Tolland High School Cross Country
About Coach Peter Leeds
Peter Leeds has coached Tolland Boys' Cross Country for twelve years. He
is also the head coach for Tolland
Indoor Track and Tolland Boys' Track and Field, an English teacher,
a superb writer, a die-hard runner and bicyclist, and a huge baseball fan.
He and his wife Valerie Deter have two kids -- Connor and Casey.
Coach Leeds attended Fermi High School in Enfield, Connecticut, where he played baseball. After attending many colleges and universities, he received his bachelor's degree at Eastern Connecticut State University, where he later went on to receive his masters.
Coach Leeds is an extremely inspirational coach who encourages all his athletes to perform to their potentials. He stresses the importance of moderation in workouts, but always challenges his runners to train at a high level. His efforts and success in coaching cross country and track have earned him many awards including Coach of the Year.
About Coach Michael Baxer
Michael Baxer has coached Tolland Girls' Cross Country for six seasons.
In addition to coaching cross country, he is the head coach for Tolland
Girls' Track and Field, an assistant coach for Tolland Indoor Track, a
history teacher, an excellent runner, a professional frisbee thrower, and
a devoted husband and father.
After graduating from Saint Thomas Aquinas High School (where he excelled in cross country and track), Coach Baxer attended the University of Connecticut at Storrs. In college he ran cross country and track and continued to prove his talent in the sport. He later received his masters degree in education at the University of Connecticut at Storrs.
Coach Baxer inspires all his runners to work hard and compete well. He promotes moderation in his workouts and always gives sound advice to his athletes. In addition, he has a great sense of humor and he encourages all members to have fun and make the best of their running experience at Tolland.
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