May 2002 marks the 10th anniversary of the first group of elite Russian athletes competing abroad Russia (Westland Marathon, Holland) with assistance of Sergey Krasnoshchekov who, along with his colleagues, later became one of the major founding members of Atlas Athletic Association which was officially registered in 1994. Since that time the staff of Atlas arranged participation of over 100 elite athletes in road races in 40 countries! The most important result of this is that Atlas has become the biggest management agency providing the full spectrum of services for qualified athletes (mostly from Russia) with its headquarters in Russia (Moscow) and representative offices in United Kingdom, Holland, South Africa and USA. In 2002 there will be yet another anniversary (5-year) - the web site of Atlas was officially launched in November 1997.
Atlas works under patronage and in close cooperation with the All-Russia Athletic Federation, the Russian governing body of athletics. Needless to say, Atlas fully complies with IAAF requirements regarding representing athletes worldwide. This is the formal side, informal one is that the network of business relations with the biggest and other most attractive international marathons and road races, national federations, running equipment companies allows us to build a very solid ground for a bright future for elite Russian athletes. We are proud of our excellent working relationships with selected top international management agencies that allows us to offer unbeatable variety of services to the athletes we are working with.
Sports promotion is an important field of activities for Atlas. It provides elite Russian runners with an exclusive choice of invitational road races, marathons and ultras worldwide. The schedule of races helps to achieve the optimum sport performance and uses business opportunities offered by sponsors. Long-term and friendly relations with race organizers and sponsors allow them to offer elite athletes represented by Atlas exclusive terms and conditions.
Atlas is ready to treat its clients with arranging trips to exotic destinations like Bermuda, Jamaica, Fiji, China (including Macau and Hong Kong), United Arab Emirates, Japan, South Africa etc. What about travelling economy class and have rest in business class lounges in intermediate stops? We always do our very best to leave training and running to the athletes and looking after all the rest.
Currently, Russia is internationally recognized as the dominant nation in ultrarunning. During the last five years Russia has produced more successful elite male and female ultrarunners than any other country.
COMRADES..........Just as athletes from Kenya and Ethiopia are acclaimed for their talent in events up to the marathon, athletes from Russia are recognized for their achievements in ultrarunning. Something in the Russian temperament and character seems ideally suited to the challenges of ultra events. Traditionally the strong Russian character also helps to overcome obstacles of ultra running.
A long history of successful cooperation, international recognition and modern skills makes Atlas one of the most reliable business partners in Russia.
Please contact us to discuss the possibility of having Russia's best athletes participate in your event. We also welcome sponsors who wish to be associated with Russia's elite competitors.
To get running profiles of selected elite Russian athletes represented by Atlas click here.
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