League Info
 1997 Season
 Fantasy Info
 Toilet Paper

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 Fantasy Info

Looking for some ways to gather some info or just looking for some cool sites....

Global Fantasy Football Leagues:  We are a proud member of this organization which is sponsoring the World Fantasy Championship.

Fantasy Football Federation:  We are also a proud member of this organization.  They seem to be trekies who have expanded into fantasy football.

Mike Francesa’s World of Sports:  Mike Francesa of Mike and the Maddog radio show has a site which gives great summaries and commentary.

ESPN Stats of the Games:  Go here to track your players as the games are in progress or once the games are finished.

TFL Report:  Bob Harris is a nice guy and he runs this site.  They have good info and were just bought up by another fantasy sports conglomerate.

Football Injuries: Steve Cohen’s site to get you ready for the games.

Fantasy Insights:  Rob Cummings used this site in 1996 to beat everyone before we all got turned on to the value of the Internet.  Never again!

Official Fantasy League Sportswear:  Looking for a logo, team t-shirt or hat.  Send these guys an idea for what you would like and they get back to you with an idea for free.  Not a bad deal.

Fantasy Football Leagues:  This place is where we would go to chat.  The people that chat there are a little arrogant.  I had a bad experience there once and ask Mark about his Giants and Dog story.


[BSFL] [League Info] [1997 Season] [Fantasy Info] [Toilet Paper]