Page Seven
More Stuff!

This story was suggested by a reader.Thank's to macedon for the idea!
The Office Encounter
It started days ago with a comment. One comment led to another and it escalated to bitter insults and verbal battles that erupted in the ladies' room
and other private locations. Linda and Jane had become two women who hated the sight of each other. Both were blondes,twenty-nine,and stood about five feet-
eight inches. They were pretty and built like you would imagine the perfect woman to be built like. Jane arrived on this Thursday morning wearing a black
skirt that came to just above her knees,a white pullover top,black highheels, and white pantyhose. Linda entered the building wearing a floral print dress,
white high heels,and flesh toned pantyhose. As the hundreds of office people
filed into the elevators that would take them up to their offices,Linda and Jane
ended up next to each other on the local to the 103 floor. As they left the ground floor,they were already exchanging insults under their breath to each other. The others on board the car didn't take notice of the verbal war that had erupted among them. At the 38th floor,most of the passengers exited the car,leaving the two foes and a few others. Floor 40 would trigger the following
office encounter. As the doors slid closed leaving just Linda and Jane on board,Jane gently lowered her purse to the floor and invited Linda to fight her there on the car. Linda grinned and placed her purse out of the way,agreeing to fight.
The two women stood slightly bent with hands outstretched and shuffeled around the small space,looking for an opening. They stepped into each other and grasped hold at the shoulders,struggled for an instant,and shoved each other off. The two foes circled briefly and launched themselves into battle. Hands grabbed for hair and clamped on,pulling with a wild frenzy that sent them staggering about the car and slamming into the walls. They felt the car slowing and heard the ding of a floor stop signal. Both women pushed away from each other and tried to
straighten out their hair. A sole man entered and after viewing the two combatants,smiled and greeted them. Two floors later,he got off the car. Before the doors had completely closed, the two women sprang after each other again.
They became entangled in a hair pulling melee that escolated into body punching as well. Around the car they staggered,pulling and slugging with all they had.
Once more the familiar ding sounded and they broke apart. Two women entered and rode one flight up before leaving. As the last to leave stepped off the car,she turned to the two women and asked...Who's winning? Both uttered,I am! With that
the doors slid closed and they were at it again. Hands ripped into hair,fists slugged into their perfumed bodies,and tears rolled down their cheeks. They fought to a violent embrace,wrapping each other up in a grasping mass of bitter females. Linda shifted her weight and was able to hurl Jane over her hip,sending her crashing to the floor. As Linda launched her right high heel to kick Jane in
the breasts,Jane caught the foot and twisted it,sending Linda to the floor with her. Now with both of them down,they pulled themselves together and began wrestling on the floor of the car. Space was limited but they were able to roll back and forth one turn in each direction. Their dress and skirt climbed to well
above their knees as they struggled in a torrent of female scorn. Each woman
heard the ding again and reluctantly released each other and labored to their feet. This time,whoever summoned the car to that floor had changed their mind as
no one was waiting. The door began to close and the two women collided again,
crashing back to the floor and resuming the floor fighting. They battled from
wall to wall,punching,pulling hair,scratching,and wrestling all in the same
entwined motion. Jane managed a side headlock on Linda and pummeled her foe in her face repeadedly. Linda reached out and grabbed onto Jane's breasts,mauling them through her top. She screamed and retaliated by doing the same to Linda.
There they layed,legs entwined,hands burried into each others' breasts,mauling them with evil pleasure while suffering immence pain at the hands of their opponent. They squeezed their legs at the thighs while ravaging each other on the floor of the car. Both women shreiked and sobbed as the fight slowed to an
exhausted pace. The women battled on, neither willing to stop or let go of the other. They layed motionless now,straining against each other's grasps. Blind to all that was around them,locked in a solitude of war,the fighting women were
unaware of the last "ding",and were surprised to see a startled group of waiting passengers,gazing down at the two women fighting on the floor of the elevator.
They resigned themselves that it was too late to stop,so they continued fighting! Security was called but before they arrived,Jane grabbed Linda by the hair and slammed her head into the wall of the car three times,knocking her out!
Both were taken to personnel and discharged immediately.
The end
A new idea has come into The Story Corner from a reader so buckle your seat belt
and fire up that golf cart! FORE!!!!!!!!!!Thank's to WTINSLEY!
Sue and Mellanie had played a close game for the entire round. Each woman was
two strokes under par and they were at the eighteenth,ready to tee off for the final hole. The ladies were thirty-something,attractive lasses,and highly competitive in their game. They both shot their drives just short of the green and as they strolled up to it,Melanie insisted that Sue go first in her shot.
A short chip shot would put her ball near or in the hole. Sue agreed and prepared to shoot. As she brought her club down in it's graceful swing, Melanie
coughed,loudly,as if on purpose to distract Sue. It worked,as Sue over shot the hole,her ball rolled ten feet to the opposite side of the flag. Sue glared at Melanie who sheepishly appologized and prepared her shot. As her dainty arms brought her club to the ball, Sue smacked her club against her metal bag emblem,
causing Melanie to miss her shot. Melanie now glared at Sue who smiled and moved
to shoot her putt. The putter tapped the ball as Melanie faked a loud sneeze,but it dropped into the hole just the same. Now Melanie prepared to make her putt.
If she sank it, the two would be even in scored shots. If she missed, she lost.
As she gently brought her putter to the ball, Sue mentioned the fact that Melanie's husband had been having an affair. Something that was totally false
but startled the woman enough to miss the shot. Melanie spun around to Sue and demanded to know with who? "Just kidding",smirked Sue,who prepared to leave the course. Melanie became enraged and menacingly approached her golfing foe, putter in hand. Both women were attired in sleevless white tops,shorts,golf shoes,and white kneesocks. Sue backed away from her as Melanie raised her putter
in a most unsportsman like conduct and stalked the frightened woman. "I'll show you!" hissed Melanie. Sue began to run towards the club house with Melanie in
hot pursuit. Unable to catch her, the infuriated lass threw the putter at her fleeing foe. It grazed Sue's shoulder and fell to the ground. Sue stopped in
her tracks and spun around to take on her pursuer! "Now that it's fair, I'll fight you!"...Meaning of course that her opponent had lost the golf club and that both were now unarmed. They raced to each other and collided with a painful thud! Like two football players,they crashed together and locked up into
a tight entanglement of enfuriated women. The two held each other around the upper torosos and tried to tackle themselves to the ground. Hands reached for hair and clamped painfully in the blonde locks. They struggled about the fairway
and tugged at each other with vicious intent. Melanie brought her leg back and
bashed Sue in the shin with her hard golf shoe. The stricken woman cried out and launched a barrage of hard right fists to Melanie's face. Melanie shreiked as the hard knuckles landed against her soft cheeks. The woman held onto their hair with one hand while they pummeled each other with their fists. On and on they went in this fashion until the kicking resumed. Both women alternated punches for kicks across the fairway and into the ruff. They battled to the edge of the pond and stumbled into the shallow end. Sue launched a hard uppercut that knocked Melanie backwards and into the water,landing flat on her back. Sue leaped onto her opponent and now the two fighting women wrestled tightly together in the pond. They rolled over and over,each trying to stay on top and above the water. Their legs became entwined and strained against each other in a
battle of kneesocks. Luckily for both,as the leg battle raged,each women had lost her spiked golf shoes to the murkey water below. They fought with fists and
feet,driving their fists into faces,and their heels into shins. Sounds of hissing females filled the tranquil air of the golf course as they fought in a
vicious entanglement. Each woman's top had become ripped half off in the fight
but neither bothered to notice. They battled like two pitbulls now, close together in each other's grasps,neither willing to give up or let go. A hard knee to Sue's stomach brought them a fleeting rest period,as the women broke apart and stumbled to shore. Their socks were slumped down to their ankles in a
bulky mass of wet cotton. Both bled from noses and mouths,each had swollen eyes,
and both fists were bruised and bloody. They squared off in the grass and began
to slug away at their wet bodies. Thwacks echoed through the air as they fought
with their fists. Toe to toe the women battered away with no effort to cover up from the attacks. Each stumbled together and clinched tightly in a soaked knot
of aching females. They sobbed loudly as each just held on and waited for the other to give up. Embraced like this,a stray body punch was delivered a few times between them. Melanie reached back with her right arm and sent a rushing punch into Sue's gut. The exhausted lass sunk slowly to her knees,prone at Melanie's feet. Melanie,still grasping her opponent by her head, launched a final knee that smashed into Sue's chin,felling the beaten woman. As Melanie turned to leave she was startled by applause. Apparently, a crowd of male golfers had gathered and had watched most of their fight. She just smiled through her swollen lips and left.
The end
This one's for Bob!
The Date Dilema
Mandy pulled on her skin tight Guess jeans and reached for her Polo pullover shirt. She brushed her golden hair and pondered what to wear on her feet for this task ahead. She knew what she was about to do and wanted to be comfortable
but mobile as well. Alot of movement ahead for the Yuppie college co-ed this
fine afternoon. Mandy and another co-ed,Barbara,had set their sights on the same
guy. They had been cheerleaders together in high school and Mandy was elected captian,something that Barbara swore was due to her sleeping with the judges.
That didn't sit too well with Mandy,who made life miserable for Barbara that year. Mandy looked through her closet and grabbed her tan hiking boots. She picked out a thick pair of brown,wool socks to go with the boots and laced them on. The socks were pulled straight up on the outsides of her jeans. She bounced in front of her mirror like a boxer,fists in front of her face,siking herself up for the meeting she had planned. Barbara grabbed her denim shirt,her Levis 501's
and a pair of green boot socks that she pulled over her tight 501's. Sneakers or boots,she thought. Her cowboy boots were her favorites so they got the call. Her
socks were not visible under her calf high boots. Barbara was from a working class family and had brown hair. She wasn't the Yuppie type,more of the down to earth,hanging with the crowd at the bowling alley type. Both ladies were close in size,Mandy was 5'7" and 130,Barbara was 5'6",128 pounds and both were quite pretty. After arguing over who would take Bob out on a date,to the fall dance,
the co-eds decided that the issue should be settled in the field that led to the football stadium. They both planned to attend the game...victorious...to ask Bob
on that date. Mandy arrived first and strolled across the fresh cut grass to
meet that hussy in a section that was hidden from the game crowd. She took up a position behind a large grouping of trees and awaited her foe. Barbara arrived in short order and marked out a straight line in the grass with her cowboot. She
invited Mandy to cross the line and then they would fight. Mandy took a deep breath and stepped into battle. They squared off like boxers,fists at the ready and circled slowly. Mandy fired off a short right jab that hit her foe in the face. Barbara returned the punch with a left jab of her own to Mandy's cheek.
Each gal chirped as the fists landed. They kept circling,jabbing into each others' faces. Now they moved forward and swung out with hard roundhouses at each other. The punches flew with awkward style as the co-eds were not familiar with this kind of activity. Barbara got in a lucky uppercut to Mandy's stomach and sent the Yuppie staggering back. She pursued her foe and struck out with a combination of lefts and rights that awkwardly flew into her foe's body and into the air. Barbara responded in kind and the fighting co-eds battled it out like hockey players. Wild punches careened through the afternoon sun as the women fought behind the pine trees that hid them from sight. After pummeling themselves the tiring women clinched and settled in on some serious close body punching. Wrapping one arm around the other,the co-eds pounded away at each others' bodies with their other hands. They cried out and gasped as the blows struck with hardened force. They shuffeled about the grass,grunting and sobbing
as they held on and punched at each other with slowing speed. Mandy reached for Barbara's hair but she saw it coming and blocked the move by grabbing her foe's arm. Now they stood,Mandy holding Barbara's arm while they continued to punch each other with their free hands. Barbara used her other hand to grab onto Mandy's hair when she looked down for an instant,latching onto the golden locks and yanking with a ferousious yank that caused the Yuppie to shreik out! Mandy
countered by latching onto her foe's hair with both hands. Barbara latched her now free other hand to Mandy's hair and they fought a wild hairpulling battle
in the shade of the trees. As they fought in a staggering ballet of pain,the co-eds tripped over themselves,sending them to the ground,still locked onto each others' locks in a frenzy of punishment. The gals wrestled and pulled hair,rolling slowly on the ground. Mandy interlocked her legs with Barbara's
and squeezed them as Barbara returned the move as well. After some serious leg
fighting and rolling around,hairpulling,sobbing and sighing,the two slowed to a stop. They layed locked together and began the demands to give up. Neither was willing and so the fight continued. They pulled again at hair and squeezed their legs in a painful knot. Rolling very slowly now, the two co-eds cried into each others' shoulders and swore at each other for not giving up. Mandy moved her head slightly and bit into Barbara's upper arm! Barbara screamed a horrid wail
and bit into Mandy's upper arm! Now they layed in the grass,biting into each other like hungry cannabils! The tortured co-eds fought on in this drastic lock,
snarling as they fought. Teeth bit into soft fabric,as hands continued to pull hair and legs stayed wrapped in violent combat! Forty minutes had passed and still they continued to fight! Mandy moved her hands to Barbara's breasts and
began to maul them with a vicious twisting motion that released the teeth that were embedded in her upper arm! Barbara grabbed onto her opponent's breasts and
the two fighting co-eds mauled each other's mammeries with horrid results! Their shirts had become torn and shredded during the struggle,exposing the double layers of bras that each had worn for the fight. With one last burst of energy,
Barbara lurched her head into Mandy's...a full force headbutt!!! Mandy shuddered
for a second and drifted off into semiconscienceness. Barbara achingly untangled herself from the prone opponent of her's and looked over her damaged body. Both
co-eds were a mess! Bloody and bruised,welts and blackeyes on each. Just then, Bob showed up. Barbara looked up at him through her swollen eyes and invited him to the fall dance. Bob looked at the two beaten women on the ground and replied,
"I don't think so,you're a mess!!!" "I wouldn't go with her either!!!",referring to Mandy. He then left the two injured co-eds,who helped each other up and
returned to their dorms where they helped each other with first aid to their wounds. They became good friends after that day.
The end
The moral of this story is simple...no man or woman is worth fighting over.
The only place that this should happen is here...in The Story Corner.
Author's note...This in no way reflects the ideas or beliefs of the guy who
suggested this story...he just had the fantasy...like we all do...that's why we're here.
The job was a dusty one,filled with noise and heat. Ellen and Joanne were
were laborers on the road building project. The guys on the job were crazy about them as each was gorgous. Near the end of the project,the two gals had
become embroiled in a contest for the most attention from the guys. On this one day,Ellen was seen motioning to Joanne in a "We will settle this later" gesture.
A few of us saw this and kept quiet about it.
We ended the day and everybody left the job sight with our little group slipping away to the back area where we parked the heavy equipment. We watched
the two gals start to leave the area and they almost fooled us. We were just about to come out from hiding when we saw them coming back to the remote area
five...we called the area near the Willow Street off ramp that. Since the highway wasn't opened to traffic yet,all ramps and roadways were closed to the public.
They headed to the grassy area between the main part of the highway and the off ramp. It was a hollow that sat down from the highway and ramp...like a pit
about fifty yards square. The air hung heavy with humidity as they approached
from opposite directions and glided down the hill to the flat bottom.
Ellen and Joanne were dressed in similar outfits...cutoffs,sleevless tee
shirts,brown work boots,and thick white socks that were pushed down in piles just above their boots. Ellen and Joanne walked to each other and began a finger pointing ballet that heated up in no time. We croutched behind the
road scrapers and watched them start to jab those fingers into each others'
breasts. Still wearing their hard hats, they raised their voices in angry rage
and as if on cue, took one step backwards,peeled off their hats and threw them aside. Ellen and Joanne showed their teeth at each other and squared off, fists
up in front of them,slowly moving in a wavering motion.
The two women circled each other and the fading light of day glanced off their brown, pulled up hair. Joanne swung out with a hard right,glancing off Ellen's face. She took the blow and returned fire with a hard uppercut that slammed into Joanne's stomach. They stepped into each other and began to exchange harsh punches to their bodies and faces. The two women battled in a slow moving circle around the grassy area,slugging away with close blows and
hard continous attacks. The sounds of faces being struck and bodies being pummeled echoed across the empty interchange. After a harsh exchange, the women
seperated and took a breather, leaning against one of the barriers.
Ellen motioned for them to resume the fight and Joanne oblidged her. They
met in a furious collision of fists and bodies. Joanne grabbed Ellen around the head and launched numoruos attacks to her midsection. Ellen followed suit and they locked together in a standing headlocked punchout that saw both take stinging assaults to their bodies and faces. The curses flew from both as they fought in this tight embrace. Joanne got the upper hand and knocked Ellen to the ground. A hard smash to her nose leveled her. Joanne stood by and counted softly...1...2...3... Ellen got to her booted feet in eight. The hurt woman
swayed as she tried to keep her guard up against the approaching Joanne. Ellen
saw what was coming but too late as Joanne stormed into her and tackeled the
fading woman. They tumbled to the grass in a knot of fighting fury. Ellen tried
bravely to fend off the attacking Joanne but the enraged woman got Ellen tied up in a painful body lock that saw every part of their bodies in combat. Joanne
tied her legs up with Ellen's in a grapevined lockup,full frontal bearhugs squeezed them into one mass of warring females,chins dug into shoulders as the two layed in a grueling embrace on the ground.
They stayed motionless after awhile,squeezing and grinding against each other
but Ellen was definitly loosing this battle. Their legs were locked together at the ankles,their thick socks acting as cushions against the rough boots. Arms
crushed each others' upper bodies in a tormented vise. Joanne rolled Ellen over
and they rolled back and forth for awhile,Joanne having her choice of top position or bottom. Ellen was just holding on and riding out the end of the fight. Joanne realizied this and decided to end it with a bang. She grabbed Ellen's hair and pulled her up to her knees,kneeling in front of her. A right arm came back and then lurched forward to Ellen's head,crashiing into her left cheek. Ellen cried out and fell to her side,weeping loudly. Joanne repeated the move...three more times before mounting her beaten opponent in a full body press. Ellen sobbed her surrender and Joanne released her. We stayed silent and hidden until both had left the scene. Word is that Ellen decided to retire from
the constructon business. We never saw her again.
The End
Page eight
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