Minmin 敏敏 's
My Favorite Links 敏敏之玲嘻嘻

What makes the net so valuable is the information we can lay our hands on, for free. Here they are......there are literally millions more sources apart from these, so you have to look it up for yourself. Feel free to let me know if you have discovered anything interesting.
Hong Kong Government 香港政府
Well, the Hong Kong government as we know it has another few months left. The new landlord will move in next July. Hmmm....interesting.

Hong Kong Government
HKGovernment Civil Service Branch
HongKong Tourist Association

Computer and the Internet 網絡迷情
What can I say about my affair with the computer/internet? Well, since I discovered the joy of the net, I've neglected my father, my mother, my sister, my relatives, my friends, my bf, my dog and my goldfish (oh yes, and my creditors). I'm wearing thin my chair and am fast becoming a permanent fixture in front of the monitor. Just last month I found out I login for 200+ hours! My dad had a fit when he saw the bill (hehe 嘻嘻, 真係好笑) !

For further information please click here: computer. enjoy :)

Arts 藝術
Living in a cosmopolitan city like Hong Kong has its ups and downs. Part of the "up" is the availability of all sorts of world class arts performances.
  • Just recently we had the pleasure of watching Les Miserables, Phantom of the Opera....and Oliver (Twist) and West Side Story is coming. Throughout the year we have numerous exhibitions by artists both local and foreign.
  • They say "Art is the food of the soul", so eat up! :D

    For further information please click here: arts. enjoy :)

    Music & Movies 音樂戲迷

    Movies are the best escape from living a cosmopolitan lifestyle. How else can you spend a few (hard earned) dollars and have a good time than in a movie theatre (don't say renting a video)? People substitute their own self into movie characters. I have dreamed myself being Sandra Bullock in "The Net"....of course sans les chose naughty ^O^. So who do you want to be in un-real life? Richard Gere in Pretty Woman (or American Gigolo)? Julie Roberts in Pretty Woman? Harrison Ford in Raiders of the Lost Ark? Michelle Pfeiffer in Batman? Won't you let me know?

  • I'm probably the worst karaoke singer in town, so don't even think about it. Well, I play the piano a little bit, but I never got pass.....hmm...I'm not going to tell you 啦^O^ My favorite music remains to be classical, New Orleans Jazz and Cantopop (not very sophisticated, is it?)

    For further information please click here: movies. enjoy :)

    Reading 開卷有益
    In spite of the information boom over the net, there is no substitute for book form reading. Can you read your computer in your bathroom? :)

    For further information please click here: reading. enjoy :)

    Games people Play 玩野
    Computer games....sorry, I don't. Don't mind if you do. So enjoy yourself (without me 啦) 我唔玩電腦游戲果喎

    For further information please click here: games. enjoy :)

    Travel 去旅行囉
    The jet age is here, haven't you heard? Travelling is cheap and efficient, so let's go....去旅行囉

    For further information please click here: travel. enjoy :)

    Kids Stuff 小兒科
    I think for those who have kids, the internet is a good source for their computer literacy enhancement . I hope these links are interesting to you and your children. 細路我就冇咯, 細妹就有個 :)

    For further information please click here: kids. enjoy :)

    Barbecue On The Internet
    Cheese Net
    Fast Food Facts
    The Strawberry Facts Page

    For further information please click here: interest. enjoy :)

    This page will be updated regularly (when I'm not too busy doing other things...hehe)

    If you cannot see the wallpaper, you have to use Internet Explorer 3.0. I don't know why that is, but that's how it goes (see, I know so little about this internet stuff).

    Click here to return to my homepage, thanks for visiting :)
    多謝貴客過訪 (唔係過房.....不過好似又係喎...唉, 我都搞唔清楚) ^O^