FPS:Football Pro Network: A central network for those interested in the football simulation game, FRONT PAGE SPORTS.
Piptrip's Jumpshot: The best basketball Site on the Net. Also listed in the NBA table of the "Official Sites Depot".
Fantasy Football Federation: A well-arranged site maintained by Don Guthrie.
LA Sports: Get connected to the Dodgers and Lakers. Also listed in the "Media Guide" Section.
Nike Domain: It's the most kept up to date Nike site around, updating usually once a day, and we have images of shoe that aren't even coming out until next year!
The Fans Forum: Your Source - through the words of webmaster Mark Friday - for the (NFL) Jaguars and (NHL) Senators.
Larry Online: Taking strides to be your source for baseball information
The Cat's Meow: Your source for Kentucky Wildcat Hoops
Brian's Mark McGwire Site: Number 25 goes 50 twice....
Brandons Bengals Extreme: Upstart Cincinatti Bengals Fan Page.
Also known as The Penny Dome: He created this button to form a network of Penny sites.
Fade Away: For the "next generation" of b-ball sites.
Infinite Net Search: Let someone else do your search for you.
Past Contributors
The following people made contributions by linking their sites to mine or suggesting sites. I am indebted to them in helping the Big Dawg grow.
Rockford Roadrunners: His Fantasy Football team. Part of the Maxi FFLof which he is also co-commissioner. Regular contibuter.
Seth Goldberg
The Cardinal's Nest: Die-hard Arizona Cardinals Fan Site. Contributed "air time" Added 4/25/97
Greg Martinez
Greg's Home Page: Sharing his Pinoy and San Diego heritage! Contributed "air time" added 4/25/97
Commercial Sites Offering Free Webware
The following sites offer free web utilities that helped me develop and promote this site at no cost. Actually, this section allows me to place the obligatory link to those site without cluttering up the rest of the network pages. Hehehehe
The Guestbook that brought the Smack Board to life!
Helps me keep track the frequency of visitors through monthly, daily, and hourly details.
Helps me keep a track of types of users, browsers, etcetera.
NOTE: This site maintained by Ferdinand Ordona. Big Dawg is not affiliated with nor is endorsing any links in this page for monetary gain. I cannot warrant the accuracy of every link set forth. Links to unofficial sites are sublect to change without notice.