Transatlantic Turbulence in the Friendly Skies
The jet took off from JFK right on time. Dawn and Denise settled in for the long transatlantic flight to London,still fuming at each other over the taxi ride to the airport. Dawn suggested to the driver to take the expressway. Denise suggested the parkway. Dawn handed the driver a five and so the expressway was taken. Traffic was horrendous on their ride there,an accident had everything bumper to bumper. The women barely made their flight. They were sisters who were
two years apart in age and hadn't gotten along to well with each other for their entire lives. In their thirties now,their countless battles had been fought out with words,hands and feet. Now trapped together in this close situation for the eight hour flight,it would be a miricale if they didn't get into another fight.
It started with an "I told you so". The bickering about the taxi trip escolated
as they sat glaring at each other. As the plane soared out across the Atlantic,
the passengers began to ease back and sleep for the journey. The attendants gave out soft blankets and soon all were fast asleep...except for the bickering sisters. Dawn commented that if they were not in the company of fellow passengers, she would beat her sister up. Denise grinned at her and quipped that
that shouldn't stop them from fighting as she was more than willing to fight!
With that, Denise reached under her sister's blanket and clamped down hard with her thin fingers,digging them into her sister's thigh! The only protection for Dawn's legs were the thin materialed stirrup pants she wore. Dawn shuddered at the glancing pain and reached for her tormentor's thigh. An equally thin set of fingers latched onto the delicate thigh and the sisters began a thigh squeezing
fight amongst the unknowing sleeping passengers. Now they launched both hands into battle,leaning on each other and twisting the soft thigh areas with harsh
results! Each woman squeeked out silent cries as they fought. Dawn's stretch pants offered the same protection as her sister's...none. They brought their heads together and rested them on each others' shoulders while digging into each other with violent passion. Soon they were almost wrestling in their seats,struggling against each other and inflicting pain as best they could in this odd position. Denise fired a hard right into her sister's gut,breaking off the fight as Dawn fell back against the window of the plane and whispered a painful cry. Denise stood up,looked around, and ordered Dawn to follow her. Since the planeload was asleep,they passed unoticed to the lavatory,brushing away their tears and rolling up their sleeves,Dawn wore a green pullover polo
shirt, Denise opted for a light pullover sweater. Each woman wore flat slip on
casual shoes as well. They entered the cramped airborn bathroom and laughed
briefly, remenicing that this was like the old days in high school...fighting in the girls' room. The two took a second to lock the door,move the hair from their
eyes,and stood ready to resume the fight,breast to breast. Denise nodded for her sister to start fighting,just like they had done so many times before,and the two women became locked in a twisted,tangled,writhing mass of violence! They held each other around their upper bodies and clamped onto each others' hair while wrestling on their feet. The women fought in an almost motionless fashion,
bumping against the walls as they swayed in the tight space. Attempts to kick at each other while the wrestled brought short stabbing toes to their shins. They
managed to get themselves squeezed into a corner and leaned outwards from it,enabling them to begin a body punching battle while the kicking and hair pulling went on. At one point,they interlocked their legs and attempted to slam their opponents' head into the walls. Both succeeded in this effort causing both
to become light headed as well as exhausted. They paused for a while but still held onto each other in an embrace that was nowhere near friendly. With deep
sighs, they returned to the fight once more,pounding away at close range and
slamming each other against the walls! Hair pulling resumed and they fought in
a tight knot as they cried and moaned into each others' arms. Denise managed to get her sister in a side headlock,and began pummeling her face with short fists
in a terrible flow of anger and desperation to win. Dawn was helpless now,her arms had no room to counter the attack as Denise held her against the corner and continued to pummel her! Dawn could only assault her sister's breasts with her free hand but it had little effect on the battle numb woman. As the plane entered British airspace,Dawn slowly slumped to the floor,folded into a kneeling position and filling the area where they had stood and fought across the Atlantic. Denise unlocked the door and slipped back to her seat as waking passengers gawked at her battered appearance. Her sister soon followed,head down,and the two women resumed the trip and never fought again.
The end
The following story is for MAC...a good idea and all his!
The Battle of Wickersham
Twas a frosty night at the Wickersham Inn. The patrons all were awashed in grog
and all was well with mighty old England. King Arthur was on the throne and the subjects were happy and content. Well...all but two. On this cozy night by the
large fireplace, Sir Henry of Kent was eased back in his chair,a noble knight was he. The brave member of the round table was joined by a few other members
and they enjoyed the attentions of the two barmaids,Marion and Elieza. Marion
was a tall,well built lass,hair of red that she had she braded up around the top of her head this night. She was adorned in a frilly top of peasant style that laced up the front and donned a tight fitting vest of reddish brown leather that also laced up the front. A flowing skirt of plain brown she wore that fluttered when she walked through the inn and she choose her simple shoes of brown leather
that tied with tasseled laces. Hose consisted of a tan pair of stockings suitable for the harsh weather of the season. Elieza was of medium build,brown hair that she wore in a tight bun at the base of her neck,and wrapped her frame
in similar attire as the other barmaid with the exception of her vest,which was of swede material. Sir Henry had been kind to both that night as they swooned over his attentions. The other knights chuckled at the sight of both barmaids constantly refilling his rather large stein. By mid-evening the noble knight was
feeling no pain and still pondering which luck lass would be his on the frosty night in Wickersham. As Alieza was bringing him yet another refill, the buxoum
Marion slid her foot out into the path of the oncoming shoes and the surprised Alieza went careening into Sir Henry's lap! Luckily the pitcher of grog released it cargo into thin air,splashing onto the already dirty floor. Sir Henry grasped the whench and laughed loudly. "Well that settles it! You'll be mine for the night!", he bellowed. Marion boiled over at the backfired underhanded act. "Not if I have anything to do with it!!!",she hissed,and grabbed Alieza by her shoulders,heaving her to the floor! The knights all roared
with laughter as did Sir Henry. Alieza scrambled to her feet and assumed an attack position aimed at Marion,who responded in kind. The two pretty barmaids
stood poised for combat as the knights moved out of the way,instructing the other patrons to get their own drinks for now and to stay out of the oncoming fray! With that, Marion and Alieza moved to each other,spitting out insults like
school girls. They met next to the knights' table and began. A futile attempt at hair pulling soon changed to a kicking,cloths clawing melee as the two women
fought to destroy each other! They battled around the center of the room,knocking over chairs and an occasional patron as they fought in close embraces. Their kicks thudded against their hosed covered legs and they cried out with each blow. Marion reached for Alieza's face and clawed at it with both
hands. Alieza returned the attack in kind and they struggled about,locked onto each others' faces! Now since both had very short fingernails, no blood was drawn. Firery red streaks did begin to show as they fought with hands locked on cheeks,eye to eye! Tears stung the welts as the rolled from their eyes but they
continued without pause. Alieza brought a firm knee up into Marion's groin and slammed the lass with vicious intent! As Marion went down, she grabbed onto Alieza's vest,pulling it apart at the laces and taking it with her! Alieza reached down for her foe and grabbed Marion's head. She pulled her half up before a hard punch was sent to her breasts. The stricken lass wailed as the blow struck. Enraged now,Marion lunged at Alieza and tackeled her to the floor.
They became engulfed in a tangle of fury! All parts were fair game. All limbs were attacking whatever they could. Every method of assault was used by both lasses as they wrestled on the floor,rolling over and over each other. Their hose hissed as their legs became locked in a desperate struggle of vise like grips! The knights stumbled about them,gazing at their exposed thighs as they
rolled around the floor. The two battling women began to run out of steam and slowed to a crawl. They layed entangled in violent embrace,sobbing and demanding
surrender from their opponents. Time passed as they layed together and held on to this deadlocked position. Each labored to breath and both showed signs of great pain. In the tenth minute of the floor deadlock, Marion sobbed her surrender and the two dislodged themselves from this grueling entangelment. The
patrons returned to their reveling,and the barmaids were taken away by the knights for an evening at the castle. Now what happened there is privileged
The end
Up idea from WTINSLEY!
A Night In The Dark
They sat bewildered and annoyed. The two women who had been Mrs. Dilworths at
seperate times of the multimillionare's life stared across the long table at each other. If looks could kill. Both were attractive and in their early forties. Each had grown accustomed to a rich lifestyle and neither was about to give that up. Both had become divorced from the eccentric man but each had received a hefty allowance to live on. The grand prize was who would get the inheritence from his estate. He had passed away at the hands of a beautiful
damsel,who after a night of erotic wrestling,succumed to a fatal heart attack.
He died smiling. The terms of the will were simple...both women were to spend one night in the old house that they once shared with the man...together and alone. Whoever lasted the night,got the fortune. Boxes were handed to each woman
by the lawyer,letters were attached to both. Instructions comprised the short notes which read...enclosed you will find an outfit that you will be required to wear for your night in the old house. Any diviation from this enclosed attire
will result in your immediate disqualifaction from any claim to the will of the
late Mr. Dilworth. The well dressed women left and prepared for the night of hell that lay ahead. The following night was set as the night for the stay over.
Armed guards were posted around the estate to prevent any tampering or planting of weapons. At midnight the following night,two shiny black limos arrived and
deposited the women who had a hatred for each other the likes of cats and dogs.
They were escorted into the house's courtyard and inspected by the guards. Both
had complied with the rules and after a close search were instructed to remove
the shoes each had worn to the house. They pulled off the shoes and were led to seperate entrances of the huge house. They were attired in black halter top style leotards,tights,and heavy black socks. Their dark brown hair was pulled
back into short pony tails,their makeup perfect. The doors were opened,the women
entered,and each shuddered as the heavy wooden doors were closed and locked from the outside. Each scanned the familiar surroundings looking for places to ambush
and hide. They quietly ventured the rooms from opposite ends of the estate,seeking something to grasp and bash their enemy with. To their surprise,
everything small enough to be brandished as weapons was removed from the house.
Diane,the first wife,listened intently for her rival's footsteps. The heavy socks made for silent travel through the rooms and halls. She heard nothing.
Liz,the second wife,made her way to the kitchen,looking for the knife drawer.
She silently opened it to find an empty space. She cursed under her breath and turned,headed to the general direction of her opponent for this war of ex-wives.
Now it should be noted that the lights had been on while the women were exploring their battle field. Having a huge number of rooms at their service,it
took some time for them to get within hearing range of each other. Diane decided to hide behind the overstuffed sofa in the main living room. She crouched behind it and listened for her approaching foe. Liz,ventured along the carpeted hallways hugging the move...have used that alot in my time. As Liz made her way to the entrance of the room that held certain battle,
the lights went out. Pitch blackness surrounded both women now as Liz slowly entered and Diane struggled to see her approaching female combatant. In front of
the sofa was a large open area that was surrounded by overstuffed chairs and other sofas. Neither woman could see in front of them. Diane heard socked feet
slowly shuffle in front of her. She cautiously stood up and peered into the darkness. Her heart pounded as she took a deep breath and snuck up behind her
unknowing victim. Now,close enough to barely see Liz, Diane sprung on her from behind! She grabbed Liz in a vise like choke hold with both arms wrapped tightly around her neck! Liz screamed from the surprise attack and struggled to throw her attacker off! Diane held tightly as the women staggered about the darkened room. Liz reached back and locked onto Diane's hair with both hands, clawing at it with ruthless anger. This caused Diane to shift to Liz's side,allowing her to
use her legs now and kick out at her foe. Knees worked better in this close embrace so she launched her's in turns...first her left slammed into Diane's thighs and then her right followed. Diane bellowed as the women fought with vicious hatred. In the struggling,the two fighters ended up facing each other
which led to both women moving to straight armed chokes and knees. They squeezed
at their throats and slammed their knees into each other with vile feelings.
Diane,weakening from the assault,hauled off with her right into the darkness,
slugging Liz in the mouth. She staggered away from her opponent and held onto the bleeding mouth that once was admired by all. She was known for having kissable lips. For now,they were split. Diane tried to pursue her victim but lost her in the dark. Outraged,Liz pinpointed Diane's position and hurled herself at her. They collided and fell to the floor,beginning a wrestling match
unseen by any federation. Liz pummeled Diane's face with punches while alternating with clawing attacks with her nails on her cheeks! Diane fought back with hairpulling and biting whatever she could latch her pearly whites onto!
The embattled women rolled in slow motion across the pitch black floor,the sounds of thwacks,thuds,screams and the hissing of their entwined tights filled the room. They sobbed as each attempted to destroy the other. Liz was bleeding from her mouth and nose,Diane from her nose and cheeks,claw marks on both sides of her pretty face. Now Liz felt the warm drops rolling down her cheeks as Diane's nails dug into her cheeks. Both women shreiked as the battle stayed in
close entanglement. Diane raised Liz's head up and slammed it to the hard wood
floor! Liz,now stunned,released her grasp on Diane,who scrambled away into the darkness. She could hear her heavy socks thumping along the darkened hallways
as she ran for her life. Behind her, the war crazed Liz thumped after her,raging
for the kill! She screamed at her to come back and fight! Diane kept going,running blindly through the darkness. At the entrance to the sewing room,
Liz caught her fleeing opponent,triggering a vicious exchange of punches in a violent flurry between the two. It lasted a minute with both fighters standing toe to toe and desperately pummeling each other with lefts and rights. They fought in the hallway,moving slightly back and forth between the walls. A lucky right felled Diane, who now heard Liz thumping away from her. Diane took a second to regroup and struggled to her feet. Slowly,she moved out in the direction of the fleeing woman. She called out to her in sobbing fashion,promising to finish her before the fight was through. On and on she ventured through the darkend estate. As she neared the back staircase,a wide,
curved pathway to the second floor, a sigh was heard! Diane lurched herself up the staircase and into Liz,who was still trying to climb the long path up. They
tumbled to the handrail,fighting with hairpulling and punches. The warring women leaned against it and fought midway up. As the fight continued,they staggered upwards towards the top,still locked in heavy combat. On reaching the top step,
they fell to the floor of the upstairs hallway. Both women resumed their wrestling battle again,with Diane gaining a leg scissors from behind Liz. She
leaned back and squeezed as Liz gasped for breath. Diane felt her thick socks locked together around her foe as her legs strained to squeeze the life out of her opponent. Liz reached for Diane's feet and desperately clawed at them in an attempt to break the hold. Diane grabbed Liz be the hair and pulled her backwards on top of her and away from any chance to maul her. Both arms wrapped tightly around Liz's neck in a grasp that resembled a sleeper hold. The women
layed there in the hallway at the top of the stairs and listened to their bodies
as they mauled and hurt each other. At this point,Liz had managed to get her hands embedded into Diane's thighs and clawed at them through her tights. There they layed,gasping and groaning, too exhausted to cry out or scream any more.
Five more minutes passed as Liz began to ease her thigh mauling hold,drifting off to dream land. Diane felt this and tightened her sleeper hold as best she
could. In moments, Liz slumped and passed out. Diane was about to push her hapless victim down the stairs with her feet when the lights came on and guards
rushed to stop her. They were escorted out and returned to their homes. The following day each received letters via messengers that said...
In keeping with Mr. Dilworth's wishes, it is my duty to inform you that neither
you or your opponent of last night is to receive any amount whatsoever. It was
Mr. Dilworth's last wish that you both be told what you were and pitted against each other for the amusement of the servents whom you both treated very badly.
They watched the entire fight via the video tape cameras that were hidden throughout the estate. A special lense was used to view the contest in the darkened home. A new invention of Mr. Dilworth's just before he passed away.
The staff saw a crystal clear show of the entire fight. Said staff is now sole owner to the entire estate and serves notice to you both...never set foot on this property again under penalty of law.
The End
Page Nine
Greetings! Okay...relax! Martha Stewart was just an idea I couldn't pass up...operations will be returning to normal shortly. Good reading!
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