Lemme Attim!!!

Mixed Stories or...The Battle Of The Sexes.

For you guys who like mixed action...check out Lisa! Gorgous and dresses in wrestling gear that get's my attention! Check out the boots and socks!!!

Willow Springs Plantation

The plantation spread out over countless acres and was tended to by a large number of slaves and a couple of overseers. Most overseers were humane to the slaves but one had a mean streak a mile wide and two miles long. Jeb...they called him. A thin cuss of a man who stood five feet-eight and made life miserable for the slaves. As time went by, a friction began to develope between ole Jeb and a slave name of Mavis. The lady was of proud stock and didn't take kindly to Jeb's tormenting of her or the others. In just so many words one day, Mavis told him that she'd like to get him alone for a time to "discuss" the issue of his torment to the others...one on one. Ole Jeb raised his beady eyes and sneered at her. His reply was in the nature of...anytime you want me I'm game! She smiled coyly at him and suggested that they meet someplace out of sight the next morning,as it was now far too hot for it today. He agreed and suggested the area known as Willow Glen...an area of shade trees...willows... that were in the distance from the main buildings of the Plantation. Mavis eyed him up and down and whispered..."Daybreak".
Now ole Jeb had an erotic...twisted...way about him. As he thought about the next morning's meeting with Mavis, he pictured her in what she'd probably wear. Whoa! He cringed at the thought of her shabby attire and loose fitting field dress. Mavis was a rotound gal of about forty. She stood about five-six and was pretty by all standards. Ole Jeb decided to take matters into his own hands and that night...snuck a pair of knickers and a cotten sleevless undershirt to her cabin. Along with these he packed an old pair of light boots that the Master's wife had disgarded,and a pair of bulky white woolen socks. She looked at the clothing and asked..."We gonna fight in these?" He stared at her and answered,"Yup! We gonna look like real bare knuckle fighters!" She just stared at him and back at the clothing. Shaking her head, she closed the door.
Daybreak found ole Jeb at the willows,ready and eager to teach this woman a lesson. He had pulled off his bluejeans and work shirt and was pulling his boots back on over his thick, white socks when Mavis arrived. She looked at him in this battle gear of tight knickers that came to just below his knees,a sleevless white cotton undershirt,and the footwear...his socks were in a bunch just above the boot lines.
She had worn her field dress to the place and slowly began to slide it off. Under it,she wore the outfit he had delivered the night before. The two were dressed alike...as if going to a costume party dressed as bare knuckle boxers of the era. Mavis layed her dress down across a branch and adjusted her deep moca hair into a bun. Ole Jeb watched her intently and took notice that she even matched him in the sock placement...bunched just above the boot lines. He took a deep drag on his cigar and waited for her to finish. When she did, Mavis walked into the open field and turned to fight him.
She was quite a contrast of colors in the dawning light. The knickers,shirt, and socks a bright white,the boots and her hair and skin,a deep moca. Ole Jeb stepped into the open area and tossed his cigar to the side. They stood about ten feet apart and raised their fists into fighting position. Both nodded and they moved forward to meet.
Mavis moved right into battle and attacked Jeb straight on! She literally walked right into him and began punching with all her might at his body and face without stopping,still moving forward! Jeb returned fire with both fists but was driven backwards as they slugged away at each other. Mavis strode ahead into Jeb's punches, taking blows to her head and face as she battered away at his upper body and face areas. They grunted and gasped as fists careened into them but neither moved to break off contact. At some point, Jeb was able to stop Mavis' forward motion and actually back her up. Now it was his turn to move her back.
He stepped one hard step at a time as they exchanged blows with feverous momentum. Mavis bravely launched rights and lefts in a continuous flurry at him as he battled her back with hard punches in crushing torment. At this point they stopped moving and stood firm,legs locked in place,and battled on in the morning sun. The two fighters leaned against each other and Jeb felt his punches colliding with Mavis' large breasts. He pummeled her with uppercuts and hooks as she battered him with similar punches to his body. Sweat covered them and Mavis began sobbing but fought on as Jeb drew on larored breath and fought her back.
They slowed to a snail's pace now. Both fighters layed their heads on their opponent's shoulders and clinched for the first time in the fight. Mavis sobbed through puffy lips and eyes, Jeb swallowed the blood trickeling from his teeth. His right eye swollen shut, Mavis' left eye in the same condition. Her hair bun had held up well, still tightly wrapped at the back of her head. The battered Jeb felt Mavis wrap her right leg around his left and squeeze to aid her from collapsing to the ground. He stood there and didn't try to dislodge her hold. Their chests rose and fell against each others' through the sweat soaked undershirts as they continued to clinch tightly together. A honey bee brought the two fighters to a break...as they broke apart and swatted the varmint away.
The harried duo sank to their knees and then to a sitting position,legs outstretched in front of them...booted feet touching at the toes. Mavis asked Jeb if he was ready to give up and Jeb snorted a nasty remark in her direction. Mavis struggled to her feet and Jeb followed suit. They didn't stand up for long. On contact, they clutched each other in tight bearhugs and fell to the grass, locked in this crushing hold. The two warring foes rolled slowly about the field,locked at legs and arms. Mavis punched him when she could and he did the same. The end came after some ten minutes of this ground combat with each fighter collapsing from exhaustion. After resting for a time, ole Jeb and Mavis got dressed back to their regular clothes and went about their business of the day. Ole Jeb treated the slaves alot better after that day.
The End

Backyard Boyhood Bust

I was fifteen at the time. The Summer had begun and school was over for another year. I was on my way to meet the guys at the creek one morning,and as usasual,was cutting through the large open spaces behind the homes in the development. On this particular morning a lady stood wait in the grass ahead of me. She was about thirty-five,had wavey blonde hair that came to just above her shoulders,was thin and tall...about five-eight,and wore eyeglasses. She was wearing a white pullover shirt with real short sleeves,blue jogger shorts,white bobby socks,and white Reeboks. I was wearing a green teeshirt,cutoffs,white sweat socks and Converse low cuts...white.
As I came close to passing her she stepped into my path,arms folded in front of her and stood in front of me, blocking my way. I said hello and she demanded to know why I was cutting through her property. I was alittle surprised because the area behind the homes was huge with no fences and wide open spaces. I stuttered back a "just passing through lady" to her and she leaned on one foot and told me I'd have to get passed her if I was gonna go any further. I looked at her like she was nuts and tried to walk around her. She moved to block me and we stood there toe to toe, our sneakers were actually touching, glaring at each other. I wasn't looking for trouble but this lady was asking for it. I had to look up at her as I was all of five-six at the time. She hissed a few nasty remarks at me and I countered with a few of my own, causing her to go red in her pale face. The lady peeled off her glasses and placed them on a tree stump next to us, assuring me that she would teach me a lesson. I tried to talk my way out of fighting her but she wouldn't have it any other way. I reluctantly took off my watch and placed it on the same stump,pulled up my socks and waited for her to start it.
She stood there,hands on her hips,and told me to "put up my dukes"! I was surprised at her since she looked like a quiet, peaceful person. I paused for a moment, and she balled up her hands into fists and moved towards me. I made my hands into fists as well and we began.
I stayed away from her in the beginning, she seemed to stay out of reach as well. We just circled each other like boxers, our sneakers shuffeling in the grass. I watched her chest as she seemed to be breathing heavily already. I later figured out that she was excited at the fact that we were about to fight. As for me, I was excited at the fact that I was in a fight with a grown woman, something I had never dreamed of before. As we circled in a close position, I zeroed in on her breasts that rose and fell with each deep breath. I could smell her perfume and makeup as we moved slowly around,staring at each other. I had never fought a female before,I didn't know where to hit her. Thoughts flashed through my mind as we circled in an endless square off. I watched her feet as she slid her sneakers around the grass. Her socks were folded in thick wads of white, accenting her thin, long, legs. Her laces danced in the breeze of this Summer morning ballet of circling.
I recalled not bothering to see if anyone was around as she didn't bother to check either. Too late, I thought, as anyone who did see us wouldn't have any doubt about what we were doing. As it turned out, nobody was around. We had the whole field to ourselves that morning.
She asked me if we were gonna fight or do "this" all day? I answered with a that's up to you,lady. With that she cooed, alright, we've played enough, let's get down to it!
My heart skipped a beat as I heard her say that. Her voice was so soft and sweet! It didn't seem to match the statement. We were standing still, fists still up,during this encounter. She waited,as if for me to nodd agreement to the fighting,so I did and she moved in.
I backed away at first and then moved to my right with her in slow pursuit. She kept coming but didn't throw anything yet. I decided to stop and let her mix it up with me. She came in close and we began to jab at each other,striking each other's bodies,lightly. We stood firm,toe to toe,and jabbed with our lefts while holding our rights up for face protection. I hit her upper body with my fist on each jab and she hit me in the same area. A few times I landed jabbs on her breasts but she didn't seem to mind. I could feel her bra under her shirt as my jabb would land. I could also feel something growing below my belt. I hoped she didn't notice...she did.
A sly grin eased across her face for a moment as she glanced down at my new arrival. I jabbed her shoulder and she went back to the fight. We closed and embraced in a body punch combination now. I hit her lightly still and her punches were getting harder by the minute. When they began to actually hurt, I upped the power of mine and fought her harder. We gasped with the new force of our punches now but stayed locked together in this close punching embrace. I felt her soft hair against my cheek as she sighed into my ear. Our faces were pressed together, sweating on each other and slugging slowly but firmly. She wrapped my arms up in a clinch and we struggled for a time with me trying to get loose and her keeping my tied up so I couldn't punch her. I felt our socks rub together as we struggled around the field in this tight lock up.
I finally got my arms loose of her grasp and that semed to trigger a spark in her. The lady began to pummel me with hard punches that almost knocked me down. I countered with a barrage of my own and we fought a two fisted bare knuckled battle across the field that landed us at her back door! Drenched with sweat and red marks all over, we were a sight. I got her up against the wall of her home...like on the ropes...and walloped her with hard uppercuts to her body. She held on and fought me back with hooks to my sides. The lady spun me around and now I was..."on the ropes"! We fought again to a painful exchange of blows. The fight began to slow rapidly now as we were getting tired. I'd guess that we had fought for thirty minutes by now,and we were exhausted. She sighed and I gasped as we embraced against the wall,with me up against it. I felt her shudder and grasp me in a tight vise like grasp. Our fronts were pressed together and she locked one of her legs around mine,squeezing it against me. I felt something racing through my insides and we squeezed each other like enraged wrestlers! At the same instant we erupted into a shaking,shuddering, explosion of fighting opponents. After holding each other for a few minutes, she gently pushed me back a step, and slid into her house. I followed her on her request. The rest is left to your imagination and geocities' censors.

After School

He was a small kid. Well liked by all...or almost. This one senior seemed to have it in for him. He did everything he could do to avoid the senior's bullying, but this particular person was able to find him at will. After one annoying encounter after another, the kid decided that enough was enough. He resigned himself to take no more of this bullying and promised himself vengence if it happened again.
He was a bright tenth grader and athletic as well. He stood five-four and was built average for his size. Short brown hair and green eyes, a good looking kid, he was. His antagonist was also bright and athletic,tall and stocky,had light brown hair that hung mid way down the back,had baby blue eyes and was also a good looking kid. The senior out weighed the tenth grader by about ten pounds.
The cafeteria was crowded that day,when the empty milk carton came flying over to our table and bonked the kid right on his head. He growled and guessed where it had come from,the senior table. We told him who and he assured us,he already knew. We watched in surprise as he got up and marched right over to the carton thrower,the senior. We strained to hear what was going on but the exchange of words between the two was brief. He returned with a sly grin on his face and we waited for the news. His only response was, "Now we'll see who get's the last laugh!" We looked across to the senior's table and saw a look of puzzelment mixed with evil. We knew he had challenged the senior to a fight,even though he wouldn't tell us! Lunch ended and we left to go back to class.
By some twist of fate, I was chosen to help Mrs. Bookworth after class that day. After moving some heavy boxes of books for her, she gave me some confiscated stuff that she had collected from her students during the term,stuff a tenth grader would treasure in the early sixties, time frame of this story. I had no books to take home on this Thursday,so I rushed to the hallway window to scan the athletic field for any after school activity...that was the place where most after school fights took place. Nothing! One more idea flashed through my mind as I hurried to the exit...the tennis courts! Now if the athletic field wasn't picked for a particular reason by the two who had agreed to meet and have it out,the tennis courts...or area around the courts was a second choice. This place was more concealed from the teachers and staff of the school. Since the courts were empty most of the time around this time of year, it was a suitable place to battle without interuption.
I eased closer to the grassy glen that layed ahead of me, and it was on my way home to make it even better. Small bleachers sat along the fence of the courts,and I veered around to the side,beind some tall shrubs to check out the seated figure there. The tenth grader! Well...there's one half of this bout. I waited with bated breath and noticed a figure gliding across the field in the distance. It was the senior! The tenth grader having seen this as well, got up and started limbering up. He was still in his school clothes of kakhy tan pants,a dark blue sweater,dessert boots, and white socks. The senior arrived in school clothes as well...a dark green sweater,penny loafers,dark green cable knit kneesocks,and a green,plaid skirt??? Yup...the senior was named Jennifer! She stood some distance away from the boy and removed her earings,watch,and glasses. Jennifer layed them next to her purse and books on the bleachers. Skip had already removed his watch and pens and watched her. She took off her necklace and rings next and turned to face him. "We can fight over there", she said. Skip nodded agreement and they walked the twenty yards or so to the hidden area that layed behind the tall shurbs that lined the fences of the courts. I was in a perfect position to view the encounter!
Skip picked his spot and waited for Jennifer to signal the start of the fight. She just stood there smiling at him and motioned for him to come and get it! Skip waited for a bit and slowly moved towards her,hands down by his sides. She stayed motionless,hands on her hips,in a dainty stance that almost beckoned him to believe that she was flirting...not fighting. Skip pressed on slowly and when he was about to reach striking distance, raised his arms in a defensive boxers' position,fists at the ready. Jennifer began to step away from him in a beckoning posture that confused the lad. He kept his advance on her as she backed away in a circular motion, to keep them in the hidden area. At this point, Skip stopped and waited to see what she would do. Jennifer,her fists up this whole time, stopped and questioned his pause. She insinuated that he was afraid to fight her and was going to chicken out! He stayed firm in his pause and this seemed to annoy the girl. I watched as they stood locked in each others' eyes, each waiting for the other to move. Jennifer shifted her feet as Skip faked a yawn and dropped his guard. This irratated the lass who frowned at him and moved forward. With her first step, Skip raised his fists again and the girl stopped in her tracks!
He peered at her through his fists and she beckoned him once more to come and fight. His answer was..."I'm trying!" She giggled at him and began to move to his left. He followed her and they circled like boxers, still too far away to strike. Skip moved to close the circle but Jennifer backed away to keep her distance. The frustrated lad let out a sigh and demanded the girl stand and fight! She retorted with," I am! You're just too slow and weak to catch me!" That did it! He growled deeply and advanced on the startled girl.
She tried to backpedal away from his advance but he marched right at her. Jennifer tried to move to his right, but he cut her off and now she was trapped in the corner of the shrub row. With nowhere to go, Jennifer pleaded for no punches to the face! Skip accepted this requested and after pausing for an instant, lurched into her waiting fists. He began to punch her with lefts and rights to her body as she attacked his body with punches of her own. They stood closely together and pummeled each other with lefts and rights. Jennifer squeeled as she was struck, Skip grunted as he was. They leaned against each other and continued to fight in close quarters. Jennifer grabbed Skip around his upper body and clinched him tightly, trapping his attacking arms and rendering them still. He struggled to free himself but to no avail. Jennifer was taller and had longer arms. He managed to get his arms around her and bearhugged her. She countered with the same hold and they fought a bearhug battle now. They sighed and grunted loudly as each squeezed the other in a tight embrace. Jennifer rested her head on his shoulder,leaning down to him, and resigned herself to a bearhug battle for the time being. Skip held on and they began to move away from the shrubs into open space, still hidden from view of the world.
The two were breathing heavily now, their breath being squeezed from them. Skip followed Jennifer as she seemed to be walking him around, locked tightly in their violent embrace. Jennifer inched her arms upward, and went for a front headlock. Skip struggled with this and reached for her thighs,clamping his arms around them. They fought in a circle locked like this until Skip lurched himself forward and tackeled the girl to the ground.
They landed with a thud and immediately became wrapped together in a tight tangle of arms and legs. The two fighters rolled slowly in a path that carried them back to the shrubs, stopping their motion and freezing them in this tight entanglement! Skip looked around for any way out and saw none. Jennifer felt her cableknits squeezing against Skip's white socks...his pants having risen in the ground struggle. Her perfume filled his nose as he fought her in this crushing embrace. Jennifer squeeled out..."Wait a minute!!!...Time out!!!" Skip froze and waited to hear her reasoning for this.
"My shoes came off! Either take your's off or let me put mine back on!",she said. During the ground fighting, Jennifer's loafers had come off and she thought it unfair if he still had shoes on and she didn't. Skip paused and eased his grasp on her,as she released her's on him. They seperated and rolled apart with Jennifer adjusting her skirt to a lower position and grabbed her shoes. She paused for a moment,and then placed them neatly together on the grass,out of the way. Jennifer then said,"Let's finish fighting without our shoes on." Skip studied the request and agreed,placing his shoes with his stuff.
They slowly regained their standing positions and faced off once more. Jennifer pulled up her kneesocks as they prepared to fight again. The two circled slowly in the grass and moved closer together,coming in contact with frontal embraces. Now they wrestled on their feet,struggling to throw each other down. Skip and Jennifer staggered about and applied double side headlocks to each other,causing them to awkwardly grapple in a bent over position. They gasped and grunted as they fought through the grass, tightly bending each other in crushing upper body locks,their arms having shifted to a more comfortable position. Jennifer slid her foot behind Skip's leg and thrust herself forward. This sent the lad careening over her hip and to the ground in a heap! He grumbled as he thudded to the ground. She backed away a few steps and waited for him to rise. Skip brushed himself off and moved at her again. She met him and they grappled again on their feet. Once more Jennifer slid her foot around his leg and repeated the hip toss. Skip thudded heavier to the ground this time. Jennifer giggled as he got up and shook his fist at her.
This time the angered lad charged the girl and tackeled her mid torso. They tumbled to the ground and immediately latched onto each other's bodies like angered magnets! The two rolled in a tight ball,thighs embroiled in tight locks against each other and squeezed as best they could. Arms encircled each other's heads and upper bodies and clamped down in grueling force. Their breathing was heavy and labored now as they struggled for top position. The two fighters ended up on their sides entwined in a desperate struggle for victory. Frozen together in a stalemate,they held on and waited each other out. Who would quit first?
Jennifer's skirt had once again risen to well above her knees but she ignored that and held firm. Skip's pants looked three sizes too small as they had been pushed to just below his knees. Sock grinding against sock,they battled their legs and feet in a knot of cableknit and white ribbed wool. Their arms squeezed and kneaded each other into two heaving masses of conflict. Neither spoke, they were too busy trying to catch their breath.
Jennifer gasped a surrender demand to Skip who refused,demanding the girl surrender instead. She squeezed out a no and continued to fight him. They held onto each other for another ten minutes in this grueling crush. By now, their socks had fallen to their ankles in thick wads of soft material, sweaters were a sweat soaked heap, and the skirt and pants were grass stained all over.
A sudden burst of motion carried the girl onto top position and she quickly pinned the surprised boy under her body. He groaned as the girl's body held him motionless under her. Each still locked together by arms and legs,Jennifer put her lips to Skip's ear and cooded a surrender command. He uttered a no and Jennifer lightly kissed his neck and ear,sending pulses through the lad. He grinned as she continued to attack his neck and ears with forbidden pleasures. The stricken lad went limp under her spell and loosened his hold on her. Jennifer eased up the pressure on him and kept up her attack. The lad retaliated by returning the gestures and the two layed there,locked together in both pleasure and combat.
With a sudden thrust,the lad rolled them over and pushed himself away from the girl. Wiping the sweat from his brow, Skip grinned a sly grin and got to his feet. Jennifer went livid! She sprung to her feet and raised her fists like a boxer...Skip did the same.
Jennifer snarled,"You still want to fight,then we'll fight!" With that, she advanced on the waiting lad, who circled to his right with her following. Just as they were about to clash once more, the exhausted pair heard loud voices in the vicinity heading in their direction. Jennifer and Skip dashed for their things and in a flash, hurried away in opposite directions...with one final verbal exchange. "This isn't over!",hissed Jennifer. "Not by a long shot!",growled Skip.
The End???

Recreation Room Wrestling Federation

The sun bathed the matted floor in a warmth that made it feel like Spring instead of the middle of Winter. Twenty inches of snow covered the ground and another twelve inches was predicted for tonight. The sunshine would only be present for a short period before the storm clouds moved in...again.
She had arrived on foot, braving the drifts and was givin a hot cup of tea. He was already dressed in his gear and sat waiting as she changed into her's in the other room. Once changed, they sat together and sipped their tea, each chatting and expressing their glee at having found willing opponents to take them on. Stella and Edgar complimented each other on their wrestling attire. When tea was finished, they moved to opposite corners of the room and sat on the stools that had been placed there. Edgar and Stella continued chatting, mostly about the impending match,as they also secretly eyed each other's outfits from head to toe.
Edgar was dressed in a black combination of singlet,tights,knee pads and elbow pads,socks and wrestling boots. Stella had donned a pink turtle neck sweater,pink shorts,pink tights and socks,and pink wrestling boots. Her knee pads and elbow pads were black. They finished their chat and agreed that they should begin the match.
To the unknowing observer,this would appear to be just another friendly wrestle, but to the informed...well...keep reading.
Edgar stood and waited in his corner. Stella floated to her feet and in a most sweet sounding voice called out..."Ding!" The two costumed wrestlers moved from their corners to meet and made contact at center room. Edgar and Stella locked up,collar and elbow, pushing against each other in a tight hold. They moved about the room and held firm their grasps on each other. Edgar was first to launch an attack and pulled Stella towards him,grasping her in a side headlock. She grunted as he applied pressure to her neck,and held him around his middle. Edgar twisted his arm in a cranking motion while grasping his hands together in the headlock,like they do in professional matches. Stella sang out her discomfort at this prediciment and countered him by grasping his neck in her own headlock. They struggled in a double side headlock against each other's bodies and around the room. Stella forced them to a corner and got Edgar up against the walls. The two costumed foes bumped against the paneling and groaned as Edgar struggled to reverse their positions and Stella fought to keep them there.
Edgar slid his foot between Stella's legs and wrapped it with her right leg at the ankles. He felt his socks against her's and knew he was positioned just right for his next move. With a burst of energy,he spun himself just a bit and thrust the startled woman over his side. As she passed over him, her grip dislodged and she floated to the floor. Stella landed lightly on the mats and chirped out in her dainty voice. Edgar moved around the mats and waited for her to get up.
Stella gently got to her feet and went after Edgar, sending him back into battle without a breather. They embraced in a tight double body lock of arms encircling each others' upper toros. Stella and Edgar swayed together as they tried to throw each other down. This time,Stella got her foot into the right position and hurled Edgar to the floor. He thudded and groaned on impact with Stella coming down to get him. Before he knew it, Stella had clamped on a step over toe hold, twisting his foot and bending toes back. Edgar struggled to break free. He rolled a bit to one side and kicked Stella with the sole of his boot, breaking the hold. He wasted no time and came at her on the floor. They enmeshed into one and rolled about in a ball of straining opponents.
Edgar locked his legs around Stella's midsection in a leg scissors and layed back, out of her grasp. She groaped at his legs and feet, trying to break his hold. He squeezed her gently at first, but increased his power as time pressed on. Stella groaned and gasped but refused to give up. The tiring woman decided to grasp her fists together and hurled them harshly onto Edgar's thighs. He growled out as they pounded onto his legs. Stella still layed locked in his legs and repeated her attack another six times before the aching limbs released her.
She jumped onto him and began pounding at his sides with her fists. He grasped her with one arm and began pummeling her with the other. They battled in a rolling motion, trading top position in a constant flow of bodies. Edgar got to his knees, pulled Stella up and they got to their feet together, still locked onto each other. Edgar punched Stella in her stomach and grabbed the bent over woman,launching a body slam. Stella careened through the air and pounded hard to the floor. She rolled away from him and got her breath. Edgar watched as the angered woman lurched at him and attacked. With a sudden speed, Stella grabbed Edgar and launched him through the air. Edgar hurled to the floor and took the full brunt of the body slam. He moaned loudly as Stella followed up with a series of foot stomps. Edgar rolled to his side and Stella kept up the assault. Page 12 for the ending-out of room here. Page Twelve

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