What Else?
In This Corner!

A combination of ideas from the readers.
The Duel
Ellie and Amanda glared at each other across the dusty street. They loaded their packages into their buggies and picked their way through the morning traffic of cowboys and farmers. It was 1875 and the morning sun shone brightly on the women's brown hair which flowed out from the tan bonnets that each wore.
Ellie and Amanda drove out through town and headed off into the countryside,
where they lived. One buggy behind the other, they bumped along the road and
Amanda pulled her's to the side when she had reached the fork. Ellie pulled in behind Amanda and the two women climbed down to the roadside and sashayed towards each other.
Their long pioneer styled dresses shuffeled as their black buttoned shoes
kicked up dust. Amanda wore brown tights and Ellie's were black. The women stopped,nose to nose, and calmly challenged each other to a fight. Turn's out that each had been spoiling for a fight with each other for some time but never got the chance to meet alone and have at it. They agreed that the roadside was
not a suitable place for such a task and decided to deliver their goods home first,change into something more comfortable for combat, and then meet for what they settled on calling...a duel. Each headed off in different directions at the fork and took care of their tasks on the homefront. Once completed, Ellie and Amanda prepared for battle.
Ellie disrobed and decided on leaving on her tights,adding a pair of white
socks that peeked slightly over her buttoned hightopped shoes. She pulled on an old dress that she wore while doing chores around the homestead. The tan dress
hung low on her shapely legs but was quite comfortable to her. She donned her older brown bonnet and strolled out to begin her walk to the arranged sight of the duel.
Amanda had chosen to don an older pair of white tights along with a short pair of brown socks that rose slightly above her brown buttoned down shoes. She
pulled on her house dress of light blue and headed for the door. An older white
bonnet adorned her head as she shuffeled along in the long dress towards the
battle field.
The thirty five year old women had chosen a sight that layed far from view
and was graced with soft meadow grass and treeless. It was high atop the
surrounding area and seldom visted by anyone. A plateau with a scenic view and
lot's of room. Amanda arrived first and Ellie soon after.
Each woman eyed the other up and down and both knew that this was to be a
long event. Both had pondered if they could best the other and each was committed to do just that. Amanda and Ellie untied their bonnets and placed them to the side,checked the buttons on their shoes and tied their hair into buns.
Amanda and Ellie nodded their readiness and squared off in the meadow. The breeze gently blew their dresses as they shuffeled into each others' path.
They met and stood firm, fists up and ready. Ellie punched out first, landing on Amanda's cheek. It smacked hard as Amanda fired off her fist to Ellie's face, striking her mouth. Crack! The women began to fight...exchanging slow
punches to each others' faces. They moved slowly in a circle, striking out with
feminine punches that thwacked against each other. Each woman cried out as bare
knuckles crashed into bare faces. Red marks and a slight trace of blood shown on both beauties as they fought in almost silent combat. Amanda launched a bolo
that landed hard into Ellie's left eye. She fell to the ground and wept as Amanda stood and waited for her to get up. Amanda drew the toe of her shoe across, forming a line in the grass and stood back. Ellie got to her feet and
Amanda informed her that if she wished to continue, she should cross the line.
Ellie peered at the line in the grass and stepped across it. They raised their fists again and squared off once more.
Ellie attacked with a series of lefts and rights that were met by Amanda's.
The women fought a violent exchange that continued uninterupted until Ellie
landed a vicious left to Amanda's right cheek. She wailed as her body careened
to the grass. Ellie toed the line this time and waited. Amanda slowly got up and stepped across it, resuming the fight.
They leaned against each other and fought at close range now. Both women pummeled each others' bodies at this point and fought into an exhausted state.
Amanda got a side headlock on Ellie and pounded her face with her fist. The trapped woman began to sink and Amanda released her to fall. Another line in the grass and another pause. Ellie arose and stumbled across it, beginning a violent
clash that ended with double headlocks and face punching. They battled in heated
exchanges as they leaned into each other and fought this angry encounter. Both
women weeped freely as they held onto each other and inflicted harm on their bodies. Both women drooped to their knees but continued to fight,locked in this
combination of headlocks and punches. They rolled to the ground and fought in the grass as their legs entwined tightly and wrestled against each other.
As the morning sun heated the day,the women had become drenched in sweat. The
warring women wrestled themselves completely out of their dresses and paused to
untangle themselves from each other as well as their dresses,which layed wrapped
around their midsections. They rolled apart and slid the garments off, leaving them in their hose and undergarments. Shoes remained on as well as they stood
and squared off again. Amanda and Ellie circled for a time, too exhausted to fight. Ellie took the offensive and attacked with both fists. She pummeled Amanda into a retreat, following her about the meadow. Amanda was knocked down
and another line toed. This time, she needed help to stand and Ellie reached down to her and assisted her to rise. Amanda lumbered across the new line and the fight resumed. Both women shreiked out as they punished each other into
bloody feminine forms. They clinched tightly and struggled while each punched with one fist into the others' soft body. Their feet and legs rubbed together as they struggled in this tormented struggle. Their hose hissed as their legs
wrapped together and caused them to fall to the ground. Neither would let go
and they fought a furious ground battle now.
They twisted together in torchorous conflict,battering what they could reach,
clawing what they could scratch, biting what they could bite. The women rolled
slowly in this knotted fury and their white undergarments turned green and brown from the meadow's floor,red from their bloodshed. Amanda and Ellie slowed to a snail's pace, locked together as one. Each reached for hair and latched tightly
in a struggle of ripping lockes. They cried as the women layed on their sides and twisted as best they could,their rivals' hair. Ellie drove her right knee
deep into Amanda's groin. Amanda screamed out but rammed her knee back into Ellie's soft region. They took turns and kneed each other into blind pain while still locked in each others' hair. After a grueling battle they seperated and rolled apart. Both women sobbed loudly and layed in fetal positions. Black eyes and bloodied faces showed the brutalness of this duel. They layed in agony as
the sun began to set across the plateau. Amanda strained to her feet,staggering
at first but finally standing still. She toed one more line and asked Ellie if she was willing to cross it. Ellie labored to her feet and stumbled towards it.
As the weeping woman crossed it,she collasped to the ground at Amanda's feet.
Amanda reached down to her and cradled her in her arms. The semi-conscience
Ellie drew back her fist but Amanda's was already on the way. It crashed into Ellie's nose and rendered her unconscience. Amanda collasped on top of Ellie and they layed there for some time before collecting themselves and leaving the battle field.
The End
The following story is dedicated to the sweetheart of the female fighting world...Barbara F...
Flower Power
The year was 1968. Flower power rallies and protests were everywhere. Riots
in the cities during that summer would set records for violence and death. The
country was going through a change that would set the course for history. Ideas
of old and new were colliding head on. This is one of those tales...
I had taken some time off from the daily grind and had parked myself at the local park,sipping my bottle of wine and toking my joints in a remote section of
the lush greenery. Gazing up at the sky, I watched as the clouds drifted by.
All was well with the world in my little oaisis. After some time, two voices
floated to my hearing range, both female and each aggitated in tone. I moved
slightly back into a tree shrouded cover and waited for the oncoming females to arrive.
A tall lanky redhead and an equally tall lanky brown haired lass strolled side by side, agruing about the war and why we were there in the first place.
Each had different ideas on the subject,but both were against it. The redhead
became more aggitated as she and the brownhaired lass stood nose to nose,the
redhead exclaiming that the US was using the war to boost it's own economy as
the brownhaired lass hissed back that the nation was there to crush the Communist tide.
Either way, they seemed deadlocked in their argument and each realizied it.
Each lass was most determined to get her point across as they stood there and
glared into each others' eyes. The redhead shoved her counterpart and growled,
"You are impossible!" The brownhaired lass stumbled a few steps and hissed back,"You wanna fight about it?" The redhead gritted her teeth and answered,
"Okay, I'll fight you fair and square." They paused to remove their hippy beads
and earings, placing them on a tree stump near my location. Each lass wore tank tops, the redhead's light blue, the brownhaired lass' black. Sandels were disgarded as well leaving them barefooted and each wore cutoff shorts. They stood facing each other, looked around for any outside interference, and then
They were both in their twenties and they placed their hair in ponytails for the fight. They circled wearily in the grass covered park, hands out and ready to attack. The redhead slowly reached out for her foe and the brownhaired lass
reached back, bringing them to a shoulder grasp that brought them to a back and forth struggle. They pushed against each other and staggered about in wide turns. Each lass leaned into the other and they pushed in a clumsy ballet of
conflict. The brownhaired lass decided to change tactics and pulled her opponent close. As the redhead's body made contact, the brownhaired lass wrapped her right arm around her neck,and clamped on a side headlock. She held her tightly as the redhead struggled to free herself.
They wrestled about and the redhead got her leg around her opponent's and tripped her to the ground. They both went down and that started a ground fight between them. Each lass wrapped the other in tight embraces and fought in a
tangle of arms and legs. They rolled over and over in a furious struggle that
brought them to a stalemate. Each held firm as they layed motionless in each others' grasps.
They squeezed with all they had and tried to rid the other of precious breath for battle. Their legs entwined and fought a stretching battle that reddened their bare ankles as they rubbed against each other. Sweat poured from each lass
but both were determined to win. They sighed and gasped as the fight took on a
slower pace. The women slowly rolled over once, then rolled back again. Each
lass cursed the other and swore victory. After a deadlocked ten minutes of this ground struggle, they agreed to break and restart. The women rolled apart and got their breath while retieing their ponytails. The brownhead motioned for the redhead to resume the fight and she did just that.
A hard kick came crashing into the brownhaired lass' shin, driving her back.
The redhead continued her attack with a follow-up right cross to her foe's face.
The feminine knuckles thwacked into her soft cheek, sending her to the grass.
The redhead leaped onto her opponent and that began a vicious battle of fists and legs that had them pummeling each other into reddened blotches of skin and
bruised bodies. They layed side by side, punching out at anything in their path.
At one point, the redhead got the brownhaired lass under her and battered away with both fists until a well placed knee slammed into her side. This caused a reverse and now the brownhead returned the favor, pummeling away with hostile fury. Another knee drove it's way into the side of the brownhaired lass and she
lumbered off to her side.
They paused and stood, swaying from the punishment and exhaustion. The women
glided into each other and clinched this time, firing off short,close ranged punches to their bodies that caused them to cry out and sob freely. They pulled hair between punches and stood locked in combat as the sun drenched them with sweat. The women leaned over and half stood in each other's grasps. Hands pulled
tightly and bare feet struggled to stay under them. The fighting women moved into a rather large shrub and continued to fight engulfed in it. A bemused
squirrel...one of my buds...scurried out of their way and watched them from a neighboring tree. They continued fighting in the green embrace of flora,their
bare feet stepping on the rough underbrush of the shrub.
The redhead launched a cruel knee into her opponent's thigh which sank her slowly to the ground. A hard bolo punch slammed into her face on the way down,ending the fight. The brownhaired lass uttered a profanity and drifted into
knockout land as the squirrel sauntered back to the shrub and chirped out his comments.
I, on the other hand, watched the redheaded lass collect her things and
stumble away. The brownhaired lass? I did my civic duty and assisted her to
conscienceness. We became good friends and turns out, she loved to wrestle with me. Now if I could only get her to wear thick,white socks when we do...ahhh...
Pam vs. Peggy...The Next Day.
I pulled my bike into the clearing, behind the railroad station, and hid it from view in the bushes. I had arranged everything between Pam and Peggy and they were hell bent on finishing the fight. Peggy strolled into view and waved as she neared. She came dressed in a pair of jogging shorts...blue...a grey tee
shirt,white low cut sneakers, and her white gym socks...folded in bulky layers around her ankles. She entered the grassy area. Within two minutes, Pam arrived and entered the small area behind the station. She had worn her jogging
shorts as well, black ones, a white tank top, her white sneakers and thick, white socks that she had pushed down to the tops of her sneakers.
I greeted them both and asked them if they were ready. Pam and Peggy nodded
and glared at each other. I stood back and took a seat on the edge of the grass. Each had worn their hair loose this day, it hung neatly about their shoulders. They advanced on each other with arms out and enmeshed into a single
body of struggle. They gripped each other in tight embraces and swayed from side to side, trying to throw each other off balance.
Pam got her leg behind Peggy's and shifted herself to the right. The momentum took them to the ground with a loud thud. They entangled themselves with arms and legs as they began a slow roll. Each grunted from the struggle as
they rolled back and forth in this small area. Pam took top position and held Peggy under her for a few minutes, only to be reversed with Peggy taking top position and egging Pam on to fight.
Pam growled and rolled herself out from under her opponent, sending them on a roll around again. Over and over they rolled as each taunted the other to fight.
Tight double embraces crushed them as they fought to a stalemate on their sides.
Peggy began to use her sneakers to harshly rub along Pam's legs. Red marks were soon to follow. Pam cried out from the stinging torment and unleashed her own sneakers at Peggy's legs. The sounds of canvas sliding against shins and calves
filled the air. Each girl cried out as they cruelly scuffed up each others' legs. Tears began to flow from both and sweat dripped from their brows.
Pam managed to roll Peggy over and kicked her away. They paused to regroup for a minute. Both stood on their aching legs and waited for the other to strike. Peggy kicked out at Pam's shin, connecting hard! Pam shreiked as the toe of Peggy's sneaker slammed into her limb. Pam bellowed and sent her own foot hard into Peggy's shin. It rammed into the exposed skin and thudded with Peggy
crying out on impact. They rushed each other, coming to grips at arms length.
The warring two began to kick each other in furious exchanges. They battled harshly in this toe slamming fight, causing each to take painful bruises. Pam
got in one last kick and sent Peggy reeling back with a hard shove. She thumped to the ground and struggled to get up. Pam stood waiting for her, fists now up and ready.
Peggy saw this and balled her own fists, standing motionless...they faced off
and waited. Like two boxers frozen in time, Pam and Peggy stood in boxers' stances, motionless. Each was breathing heavily and weeping, teeth clenched and
noses flaring. Pam took a step forward...Peggy followed. Peggy took the next step...Pam followed. They stopped again just out of range. I watched as each girl took deep breaths and stormed into each others' attacks. Punches flew in all directions to all parts. Faces took hits this day as they fought with eyes closed and heads down, pummeling at each other with wild fury. A tight clinch
ended the furious exchange. They held onto each other and weeped deeply. Pam
began sending her right fist into Peggy's side as Peggy followed suit. They stood rocking slightly, punching hard at close range into each other's soft bodies.
Peggy leaned forward and got a front headlock on her opponent. Pam gasped as her neck was squeezed, still managing to drill Peggy with punches. Peggy shifted to her side and moved Pam into a side headlock. She choked at the happless girl
and moved them around the area slowly. Pam still punched out at Peggy's thighs
as she struggled to get free. Peggy stumbled over Pam's right foot and they broke apart.
They began boxing again, shooting jabs into each others' faces. Pam's lip began to bleed lightly, Peggy's mouth dripped blood as well. They moved slowly about the grass, jabbing into each other and circled in a violent dance.
Pam launched a roundhouse that connected with Peggy's eye. The striken girl fell to the ground wailing. Pam smiled through her bleeding lips and waited.
Peggy promised revenge and got to her feet. They advanced again and exchanged a series of blows that pummeled them into exhaustion. Peggy got the upper hand and rammed a series of gut punches into Pam's stomach. She bellowed as the knuckles slammed home. Peggy pulled her fist back and threw a hard right. It
slammed into Pam's left eye! She floated backwards to the ground as Peggy watched. Pam shreiked as she absorbed the pain.
Peggy looked surprised when Pam got up and was ready to continue. They crushed together into a standing brawl. Punches and wrestling combined, they
fought almost out to the tracks. I watched in awe as they fought struggling in
this fierce embrace. Pam sent a hard uppercut to Peggy's cheek, breaking them apart. They took notice of their positions and moved back behind the station.
Without pause, the girls attacked, punches at first, but followed by hair pulls. They gripped each other's hair and pulled each other around in horrible anguish. An occasional kick slammed into an unprotected shin as they catfought now. In a violent rage, Pam and Peggy fell in each others' grasps to the ground and erupted into a tight ground struggle. Their fighting began to slow to an almost motionless entwinement. Hair pulls at close range stilled raged as leg entanglements knotted them together.
Their bodies heaved with each labored breath as they fought this ground struggle. It was Peggy that finally rolled on top of Pam and pinned her down.
She sat atop Pam in the classic school girl pin and held the weeping lass until she admitted defeat. Peggy slowly got up and staggered away. Pam waited awhile
before leaving the battlefield. I got my bike and headed off to plan this story.
The End
Page Twenty
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