More Stories
Out of Control
Sarah and Mary had been friends for ages. They were similar in all aspects from
likes and dislikes to physical features and size. Times hadn't been fair to each
since the big lay-off at the plant. The women had worked in the production end
of the plant,assembling computer components. After being off for a month,they had been finally called back,along with everybody else. A nice government job
assured everybody a steady income for the future but catching up on the back owed bills wasn't easy. An idea came to Sarah as she listened to plans of a re-opening gala to be held at the company picnic park. What about a wrestling match between her and Mary? Since the entertainers hired for the gala would be paid a hefty amount,why not hire her and Mary,who gawked at the idea. The workers went wild at the idea of these two beauties rolling around in a ring,so the boss,who was a BIG fan of wrestling agreed. If Mary would agree to participate,of course. Sarah pulled her friend to the side and filled her in on her plan. They would stage the whole match from beginning to end,no pain,no
injuries,no reality,just showmanship. Mary got the idea and agreed. Each gal was to be paid 500 dollars for a twenty minute match. Plans went ahead for the gala and the two women met several times to rehearse there moves and holds. At
the end of the match,each gal was to collaspe from "exhaustion",collect their
money,and go home alittle better off in the purse. The big day came and the events went off without a hitch. The wrestling match would be the finale of the day. A smaller than regulation ring was rented and the gals were presented satan robes to wear to ringside,which they were to keep after the match. They
opted for one piece bathing suits and tights,along with specially soft wrestling
boots that the boss had made up in the materials shop. They glided to the ring as the crowd cheered. The two "wrestlers" climbed gracefully between the ropes
and bounced in their corners,satan robes still in place. Introductions completed,they slipped out of the robes as the guys and gals in the crowd roared. Ding!!! The bell rang and they moved out and began with a collar and elbow lockup. Mary wore a blue outfit,Sarah wore pink. Sarah forced Mary to the ropes and tied her up against them with her body as planned. Mary countered by elbowing Sarah in her side,as planned. Sarah moved away and they locked up again. This time they were to struggle around the ring and go to the corner,where Mary would clamp a side headlock on her opponent and hold her there
for a few minutes. They did just that and now they were to break the hold by Sarah twisting out of the headlock and "lightly" kick Mary in the stomach. Sarah
twisted out and launched her foot at Mary's stomach but something went wrong.
Mary had tripped on the mat and instead of bracing for the anticipated kick,fell
into it instead,receiving the full force of it. She gasped out loudly and
doubled over,grasping her midsection in pain. Sarah,thinking that Mary was just
doing a good acting job,proceeded with the next move...a forearm smash to Mary's back. The poor gal grunted out and dropped to her knees. This was not in the script and now Sarah realized that something had gone wrong. Unfortuantly for her,it was too late. Mary regained her composure and sprang to her feet,furious! Sarah tried to apoligize but Mary wanted none ot it. She advised her foe that this was now for real and that everything was legal! Sarah backed away from her furious opponent as the crowd cheered them on. Mary lunged at Sarah and and grabbed her head in a front headlock. She wrapped her arms tightly
around the frightened gal and worked it like the pros,twisting and turning her head in nasty contortions. Sarah cried out and struggled to get free but to no avail. She pushed her against the stomach with both hands,trying to pry loose of this painful punishment but with no luck. Mary smiled an evil smile as she led her opponent around the ring in this position. With one brutal thrust,Mary forced her body weight forward,hurling Sarah to a full face drop. She shreiked out and rolled about the ring floor as her opponent stood by watching. When Sarah finally got to her hands and knees,Mary was waiting and delivered a stiff kick to Sarah's side,sending her sprawling again. Mary followed her to the mat this time and clamped Sarah in a step over toe hold. Grasping the soft boot,Mary
locked her leg with Sarah's and twisted the poor gal's foot back and forth. Mary
held tight and Sarah cried out and slapped the mat. The crowd was loving every minute of this. Happy with the torture handed out,Mary loosened her hold and
shifted to a sitting leg scissors,her front to Sarah's back. Here,she could take
a breather while her legs did all the work. Sarah writhed from the clamped legs around her and reached back to Mary's hair. She caught it and pulled with all her might! Mary screamed as the legs sprang loose and her hair was yanked to it's limits. Now Sarah hissed and brought Mary to her feet with the help of two handfuls of hair. She launched her opponent into the ropes by her hair. When the
stunned gal bounced off them,a double forearm smash thwacked into her chest,
sending her backwards to the floor. She floundered on the mat as Sarah launched
herself into the air and attempted a flying elbow smash. Mary saw it coming and rolled away just in time. Sarah slammed hard into the ring mat,crying out and
holding her arm. Mary crawled to Sarah and climbed on top of her. They became engulfed in a floor fight,pulling hair and punching as they layed there in a mass of female fury. Mary felt Sarah's legs entwine hers and tighten up. This and the hairpulls to the side caused them to roll over,reversing their positions. Sarah was on top and began slamming her opponent's head into the mat. Mary snarled loudly and managed to roll them over again. A tangle of arms and legs crossed the ring from side to side as the women battled on the mat. The
crowd roared as the two women beat each other to a pulp. They ended wrapped in a knot,laying still on the mat,still pulling at hair and entwining and straining their legs. They layed motionless for ten minutes,fighting in a deadlocked position. Both women cried as they layed together in war. Cries,grunts,and groans filled the ring as they held on and waited for a surrender. Ding!!! The
ending bell sounded,and it took four of the big guys from shipping to pull these two wildcats apart! The end

The following story was a reader's request with the general idea and cultrual information included. It was received over a year before the September 11th disasters in NYC,DC,and PA. At the time I had no knowledge of Talibans,Kandahor, or the Afghanistan cultural way of life. It was just now while doing edits throughout this site that I spotted this story and read the beginning information which immediatedly caught my attention. I may have written this for a terrorist??? Maybe not...???
The Afgan Altercation
The Taliban society is strict in their ways. Religion is treasured,food is savored,and women are not permitted to engage in any form of fighting...the penalty for such an act is death. The night air was pleasant on this fine evening in the small village of Kandahar. The days' tasks complete,the villagers
settled into their bungalows for a quiet night of reading and other pleasantries. As the hours passed,light after light went out for the night as
sleep claimed more victims to the sandman. The dusty streets were empty of any activity,which was usually the case at this late hour. I was hidden in an alley
and suddenly heard footsteps approaching. A woman softly stepped along the edges of the street,staying in the shadows as she approached. To my surprise,she turned cautiously into the alley and peered down it's long,lonely path. Attired in what appeared to be flat soled sandals and a full length robe that all women were required to wear in public,along with a cloth covering on her head,like a
scarf type thing that covered her hair. She slowly ventured into my domain and
took up a position midway down the dirt covered path. As I watched her, another set of feet approached from the opposite direction and stopped at the entrance.
A female voice uttered something in Afgan and the first woman responded with an answer. They spoke is hushed whispers as the second woman moved into the alley.
Apparently neither wanted to be seen or heard except to each other. The first woman came out of her dark space and stood,hands on her hips in the middle of the alley,her visitor positioned herself in the same manner about five feet away. She too wore the same apparrel,but her sandals were slightly different,although flat soled too. They stood whispering for a minute,then looked around the area for a second. All clear...they moved directly into each other and began to fight. The women grasped each other by the heads and ripped off their scarfs at once,violently twisting each others heads in the process.
Delicate headcovers floated to the ground,the women waiting for them to land. As
if it was some tribal ritual,as soon as the scarfs hit the dirt,they launched into each other with brutal rage. The women grasped handfulls of hair and fought
in a swaying battle of muffeled cries. One of them whispered something in an angry tone and they became silent,still raging at each other's hair. The only sounds present were sandals scuffeling in the dirt and hushed grunts as they battled in utter silence. Their long robes rustled against each other as they fought body to body,locked in double hairpulls. The first woman thrust her knee up and crushed into her foe's thigh. Her opponent responded with a hard fist to her face while still locked in her hair with one hand. Now the women stood firm,pulling hair with one hand and pummeling each other in the head and face with overhand and bolo punches. They struggled down the alley to the dead end and plowed into the wall. They thudded against it but didn't stop for a second!
The second woman wrapped one leg around the other's and held on to her this way while still hurling hard rights to her head area. The first woman sent an uppercut to her foe's gut and followed it with a dreadful knee to her groin.
This broke them apart for a minute,they each needed to catch their breath. Tears
flowed down bruised cheeks as they stepped into each other again. Hairpulls and
now breast mauling were in order as they fought their way back down to the other end of the alley. When they reached the entrance to the street,they each pushed away and returned a few steps back into the darkened alley. Enraged hands grabbed out again for delicate mammeries and after a bit,they slumped to their knees. The first woman got the upper hand and shoved her opponent over,climbing
on top of her and mauling her about the face and breasts. Their legs entwined
beneath the long robes and battled with tight force. The second woman,rolled them over and they began rolling back and forth in the dirt,causing a dust cloud all around them. The first woman forced herself back to top position and
clamped onto her rival's face. Although her nails were short,the tips of her fingers still dealt out great punishment. Their hands now dug into their cheeks,
their legs entwined,their robes rode up to their thighs,their sandals scrapped in the dirt,and they remained silent! In the end,the second woman let her arms fall limp,signaling her surrender. They slowly collected their scarfs,dusted themselves off,and stole off into the night.
The end
Thank's to HUTCH for this story idea!
Eskimo Pie
A Quickie
Eko and Lida awoke at the same time,cozy and warm inside their igloo. Each slept in heavy thermal underware,bulky woolen socks,and heavy,fur coats. The Eskimo
women were plump by all standards and were sharing the igloo while the men folk were out on a hunting expedition. They did this for warmth and all of the women in the village doubled up during these hunting trips. They looked at each other,
then at the single piece of apple pie that was left over from dinner,then back to each other. Looks of mischief adorned their chubby cheeks as they sat in their polar bear skin covered beds. Thick mattresses comprised the beds,after all,this was an igloo,not alot of room inside these babies. Eko and Lida decided
to fight for the pie,instead of sharing it. After all,these girls had harty appitites! Now in this confined space, they got to their knees and would fight
on their bedding,keeping the coats on because of the freezing weather. Eko nodded for them to begin and Lida advanced on her chunky opponent. They locked up with tight embraces and began to fight. Hair pulling started the hostilities.
They held each other around their upper bodies while they pulled and twisted each others' hair. The women moved about on their knees,thigh to thigh,fur to fur,and struggled in the tight space that was now their battlefield. Lida reached behind Eko's head and pulled her down to the floor,stratteling her with her body on her knees at first and then sat on her opponent,still pulling at her hair. Eko still had a good firm grip on her opponent's hair as she layed prone under her. The Eskimo women stayed locked in this painful position while they screamed out in the fridgid darkness. Eko got her legs and thrust them upwards,encircling Lida's head. She thrust them backwards now,toppling her foe backwards to the floor and followed her there,mounting her. They fought front to front and wrestled in a torrent of hairpulling,face scratching,and punching. The
women rolled to one side and because of the confined space,had to stay put for the time being. They battled on and Eko got her legs and managed to scissor them
around Lida's middle. Lida gasped out as the vice like grip tightened around her. Eko felt her heavy woolen socks rub together as she manuvered her legs,straight out,then back alittle,then straight out again. Lida became desperate and focused her attention on Eko's thighs,digging her nails into them.
Lida shreiked out with pain and released her scissors,allowing Eko to crawl to freedom a few feet away. Back on their knees, the angered women faced each other and peeled off their heavy fur coats,leaving them to finish the fight in their thermals and socks. Their coats were layed out in the battle area as a means to get them out of the way. The enraged women came to grips. They embraced again
and began to pummel each other's bodies with chubby fists in close combat. They
cried out and swore as they continued to fight at close range. Now their attention shifted to their faces,launcing hard punches to this area of both combatants. They jerked back and forth with each landed blow,and in this confined space,every blow struck something. Eko threw herself onto Lida,toppling them over and to the floor in a tangle of furousious women! Their bodies wrapped around each other in tight form and they battled with fists and legs. The sounds of heavy woolen socks and thermals rubbing together,as well as fists slugging
into soft,pudgy bodies filled the air. Weeping and gasping,the women fought on
into the night. It ended when Eko launched her left fist into Lida's face,knocking her out cold! She didn't realize it at first and kept fighting Lida until she didn't feel the vice light grip around her anymore. Each girl had had the other in tight embraces while they were fighting. Eko rolled to the side
and covered her opponent up with her fur coat and headed for the lone piece of pie.
The end
In ancient Rome, there once was an emperor who grew bored with the gladiators,who at the time were all men,and instituted some variations to the
specticles held in the arena. True,they were brutal contests,but remember the era,they nailed people to crosses back then and hardly blinked an eye. Well,this
particular emperor ordered new and different opponents to be pitted against each other in death matches and sometimes non-death matchs. Women against women,
women against male dwarfs,and so on. They called him a lunatic,they called him insane,I call him way ahead of his time. Seen the TV. pay-per-views lately?
Tables smashing over heads,women fighting with each other and male wrestlers,and
so on. Now I don't go for death matches...but the ideas this guy came up with are WWF-WCW-ECW material. Why should Rome have all the fun? Sit back and relax
as I now take you to Ancient Egypt on a bright sunny afternoon....10BC.
Egyptian Womens' Wrestling
The crowd filed into the large stadium,snacks in hand and in good spirits.
Once a week they were treated to athletic competitions and this week they were there to view a series of wrestling matches. These matches never ended in death,
just defeat,but they were more like street fights than wrestling. The only rule was that you were not permitted to kill your
opponent.Mauling,biting,kicking,scratching,punching,you get the idea...were okay. The first six matches were all men vs. men and the crowd cheered their approval after each one. Number seven was alittle out of the ordinary as it
pitted two rather buxome women against each other. Both were built like goddesses,tall and lean. Each had light brown hair that was pulled back into a
rigid,braided ponytail. The stadium management pondered about what they should
wear for their fight,after all,this was to be the first ever,female match in Egypt. After much consideration,it was agreed that they would wear sarongs of
virgin white,and sandals that were made especially for wrestling. The sandals were brown calf's skin,flat soled,and they laced around each wrestlers' legs,up to their knees. They entered from opposite ends of the sand filled stadium to the thunderous roars of the crowd. Each wrestler was adorned in make-up and had
flowers in their hair. They stood stationary at opposite ends of the sandy floor
as the stadium announcer introduced them to the raucous audience. A referee was
also present,and stood at center floor with the announcer. Seconds stood with the women and removed the flowers from their hair before the fight. All but the two wrestlers and the referee exited the floor as the crowd waited for the start of this peculiar fight. The referee,it should be noted,was male. He peered across the stadium at both wrestlers and motioned them to begin. The women began
the long trek across the large rectangular floor to each other. Their sarongs,
which came to just below their knees,fluttered in the gentle breeze as their sandals moved through the sand. The referee stood to one side as the women met at center floor. They circled each other,hands outstretched and ready to go.
The two wrestlers touched hands and interlocked their fingers,coming to grips in a test of strength. They moved in close and raised their hands up over their
heads,glaring into each others' eyes. The two beautiful women strained against each other and struggled in this hand lock,attempting to force their opponent's hand back. Iris pushed against her foe and brought their breasts together,their faces,cheek to cheek. Aloe held firm and battled her opponent to a point where they were forced to bring their arms downward and to their sides,still locked at the fingers. Toe to toe,they stood motionless in the sand as the crowd bellowed
for them to kick each other. Cleo took the hint and sent her sandal directly into Iris' shin. Iris cried out and returned the favor with equal force. The two
wrestlers then began a tortorous kicking ballet while still locked together at the fingers. Red welts began to cover their legs as the two battled on in this fashion,kicking in turns,and returning kick for kick. It appeared that Aloe was attempting to break free of the finger interlock,but Iris held her tight. They
began struggling about in a small area,the foot prints showing their path of combat in the sand. Aloe hauled off with a vicious kick to Iris' knee,causing the woman to release her hold and stagger back a few steps. She limped around as
Aloe stalked her through the sand. Unable to flee,Iris stopped dead in her tracks and let Aloe catch up to her. When she did,they began to fight in a hair pulling frenzy. Now since their hair was pulled back tightly and they had rigid
pony tails,they grabbed two handfuls of braids and fought at close quarters,
moving towards the wall of the stadium. Aloe got Iris against the wall and began to ram her head into the wooden barrier. Iris cried out in great pain as her head met the hard wood,time after time. In a quick effort to get free,she kneed her opponent in the groin,and Aloe fell to the floor. Iris,exploded in a string of profanity as she pulled the felled Aloe to her feet and began slamming her head into the same wall! The crowd sat stunned as the two women battered each other in violent rage. As she suffered with the wall,Aloe managed to get her fingers onto Iris' cheeks and mauled the woman in terrible fashion. Both shreiked as they fought this terrible exibition before this large crowd. The women began kneeing each other with great force but neither would go down. They
staggered away from the wall and now both mauled each other about their faces.
As they stood locked in horrendous combat,the women got to their toes,trying for a height advantage in the struggle. Still deadlocked,the referee stood by and
watched the action but did nothing. Aloe shifted her weight to one side and
pulled Iris in close. A well placed leg behind her opponent's caused the other woman to go flying through the sultry air and down to the sand. Aloe stood by and waited,motioning to the referee for a surrender from Iris. He asked the fallen woman who shook her head no and slowly got to her feet. They closed once more and collided into a furious fist fight. Each woman strode into the other and made no attempt to cover up in any way. On and on they fought across and around the stadium. Vicious blows cracked into their jaws and faces,thudded into their lucious bodies,thwacked into their breasts,but still they swung away at each other with a lustful obsession with beating each other to a pulp. In one swift motion, Aloe braced herself on her right foot,and launched herself into Iris,tackling her to the ground. The two women began to roll in the sand,fighting with everything they could use. Teeth,nails,fists,elbows,knees,feet,everything! After a passionate struggle the women settled down motionless in a double embrace,leg tangle. They layed there
in the sand,on their sides,and squeezed and strained in one mass of tortured
females. Blood covered them,red welts and bruises glowed bright in the glaring sun. The referee stood next to them and urged them to decide a winner. They stayed locked together and refused to quit the fight. The crowd fell silent and watched mezmorized as the two women layed and fought in a motionless show. They
gasped and cried but stayed there. As the match looked as if it would never end,
Iris screamed out horridly and shreiked out her surrender. When the entangled women rolled apart,the cause was seen. Her right shoulder showed bleeding teeth marks. The women struggled to their feet and stood by the referee who raised Aloe's hand in victory. The threesome moved off the floor and the crowd cheered
loudly and went home.
The end
Page seven
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