulled off their remaining shoes and labored to stand up. Staggering now, they lumbered into each other and fell back to the floor in no time. A wrestling
hair pulling match began and continued until Snow mounted her opponent,gaining a school girl pin. The crowd watched as she held Alice under her for ten minutes.
They were exhausted and stayed locked together in this struggle until the
exasperated Alice weeped her surrender.
Wild cheering was followed by cash awards to both. Since the fight was so good, each received 1000 dollars and they were given parts in an upcoming movie.
The End
Grudge Match
They had done battle numerous times in front of large crowds at various arenas. Each woman had won and lost but both were still eager to meet and clash
whenever they could. Mary and Hanna fought out their matches in the professional circut...the last ending as a double dissqualification. The match had grown so violent that each was pulled away from the other. The referee had
been knocked out of the ring by the struggling women, who didn't want the match stopped.
The commissioner of the federation decided to sideline the two women before they crippled each other in another meeting. A six month suspension for both was
delivered and each woman seethed at the move. Intent on continuing their war,
the two middle aged women contacted each other via the phone and arranged to meet in private,without any referee,time limit,rules,or witnesses. They would go
at it alone until there was a winner. This would be their last match against each other,it was agreed.
Mary and Hanna ventured under the cover of darkness to the prearranged site.
They wore their wrestling gear under sweatsuits,Mary's blue,Hanna's grey. The
sight chosen was a small arena that had been abandoned a year earlier. A new arena had been built and the owners had yet to decide on the older location's
fate. The wrestling ring was intact with the old padded floor and tan ropes.
The seating area had fallen to old age and was strewn with debris and broken seats...a left over from the last event held there. The windows had been boarded up,but a single spot light still hung from the ceiling. Mary and Hanna had gone
through the small opening in the rear of the building that once served as a
workers entrance, making sure that they sealed it back up. Mary had arrived first,peeling back the board that covered the opening and cautiously made her way to the light switch. She gingerly flicked the switch and a warm glow sizzeled on bathing the old ring with light. The rest of the arena slept in darkness. Hanna arrived and on seeing the light, creeped into the building and replaced the board in the opening.
Mary and Hanna approached the ring and took up positions at opposite corners.
Still outside of their battle field, each took a chair and sat while removing their sweatsuits. Mary finished first and climbed through the ropes,inspecting the ring. She donned a blue, one piece suit, white tights,blue knee and elbow pads,blue wrestling boots and thick white socks that she wore scrunched above the tops of her boots. Hanna entered wearing a red one piece suit,black tights,
red knee and elbow pads,red wrestling boots, and thick red socks pulled up to mid calf. They glared at each other but said nothing.
Mary motioned the start by waving her hand to Hanna and the women moved out
across the old padding to do battle. The brown haired women circled as their
ponytails swayed behind them. Hanna and Mary locked up,collar and elbow, and
struggled against each other. The women grappled around the ring in a tight grasp and moved in an eerie setting of light surrounded by total darkness. They
shuffeled across the padded floor, grunting and gasping, finally pushing off from each other and stood motionless. Mary and Hanna sighed and advanced once more.
They locked up again and Mary shifted herself, clamping Hanna in a side headlock. Hanna groaned as Mary clamped her hold tighter and twisted Hann'a head
from side to side. Hanna grasped her opponent around her mid-section and held on. As Mary increased her force, Hanna moved behind her and grasped her legs,
lifting her up and slammed Mary down onto her knee. She cried out as her back made contact with Hanna's kneepad. Mary thudded to the floor and rolled away.
Hanna followed her and Mary got up and into Hanna's waiting arms. She grabbed two handfuls of Mary's hair and threw her across the ring. Mary sailed as if in slow motion in a large arch before thudding to the soft flooring. She bounced as
her body came to Earth. Hanna had advanced on the fallen woman and was reaching down for another hair assault but was met by a soft,blue wrestling boot that slammed into her stomach. She lurched over in pain and gasped as she stumbled back a few steps. This bought Mary a few seconds to regroup and get to her feet.
Hanna slowly got up and growled in a low tone as Mary waited at mid ring for her. The women stormed at each other and slammed together in a tight,violent
embrace. They grasped onto each other around their upper torsos and wrestled
in a furious grapple. Their legs brushed against each other as the women fought
across the ring. Neither would go down or be tripped up as each had attempted to do. The struggling women leaned to one side and battled to throw each other over
but both failed. Staying locked together this way, the women straightened up to full stance and moved to the ropes. Hanna's back to the ropes, Mary forced herself tighter against her foe and held her there while she kicked at Hanna's
shins. Hanna howled as her thick, red socks only cushioned the blows slightly.
Mary continued to kick her opponent as Hanna cried out and launched a barrage of
stunning body punches to Mary. Kicks and punches echoed through the empty arena
as these two women engaged each other in mutual combat.
Hanna got Mary by her pony tail and with her other hand, slammed a hard right cross into her cheek. Mary jolted back a step but Hanna held on and repeated the move. The second punch sent Mary to the canvas crying. Hanna stood by and waited for her foe to resume. Mary got up and circled Hanna, fists ready.
Hanna raised her fists as well and the women closed. Each fired off as many lefts and rights as they could to all parts as the women stood toe to toe and
brawled with wild passion. After a grueling exchange they fell into each other's
arms and clinched tightly,punching close body punches at a reduced speed. Each
grunted and groaned with the punishment that was delivered by their feminine
Mary slumped down and in a swift motion,lifted Hanna above her. She executed
a perfect airplane spin and followed with a body slam. Hanna crashed to the
ring floor and shreiked out as Mary rubbed her fat lip. Hanna tried to crawl away but Mary grabbed her and dragged her to her feet. Hanna was able to fire off a hard right to Mary's gut but was able to repeat the spin and body slam.
Hanna slammed to the padded floor a second time and tears flowed from her now.
Mary attempted a third slam but Hanna grabbed her legs and pulled her to the floor of the ring, launching them into a battle of twisted bodies and tangled legs. The women rolled and struggled in a desperate battle of body against body. They intertwined their legs and squeezed harshly as their upper bodies
were assaulted with punches and hair pulls. Both women cursed as they fought on
the ring floor with no signs of stopping.
Hanna kneed her opponent in a delicate place, breaking them apart and allowing a minute's rest period between them. Each struggled to the ropes and leaned against them before resuming. Hanna and Mary glided to each other and
each was met by their opponents' booted foot. The women fell away from each other and wept. Mary was first up and attacked Hanna with a swift boot to her back. Hanna reeled around and tackled Mary to the ring floor. She threw herself on top of her and mounted her in a schoolgirl pin. Mary waited a few seconds and then threw her legs up and around Hanna's head. She scissored her legs and flung her foe backwards to the floor. Hanna manuvered her legs around Mary's head and
now the two women fought a doubled leg scissored battle, squeezing each others' heads with dreadful intent. They rolled slowly one way then the other, locked together like knotted weeds. With their free hands, each delivered sledgehammers
to where ever they could land. Sledgehammers...double fisted blows while extending both arms straight out and interlocking the fingers into a double fist. The sounds of their fight filtered through every inch of the barren arena.
Gasping for air, Hanna lost her grip and Mary's head slid free of the black tights. Mary raised herself to a sitting position and pulled Hanna around and over, trying for a Boston crab. She almost got it but her sweaty hands slid off her opponent's body allowing Hanna to squirm free of the hold. They moved apart
and rested for a minute,sobbing freely.
Another staggering meeting at center ring brought them to clash again. The
women thudded together and fought meshed into a seething mass of combat. Twisting and squeezing bodies fought around the ring. Their booted feet scuffed
against the soft padding as their thick socks rubbed in a tormented torrent of
war. Hanna and Mary used every means possible to beat their opponent into defeat
but the punches and kicks, the scissors and bearhugs,the hairpulling and bodyslams proved futile.
They paused while still locked in each others' grasp and waited for the next
burst of violence. Mary and Hanna sank to the floor in one embattled form and
rolled to their sides, embraced together and locking their legs again in a grapevined position. The laces of their wrestling boots ground together as their legs struggled against each other. The women reached for hair and slowly
pulled it in all directions. Their ponytails barely visible through their disheveled lockes,the women continued to pull slowly and firmly as they rolled
across the ring and back again.
Their tights hissed as they rubbed from the rolling motion. Sweat covered bodies layed grappling for a surrender. Hair pulls grew more violent as the women rested on the floor. Mary lurched and headbutted Hanna. The stricken woman
shreiked and untangled herself from her attacker. Mary allowed her foe to escape her grasp and both women rose to their feet.
Mary and Hanna clashed again,with Hanna getting the upper hand and hurling Mary over the top rope. Mary crashed into a pile of trash and was uninjured.
Hanna crawled out of the ring and they began to fight in the darkened portion of the arena. Still standing, each woman grasped the other and pummeled her with
hard punches at close range. They fell to the arena floor and battled in the dark. Neither could see the other but battled on in hot combat. Mary felt her opponent's forehead slam into her's and reeled back into the darkness. Hanna groped after her but couldn't see in front of her nose. Mary hid in the darkened
arena until her head stopped spinning, then creeped to the ring. Hanna made her way back as well and they climbed into the soft padded domain and moved to each other with evil intent.
Hanna and Mary collided and with a swift motion, Mary locked her opponent into an abdominal stretch. She lurched as hard as she could and inflicted pain
on Hanna's battered body. Hanna screamed as she struggled to free herself. Mary
lost her balance from exhaustion and they fell to the floor, breaking apart.
Hanna grabbed Mary's leg and foot and applied a step over toe hold. Mary's soft wrestling boot felt good in Hanna's hands as she twisted the foot in torturous
moves. Hanna wailed loudly but refused to give up. The battered women continued to battle as Hanna clamped her nails into Mary's sides. Mary dug her own nails into Hanna's sides, releasing the toe hold, and they fought on through the night.
They crawled onto each other and layed in exhausted conflict. Hanna and Mary
mauled whatever they could. For hours they fought out this final battle between them. The women were bloodied and beaten into numbness as they layed and desperately waited for a surrender. As the sun began to rise and shine through the cracks in the arena, Hanna uttered her surrender to Mary. They released each other and rolled apart. Mary whispered ,"good fight", and the women fought no more.
The End
Witinsley's Idea!
Life Raft
Skippy and Bif were life long friends who had made it rich on Wall
Street. Both men had accumulated large fortunes and they loved getting together and sharing in the pleasures of "the good life".
Their latest adventure had taken them to the tropical region by way
of Skippy's yacht...they had sailed Bif's on their last adventure. Their wives had come along, as they always did,and the foursome enjoyed the deserted islands and lagoons with a lust for life . The men were the best of friends...their wives just didn't seem to be too cordial. The women were always polite to each other and shared in the activities as a
foursome, but always had an underlying friction between. Skippy and Bif
had noticed but laughed it off as the womens' competitive nature.
Muffy and Bitsy were both 43 years old and extremely beautiful. The
women had voluptious bodies from years of aerobics and careful lifestyles. Each of the wives was active in sports. Tennis and golf were their main activities when not sailing with their husbands. Muffy had
wavy blonde hair at about shoulder length. Bitsy carried a light brown mane that was straight as an arrow and slightly shorter than her shoulders.
Back on the high seas, the four adventurers set sail for another tropical spot, far from any inhabited areas. A friend had told them about this paradise island and with navigational charts and supplies, they were off. Two days into the trek, the skies turned dark and the wind increased in force. As the shipmates struggled to batten down the hatches, a noticable friction had arisen between the two women...more than in previous meetings. When they could, one or the other would bump into their counterpart, blaming the high seas for the collision. Their collisions increased with alarming speed as the men desperately worked to keep them out of harm's way. Catty glares cut through the dark air as
the women pitched in to keep the SS. Moneybags at a fair keel and steady
pace through the impending storm.
Everything secured, they retreated to the yacht's interior to ride out the storm, which had arrived with brutal force. The yacht rocked and
swayed as thunderous waves and howling wind assaulted it's majestic
bows. During the early morning hours, the men had made ready the life
raft and instructed the women to stand by in case they had to abandon ship.
Skippy and Bif bravely made their way to the yacht's deck and desperately attempted to bail the rushing water from the yacht. At some point during the night, a large wave crashed into the struggling yacht,
washing both boyhood friends overboard. Muffy and Bitsy had been in the
upper cabin during this tradgedy, exchanging harsh words, oblivious of their husbands' fates. The women, who were dressed in sweatsuits due
to the drastic drop in temperature, were struggling to stand and attack each other as Bif's captain's hat flew by the window. They stopped their
approaches to see what was happening outside. Both women promising to resume what hadn't started yet.
The startled women made deck just in time to see their husbands
wash away in the giant surf and into the darkness of night. They screamed out to their mates but to no avail. A paniced duo hastily
flung themselves into the life raft and hung on for dear life as the yacht
sluggishly dropped into the briny deep below them. The wind and waves spared the women, pushing them from the remains of the yacht as it sank
into darkness. They sat huddled at opposite ends of the large raft, in
shock and grief from this horrid fate dealt to their loved ones.
On the next morning, Muffy and Bitsy awoke to a brilliant sun soaked day. No signs of land and limited supplies, which had come with the raft.
The women held back their annomisity towards each other as they tried to survive their plight. A moment of silence was observed for the lost husbands and they scanned the vast ocean for other ships or land. By the third day, the sweatsuits long removed due to the blazing sun and heat, the women layed limply in their halter topped bikinis. Water was low and the women rationed it to make it last.
During the wee hours of that night, Muffy was awoken to the sound
of Bitsy...slurping sounds...that she strained to hear. As her eyes focused
on the direction of the slurps, Muffy saw Bitsy sucking down the last of their water! "How dare you!!!", she growled. Bitsy glared at her and said, " I deserve the last drink, you two bit trollup!" Muffy seemed to expand
as her rage erupted inside her. Bitsy cooly sneered as she teasingly offered her raftmate the bottle. Assuming Bitsy had faked drinking the last of their precious water, Muffy gingerly grasped the bottle and put it to her lips. A liquid did indeed flow from the glass container. Muffy
choked and gagged as the ocean water flowed into her parched throat.
Bitsy laughed a cruel cackle as the gasping Muffy threw the bottle at her.
It just missed her face, and glanced off her shoulder.
Muffy and Bitsy drew their talons of red, and on sunburned knees,
moved to inflict fatal measures on each other. They crashed together
in the center of the raft and immediatedly raked out with their fingernails, inflicting wounds to all upper bady parts. Muffy and Bitsy
kneeled into each other and raked their nails across everything they could reach. Blood began to flow from thin scratches and welts as they
reached for each other and dug their nails deep into their soft flesh.
Hair became a target as well with their sharp claws digging into scalps
and dragging whatever human material they could drag from each others' bodies.
They screamed in anger and pain as the two women fought in a death struggle alone on the high seas. Muffy managed to push Bitsy over and mounted her, front to front. Blood dripped from her damaged face as she
grasped Bitsy's breasts and dug her red nails deep inside them. Bitsy howled as her mammeries were twisted and crushed in dreadful manner.
She retaliated by attacking her opponent's breasts in return. They layed in desperate conflict, mauling each other in violent conflict. Muffy
sank her teeth into Bitsy's shoulders as they fought in close embrace.
Bitsy returned the favor, bringing them to be locked together by tooth and nail.
A deep moan emerged from the fighting women as they layed together and fought in menacing ways. They managed to roll slightly as they entwined their legs and assaulted each other. Clumps of hair littered the raft and blood made for a sticky surface. The women weeped as they tormented each other in this damaging crush. Muffy rolled on top and drilled her knee into Bitsy's groin area, causing the stricken woman to convulse in pain. Bitsy released her grasp and tried to cover herself from the next attack as Muffy paused to revel in her inflicted damage
to her opponent. With a frightful coolness, she casually reach both hands around her foe's throat and began to choke her. Bitsy blindly reached for Muffy's throat and the two women layed belly to belly in a death grip.
Deep gutteral sounds emerged from both women as they fought to the death in the vast ocean alone. During the battle, all attire had been shredded and lost, leaving them entangled as one, skin to skin. With a violent thrust, Muffy dealt the final blow, crushing Bitsy's windpipe.
The fading woman relaxed her grips and as her eyes fluttered, gasped her last breath.
Muffy, layed there with her dead opponent for some time, exhausted and in too much pain to move. Eventually, she was able to roll the lifeless Bitsy over the raft's edge and watched as she floated away.
That evening, the raft landed on the remote island of Umbungua. It's inhabitatants welcomed the female stranger with opened arms. They nursed her wounds and fed her,washed her, and eventually ate her...they were cannibals.
The End.
Page Eighteen
© 2000 RJD9902@aol.com