Tolland High School Cross Country

About Tolland Girls' Cross Country

Every August, in the heat of the summer, a group of about twenty anxious young women congregate in the confines of Coach Baxer's room. Ranging in age and levels of talent, these energic high school students meet to form Tolland Girls' Cross Country.

Tolland Girls' Cross Country is a team characterized by hard work, spirit, and excellence. Led by Coach Michael Baxer, the team consistently ranks high in the North Central Connecticut Conference (NCCC) and state meets. Although the team always excels in competition, it is best known for its sportsmanship.

Tolland Girls' Cross Country has a tremendous amount of team spirit. During the season, team members host numerous pasta parties to increase team unity. The team also takes part in frequent post-practice frisbee competions. Tolland Girls' Cross Country '97 was incredibly spirited. In addition to the regular pasta parties, the season was enhanced by improved stretching methods, a Greatest Hits Album, and an end-of-the-season adventure run.

1997 Seniors with Coach Baxer

About the 1997 Season

The 1997 season was certainly a success. Led by senior captains Ann Marie Toth and Christine Palmer, the team finished with a record of 18-4, losing only to State Open Champions E.O. Smith and Class S State Champions Stafford. Captain Elise Johnson, Kristen Mullaney, Brigid Mullen, Erin Carlilse, Alison Bohadik, Abbie Cadman, Erika Anderson, and freshman Karina Johnson also competed extremely well. All members contributed to the team's success by demonstrating incredible work ethic and spirit.

Tolland Girls' Cross Country 1997 Results

Date Opponent Place Score
September 10 Ellington E.O. Smith 18-45
September 10 E.O. Smith E.O. Smith 46-15
September 19 Somers Windsor Locks 15-50
September 19 Windsor Locks Windsor Locks 20-41
September 23 Granby Tolland 15-50
September 23 East Granby Tolland 16-47
September 23 East Windsor Tolland 15-48
September 30 Canton Staffford 25-30
September 30 Stafford Stafford 35-43
October 7 Avon Tolland 17-44
October 7 Suffield Tolland 18-41
October 25 NCCC's Windsor Locks 3rd Overall
October 25 State Meet: Class M Wickham Park 9th Overall


Tolland Girls' Cross Country competes in two or three invitationals per season. In mid-September, the team competes in the Windham Invitational at Windham High School. The team also competes in the Wickham Invitational at Wickham Park in East Hartford, and occasionally in the Greater Hartford Invitational.

Tolland Girls' Cross Country competed in the Windham Invitational and Wickham Invitational during the 1997 season. Although the girls did not have much success at Wickham, the Windham Invitational was certainly a highlight of the season.

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